...] Numele țesăturii este Zara Paiete, tipul este tricotat. Compoziția este de 95% poliester și 5% lycra, iar țesătura are un aspect strălucitor și fluid. Paietele sunt cusute dublu, iar diametrul acestora este de 3 mm. Produsul este complet căptușit, ceea ce îl face să nu fie transparent, să nu evidențieze contururile corpului și să fie potrivit pentru utilizare în orice sezon.
"Waar komt Shea boter vandaan?
Shea Butter is afkomstig uit Afrika en wordt gewonnen uit de noten van de Shea Boom, ook wel Karité Boom genoemd. De boom behoort tot de natuurlijke vegetatie van een 300 km brede strook die van Mali over Burkina Faso naar Ghana, Togo en Benin loopt. Alleen in dit gebied en nergens anders op de wereld groeien de Sheabomen in verschillende variëteiten. Het zijn tot 15 meter hoge bomen met op pruimen lijkende vruchten, waarvan de pitten tot 50% vet bevatten.
Gezonde eigenschappen van Shea boter
Shea Butter heeft een ivoorachtige kleur en een rokerige, nootachtige geur. De boter bevat een hoog gehalte aan vitamine A, E en F en is zeer geschikt om de huid te hydrateren, de bloedsomloop te verbeteren en de elasticiteit van de huid te bevorderen. In Afrika wordt Shea Butter al eeuwenlang gebruikt voor de dagelijkse verzorging van huid en haar.
De toepassingen van Shea boter
Shea Butter is veel te vinden in commerciële …"
Unser Magermilchpulver ist ein hochwertiges Produkt, das sich ideal für die Verwendung in der Lebensmittelindustrie eignet. Es hat einen niedrigen Fettgehalt und bietet dennoch einen reichen Geschmack, der in vielen Anwendungen verwendet werden kann. Magermilchpulver ist in verschiedenen Verpackungsgrößen erhältlich und eignet sich hervorragend für die Zubereitung von Milchgetränken und anderen Rezepten. Wir garantieren eine schnelle Lieferung und einen hervorragenden Kundenservice, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die besten Produkte für Ihre Bedürfnisse erhalten. Wählen Sie unser Magermilchpulver für eine gesunde und nahrhafte Ergänzung zu Ihrer Ernährung.
It comes from the pressing of cocoa liquor or paste and is a basic ingredient in the production of chocolate and confectionery products. It is also used in the cosmetics sector.
See the three (3) 100% deodorised and two (2) natural butter options available, according to your requirements.
• Blocks (solid) 25 Kg
• Liquid in Bulk (Tanks)
For more information about our products, technical data sheets, and/or distribution, please consult our sales team. We will be pleased to serve you and present you with options adapted to your requirements.
The name butter is reserved for products without vegetable fat admixtures with a specific milk fat content - at least 82% (not more than 16% water and 2% dry non-fat milk). It is made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. The product is rich in vitamins A, D, K.
Mix con farina e granella di soia tostata per la produzione di pane e prodotti da forno alla soia, fonte di proteine di origine vegetale.
Formato:25 kg
W: 450 - 500. Farina tipo '00' ottenuta da grani italiani, europei e nordamericani selezionati, per impasti a lavorazione indiretta o a lunga lievitazione. Ideale per aumentare il tenore proteico e migliorare la maglia glutinica dei lievitati. Consigliata per la preparazione di Panettoni, Pandori, Colombe Pasquali di alta qualità.
La mostaza a granel de Lord Spices Group es un ingrediente esencial para cualquier cocina que busque añadir un sabor picante y vibrante a sus platos. Con más de un siglo de experiencia, ofrecemos mostaza de la más alta calidad, disponible en variedades amarilla, beige, entero, molido y negra. Nuestra mostaza no contiene OMG y proviene de varios orígenes, asegurando su frescura y sabor auténtico. Es ideal para su uso en salsas, aderezos y una variedad de platos gourmet, proporcionando a los chefs y empresas alimentarias un ingrediente confiable y de alta calidad.
Our calcium bolus Calcitop is a fast-acting calcium supplement designed to solve a calcium deficiency (hypocalcemia) around calving. This deficiency will cause a lower feed intake and milk production and could potentially lead to (subclinical) milk fever. Especially from the second calving and later cows are sensitive to it. You can read everything about milk fever on our blog.
Mustard vegetable oil, derived from mustard seeds (Brassica juncea or Brassica nigra), is known for its culinary properties and, in some cases, for its hair care benefits. This essential oil has a high content of erucic acid, which gives it conditioning properties for the hair, helping to strengthen it and improve its shine. It is commonly used in India in traditional hair treatments to promote hair growth and keep it healthy. However, due to its composition, it is important to use it with caution and moderation in topical applications to avoid skin irritation.
CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg.
CAS:Brassica alba Seed Extract, Brassica Juncea Seed Extract
INCI:84929-33-9 / 100298-73-5 / 93062-78-3
EINECS:284-517-9 / 309-426-4
Skimmed milk powder is produced by removing the water content from pasteurized skim milk through a process called spray-drying. The classification of skimmed milk powder is based on the heat treatment applied during its manufacturing, which can be categorized as high heat, medium heat or low heat.
*more standardised products available.
Instant Full Cream Whole Milk Powder
Moisture 2.5% max
Lactose 36.0% min
Fat 26.0% min
Protein; 24.0% min
Ash 7.0% max
Solubility Index 1.0 max
Titratable Acidity 0.15 max
Colour Cream/White
Flavour Pleasant
Standard Plate Count 50000 cfu/g max
Coliforms 10 cfu/g max
Staphylococcus 10 cfu/g max
Salmonella Negative
E. Coli 10 cfu/g max
S. Aureus 10 cfu/g max
Yeast & Moulds 250 cfu/g max
Sediment Disc (/25g)Disc 2 max
Protein:> 24%
Fat:> 26%
Lactose:approx. 38%
Ash:< 6,5%
il cardo mariano è stato usato per secoli come rimedio
base di erbe per una varietà di malattie, principalmente
problemi ai reni, al fegato e alla cistifellea. La sostanza
flavonoide, chiamata silimarina, nel cardo mariano
presumibilmente protegge il fegato dalle tossine. La silimarina
può aiutare il fegato a ripararsi facendo crescere nuove cellule
grazie alle sue proprietà antiossidanti e antinfiammatorie. Il
cardo mariano ha un bel sapore di nocciola. I semi sono difficili
da mangiare direttamente, ecco perché il modo più preferibile
Usi: di consumazione è in polvere. Usi: L'uso tipico della polvere di semi di cardo mariano essiccato
è nella preparazione di frullati. Inoltre, il prodotto può essere
aggiunto a insalate, frullati, zuppe o succhi. Prendere mezzo
cucchiaino di polvere, cospargere sul piatto e mescolare.
Confezione:500g, 1 kg e sfuso
We are offering food grade product and our products include the following
Whey Permeate
Skimmed Milk Powder
Full Cream Milk Powder
Condensed Milk
Evaporated Milk
Cream Powder
Butter %82 and %73
Do get back to us for more information and details .
Shea butter is a fat extracted from yellow the nut of the African shea tree. It is ivory in color when raw and commonly dyed yellow with borututu root or palm oil. It is widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion. Shea butter is edible and is used in food preparation in some African countries.
100% D'INGRÉDIENTS D'ORIGINE NATURELLE Alliant les vertus hydratantes, nourrissantes et protectrices du beurre de Karité, à la senteur délicate du Géranium Rosat d’Egypte, une noisette de ce soin corporel suffit à vous bercer de douceur.
Alliant les vertus hydratantes, nourrissantes et protectrices du beurre de Karité, à la senteur délicate du Géranium Rosat d’Egypte, une noisette de ce soin corporel suffit à vous bercer de douceur.
Référence:BK01-Pot en PET - 90g
Mini tube de 60g de gourmandise. Existe aussi en boîte de 12 mini tubes.
Et dedans il y a quoi ?
Lait entier, sucre, arôme naturel de vanille.
Allergènes à la loupe
Bien le conserver c’est pas compliqué
Le lait concentré sucré en tube se conserve 1 an avant ouverture et 3 semaines au réfrigérateur après ouverture.
Tube et bouchon : à jeter avec les déchets ménagers.
Le beurre de karité est obtenu à partir des fruits d'un arbre : le karité. À l'état sauvage, ce dernier pousse principalement en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre.
Le beurre de karité est un actif précieux en cosmétique, notamment pour le soin de la peau. Naturellement riche en vitamines A, D, E et F, il est reconnu pour ses vertus nourrissantes et protectrices.
Contenance:125 ml.
Noix de Karité 100% brut:Non raffiné
Unseren Kefir kannst du pur genießen oder als Basis für leckere Frucht-Shakes, Dressings und vieles mehr verwenden
Wir lieben Kefir nicht nur wegen seines einzigartigen Geschmacks, sondern auch, weil er so gesund ist: In unserem QUARKI Kefir sind 13 lebende Bakterien Kulturen enthalten – eine Wohltat für deinen Magen und Darm! Und nicht zu vergessen, ist unserer Kefir in einer umweltfreundlichen 1 Kilogramm Packung erhältlich.
Millet flour is used widely as food for little children and as a dietary product. This flour is also useful as it is an excellent source of potassium. Cold milling technology (t < 40°C) allows to retain most of the vitamins and minerals.
Weight:500 g
There are numerous types and kinds of flour on the market. Depending on your needs, we will manufacture such packaging that will meet your needs. We recommend semi-transparent packaging which enables to display a product, or fully printed one with a layer protecting against sunlight.