Produse pentru masini (1150)

Mașină de polizat

Mașină de polizat

Polishing Machine
Sisteme de Curățare Triyor - Triyor

Sisteme de Curățare Triyor - Triyor

Buğday, mısır, mercimek, pirinç, ve benzeri tahıllar içindeki tohum, arpa, çavdar, mercimek, kırık buğday, uzun tane gibi yabancı maddeleri ayrıştırır ve kırık parçaları ayırmak için kullanılır. Dönmekte olan tambura giren ürün içerisindeki yabancı maddeler ve kırık tahıl, merkezkaç kuvveti ile dönen çelik gövdeli özel olarak yapılmış tambur ceplerine girerler. Dönen tambur belli bir noktaya geldiğinde, ceplerde bulunan yabancı maddeler ve kırık tahıllar, tambur içinde bulunan özel ayarlanabilir bir kanala düşerler. Temizlenmiş tahıl, tamburdan dışarı çıkarken, kanal içine düşen yabancı maddeler ve kırık tahıllar ise kanal içine yerleştirilmiş olan bir helezon vasıtasıyla dışarı atılır. Çalışma esnasında, tambur içerisinde bulunan kuru tahıl toz yapar. Bu tozun çekilmesi, düşük basınçlı hava yapılır.
Presă de îndoire CNC

Presă de îndoire CNC

CNC press brake machines are advanced tools used to bend sheet metal into precise shapes. Unlike traditional presses, CNC press brakes offer automated and highly accurate bending processes. The machine operates with an upper punch and a lower die to shape the metal between them.
Facilitatea de Producție NPK

Facilitatea de Producție NPK

We are proud to present our state-of-the-art multifunctional production plant, a groundbreaking innovation designed to streamline and simplify the process of manufacturing various solutions, including liquid fertilizers such as NPK, UAN, and more, as well as AUS solutions like AdBlue. This fully automatic and smart production plant is set to revolutionize the industry of liquid fertilizer. Versatile Solution Production:This versatility allows businesses to cater to various industries and markets with a single product Fully Automated Process:With advanced sensors, precise controls, and cutting-edge technology Smart Production:Automatic control on every elements and parts Minimum Manpower:3 technician is enough for full production Customs Duty Free:A-TR will be issued User Friendly UX/UI Design:Easy to be used
Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV - Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV

Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV - Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV

Polygonmach steps up its game in the industry with the PMSV mobile crushing and screening plant, also known as the MOBILE SAND MAKING MACHINE. This state-of-the-art solution is designed to produce high-quality sand, of 0-5 mm granule size, which is renowned for its exceptionally cubic shape. The PMSV is a proud testament to good design and engineering coming together and delivering with the best of materials and in excellence of workmanship. The PMSV is able to delicately treat premade constituents for both primary and secondary operations, as well as natural stone not exceeding a size of 35 mm. The plant is capable of processing the entire basic range of materials, whether it is granite, basalt, dolomite, gabbro, or limestone, each having different gradations of hardness, giving very gratifying results.
Jaguar - 175 Mașină de Colectare a Pietrelor - Colector de Pietre

Jaguar - 175 Mașină de Colectare a Pietrelor - Colector de Pietre

Agromeks – Jaguar – Steinsammelmaschinen gelten als unverzichtbare Werkzeuge im globalen Agrarsektor und spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Umwandlung steiniger Böden für die Landwirtschaft. • Die Maschine ist für das Sammeln von Steinen aus der Oberfläche bis zu einer Tiefe von 35 cm mithilfe eines speziellen Trommelsystems und eines federbelasteten Siebs konzipiert und dient auch der Bodenbearbeitung. • Agromeks - Jaguar - Steinsammelmaschinen werden nicht nur in der Landwirtschaft eingesetzt, sondern finden auch in verschiedenen Industriezweigen Anwendung, beispielsweise im Tourismus, zur Reinigung von Stränden und Ufern. • Das federbelastete Sieb- und Trommelsystem mit der Fähigkeit, Steine ​​mit einem Durchmesser von 3 cm bis 45 cm aufzufangen, verhindert die Ansammlung von Erde und Schlamm. • Die Haltbarkeit und Effizienz der Maschine werden durch die Verwendung einer speziellen Stahllegierung gewährleistet, die eine lange Lebensdauer der Klinge gewährleistet. Arbeitsbreite:175cm Speicherkapazität:Max. 6000kg Mindestleistung des Traktors:60 - 80 HP Durchmesser der Sammelsteine ​​(min., max.):3-35cm Arbeitstiefe:35cm Gewicht:3525kg Länge:520cm Pfadbreite:255cm Höhe:250cm Lagerhöhe:260cm
Mașini de Șlefuit

Mașini de Șlefuit

Als Sektor; Wir bedienen den allgemeinen Maschinenbau, die Ventil- und Pumpenherstellung, Eisen- und Stahlwalzwerke, den Eisenbahnsektor, den Bergbau und die Zerkleinerung, den Energiesektor und den Schiffbau. Als Produktion; Wir produzieren Gussteile aus unlegiertem Kohlenstoffstahl, hoch- und niedriglegiertem Stahl, hochmanganhaltigem Stahl, rostfreiem Stahl, grauem Gusseisen, Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit (Sphero) und Ni-Hart-Gussköpfen. Produktcode:GG-25
AVANTGARDE | CABINĂ DE LIFT - Cabină de lift de înaltă calitate

AVANTGARDE | CABINĂ DE LIFT - Cabină de lift de înaltă calitate

Båtens varme og autentisitet gjør heisopplevelsen til noe helt unikt. Innslagene av boıs i den elegante utformingen av kabinen skaper en atmosfære som er både enkel og elegant. Boısens tekstur gir deg en varm velkomst ved hver berøring, samtidig som den harmonerer med moderne design. Naturens nådegave gjør heisturene dine enda mer fornøyelige.
Mașini de Pulverizare Agricolă, Pulverizator

Mașini de Pulverizare Agricolă, Pulverizator

Dear MR/MS, Our company is a manufacturer/exporter of Agricultural Spraying Machines and Fertilizer Spreaders from Turkey and we would like to inform you about our products and our company. As we have recently received a large number of requests for our products from your country, we would like to work with you to enable your citizens to reach our products more easily and to increase our commercial volume. You can review our products on our corporate website or in the attached small catalogue. For all our machines, if you wish, you can change the color, model and technical features, design your own machine and place a special order. For more information about our company and our products, you can contact us at any time via e-mail address or 0090 532 770 77 50 Whatsapp Live Support Line. Thank you very much for spending your valuable time with us. It will be a great pleasure for us to meet and work with you.
Mașină de Curățare și Umezire

Mașină de Curățare și Umezire

It is used in the grain processing plants to moisten the grain at a desired rate


- Motor silindir kapaklarında bulunan her ebat ve ölçüdeki şim ve fincanları istenilen ölçüye taşlaması için kullanılan bir aparattır. - Dokum laboratuvarında spektrometre cihazında test edilecek olan malzemelerin hazırlanması ve birçok test laboratuvarında metallerin test edilmesi için tasarlanmıştır. - Punch makinelerinin bıçaklarını taşlamak için kullanılır. - For grinding different size and dimensions shims and valve cups that are locadet in motor cylinder in intended sizes. - For preparing the materials that will be tested in spectrometer device in faundry lavatories and designed to be used for all the metals to be tested in test lavatories. - For grinding the blades of punch machines.
Mașini pentru Marmură și Granit - Mașini pentru Tăiere, Polizare și Fațetare a Pietrei Naturale

Mașini pentru Marmură și Granit - Mașini pentru Tăiere, Polizare și Fațetare a Pietrei Naturale

Bridge cutting machines are used to cut marble and granite of a certain size and thickness. Allows fast cutting of marble in the width of the table with fixed or rotary table facilities. The standard table has a width of 2 meters and a width of 3.30 meters. This table is capable of moving saws up to 20 cm height.
Mașină de Ambalare Stick

Mașină de Ambalare Stick

Stick şeker makinesi, üç kenarından yapıştırılmış ambalaj kâğıtların içerisine volumetrik kaplar aracılığı ile şeker, tuz, baharat, karabiber gibi serbest akışkanlığı olan ürünleri doldurmak için dizayn edilmiştir. Volumetrik kapların hacimleri ayarlanabilir ve böylece istenilen gramaj hassasiyeti sağlanarak stick şeker makinesinde dolum sağlanır. Makinenin tüm ayarları Siemens PLC ve dokunmatik ekran üzerinden kolayca yapılabilir. 5 ve 10 kanallı makinelerimiz ile 500 adet/dk. hızında üretim yapılabilir. Makineler opsiyonel seçenek olarak tamamen paslanmaz çelikten imal edilir. TEKNİK ÖZELLİKLER •Gramaj Aralığı: 1-10 gr (Ayarlanabilir) •Stick Genişliği: 17 mm (Ayarlanabilir) •Stick Boyu: Maks. 170 mm (Ekrandan ayarlanabilir) •Dolum Sistemi: Volumetrik Hacimsel Kaplar : 5 Kanallı / 10 Kanallı •Hız: 250 adet/dk. - 500 adet/dk. •Bobin Genişliği: 200 mm 400 mm •Ürünler: Şeker, tuz, karabiber, gold kahve vb granül ve akışkan ürünler
Cuptor Patisserie 4

Cuptor Patisserie 4

4’lü Patisserie
Linie de producție tortilla - Mașină de tortilla, Presă de tortilla

Linie de producție tortilla - Mașină de tortilla, Presă de tortilla

Tortilla production line, tortilla press, tortilla machine
Echipamente Agricole Lucrări de Sol Pregătirea Solului - Mașini Industriale și Agricole Rotmann / Echipamente Agricole

Echipamente Agricole Lucrări de Sol Pregătirea Solului - Mașini Industriale și Agricole Rotmann / Echipamente Agricole

Rotmann Machines industrielles et agricoles , nous sommes le principal fabricant de tous les type de matériel agricole depuis 1977 à Turquie. matériel agricole , travaille du sol , préparation du sol , semoir mécanique , semoir en ligne , semoir pneumatique , Semoirs monograines pneumatiques , semoir de Semis direct , semoir fertiliseur ,semoir monograine telescopique , bineuses , bineuse avec fertiliseur , cover crop , déchaumeur à disque , déchaumeur à dents , déchaumeuse , cultivateur , charrue , charrues , charrues portées réversibles , broyeurs , pulvérisateur , pulvérisateur porté , pulvérisateur traîné , faucheuse , distributeurs d'engrais , epandeur d'engrais trainé , rouleaux , charrue à disques , charrue à dent , Fraise rotative , ratavateur , arracheuse pomme de terre , Planteuses pour pommes de terre , rateau andaineur soleil , remorque , benne agricole , équipement tracteur agricole toutes types machines ...
Yavuz 600 Antor 4 LD 820 - Mașină de Cultivare

Yavuz 600 Antor 4 LD 820 - Mașină de Cultivare

Yavuz 600 Antor 4 LD 820 transmission: 3 forward 1 reverse, manuel, conical and bever gear working widht: adjustable 90- 120 CM (with protective side discs) safety system: automatic engine stopping assembly for emergency drive shaft:2 pieces, top drive shaft engine speed, low drive shaft gear speed clutch: Leaf Lining with disc wheel set:6.50 x 80 x 13 type of engine: single cylinder with four stroke, injection first move:Corded or Electric Start cylinder volume:817 cm³ rated power:17 HP / 3000 dev/min rated tork:5 & 1600 rev/min engine oil capacity: 2.6 Lt fuel tank capacity: 8 Lt type of fuel: Diesel air filter: Oil bath refrigation system: Air Filter weight: 210 KG
Köylü Tocător de Câmp - Mașină Tocătoare de Câmp

Köylü Tocător de Câmp - Mașină Tocătoare de Câmp

Köylü Field shredder; also known as Flail Mower or Chopper; is used to shred plant wastes after harvest. All the plant wastes and residues got broken in very little pieces. With the process, residues can dissolve in the soil easily. The process enhances soil microorganisms, so; soil quality. It can be also used as weed mower if needed.
Mașina de tăiat sârmă Köprülü - Mașina de tăiat de jos, mașina de tăiat sârmă, mașina de tăiat munte, 60-75-100cp

Mașina de tăiat sârmă Köprülü - Mașina de tăiat de jos, mașina de tăiat sârmă, mașina de tăiat munte, 60-75-100cp

Köprülü alt kesim makinası,köprülü dağ kesim makinası.60-75-100hp motor seçenekleri.Full otomatik ve sertlik algılayıcı sistem , PLC kontrollü.
Mașină de etichetat borcane și sticle

Mașină de etichetat borcane și sticle

It is designed to conveniently label your materials such as glass bottles, cans, canned food and plastic. It has precise and serial labeling capacity thanks to servo motors. It labels up to 2500 products per hour according to the product and label size. It allows you to paste labels of products with a round surface. The supply voltage is 380 V/ 50 Hz. The power consumption is 1000 watts and has an important place in saving electricity.
Mașină de reciclare a condensatorilor

Mașină de reciclare a condensatorilor

CDS-1200; bakır petekleri, kondenserleri ve iklimlendirmede kullanılan soğutucu üniteleri; bakır ve alüminyum olarak iki ana ham maddeye ayırararak geri dönüşüme kazandırmaktadır. Teknoloji ve işlev bakımından dünyada zirvede olan CDS1200 ülkemizde bir çok noktada şimdiden yerini almış ve uluslararası pazarda kendinden söz ettirmektedir.
Mașină de ambalare și vid pentru covoare

Mașină de ambalare și vid pentru covoare

-Halı kabartma fırçası -Yüksek vakum sistemi -Hız ayar kontrol sistemi -Alt fırçalama -Fırça ve vakum baskı sistemi -Halı poşeti askılık sistemi -Opsiyonel otomatik parfüm özelliği -Elektro statik boya -Suya dayanıklı LED aydınlatma sistemi -Kolay kullanımlı toz boşaltma sistemi Hareketli vakum ve fırçalama sistemi ile halılarda oluşan hav ve kuruma esnasındaki tüm tozları önce fırçalama sistemi ile kabartır. Daha sonra yüksek vakum sistemi ile toz haznesine toparlar . Makinemizin arka kısmında halının alt tarafı fırçalanarak rulo haline gelir. Halı poşetleme askılık sistemi ile kolaylıkla paketlenir ve halınız teslimata hazır olur. Tüm halılarda en iyi temizleme için kolaylıkla kullanabileceğiniz halı baskı hassasiyeti mevcuttur. Makinelerimiz ISO 9001 kalitesine göre üretilmektedir. Makinelerimiz CE sertifikalıdır .
Mașini de Spălat cu Încărcare Frontală Serie KBN1

Mașini de Spălat cu Încărcare Frontală Serie KBN1

Die Teilewaschmaschinen der Serie DOLFİN-KBN1 werden vor und nach der Überholung in Reparatur- und Wartungsbetrieben eingesetzt, insbesondere zum Waschen großer und schwerer Teile. Außer in Revisionswerkstätten werden sie auch zur Reinigung der Oberflächen vor der Montage oder Verpackung in Unternehmen und Fabriken eingesetzt, die Teile in Serie herstellen. Es handelt sich um spezielle Geräte für große und schwere Teile wie Motoren und Teile von Baumaschinen, Kraftwerksturbinen. Während die in das Gerät eingelegten Teile mit Hilfe des Waschkorbs um die eigene Achse gedreht werden, wird heißes Reinigungsmittel unter Druck versprüht. Dank des Drucks, der Temperatur und der chemischen Wirkung werden alle Öle und Verschmutzungen auf den Teilen gereinigt. Da Dolfin Teilewaschmaschinen in einem geschlossenen Kreislauf arbeiten, werden nicht jedes Mal neues Wasser und neues Waschmittel verwendet. Bei wiederholtem Waschen mit demselben Tank verbleiben alle Verunreinigungen in der Waschzelle. AISI 304 :Stainless Steel Washing Body
Mașină Mobilă de Mulgere 2 găleți 2 gheare - Cea mai bună alegere pentru fermierii de lapte

Mașină Mobilă de Mulgere 2 găleți 2 gheare - Cea mai bună alegere pentru fermierii de lapte

This Machines has arrived to revolutionize absolute milking technology and solve all the problems of farmers, combining cutting-edge design, technology and user experience in perfect harmony, offering the modern milk producers an ultimate milking experience. Our development department has made a lot of effort this time by mobilizing our best engineers to create a milking machine that meets the expectations of farmers and that eliminates all the faults of ordinary machines.
KB36 QUICK MASTER - Mașină complet automată pentru fabricarea blocurilor de beton și a pietrelor de pavaj

KB36 QUICK MASTER - Mașină complet automată pentru fabricarea blocurilor de beton și a pietrelor de pavaj

This machine has been designed in order to produce interlocks,blocks,curbstones and other concrete products as requested by the customer. In one press it can produce 36 pcs of interlocks, or 12 pcs of 20x40x20cm block The press time is 18-22 seconds. It has two working system, it can work either on full automatic or semi automatic depending on user preference. The machine can be used with a stacking system or without a stacking system. Movements on the system will be controlled by plc. Auto motion system via sensors in automatic machine. Machine press number, unit of productions, problems on the machine can be seen on the PLC touch screen panel. The stacked Pallet must be transported using a forklift for machines with a stacking system. The machine works on wooden pallets which are made of pine wood there are two types of mortar preparation system it can be either manual or with automatic weighing system after the cement is dosed sand is been weighed then transported up to the mixer.
Betonieră - Betonieră cu Două Axe KTSB

Betonieră - Betonieră cu Două Axe KTSB

SDMİX brand KTSA/B model concrete mixers from 1m3 to 6m2 capacities. 15 years of experience on production of concrete mixer. Compact and elegant design, easy to install and maintenance. Automatic lubrication, hydraulic discharge. Hexagonal shaft made by durable materials. 30mm linings and 35mm mixing blades made by iron casting with 26% high-chromium. Far better than Hardox and Ni-Hard castings. 12 months of gurantee, perfect after-sale service and spare parts support. Safety and Emercengy stop switches. Less than 30 seconds of mixing time.
Mașină de sablare tip tambur

Mașină de sablare tip tambur

It is the preferred blasting machine for blasting unnecessary materials that do not have bumps while blasting together. Parts can be sandblasted together or separately. While driving the rubber band pieces rotating between three different drums, the sandblasting process takes place with the turbine located at the top.