Produse pentru testează (4670)

Bănci de testare a funcției injectoarelor

Bănci de testare a funcției injectoarelor

Um die Funktionsfähigkeit von Diesel-Injektoren, Düsen oder Druckbegrenzungsventilen zu prüfen, werden die Dichtheit und der Durchfluss bei verschiedenen Lastzuständen getestet. Bei der Serienprüfung ist Zuverlässigkeit und zugleich höchste Effizienz gefordert 100 Prozent Prüfung Bei den Anlagen von Poppe + Potthoff erfolgt der Druckaufbau servohydraulisch und damit schnell und sehr präzise. Die Software stellt dabei sicher, dass die Prüfung nach einem exakt definierten Muster abläuft und alle Prüfdaten automatisch erfasst und gespeichert werden. Anwendungen: Qualitätssicherung bei der Fertigung von Diesel-Injektoren und Hochdruck-Bauteilen Funktionsprüfung von Ventilen, Pumpen und Injektoren in der Automobilindustrie und in der Fluid- und Medizintechnik
Test de Imunocromatografie Gastroenterică

Test de Imunocromatografie Gastroenterică

Clostridium K-SeT Test d'immunochromatographie pour la détection des antigènes de Clostridium difficile (glutamate déshydrogénase, GDH) dans les échantillons de selles humaines. Bandelette Pylori Test d'immunochromatographie pour la détection des antigènes d'Helicobacter pylori dans les échantillons de selles humaines.


Sars-Cov-2 Rbd-Igg Rapid Test – Product code: SC-1415-20 COVID-19 IgG Rapid Test Cassette (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of IgG antibodies that bind to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-Cov-2 spike (S) and / or Nucleocapsid (N) protein in whole blood, serum or plasma specimens. The COVID-19 IgG rapid test (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) is intended for use as an aid in the identification of individuals with an adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2. False positive results are possible due to cross-reactivity of pre-existing antibodies or other possible causes. Due to the risk of false positive results, confirmation of positive results by another IgG test of a different nature should be considered. The new coronavirus (SARS-CoV.2) belongs to the β genus. COVID-19 is an acute respiratory infectious disease. Product code:SC-1415-20
F6900-ec Mașină de testare a scurgerilor prin decădere în vid - TESTER DE SCURGERI

F6900-ec Mașină de testare a scurgerilor prin decădere în vid - TESTER DE SCURGERI

The Machine is designed for Non-Destructive Integrity Testing of Containers and it is suitable for laboratory applications, statistical purposes as well as off-line testing. Its comprehensive specifications, including ATEQ’s latest developments in vaccum decay technology and user-friendly interface, make it an extremely versatile instrument. The Measurement System follows the approved industry standard “ASTM F2338-09 – Standard Test Method for Non-Destructive Detection of Leaks in Packages”. The Test method is a Recognised Consensus Standard by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), effective March 31, 2006. Pharmaceutical, Liquid Forms, Ampoules, BFS, Bottles, Carpule Online or Offline ASTM F2338-09 Stainless Steel Test Sensitivity(less than 1um) Differential Vacuum Decay Non-invasive and non-destructive test methods. Cost-effective solution HMI Real Time display of Testing Cycle diagram Weight :24 Kg Dimensions:(WxHxD) 450 x 550 x 356 mm Operating:+ 0°C at + 45°C Storage:0°C at + 60°C
Test de etanșeitate 'Conducte' - mașini de control și teste

Test de etanșeitate 'Conducte' - mașini de control și teste

Temps de cycle : 20s 5 références possibles
Benzi de Testare a Glucozei Contour Next

Benzi de Testare a Glucozei Contour Next

Bayer Contour next teststrip For use with Bayer's Contour XT & Contour Next glucose meter. Composition 21% FAD-Glucose-Dehydrogenase (Aspergillus sp, 4.0 U/test strip). 54% mediator 25% non-reactive components
Evaluare toxicologică preliminară

Evaluare toxicologică preliminară

La pré-évaluation toxicologique est un service indispensable pour les entreprises cosmétiques souhaitant garantir la sécurité de leurs produits avant leur mise sur le marché. Ce processus implique une analyse détaillée des ingrédients pour identifier tout risque potentiel pour la santé humaine. En effectuant ces évaluations en amont, les entreprises peuvent prévenir les problèmes de sécurité et protéger leur réputation. Ce service est particulièrement important dans un contexte où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus préoccupés par la sécurité des produits qu'ils utilisent. En investissant dans une pré-évaluation toxicologique, les marques montrent leur engagement envers la transparence et la sécurité, ce qui peut renforcer la confiance des consommateurs et améliorer la fidélité à la marque.


Ps (Polistiren) İmmünolojik Test Sistemleri Reaksiyon Tüpleri, immünolojik test sistemlerinin doğru ve hassas bir şekilde çalışmasında kilit bir rol oynar. Bu tüpler, biyolojik örneklerdeki belirli maddelerin, örneğin antijen veya antikorların tespiti ve ölçümü için özenle tasarlanmıştır. Immunoassay Systems Reaction Tubes, immünoassay analizlerinde güvenilir ve hassas sonuçlar elde etmek için özel olarak tasarlanmış reaksiyon tüpleridir. Laboratuvarlarda yaygın olarak kullanılan bu tüpler, enzimatik reaksiyonlar ve antijen-antikor etkileşimlerini güvenli bir ortamda gerçekleştirmek için idealdir. Steril yapısı, kontaminasyon riskini minimize ederken sağlam malzemesi uzun süreli kullanıma uygundur. Numune hazırlığı, mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal analizlerde yüksek hassasiyet sağlar ve çeşitli immünolojik testlerde laboratuvar standartlarına uygun sonuçlar sunar. Ürün Kodu:AKL-280
Dispozitiv de Control al Dureții LIMES

Dispozitiv de Control al Dureții LIMES

Die Limes Härtekontrollgeräte ermöglichen eine kostengünstige Überwachung von Umkehrosmoseanlagen mit zuverlässiger chemischer Analytik. Produktinformationen LIMES Zuverlässige und genaue Überwachung der Wasserhärte, durch Einsatz eines laborkalibrierten Indikators. Überwachung eines definierten Grenzwertes bestimmmt durch den eingesetzten LHV Indikator. Kein verzögertes Ansprechverhalten im Vergleich zu einem Quellharzsensor. Keine Kalibrierung und keine Drifteffekte im Vergleich zu einer Elektrodenmessung. Kein Verschleiß oder Regeneration des Sensors notwendig. Separate Anschlusskabel für Spannungsversorgung, Relais und Eingangskontakt. Statusanzeige durch vier LEDs für Grenzwerteinhaltung, Analysestatus, Gerätestatus und anstehenden Service. Produktinformationen LIMES Plus LED Zustandsanzeige sprachneutral Erstwertunterdrückung zur Verhinderung von Fehlalarmen Spüldauer an die Zuleitungslänge einstellbar
FE-S2 - Etanșare cu perie - Atașare la marginile feronerie - Testat Oddy

FE-S2 - Etanșare cu perie - Atașare la marginile feronerie - Testat Oddy

FE-S2 silicone brush seal - attachment to window edges - suitable for mutually / overlapping edges - silicone sealing profiles, suitable for indoor and outdoor installations - made of permanently elastic silicone, age-resistant, permanent sealing property - emission-free and conservation tested - certified British Museum Standards Oddy tested - 60 Shore A
FPM1 - Detector de Poziție a Vehiculului - pentru detectarea mișcărilor excesive ale vehiculelor pe bănci de testare cu role

FPM1 - Detector de Poziție a Vehiculului - pentru detectarea mișcărilor excesive ale vehiculelor pe bănci de testare cu role

Taster zum Erkennen von übermäßigen Bewegungen von Fahrzeugen auf Rollenprüfständen. Integration in lokale Schnellstop- oder Notauskreise. Ein auf Zug, Druck, vertikal und horizontal empfindlicher Sicherheitstaster an flexiblem Stativ mit massiver Grundplatte wird einfach nahe dem Fahrzeug eingestellt. Potentialfreie NC und NO Kontakte. Verschiedene Ausführung mit unterschiedlichen Stativgrößen können angeboten werden.
Suport pentru Testare - Evaluarea Datelor

Suport pentru Testare - Evaluarea Datelor

You have carried out experimental investigations and are now faced with the challenge of evaluating the quantities of measurement data? We support you in a fast and professional analysis. We offer you: Data management and archiving; Data validation / plausibility checks; Evaluation; Data Analytics; Reporting. Depending on the scope and nature of your test project, we can do this at the end of the test or daily. For repetitive test tasks, we also offer automated solutions. Our team consists of experienced experts who are familiar with a wide range of analytical methods. We'll help you get accurate results and gain detailed insights into your metrics to help you make better decisions. Use our services and save time, money, and resources. We take care of your measurement data so you can focus on what matters most - using the results of your experimental investigations to drive innovation.


Preparation of PIF: - Tests management required for the marketing of cosmetic products - Registration of your products on the CPNP system - Reviews the documents intended for the public (supporting information, packaging, internet site, etc.). Drafting of export files Regulatory oversight in the European and international cosmetics industry.
Producție CNC în serie automatizată și ecologică - Celule automatizate și robotizate cu servicii speciale conform dorințelor clienților

Producție CNC în serie automatizată și ecologică - Celule automatizate și robotizate cu servicii speciale conform dorințelor clienților

Besides the production for our customers there are Data Matrix Code laser engravers, online production control and support system (OEEm) for full traceability, robotized high pressure washing equipment, tightness Quality CMM machines, assembly and logistic services. We have Accretech Surfcom Nex100 surface roughness and contour measuring machine Ecologic high pressure residual contamination tester. We have centralised chips and emulsion management, temperature and filtered air control, 7/24 shift pattern. Reference:Serial Machining Business Unit
Procedura de Regenerare

Procedura de Regenerare

Step by step: From taking the test sample up to the large-scale regeneration of your catalysts Stept 1: Sample taking Let us know when a sample can be taken from the SCR reactor. We will gladly do this for you. Step 2: Analysis Why is the catalyst no longer active? By an analysis of the catalyst sample we get a general overview about the chemical condition of the catalytyst. Step 3: Diagnosis By evaluation of the chemical analysis we find out the cause of the inactivation and determine the necessary regenerations steps. Step 4: Test Regeneration / Measurement Regenerations are executed under laboratory conditions to determine the ideal regeneration procedure. Activity (k) and SO2/SO3 conversion rate will be measured after this in the bench scale. Guarantees The results of the test regeneration are the basis for the guarantee values, which are part of a regeneration offer.
Sisteme de Spălare a Transmisiilor CJC® - Spălarea Transmisiilor - Filtrarea Uleiului de Spălare și Documentarea Purității

Sisteme de Spălare a Transmisiilor CJC® - Spălarea Transmisiilor - Filtrarea Uleiului de Spălare și Documentarea Purității

Die CJC® Getriebespülanlagen wurden speziell für die schnelle und effiziente Spülung von Industriegetrieben (neu oder instandgesetzt) sowie für den Einsatz an Prüfständen entwickelt. Dank der integrierten Feinfilter wird die Reinheit des Spülöls während des gesamten Spülvorgangs auf konstant hohem Niveau gehalten, was die Spülzeit auf ein Minimum reduziert. Ein vollautomatisches Datenerfassungssystem dokumentiert kontinuierlich die Getriebereinheit während des Spülprozesses in Echtzeit. Die Spülleistung wird dabei automatisch angepasst, um bei möglichst kurzer Spülzeit die bestmögliche Produktions- und Reinigungsleistung zu gewährleisten. So profitieren Sie: •,Hohe Spülleistung reduziert Spülzeit und senkt die Energiekosten auf ein Minimum •,Integrierte Sensortechnologie dokumentiert die Ölreinheit und Getriebereinheit •,Plug & Play •,Optimale Anpassung der Filtration an den Verlauf des Spülprozesses •,Lange Serviceintervalle und geringer Wartungsaufwand
Centrul Tehnic DG - Testare practică în fiecare dimensiune.

Centrul Tehnic DG - Testare practică în fiecare dimensiune.

At our Technical Centre, which has proven its worth over many years, even the smallest quantities bring you great benefits. With an area of over 1,000 square metres, we offer the perfect facilities to verify how the raw materials will actually behave in the intended processes and finishing steps. In addition, we run scalable test series to generate reliable data for calculating costs. The process in three steps: 1. Pilot trial: testing on the smallest scale 2. Scale up trial: testing on the high-performance universal mill, with close support from our experts 3. Large-scale production: testing on the large plant for production on an industrial scale
Detector de scurgeri de heliu - Detectare automată pentru > 1000 de tipuri de produse | 1×10⁹ mbar.l/s

Detector de scurgeri de heliu - Detectare automată pentru > 1000 de tipuri de produse | 1×10⁹ mbar.l/s

Experience unmatched accuracy and reliability with IMS helium leak detectors. Designed and built to provide advanced, (semi) automated helium gas leak detection tailored to your products. Our detectors, equipped with the best Mass Spectrometers, accurately count helium particles, ensuring meticulous leak testing for a wide range of customer products. From a few centimeters to one meter in size. Precision:1×10⁹ mbar.l/s Typical cycle time:5 seconds / product Automation level:Semi Automated Compatible with:> 1000 product types Certifications:CE, ISO, EN-IEC, NEN-EN-IEC, NPR Voltage:110/220 V Leak type test:Helium Weight:900KG Dimensions in mm (LxWxH):2250x2150x2850 Flow Rate Air:1200 L / Minute Flow rate Nitrogen:1200 L / Minute
Specimene de test pentru teste de bandă adezivă - Specimene de test

Specimene de test pentru teste de bandă adezivă - Specimene de test

Producing test specimens for adhesive tape tests is another strength of ours. We manufacture the right test specimen for you from all common materials according to FINAT, AFERA or EN 1939. Plastic test specimens Injection molding test specimens, 150 x 50 mm, 200 x 50 mm With polished class-A finish With structured surface, brushed similar to the A.F.E.R.A standard 4001 Grained with various degrees of surface roughness Various plastics, 200 x 50 mm (for tests according to the FINAT standard) Glass test specimens:200 x 50 mm x 3 mm
Scanner laser QuellTech Q4-120 - Testarea pieselor din plastic turnate

Scanner laser QuellTech Q4-120 - Testarea pieselor din plastic turnate

Ein enger Toleranzbereich und die Eliminierung von Herstellfehlern waren die Prüfkriterien in einer Produktionsreihe von Kunststoff-Formteilen, die Bestandteil der Steuerung in Kraftfahrzeugen sind. Jede Seite des Objekts musste zu 100 % geprüft werden, bevor diese das Werk verlässt. Die visuelle Untersuchung der Teile auf Risse und Kerben sowie die manuelle Dimensionskontrolle lermüdend, führten mitunter zu falschen Ergebnissen. Dieser Zustand musste beendet werden. Lösung von QuellTech: Q4-120 Laser Scanner, lieferte eine reflexionsfreie Punktwolken in 3 D, die Herstellfehler und Toleranzabweichungen wurden via Software erfasst und Schlechtteile sofort aussortiert. Mit diesem automatisierten Prozess erhöhte sich auch die Produktivität in der Fertigung.
Probele de Contact cu Curent Mare - pentru testarea bateriilor și alte aplicații de testare cu curent mare

Probele de Contact cu Curent Mare - pentru testarea bateriilor și alte aplicații de testare cu curent mare

A special probe design allows contacting with very high currents and very low contact resistances. Additional functions like temperature sensors or sense pins can be integrated, even at limited space.
camere de testare gata de utilizare pentru diverse aplicații solare și de mediu - SEC 1100

camere de testare gata de utilizare pentru diverse aplicații solare și de mediu - SEC 1100

The SEC 1100 is part of the Solar Technology by Atlas market approach offering integrated, ready-to-use test chambers for various solar and environmental applications. The SEC 1100 combines environmental simulation with metal halide lighting technology. It's a full function climatic chamber with additional simulation of the global sunlight spectra. Exposure volumes of 1150 liters are offered within the SEC 1100 standard single door solar environmental chambers for e.g. PV cell or mini modules testing. Test chamber capacity approx. 1,100L Radiation area: approx. 5,600 cm 2 Lamp: 1x MHG 4000W Luminary Intensity: 800W ~ 1200W /m 2 (Adjustable) Wavelength: 280 ~ 3,000nm (Full Spectrum) -40℃ ~ +120 °C (W/O Radiation) -20℃ ~ +120 °C(W/ Radiation) 30% ~ 95%RH (W/O Radiation) 20% ~ 80%RH (W/ Radiation) 12.1" color touch screen Graphic User interface Intuitive control features and easy-to-use programming logic 6 Channel DAQ integrated for temperature sensors Multi-source temperature control pre-implemented and selectable in user interface Pre-wired for BST (Black Standard Temperature) sensor and control Pre-wired for plug-and-play radiometer for irradiance measurement Galvanized steel with powder coated exterior Engineered diffusive reflective stainless steel inner testing chamber for optimum spatial uniformity Easy access swing doors to luminary systems Robust refrigeration system for precision control of environmental parameters Multi-stage safety features Option Atlas25+ Core Cycles Indoor Filter Pyranometer CMP6 Class 1 - General Purpose Black Standard Temperature (BST) Controlling the Black Standard Temperature (BST)
DSP7000 | Controler Programabil de Viteză Mare - Controler Dinamometric Programabil de Viteză Mare

DSP7000 | Controler Programabil de Viteză Mare - Controler Dinamometric Programabil de Viteză Mare

Magtrol’s Model DSP7000 High Speed Programmable Dynamometer Controller employs state-of-the-art Digital Signal Processing Technology to provide superior motor testing capabilities. Designed for use with any Magtrol Hysteresis, Eddy-Current or Powder Dynamometer, Magtrol In-Line Torque Transducer or auxiliary instrumentation, the DSP7000 can provide complete PC control via the USB or optional IEEE-488 or RS-232 interface. With up to 500 readings per second, the DSP7000 is ideally suited for both the test lab and the production line. Single or Multi-point Torque and Speed Stabilized Testing:Via M-TEST Software
Tester de Tensiune Analogic PIX

Tester de Tensiune Analogic PIX

Die richtige Riemenspannung ist unerlässlich für die optimale Kraftübertragung und für die Nutzungsdauer des Riemens. Für den optimalen Betrieb eines Keilriemenantriebs sollte die Riemenspannung durch Messung des Durchbiegungsfaktors (N) mit einem Spannungsmesser überprüft werden. Bei den meisten Antrieben kann die Riemenspannung mit hinreichender Zuverlässigkeit mit dem PIX-Spannungsprüfer überprüft werden.
Simulator de Scădere-Înmulțire a Tensiunii - SSG - SURSE DE TENSIUNE REGLABILE

Simulator de Scădere-Înmulțire a Tensiunii - SSG - SURSE DE TENSIUNE REGLABILE

High speed IGBT and Thyristor Technology Voltage adjustment range: 1% - 150% Test currents: 20A – 1000A Test duration: 0.01sec – 999sec (Adjustable) Independent voltage adjustment on each phase Star connected Network simulation Delta connected Network simulation IEC 61000-4-34 Standard tests Automatic test restart Production at all industrial input voltages 7" touchscreen Operator Panel IP20 Standard Cabinet TS EN ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Certified Voltage Tolerance:-%25 , +%15 Frequency:50 Hz. +/-%5 (60 Hz. optional) Operating Temperature:-10 °C ~ +40 °C height:1.500m
Linii de Examinare Non-distructivă prin Penetrare

Linii de Examinare Non-distructivă prin Penetrare

Penetrant non-destructive testing method is a system that is used for the detection of cracks in the surfaces of parts. After the material which is going to be subjected to penetrant test is pre-cleaned, it is subjected to penetrant application as dipping or spray. After this process, the material is rinsed and dried. Powder “developer” is applied electrostatically on the dried material. Finally, possible cracks and faults on the material are detected by checking under the UV lamp.
Etichete de testare a cablurilor

Etichete de testare a cablurilor

If you want to protect your products, ensure and document their intact condition and guarantee adequate maintenance – labels are the perfect solution for all of these things. With Förster’s labels you can mark your inventory, protect your brand, protect your copyright and the inviolability of your ideas and products. For all of this, Förster’s labels are the ideal solution. Not just any labels, of course, but those that meet your needs 100%. This can relate to the material, the certification or the printing process. Förster Etiketten offers you everything you need to protect and check your goods and interests.
DPFR-015 Verificarea momentului de frecare pe axele automobilelor de pasageri - Bănci de testare

DPFR-015 Verificarea momentului de frecare pe axele automobilelor de pasageri - Bănci de testare

Customized Solution The mobile testing device may be mounted directly on the wheel nuts on any wheel on the car. The height and tilt adjustment allows optimal orientation at the wheel. Additionally, it is still supported by three proximity sensors. The evaluation and control of the testing device accepts a laptop. For easy transport, the device can be disassembled in a few steps. Curve recording and analysis via notebook. The complete unit is height adjustable via a scissors system. This can also be adapted to different shaft height.
Dinamometru de testare

Dinamometru de testare

Our Test Dynamometer offers invaluable insights into the durability and expected lifespan of crucial components like transmissions, axles, gears, transfer cases, and shafts. Designed to simulate various scenarios, this system provides comprehensive testing capabilities to ensure optimal performance under real-world conditions. For a more comprehensive approach, we offer custom solutions that replicate vehicle-level tests without the need for on-road trials. By mimicking powertrain-induced error situations, these tailored systems pinpoint potential issues, enabling engineering teams to develop effective solutions and iterate efficiently. At the core of our Test Dynamometer is an intuitive user interface, prioritizing simplicity in test case setup and execution. With minimal training, operators in test centers can effortlessly navigate the system and conduct a diverse range of scenarios, enhancing productivity and efficiency.