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Unt de shea organic - Unt de shea organic

Unt de shea organic - Unt de shea organic

"Waar komt Shea boter vandaan? Shea Butter is afkomstig uit Afrika en wordt gewonnen uit de noten van de Shea Boom, ook wel Karité Boom genoemd. De boom behoort tot de natuurlijke vegetatie van een 300 km brede strook die van Mali over Burkina Faso naar Ghana, Togo en Benin loopt. Alleen in dit gebied en nergens anders op de wereld groeien de Sheabomen in verschillende variëteiten. Het zijn tot 15 meter hoge bomen met op pruimen lijkende vruchten, waarvan de pitten tot 50% vet bevatten. Gezonde eigenschappen van Shea boter Shea Butter heeft een ivoorachtige kleur en een rokerige, nootachtige geur. De boter bevat een hoog gehalte aan vitamine A, E en F en is zeer geschikt om de huid te hydrateren, de bloedsomloop te verbeteren en de elasticiteit van de huid te bevorderen. In Afrika wordt Shea Butter al eeuwenlang gebruikt voor de dagelijkse verzorging van huid en haar. De toepassingen van Shea boter Shea Butter is veel te vinden in commerciële …"
Unt de Cacao Natural și Deodorat - Industria Alimentară și Cosmetică. Furnizor specializat în cacao

Unt de Cacao Natural și Deodorat - Industria Alimentară și Cosmetică. Furnizor specializat în cacao

It comes from the pressing of cocoa liquor or paste and is a basic ingredient in the production of chocolate and confectionery products. It is also used in the cosmetics sector. See the three (3) 100% deodorised and two (2) natural butter options available, according to your requirements. Presentation: • Blocks (solid) 25 Kg • Liquid in Bulk (Tanks) For more information about our products, technical data sheets, and/or distribution, please consult our sales team. We will be pleased to serve you and present you with options adapted to your requirements.
Laptele Degresat în Pulbere (SMP)

Laptele Degresat în Pulbere (SMP)

Il latte scremato in polvere (SMP) è un prodotto lattiero-caseario creato attraverso l'evaporazione del latte vaccino scremato fresco pastorizzato nel processo di essiccazione a spruzzo. L'SMP è un ingrediente versatile con un alto tasso di disperdibilità e solubilità in acqua, che lo rende una scelta ideale per l'uso nella produzione industriale. La sua vasta gamma di applicazioni comprende la produzione di prodotti lattiero-caseari come yogurt, bevande a base di latte, analoghi del formaggio, dessert, creme per caffè e tè e latte UHT. SMP ha una durata di circa 12 mesi. La sua maneggevolezza e scorrevolezza garantiscono l'alta qualità del prodotto finale in vari settori.
QUINOA BREADY - Amestec pentru Produse de Patiserie cu Quinoa

QUINOA BREADY - Amestec pentru Produse de Patiserie cu Quinoa

Semilavorato completo per la produzione di pane, panini e snack salati alla quinoa. Ottima fonte naturale di minerali e antiossidanti. Formato:10 kg Dosaggio:100%
Pudră din coajă de semințe de psyllium - Capsule și tablete

Pudră din coajă de semințe de psyllium - Capsule și tablete

Psyllium seed husks are the non-digestible husks of the Plantago ovata, plant native to India, which is known here as psyllium or flea seeds. Psyllium seed husks are a purely natural source of valuable, mucilaginous dietary fibres. Ground to fine powder and mixed with water, psyllium seed husks swell to many times their original volume, and thus increase the intestinal contents. Comparable to a lubricant in the intestines, the stool becomes softer, which facilitates intestinal activity and emptying. Art. No.:1785
Muștar vrac

Muștar vrac

La mostaza a granel de Lord Spices Group es un ingrediente esencial para cualquier cocina que busque añadir un sabor picante y vibrante a sus platos. Con más de un siglo de experiencia, ofrecemos mostaza de la más alta calidad, disponible en variedades amarilla, beige, entero, molido y negra. Nuestra mostaza no contiene OMG y proviene de varios orígenes, asegurando su frescura y sabor auténtico. Es ideal para su uso en salsas, aderezos y una variedad de platos gourmet, proporcionando a los chefs y empresas alimentarias un ingrediente confiable y de alta calidad.
Meadow Mash - Amestec fără cereale și melasă

Meadow Mash - Amestec fără cereale și melasă

Getreide- und melassefreies Mash mit hohem Anteil an strukturreichen Nativ-Pflanzenfasern und vielen natürlichen Vitalstoffen Das getreide- und melassefreie Mashfutter mit seinem sehr hohen Gehalt an strukturreichen Nativ-Pflanzenfasern enthält viele organisch gebundene Vitalstoffe, wertvolle Kräuter sowie präbiotisches wirkendes Topinamburextrakt. auch für sensible Pferde geeignet enthält wertvolle Kräuter und Gemüse-Chips besonders hoher Anteil an Nativ-Pflanzenfasern Naturwiese-Mash getreidefrei bietet zum ersten Mal eine vollwertige Alternative zu bisher üblichen getreidehaltigen Futtermitteln. Unser Respekt vor der Natur des Pferdes in Einklang mit innovativen Denkansätzen und Herstellungsverfahren, ermöglichen dem Pferdehalter eine vollwertige, zuckerreduzierte und getreidefreie Ernährung seines Vierbeiners zugleich.
Tip 1850 Făină Graham - 1kg

Tip 1850 Făină Graham - 1kg

Słopisz est une ancienne variété de blé, évaluée en raison des valeurs de santé. Il a été oublié depuis longtemps et est actuellement découvert. La croissance était déjà connue dans les temps anciens. Il était un repas de gladiateurs et de participants aux jeux. Il a donné de la force, de la forme physique et, selon certains, même de l'intelligence. L'écriture de l'épeautre est considérée comme très saine. Il renforce l'immunité, élimine les toxines et soutient la circulation sanguine. Il aide à l'inflammation et aux allergies. Il a un effet de réchauffement et améliore le travail du système nerveux. Actuellement, il est utilisé dans la cuisson du pain, des gâteaux, des biscuits, des pâtes maison, des boulettes ou des gâteaux de crêpes.
Unt - Produse lactate

Unt - Produse lactate

Where there is great milk, there must be great butter! Our creamy and delectable butter is available in different weights, shapes and flavors.
Lapte praf degresat

Lapte praf degresat

Skimmed milk powder is produced by removing the water content from pasteurized skim milk through a process called spray-drying. The classification of skimmed milk powder is based on the heat treatment applied during its manufacturing, which can be categorized as high heat, medium heat or low heat. *more standardised products available.


Le beurre de cacao est une matière grasse végétale issue de la pression des fèves de cacao pour obtenir la poudre de cacao. COMPOSITION* acide gras 5% 34 % acide stéarique 34 % acide oléique 26 % acide palmitique 2 % acide linoléique 4 % Autres acides gras saturés 5764 % Pourcentage total en graisses saturée CONTACT ORIGINE COTE D’IVOIRE SITE INTERNET TEL 0032 466241698 POIDS NET 500G Étiquettes:Beure De Cacao, Cacao Poids:1 kg
Lapte praf

Lapte praf

Lactose, Magermilchpulver, Vollmilchpulver, Süßmolkenpulver, Milkenprotein, Milchprotein usw. Mindestmenge volle Paletten Lieferung auf H1 Paletten möglich
Pudră din semințe de armurariu

Pudră din semințe de armurariu

il cardo mariano è stato usato per secoli come rimedio base di erbe per una varietà di malattie, principalmente problemi ai reni, al fegato e alla cistifellea. La sostanza flavonoide, chiamata silimarina, nel cardo mariano presumibilmente protegge il fegato dalle tossine. La silimarina può aiutare il fegato a ripararsi facendo crescere nuove cellule grazie alle sue proprietà antiossidanti e antinfiammatorie. Il cardo mariano ha un bel sapore di nocciola. I semi sono difficili da mangiare direttamente, ecco perché il modo più preferibile Usi: di consumazione è in polvere. Usi: L'uso tipico della polvere di semi di cardo mariano essiccato è nella preparazione di frullati. Inoltre, il prodotto può essere aggiunto a insalate, frullati, zuppe o succhi. Prendere mezzo cucchiaino di polvere, cospargere sul piatto e mescolare. Confezione:500g, 1 kg e sfuso
Eritritol Zahăr Pudră

Eritritol Zahăr Pudră

Puderzuckerersatz aus 100% Erythritol. Erythritol Puderzucker eignet sich hervorragend als Puderzuckerersatz im Haushalt und ist zudem Diabetikerfreundlich. Die Süßkraft entspricht ca. 70% der Süße von Zucker.
Angro Unt de Shea/Unt de Shea_Agromaya - Unt de Shea Brut

Angro Unt de Shea/Unt de Shea_Agromaya - Unt de Shea Brut

Le Beurre de Karité a des propriétés nourrissantes, lissantes et anti-inflammatoires. Il cicatrise la peau dans le traitement des eczémas et des zonas. Il entretient les muscles avant et après les activités sportives et sert comme produit de massage en cas de luxation ou entorse. Il contient des vitamines A, E et F. Le Beurre de Karité entre dans la composition de plusieurs mets culinaires. Véritable soin régénérant, revitalisant, le karité est aussi un remarquable antirides. Il lutte contre les cheveux secs, fragiles et les vergetures. En cosmétique, le beurre de karité est utilisé pour les soins des cheveux, de visages, de lèvres, de la peau…il hydrate, nourrit, rajeuni, rend la peau élastique.
Lapte praf degresat - Lapte praf degresat, Lapte praf

Lapte praf degresat - Lapte praf degresat, Lapte praf

We are offering food grade product and our products include the following DEMINERALIZED WHEY POWDER Whey Permeate Skimmed Milk Powder Full Cream Milk Powder Condensed Milk Evaporated Milk Cream Powder Butter %82 and %73 Do get back to us for more information and details .
Făină de soia organică - din soia prăjită organică

Făină de soia organică - din soia prăjită organică

The organic soy flour is obtained from roasted soybeans from organic farming. The light-colored soy flour is naturally lactose-free and has a very high fiber content. The high protein content makes soy flour also popular in vegan cuisine. As an egg substitute, mix 2 tablespoons of water with 1 tablespoon of organic soy flour. This makes vegan cakes successful, as long as it is not a recipe with a especially high egg content. When baking, about 20% of the cereal flour specified in the recipe can be replaced by the organic soy flour.  This product is a controlled organic food according to DE-ÖKO-006.
Argilă Albă 100g și 250g

Argilă Albă 100g și 250g

INCI : Kaolin Origine : Maroc UGS:AR-5 Contenant:100g, 250g
Lapte integral - îndulcit

Lapte integral - îndulcit

Mini tube de 60g de gourmandise. Existe aussi en boîte de 12 mini tubes. Et dedans il y a quoi ? Lait entier, sucre, arôme naturel de vanille. Allergènes à la loupe Lait. Bien le conserver c’est pas compliqué Le lait concentré sucré en tube se conserve 1 an avant ouverture et 3 semaines au réfrigérateur après ouverture. Tube et bouchon : à jeter avec les déchets ménagers.
Formula pentru Sugari Milky Babe / Lapte Praf pentru Bebeluși de Vânzare

Formula pentru Sugari Milky Babe / Lapte Praf pentru Bebeluși de Vânzare

We sale best quality of all types of products . we are looking for serious buyers who are in search of any of our goods contact with us for our quotation as regards to our various types of products. PLEASE LEAVE US YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS
UNT DE SHEA ORGANIC - în pachet - organic - natural

UNT DE SHEA ORGANIC - în pachet - organic - natural

Beurre de Karité en sachet de 1kg , avec disponibilité d'autres types de conditionnement. Packaging sur mesure
Miere de Flori 500g Borcan Crema sau Lichid

Miere de Flori 500g Borcan Crema sau Lichid

6 x 500g im Gebinde Honig lässt sich nicht nur als Brotaufstrich, sondern auch vielseitig in der Küche verwenden. Er ist etwa ideal, um Fleisch und Gemüse zu glasieren. Honig immer erst ganz zum Schluss auftragen.


Pudră de Zer Demineralizată - Exportator de Pudră de Zer Demineralizată

Pudră de Zer Demineralizată - Exportator de Pudră de Zer Demineralizată

Demineralized whey is generated as a dilute liquid by-product of cheese production. It contains lactose, proteins, and minerals. It can be processed to extract the minerals using Electro-dialysis. The concentrated demineralized whey is then spray-dried into a powder. Demineralized whey powder has widespread usage, some examples: are infant formula, baby food, dietary foods, and fortified products.
Pudră de Ghimbir Bio la Burlă

Pudră de Ghimbir Bio la Burlă

Nétyvia, premier fournisseur de poudre ayurvédique de gingembre bio en France Kaempferia galanga root powder Riche de mille vertus, la poudre de gingembre, est appréciée dans les quatre coins du globe en pharmacopée, en cosmétique ou encore en cuisine et en phytothérapie. Une poudre ayurvédique de gingembrei en gros minutieusement sélectionnée dès la culture de la plante Le gingembre est une plante vivace tropicale herbacée originaire de l’Inde. Également appelé Zingiber officinale, le gingembre fait partie de la famille des Zingiberaceae. La poudre de gingembre bio que nous proposons à la vente en gros aux professionnels est obtenue à partir de gingembres coupés en morceaux puis séchés avant d’être finement moulus. Ce processus de transformation naturelle lui confère une authenticité unique, que ce soit aussi bien en terme de goût qu’en matière de vertus et d’arôme. Dénomination INCI:Kaempferia galanga root powder N° Lot:NE /GINP / 0720 Qualité:100% pure et naturelle Date De Production:Avril 2020 Date De Péremption:Avril 2022 Procédé D'obtention:Récolte à la main des feuilles de moringa, séchage et réduction en poudre Partie De La Plante Utilisée:100 % feuilles Granulométrie:100 mesh Utilisation :Alimentaire, cosmétique Pays D'origine:Inde Conservation:Dans un endroit bien fermé, à l’abri de la lumière et de la chaleur Emballage:Conditionnement en 1 / 5 / 10 ou 25 kg
Făină de Banane Verzi - Făină fină obținută din banane verzi necoapte

Făină de Banane Verzi - Făină fină obținută din banane verzi necoapte

Our Green Banana Flour is made from peeling, drying and milling green unripe bananas. it has a neutral taste and has no order and is of a white/creamy colour. It is perfect to use as a binder or starch or simply add it to any food manufacturing ingredients. Our banana flour is unique because it has a very high levels or resistant starch which is beneficial for the good bacteria in the gut with many health benefits. We can ship to any destination in the world and have the capacity to supply up to 10 metric tonnes every month. Please contact us for more information or for a quote on
Făină de hrișcă - Făină de hrișcă cu diferite măcinări, aburită sau nu

Făină de hrișcă - Făină de hrișcă cu diferite măcinări, aburită sau nu

The composition of buckwheat flour is rich in useful macroelements and microelements. Buckwheat flour also contains a lot of vitamins such as E, C, PP and B vitamins. Color: Brown:Package: Paper bags
Făină de Grâu - Făină de Grâu Multifuncțională Făină de Grâu de Prima Calitate Nutrienți Ridicați

Făină de Grâu - Făină de Grâu Multifuncțională Făină de Grâu de Prima Calitate Nutrienți Ridicați

Grown and farmed with great care via the use of techniques developed by generations of locals combined with the use of modern technology and methods, Panthere can provide agricultural products of the highest quality. Hello, I wanted to introduce you to our product. Our products have quality differences from other manufacturers. I can help you with anything related to the product. e mail: phone number: +90 (507) 739 8482


Castle Terra Malt Flour is made from barley. The product is not intended for raw consumption. Color - ca. 170-220 EBC
Ulei de cocos organic - ULEIURI ȘI GRĂSIMI

Ulei de cocos organic - ULEIURI ȘI GRĂSIMI

Coconut oil has been consumed by people for thousands of years in the tropics, where palm trees grow.Nowadays, it is increasingly becoming the center of attention in Europe, due to its many beneficial properties. What are these?Thanks to the gentle production method, it does not contain catalyst and solvent residues or decomposition products that are harmful to health. Coconut oil is produced from the dried seeds of the coconut usually without the use of chemicals, by mechanical means, by pressing. The oil produced in this way is "virgin" coconut oil, which still has the smell and taste of fresh coconut. Virgin oil is typically purified by a physical process (RBD), the resulting oil is "refined coconut oil" (name in the food and pharmacopoeia). Refined coconut oil is odorless and has a neutral taste.