Încălzitoare de duză cu tub de reflexie - Încălzitoare HotMicroCoil cu tub de reflexie - simplu este cel mai bun
Characteristics of our HotMicroCoils with reflection tube are easy mounting and variable heat distribution. Because of its direct touch and toleranced fit, the sleeve coil heater allows a very good heat transmission to the nozzle. In all our HotMicroCoil heaters with reflection sleeve the assembly of a thermocouple is possible and recommended for bigger diameters and power.
System:Reflection tube
Function:Toleranced fit
Heater:MicroCoils 1,0 x 1,6 / 1,3 x 2,3 / 1,4 x 2,4 / 1,8 x 3,2 mm | HotCoils 2,2 x 4,2 / 3,0 x 3,0 mm