Produse pentru poln squam pentru ulei (30)

Ulei de floarea-soarelui rafinat

Ulei de floarea-soarelui rafinat

Description : L’huile de tournesol raffinée est obtenue par extraction des graines de tournesol, suivie d’un processus de raffinage. Ce raffinage permet d’éliminer les impuretés, les cires et les acides gras libres, ce qui donne une huile claire, de couleur jaune pâle, avec un goût neutre et une odeur quasi inexistante. Cette neutralité en fait une huile particulièrement polyvalente, adaptée à une variété d’usages culinaires. Origine : Ukraine. Conditionnement : Bouteille en verre de 1L et 2L / Bouteille plastique de 1L, 2L et 5L. / Bidons de 5L, 10L, 25L / cuve de 1000L.
ULEI DE FLOAREA SOARELUI REFINAT - Ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de floarea soarelui rafinat, galben deschis,

ULEI DE FLOAREA SOARELUI REFINAT - Ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de floarea soarelui rafinat, galben deschis,

We supply Grade A Refined sunflower oil worldwide. Our Our grade A oil is used for many kitchen purposes and has low cholesterol. Packaging is done in liters, flexitanks and drums and as per clients demand and we supply world wide with a lot of efficiency. We provide good services with free customization at no extra cost. Our company information is 100% available for your review. We respond to all your FOQ as soon as possible. Please do contact us for more details. Appearance light yellow:Acidity mg 1.0 Specific density 0.916:Grade A packaging pet bottles and flexitanks:Moisture less than 0.10
Polen de Albine Organic

Polen de Albine Organic

"The gift of nature Bee pollen is the perfect gift from nature. Our bee pollen is collected by beekeepers in Spain. When it is collected it is gently dried to retain as many nutrients as possible. Bee pollen is grown with respect for nature and especially the bee. Bee's mix nectar with pollen to make balls. The pollen contains a lot of nutrients. They are small, but their nutritional value is great. They contain vegetable proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and all the essential amino acids. Moreover, you will find in pollen fewer sugars than in honey, for example. Resources The bee pollen is of polyfloral (multiple flower) botanical origin, making these pollen of high quality. This is also the reason why the colour of the grains varies. The pollen originates from more than 120 different species of plants and pollen. Only these types of bee pollen can contribute to a balanced nutritional profile. This bee pollen is 100% natural and contains no ad…"
Ulei de floarea-soarelui rafinat

Ulei de floarea-soarelui rafinat

Refined Sunflower Oil
Ulei de Soia (Oleum Sojae) - Uleiul de soia este extras din soia.

Ulei de Soia (Oleum Sojae) - Uleiul de soia este extras din soia.

Sojaöl ist eine klare bis gelbliche Flüssigkeit. Es fällt als Nebenprodukt beim Anbau von Soja an, da dieses hauptsächlich für Tierfutter verwendet wird. Das Öl wird durch Extraktion oder Raffination aus der Sojabohne (Glycine max L) gewonnen. Die Kaltpressung lohnt sich bei diesem Öl nicht. Die Sojabohne kommt ursprünglich aus dem nordöstlichen Asien und gelangte über China nach Amerika. Heute sind die Hauptproduktionsländer die USA, Argentinien, Brasilien und China. Soja ist eine krautartige Pflanze, die zu den Hülsenfrüchten zählt und eine Lebensdauer von 1 Jahr hat. Das Sojaöl ist als rohes und unbehandeltes Öl wegen Bitterstoffe und gesundheitsschädigender Substanzen nicht für die Nahrungszubereitung geeignet. Es ist mit 32 % das zweit meist produzierte Pflanzenöl weltweit. Das Öl hat einen hohen Anteil an ungesättigter Fettsäuren( Linolsäuren). Es enthält auch Vitamin E und Vitamin K, Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente. CAS-Nr.:8001-22-7 EINECS-Nr.:232-274-4 Farbe:klar bis gelb Haltbarkeit:6-12 Monate INCI:Glycine Soja Oil Lagerung:kühl, trocken, lichtgeschützt, in geschlossenen Gebinden lagern
Ulei de Floarea Soarelui Rafinat - Comestibil, Grăsimi și Uleiuri

Ulei de Floarea Soarelui Rafinat - Comestibil, Grăsimi și Uleiuri

We are distributors and wholesaler and we deal on all kinds of Edible cooking Oils. we also deliver to buyer destination and give shipment discounts.Our company is an exporter of Edible oil products in globally, specializing in sourcing, refining and delivering edible oil to small specialist companies and multi-nationals all over the world.We do design label services for customers who wish to have their own logo on the packaging. We also have beverages such as redbull energy drink, Rani juice , monster energy drink, XL energy drink , coca cola , Fanta , Sprite , Pepsi , mineral water , coffee and tea.
Ulei de in din propria noastră presă de ulei

Ulei de in din propria noastră presă de ulei

Leinöl, kaltgepresst als erste Pressung oder als roh ( zweite Pressung) für die Tierfutterbranche. Lebensmittelqualität Unser Leinöl wird weitgehend aus deutscher Leinsaat gepresst, sofern es die Ernte zulässt. Jedes Batch durchläuft eine scharfe Kontrolle auf Pestizide oder andere Rückstände. Lots, die die Bedingungen nicht erfüllen, werden zurückgewiesen. Leinöl hat von allen Ölen die für Mensch und Tier am besten geeignete Fettsäurezusammensetzung. Für alle, die kein Fischöl mögen, eine Alternative zum Anreichern des Omega-3-Fettsäure Bedarfs im Körper.
Polifenilsulfon (PPSU)

Polifenilsulfon (PPSU)

PPSU (Polyphenylsulfon) Food Grade, FDA, auch für industrielle Anwendungen wie Fugen und Armaturen, transparent, schöne Eigenfarbe PPSU Food Grade, FDA, auch für industrielle Anwendungen wie Fugen, Armaturen, transparent, schöne Eigenfarbe Seit 2016 importieren wir diese PPSU nach Europa - geeignet für Spritzguss oder ähnliche Prozesse. Erhältlich als Granult - auch PSU und PES.


100% Refined Corn Oil Shelf Life: 18 Months Specific gravity @ 25°C: 0.914-0.921 Iodine value: 102 – 130 Saponification value: 187 – 193 Free fatty acids: < 2.0 mL of 0.02 N NaOH Peroxide value: 5 meq/kg max Unsaponifiable matter: <1.5% Color Gardner: 5 max Appearance: Golden yellow, bright & clear oily liquid Odor: Bland, odorless Smoke Point: 230C min. +/- 10C Flash Point: 330C min. +/- 10C Packaging: in PET bottles (1L, 3L, 5L); in bulk in flexitanks; Specific gravity @ 25°C:0.914-0.921 Iodine value:102 – 130 Saponification value:187 – 193 Free fatty acids:< 2.0 mL of 0.02 N NaOH Peroxide value:5 meq/kg max Unsaponifiable matter:<1.5% Color Gardner:5 max Smoke Point:230C min. +/- 10C Flash Point:330C min. +/- 10C
Ulei de muștar

Ulei de muștar

Ulei de rapiță - Ulei comestibil

Ulei de rapiță - Ulei comestibil

Canola refers to both an edible oil (also known as canola oil) produced from the seed of any of several varieties of the rape plant, and to those plants, namely a cultivar of either rapeseed or field mustard/turnip rape). Consumption of the oil is common and, unlike rapeseed, does not cause harm in humans and livestock.
Ulei de semințe de in - Uleiuri vegetale

Ulei de semințe de in - Uleiuri vegetale

Type de peau et cheveux ? Peaux matures, peaux sensibles, peaux sèches, cheveux secs, fins et abimés. Actions ? Apaisante, calme les inflammations et rougeurs cutanées. Améliore l’hydratation et l’élasticité de la peau. Prévient du vieillissement cutané. Nourrit et régénère l’épiderme. Aide à la cicatrisation. Apaise les cuirs chevelus asséchés ou irrités. Gaine les cheveux Nourrit et rend brillante la fibre capillaire. Conseils d’utilisation ? Appliquez sur la peau, elle traite les brûlures et les engelures, et contribue à la cicatrisation des plaies ou ajoutez quelques gouttes d’huile de Lin avec votre crème de jour. Appliquez quelques gouttes d'huile de Lin sur vos cheveux des longueurs aux pointes. En massage sur le corps, elle soulage les douleurs arthritiques. Eviter le contact avec les yeux. Usage externe uniquement. Référence:HLIN-25-2020
Ulei de soia rafinat

Ulei de soia rafinat

Refined Soybeans Oil
Lecitină din floarea-soarelui - Lecitină lichidă din floarea-soarelui

Lecitină din floarea-soarelui - Lecitină lichidă din floarea-soarelui

We offer liqid sunflower lecithin of best quality wih all necessary microbiological and chemical testings. Lecithin obtains european certification of qality. We offer retail and bulk lots. You can order 1 kg of sunflower lecithin, either as 500MT, depending on your needs. We offer most comfortable packing for you - plastic bottles, barrels, IBC containers.
Muștar Anti-nematod

Muștar Anti-nematod

Moutarde Anti-nématode
Ulei de Floarea Soarelui pentru Prăjit - Sticlă 1L, 5L, 10L, En-Gros

Ulei de Floarea Soarelui pentru Prăjit - Sticlă 1L, 5L, 10L, En-Gros

Natürlich raffiniertes Sonnenblumenöl + E900. Versand aus der Ukraine 5-14 Arbeitstage
Flori de soc - Flori de soc

Flori de soc - Flori de soc

Ulei de sâmburi de palmier

Ulei de sâmburi de palmier

Ne pas confondre avec l'huile de Palme. L’huile de palmiste est obtenue à partir du noyau des graines du palmier et non la pulpe. Très prisé en Cosmétique et savonnerie
Ulei de șofran rafinat cu conținut ridicat de acid oleic

Ulei de șofran rafinat cu conținut ridicat de acid oleic

MILD FLAVOR, HIGH IN OLEIC ACID! A yellow to pale yellow option that is mainly used for its refined quality. It becomes an excellent alternative for use at high temperatures, thanks to its high smoke point and great stability. This oil is perfect for frying.
Uleiuri rafinate de floarea-soarelui, soia și rapiță de vânzare - Grăsimi și uleiuri comestibile de vânzare

Uleiuri rafinate de floarea-soarelui, soia și rapiță de vânzare - Grăsimi și uleiuri comestibile de vânzare

We are distributor of sunflower oil is a vegetable oil, derived from the seeds of sunflowers. More than half of these seeds consist of fats. In many countries, sunflower seeds are eaten raw as a snack or in salads, but they can also be pressed into sunflower oil. Worldwide, sunflower oil is one of the most widely used oils. The light-yellow oil is mainly used for frying and roasting. In combination with other vegetable oils, such as rapeseed oil, soybean oil or linseed oil, it is also used as salad oil, frying oil or to make margarine. Do get back to us for more infos and details.
Ulei de floarea-soarelui rafinat pentru fabrici de producție și HORECA - ulei de floarea-soarelui rafinat

Ulei de floarea-soarelui rafinat pentru fabrici de producție și HORECA - ulei de floarea-soarelui rafinat

RNK Impex GmbH offers fine refined sunflower oil. We are a grain company and the oil we offer is made of our raw. Our main focus is the quality of the products - no mixes, only 100 % high-quality sunflower oil. Being a supplier of many production plants we can offer as much oil as needed without any problems and according to your delivery schedule.
ULEI DE FLOAREA SOARELUI REFINAT - Ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de floarea soarelui rafinat, galben deschis,

ULEI DE FLOAREA SOARELUI REFINAT - Ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de floarea soarelui rafinat, galben deschis,

We supply Grade A Refined sunflower oil worldwide. Our Our grade A oil is used for many kitchen purposes and has low cholesterol. Packaging is done in liters, flexitanks and drums and as per clients demand and we supply world wide with a lot of efficiency. We provide good services with free customization at no extra cost. Our company information is 100% available for your review. We respond to all your FOQ as soon as possible. Please do contact us for more details. Appearance light yellow:Acidity mg 1.0 Specific density 0.916:Grade A packaging pet bottles and flexitanks:Moisture less than 0.10
ULEI DE FLOAREA SOARELUI REFINAT - Ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de floarea soarelui rafinat, galben deschis,

ULEI DE FLOAREA SOARELUI REFINAT - Ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de floarea soarelui rafinat, galben deschis,

We supply Grade A Refined sunflower oil worldwide. Our Our grade A oil is used for many kitchen purposes and has low cholesterol. Packaging is done in liters, flexitanks and drums and as per clients demand and we supply world wide with a lot of efficiency. We provide good services with free customization at no extra cost. Our company information is 100% available for your review. We respond to all your FOQ as soon as possible. Please do contact us for more details. Appearance light yellow:Acidity mg 1.0 Specific density 0.916:Grade A packaging pet bottles and flexitanks:Moisture less than 0.10
ULEI DE FLOAREA SOARELUI RAFFINAT - Ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de floarea soarelui rafinat, galben deschis,

ULEI DE FLOAREA SOARELUI RAFFINAT - Ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de floarea soarelui rafinat, galben deschis,

We supply Grade A Refined sunflower oil worldwide. Our Our grade A oil is used for many kitchen purposes and has low cholesterol. Packaging is done in liters, flexitanks and drums and as per clients demand and we supply world wide with a lot of efficiency. We provide good services with free customization at no extra cost. Our company information is 100% available for your review. We respond to all your FOQ as soon as possible. Please do contact us for more details. Appearance light yellow:Acidity mg 1.0 Specific density 0.916:Grade A packaging pet bottles and flexitanks:Moisture less than 0.10
ULEI DE FLOAREA SOARELUI REFINAT - Ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de floarea soarelui rafinat, galben deschis,

ULEI DE FLOAREA SOARELUI REFINAT - Ulei de floarea soarelui, ulei de floarea soarelui rafinat, galben deschis,

We supply Grade A Refined sunflower oil worldwide. Our Our grade A oil is used for many kitchen purposes and has low cholesterol. Packaging is done in liters, flexitanks and drums and as per clients demand and we supply world wide with a lot of efficiency. We provide good services with free customization at no extra cost. Our company information is 100% available for your review. We respond to all your FOQ as soon as possible. Please do contact us for more details. Appearance light yellow:Acidity mg 1.0 Specific density 0.916:Grade A packaging pet bottles and flexitanks:Moisture less than 0.10
ulei de rapiță rafinat

ulei de rapiță rafinat

Description : L’huile de colza raffinée est obtenue par extraction des graines de colza, suivie d’un processus de raffinage qui permet d’éliminer les impuretés, les acides gras libres et les cires. Le résultat est une huile claire, de couleur jaune pâle, avec un goût neutre et une texture légère. Son arôme subtil et sa grande stabilité à la chaleur en font une huile extrêmement polyvalente en cuisine. Origine : Ukraine. Conditionnement : Bouteille en verre de 1L et 2L / Bouteille plastique de 1L, 2L et 5L. / Bidons de 5L, 10L, 25L / cuve de 1000L.
Pudră de Coajă de Lămâie Bio - Cumpără Pudră de Coajă de Lămâie Bio? | Angro | VehGroshop | En-gros

Pudră de Coajă de Lămâie Bio - Cumpără Pudră de Coajă de Lămâie Bio? | Angro | VehGroshop | En-gros

Herkunft Zitronenschalenpulver wird aus der Schale der Zitrone hergestellt. Die Zitrone ist eine Frucht des Zitronenbaums (Citrus Limonum). Die Zitrone stammt ursprünglich aus Asien, ist aber heute im Mittelmeerraum und in Amerika verbreitet. Dieses Zitronenschalenpulver stammt aus Chile. Zitronenschalen enthalten bis zu 10-mal mehr essentielle Nährstoffe als der Saft der Zitrone. Nährstoffe und Verwendung. Das Zitronenschalenpulver enthält die Vitamine A und C sowie Mineralien wie Magnesium und Kalzium. Darüber hinaus enthält die Zitronenschale auch Kalium und Beta-Carotin. Das Pulver hat einen säuerlich-frischen Geschmack, riecht aber nicht so stark wie frische Zitronenschalen. Es ist wichtig, nur den gelben Teil der Schale zu schälen. Die weiße Schicht darunter enthält viele Bitterstoffe. Der hohe Vitamin-C-Gehalt in Verbindung mit den vorhandenen Flavonoiden macht dieses Produkt zu einer gesunden Ergänzung jeder Mahlzeit.
Tinctură de propolis, min. 10% propolis pur în etanol

Tinctură de propolis, min. 10% propolis pur în etanol

Mind. 10 % Reinpropolis in Ethanol / Ursprung: Südamerika