Favabean Protein is a plant-based protein powder derived from fava beans, offering a nutritious and sustainable source of protein for various dietary preferences. Favabean Protein provides support for muscle growth, repair, and overall health. With its high digestibility and allergen-friendly profile, it is suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions or sensitivities. Favabean Protein is commonly used as a dietary supplement to enhance protein intake, particularly in vegetarian, vegan, or plant-based diets. It can be easily incorporated into smoothies, shakes, baked goods, and other recipes.
Vente interdite aux mineurs. L’achat de graines est autorisé en tant que souvenir, collection, et préservation de la biodiversité. L’usage domestique, alimentaire ou agricole, ainsi que la germination et la culture sont illégales et passibles de poursuites.
Bloom Farm Groupe et les revendeurs ne pourraient être tenus responsables d’une utilisation par des tiers ne respectant pas la législation nationale en vigueur.
Caractéristiques produit:
(Marzmallow Crane city pheno mandarine x White Runtz Cookies cut)
Il nostro Alca 2 è fortemente alcalino e sgrassante, con un minore dosaggio è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti.
Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora.
Il nostro Alca 2 usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie facilmente lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi per una rimozione totale dello sporco, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi con l’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio.
Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
Glucosnova is used diluted in water both by foliar application and by irrigation.
Glucosnova can be used in any crop, especially horticultural crops.
Do you need labels to identify your goods that have to withstand extreme heat or cold and / or are resistant to chemical and mechanical influences? Or do you need labels that fulfil technical functions?
Förster Etiketten produces high-performance labels for you in specialized printing processes using exceptional materials and adhesives. Intelligent design and a capable selection of materials and adhesives produce all-rounders that perform important functions or even basic labeling requirements even under the toughest conditions
Produktua oliba eta hostoen zukua da, polifenol organiko kontzentrazio handia duten olibondoetatik ateratakoa. Urarekiko disolbagarriak diren oliba zatietatik sortzen da, ehotze prozesuan zehar lortua. Ondoren, produktuaren egonkortasuna, ezaugarriak eta mikrobiologia bermatzeko pasteurizazio eta kontzentrazio prozesu bat egiten zaio.
Prozesuak mekanikoki eta denbora laburrean egiten dira, polifenolak ez hondatzeko. Arróniz barietateko olibondoek polifenol kontzentrazio handia dute hostoetan eta fruituetan. Heldutasun-maila optimoan biltzen dira, usainak eta zapore guztiak bere horretan mantentzeko.
Alline procap contains a unique high quality keratin. Keratin CynaPlus from Alline procap is the result of a patented production process that guarantees almost complete 95% bioavailability and the presence of 18 amino acids. Alline procap combines a natural keratin CynaPlus with a complex of eleven vitamins that provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking two capsules per day.
Allin procap contains three minerals that each play an essential role in the hair cycle. These three minerals provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking 2 capsules per day.
El achiote a granel de Lord Spices Group es una especia versátil y vibrante, ideal para añadir color y sabor a sus platos. Con una tradición de más de un siglo, somos líderes en la producción y distribución de achiote al por mayor, ofreciendo un servicio personalizado que se extiende a nivel nacional e internacional. Nuestro achiote, disponible en grano y molido, se origina en Costa de Marfil, Ghana y Perú, y se presenta en varios tipos de embalaje para satisfacer sus necesidades específicas. Libre de OMG, nuestro achiote es una opción segura y de alta calidad para sus creaciones culinarias.
Coenzyme Q10 is an important component of our daily diet. Extra Q10 intake is particularly recommended for older age groups and/or if your diet is unbalanced. In addition are contained the antioxidants selenium and vitamin E to protect the body against oxidative stress. Selenium also contributes to the normal function of the immune system. This combination is completed with eight valuable B-vitamins. Niacin, pantothenic acid and thiamine (vitamin B1) contribute to a normal energy metabolism. Thiamine also supports a healthy, normal heart function.
Each capsule contains 50 mg natural coenzyme Q10 plus 27 I.E. vitamin E, 55 µg selenium, 45 mg magnesium, 24 mg niacin, 9 mg panthothenic acid, 2.1 mg vitamin B6, 2.1 mg vitamin B2, 1.65 mg vitamin B1, 300 µg folic acid, 75 µg biotin and 3.75 µg vitamin B12.
Art. No.:1809
Puori O3 Omega 3 Omega 3 lange keten vetzuren zijn een essentieel onderdeel van ieder dieet omdat het lichaam zelf deze vetzuren niet aanmaakt volgens het voedingscentrum . Omdat ons voedingspatroon de afgelopen decennia drastisch veranderd is, krijgen sommigen er tegenwoordig helaas vaak te weinig van binnen. Puori O3 is getest en gecertificeerd op puurheid en kwaliteit door het onafhankelijke laboratorium IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) en is beloond met 5 van de 5 sterren. Deze onderscheiding garandeert o.a. de puurheid, de minimale concentratie van 74% en de duurzaamheid van het productieproces.
AminCat BDMAEE is a colourless to light yellow liquid which has C8H20N2O as chemical formula. It is a tertiary amine and one of the most active amine blowing catalysts available.
AminCat BDMAEE is also known as Bis[2(N,Ndimethylamino)ethyl] ether and N,N,N’,N’tetramethyl2,2′oxybis(ethylamine).
Europe and United States Provided AminCat BDMAEE is on stock in our local warehouses our lead time is about one week if delivered in 170 KG steel drums.
Canada, South America, South Africa and other markets can also be served, please contact our sales department for more details.
CAS number:3033-62-3
EC number:221-220-5
HS code:2922 19 00
Assay:≥98.50 %
Water:≤0.30 %
Density:0.87 @ 20 °C
Flash point:68 °C @ 99.86 kPa ± 4.07
Partition coefficient (log pow):-0,54
Solubility in water:1 000 000 mg/L @ 25 °C
Vapour pressure:0.99 hPa @ 25 °C
Viscosity:0.05153 mm2/s @ 20 °C
is a sodium salt of the lactic acid. Sodium lactate belongs to the group of hydrating substances for the skin, that keeps the skin-own moisture and contributes to a slightly acidic pH value. The substances (glycerine, urea and organic acid) form together the Natural Moisturing Factor(NMF). In the EU sodium lactate is known as food additive E 325. The salt is easily soluble in water. The fluid is almost colourless and almost without scent or taste. Sodium lactate is also available in various concentrations (50 % / 60 %), on demand with adjusted pH value.
Qualities:50%, 50% pH 5.5, 60%
Apperance:clear to white
CAS number: :72-17-3
INCI:Sodium Lactate
Durability:2 years
Storage:should be stored at a cool, dry and light shielded place, in sealed packaging
Cocoa is the key ingredient in chocolate confections, candy bars, boxed or bulk chocolates, many types of cookies and cakes.
It is also widely used in cosmetic products such as moisturising creams and soaps. Once the beans have been fermented and dried, they can be processed to produce a variety of products for example:
•Cocoa Butter
•Cocoa Powder
•Cocoa Nibs and much more.
Cocoa has many positive effects on the body, helps to prevent heart diseases, contains many nutrients that are good for the brain, and helps to release serotonin and dopamine which are the hormones of happiness.
•We supply dried and fully fermented cocoa beans.
Origin: Nigeria
Mouldy beans: 2.67%
Moisture: 6.26%
Insect damaged beans: 0.67%
Slaty Beans: 4.33%
Admixture: 0.02%
Salmonella: Absent
Beans/300 grams: 281
Total defective beans: 3.34%
Coenzyme Q10
1 - Naturellement stocké
2 - Maintien d’un taux d’ubiquinol dans l’organisme
3 - Production d’énergie cellulaire
Issu de la fermentation des levures, l’Ubiquinol Q10 est identique à celui retrouvé dans nos cellules. Son taux diminue avec l’âge à cause du stress, de l’activité physique intense, du tabac ou encore d’une alimentation déséquilibrée.
Peu de temps encore, la coenzyme Q10 n’était disponible en complémentation que sous la forme Ubiquinone. Pour pouvoir l’absorber et la stocker, l’organisme devait convertir I’Ubiquinone en Ubiquinol.
L’Ubiquinol Q10 est prêt à être assimilé et utilisé dans les cellules dès son ingestion.
Ubiquinol Q10 s’adresse à toutes les personnes qui souhaitent maintenir leur taux d’ubiquinol naturellement stocké.
The allergen-free formulation with Swiss Alpine Edelweiss, Swiss mountain water, Swiss cannabis and jojoba oil protects the skin against oxidative stress. Apply a little lotion to the skin and massage it in. Lotion is suitable for all skin types, especially for sensitive skin. Allergen-free - Free from sodium laurethyl sulfate - Free from alcohol - Free from PEG - Free from parabens - Free from silicones - Free from nanomaterials - Free from synthetic dyes - Dermatologically tested without animal testing - VEGAN Product available as bulk (30L, 60L , 90L) comes with white label etiquette and cover. Lab tested for safety and purity. Price on request.
Hochleistungs-Oxidationskatalysator zur Totaloxidation von Kohlenwasserstoffen und Kohlenmonoxid
Schüttgut-Katalysator, 4-6 mm Kugeln mit Pt/Pd-Dotierung
Lagerware mit kurzen Lieferzeiten
high performance catalyst for total oxidation of VOC (volatile organic compounds)
bulk catalyst 4-6 mm spheres with Pt/Pd as active sites
stocked product with short-time delivery
Wem nützt Quinoasure? Quinoasure ist ein glutenfreies Gewächs und deshalb ideal für Menschen, die an Getreideunverträglichkeit leiden.
Auch Personen mit Candida-Infektion können dieses naturbelassene Produkt problemlos verzehren.
Quinoasure deckt die Bedürfnisse aller Konsumenten, die sich gesund ernähren wollen. Es eignet sich insbesondere für – Gluten-Allergiker – Vegetarier und Veganer – Kleinkinder, Schwangere, Sportler/innen, Senioren/innen.
Découvrez notre gamme de Panko, idéale pour ajouter une touche croustillante à vos plats favoris.
Confectionné à partir d'ingrédients locaux et durables, notre Panko est plus aéré que la chapelure conventionnelle, absorbant moins de graisse, tout en apportant encore plus de croustillant à vos recettes.
Disponible en conditionnements de 2 kg et 12,5 kg.