Uscător de Relaxare - Pentru uscare și micșorare a țesăturilor tricotate
The relaxation dryer serves for the drying, relaxing and shrinking of knitted fabric in tubular and openwidth form but can be used also for the treatment of woven fabric. Residual shrinkage is reduced to a minimum and the fabric gets a very good dimensional stability across the length and width and a fleecy, soft and voluminous touch. Depending on the customer’s requests and the needed capacity, the dryer is available with one, two or three fabric passages. This dryer is mainly used to finish articles made of natural fibres such as cotton, viscose and wool but also of blends thereof or blends with elastane, polyamide or polyester. Such fabric qualities are mostly further processed for underwear (ribware), nightwear (Interlock), polo shirts (Piqué), Tshirts (single jersey) or sweat shirts (fleece or sweatware). The residual shrinkage is reduced to a minimum and the fabric gets a very good length and width stability and a fleecy, soft and voluminous handle.