Produse pentru promotii (3)

Suport pentru vânzări - Creăm, proiectăm și fabricăm articole de suport pentru vânzări pentru clienții noștri.

Suport pentru vânzări - Creăm, proiectăm și fabricăm articole de suport pentru vânzări pentru clienții noștri.

This is a department consisting of qualified and experienced staff of graphic designers, copywriters, and managers who, every day, come up with, design and manufacture sales support items for our Customers. In general, each product requires sales support. Depending on the type of product life, market situation and competition, out team is able to adjust and implement each, big or small action that translate into sales significantly. Sometimes it is a little gadget added to a product, and sometimes it’s a complex, multi-channel, and multi-stage marketing campaign. Our suggestions are always customized – personalized. You can also use a rich library of projects and adjust them to own needs. Our specialty is kids marketing and here we have the widest experience. However, we do not back down from supporting brands for adults – tobacco, alcohol and others. What we do: Promotional gadgets and materials, POS materials, Promotion and product packages.
Suport pentru vânzări - Concepem, proiectăm și producem elemente de suport pentru vânzări.

Suport pentru vânzări - Concepem, proiectăm și producem elemente de suport pentru vânzări.

Dziś nie wystarczy mieć dobry produkt – przede wszystkim trzeba sprawić, aby został zauważony. To nasze zadanie, którym zajmiemy się kompleksowo: od pomysłu, poprzez projekt, produkcję, konfekcję i dystrybucję. Nie boimy się trudnych tematów, także projektów 3D. To dział zbudowany z wykwalifikowanej i doświadczonej kadry grafików, copywriterów i managerów, którzy na co dzień wymyślają, projektują i produkują elementy wsparcia sprzedaży dla naszych Klientów. Generalnie każdy produkt wymaga wsparcia sprzedaży. W zależności od etapu życia produktu, sytuacji rynkowej oraz poziomu konkurencji nasz zespół jest w stanie dopasować i wdrożyć każde, mniejsze lub większe działania, które znacząco przekładają się na sprzedaż. Niekiedy jest to drobny gadżet dokładany do produktu, a czasami złożona, wielokanałowa i wieloetapowa kampania marketingowa.
Ambalare - Oferta noastră include servicii precum co-packing, ambalare și personalizare...

Ambalare - Oferta noastră include servicii precum co-packing, ambalare și personalizare...

Over 20 years of experience lets us deliver almost every order related co co-packaging and customization of food, pre-packed and non-food products. The department that handles extensive co-packing services for companies from retail and e-commerce market, is located in Sosnowiec (Silesian voivodship). Over 20 years of experience of hand-made work, including fulfillment, lets us deliver almost every order related to co-packing and customization of (pre-packed) food and non-food products. We do not handle fine and fluid co-packing. We have experience in designing and manufacturing exhibition and delivery packages, preparing products for distribution and shipping, including fragile products, like glass. We offer our Customers 3800 m2 of a high storage warehouse for short and long-term storage of goods. Our qualified personnel will handle basic and complex manual co-packing. The services include: Storage, Co-packing and fulfillment, Manufacturing of logistic and promotional materials.