Produse pentru masini (263)

Remorcă pentru Împrăștierea Îngrășămintelor 10m3 - Mașină de Colectare a Pietrelor, Mașină de Zdrobire a Pietrelor, Remorcă pentru Împrăștierea Îngrășămintelor

Remorcă pentru Împrăștierea Îngrășămintelor 10m3 - Mașină de Colectare a Pietrelor, Mașină de Zdrobire a Pietrelor, Remorcă pentru Împrăștierea Îngrășămintelor

Agromeks Panter Gübre Dağıtma Römorkları, hayvansal katı gübrelerin tarım arazilerine homojen bir şekilde dağıtılmasını sağlayan etkili bir tarım ekipmanıdır. 10m³ ve 6m³ kapasiteli modellerimiz, 12 ton ve 7 tonluk yükleme kapasiteleri ile geniş bir çeşitlilik sunar. Özel tasarımıyla öne çıkan tek ve çift dingil tandem makas sistemi, düşük beygir gücüne sahip traktörlerde bile mükemmel yakıt verimliliği ve kolay kullanım sunar. 15 metre atım kapasitesi sayesinde büyük arazilerde hızlı ve etkili gübre dağıtımı sağlar. Makine güvenliğini ön planda tutan özel balatalı şaft sistemi, taş ve benzeri cisimlerin sıkışmalarını engelleyerek uzun ömürlü makina ortamı sunar. Ayrıca, ürünümüz 2 yıl boyunca sunduğu servis garantisi ile ekstra bir güvence sunar. Ürünümüz, traktörden yağlamalı hidrolik fren sistemi ile donatılmıştır. Uzunluk: 725 cm En: 210 cm Yükseklik: 230 cm Ağırlık: 3900 kg Minimum Güç: 75 hp Devir: 540 rpm
Linia de Producție UAN 32

Linia de Producție UAN 32

Die intelligente Produktionslinie für UAN 32 bezieht sich auf ein fortschrittliches Fertigungssystem, das Automatisierung, digitale Technologien und Datenanalysen umfasst, um den Produktionsprozess von UAN 32-Düngemittel zu optimieren. UAN 32 steht für Harnstoff-Ammoniumnitrat-Lösung mit einem Stickstoffgehalt von 32 %. Profitable Produktion:Nur 15 kW elektrischer Energieverbrauch Schnelle Produktion:20 Minuten für jede Charge Intelligente Produktion:Automatische Kontrolle aller Elemente und Teile Minimale Personalstärke:1 Techniker reicht für die vollständige Produktion Zollfrei:A-TR wird ausgestellt Benutzerfreundliches UX/UI-Design:einfach zu verwenden
Linia de producție RSM 32 - Linia de producție RSM 32

Linia de producție RSM 32 - Linia de producție RSM 32

Linia produkcyjna RSM 32 Inteligentna linia produkcyjna dla RSM 32 odnosi się do zaawansowanego systemu produkcyjnego, który obejmuje automatyzację, technologie cyfrowe i analizę danych w celu optymalizacji procesu produkcji nawozu RSM 32. RSM 32 oznacza roztwór azotanu mocznika i amonu o zawartości azotu 32%. Wszechstronna produkcja rozwiązań:Ta wszechstronność pozwala firmom zaspokoić potrzeby różnych branż i rynków za pomocą jednego produk W pełni zautomatyzowany proces:Dzięki zaawansowanym czujnikom, precyzyjnemu sterowaniu i najnowocześniejszej technologii Inteligentna produkcja:Automatyczna kontrola wszystkich elementów i części Minimalna siła robocza:Do pełnej produkcji wystarczy 3 techników Bezcłowe:Zostanie wydany A-TR Przyjazny dla użytkownika projekt UX/UI:Łatwy w użyciu
Sistem de Producție Complet

Sistem de Producție Complet

Produzione veloce Sistema di raffreddamento rapido 2 tipi di produzione di grasso in un unico cerchio Il prodotto più omogeneizzato Capacità di progettazione flessibile da 5 l a 3000 l di reattori Compatibile con la produzione di tutti i tipi di grassi
Sisteme de Ventilație și Transport - Mașina Paca

Sisteme de Ventilație și Transport - Mașina Paca

Tahıl , hububat ve Gıda işleme tesislerinde taşıma ekipmanlarında kullanılan Paçal Makinasi değişik büyüklükteki cepleri vasıtası ile ayrı ayrı özelliklerdeki buğday vb. ürünlerin istenilen oranda karışımını sağlamak üzere kullanılır.
Tester de Vid Electric

Tester de Vid Electric

A vacuum gauge shows the difference between outside atmospheric pressure and the amount of vacuum present in the intake manifold
Tăiere cu laser CNC

Tăiere cu laser CNC

CNC laser cutting is a widely used manufacturing method in the industry. Although lasers were invented in the 20th century, their integration into light industry became prominent only after the turn of the millennium. Combining laser technology with computer precision, CNC laser cutting provides high efficiency and safety, which would be challenging to achieve with manual operation. In Istanbul, many CNC laser cutting companies are concentrated in areas like Ikitelli and Dudullu. These professional machines are essential for custom CNC work and are employed by various businesses for their extensive capabilities.
Tăiere cu laser CNC

Tăiere cu laser CNC

CNC laser cutting is a widely used manufacturing method in the industry. Although lasers were invented in the 20th century, their integration into light industry became prominent only after the turn of the millennium. Combining laser technology with computer precision, CNC laser cutting provides high efficiency and safety, which would be challenging to achieve with manual operation. In Istanbul, many CNC laser cutting companies are concentrated in areas like Ikitelli and Dudullu. These professional machines are essential for custom CNC work and are employed by various businesses for their extensive capabilities.
Presă de îndoire CNC

Presă de îndoire CNC

CNC press brake machines are advanced tools used to bend sheet metal into precise shapes. Unlike traditional presses, CNC press brakes offer automated and highly accurate bending processes. The machine operates with an upper punch and a lower die to shape the metal between them.
Sisteme de Cântărire și Ambalare Mașină de Ambalare Automată - Mașină de Ambalare Automată

Sisteme de Cântărire și Ambalare Mașină de Ambalare Automată - Mașină de Ambalare Automată

◾ Tam PLC denetimli. ◾ Paslanmaz çelik yük hücreleri ile hassas tartım ve uzun ömür. ◾ 5/10kg.-10/ 25/50kg. tartım aralıkları. ◾ Ağzı açık torbalara otomatik dolum. ◾ Ayrı ayrı programlanabilen alt ve üst tolerans değerleri. ◾ Otomatik çuval sallama mekaniği. ◾ Torbalanacak ürünün cinsine göre ayrı tartım kefesi besleme sistemi. ◾ Ayrı motor ile sürülen çift helezonlu besleme. ◾ İki hızlı motor ile sürülen tek helezonlu besleme. ◾ İki hızlı motorla sürülen bantlı besleme. ◾ Torbalanacak ürüne ve istenen toleransa göre 13-22 ton/saat (50 kg. torbalarda) arasında kapasite. ◾ IP54 koruma sınıfından özel sistem panosu ◾ Regülasyon bunkeri tartım ünitesi ve boşaltma bunkerlerinde özel vibrasyon üniteleri. ◾ Tuş takımı ile kolay kalibrasyon. ◾ Yüksekliği ayarlanabilen dikiş makinası sütunu.
Sisteme de Măcinare a Morii Mașină de Suplimente Vitamine - Mașină de Suplimente Vitamine

Sisteme de Măcinare a Morii Mașină de Suplimente Vitamine - Mașină de Suplimente Vitamine

Öğütülmüş ürüne istenilen miktarda vitaminin karıştırılarak sisteme karıştırılmasını sağlar. Bu karışım hız ayar aparatı yardımı ile kolaylıkla yapılabilmektedir. Katkı maddesi bozulmuş toz olarak dozajlanmaktadır. Hazne bölümünde özel mikser bulunmaktadır.
Sisteme de Măcinare a Mulinelor Sit de Control - Sit de Control

Sisteme de Măcinare a Mulinelor Sit de Control - Sit de Control

Kontrol eleği un fabrikalarının paketleme ünitesinde paketlemeden önce son kontrolün yapılmasında kullanılır. Kare eleğin her bir pasajına gelen mamul baskı borusundan girerek pasaj boyunca önceden ayarlanmış akış yollarından dikey ve yatay olarak hareket eder. Unun eleme işleminden geçerek son kontrolleri yapılır. Son kontrolleri yapılan un, torbalama işlemine yönlendirilir. Un ve irmik fabrikaları dışında buğday, mısır ve benzeri tahılların işleme tesislerinde, yem fabrikalarında, karışık yemlerin nihai elenmesi ile öğütülmüş malzemeler içinde kalan büyük taneli mısır, ezik pelet yem, arpa, yulafın elenmesi ve benzeri işlemler için çeşitli gıda ürünleri işleme tesislerinde kullanılır.
Sisteme de Curățare Triyor - Triyor

Sisteme de Curățare Triyor - Triyor

Buğday, mısır, mercimek, pirinç, ve benzeri tahıllar içindeki tohum, arpa, çavdar, mercimek, kırık buğday, uzun tane gibi yabancı maddeleri ayrıştırır ve kırık parçaları ayırmak için kullanılır. Dönmekte olan tambura giren ürün içerisindeki yabancı maddeler ve kırık tahıl, merkezkaç kuvveti ile dönen çelik gövdeli özel olarak yapılmış tambur ceplerine girerler. Dönen tambur belli bir noktaya geldiğinde, ceplerde bulunan yabancı maddeler ve kırık tahıllar, tambur içinde bulunan özel ayarlanabilir bir kanala düşerler. Temizlenmiş tahıl, tamburdan dışarı çıkarken, kanal içine düşen yabancı maddeler ve kırık tahıllar ise kanal içine yerleştirilmiş olan bir helezon vasıtasıyla dışarı atılır. Çalışma esnasında, tambur içerisinde bulunan kuru tahıl toz yapar. Bu tozun çekilmesi, düşük basınçlı hava yapılır.
Mașini de Procesare a Foișoarelor

Mașini de Procesare a Foișoarelor

Als Sektor; Wir bedienen den allgemeinen Maschinenbau, die Ventil- und Pumpenherstellung, Eisen- und Stahlwalzwerke, den Eisenbahnsektor, den Bergbau und die Zerkleinerung, den Energiesektor und den Schiffbau. Als Produktion; Wir produzieren Gussteile aus unlegiertem Kohlenstoffstahl, hoch- und niedriglegiertem Stahl, hochmanganhaltigem Stahl, rostfreiem Stahl, grauem Gusseisen, Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit (Sphero) und Ni-Hart-Gussköpfen. Produktcode:GS-52
Mașină de Testare a Fisurilor în Capacele de Cilindru - SKT-1200

Mașină de Testare a Fisurilor în Capacele de Cilindru - SKT-1200

This is the machine used to detect invisible cracks in the Cylinder Head. Model:SKT-1250 Cover Width:360 (mm) Cover Length:1100 (mm) Cover Height:400 (mm) Cover Weight:250 (Kg) Tank capacity:500 (Lt) Heater:7.5*2 (kW) Thermostat:0-90 °C Electrical / Phase:220-380-400 V/3 Weight:500 (Kg)
Crisor de Piatră 170 - Mașină de Colectare a Pietrelor, Crisor de Piatră, Remorcă pentru Împrăștierea Îngrășământului

Crisor de Piatră 170 - Mașină de Colectare a Pietrelor, Crisor de Piatră, Remorcă pentru Împrăștierea Îngrășământului

•Agromeks Leopar Taş Kırma Makinaları, tarım arazilerini taşların negatif etkilerinden arındırarak verimli bir ortam oluşturan üstün tarım ekipmanlarıdır. 150cm, 170cm, 200cm çalışma genişliklerine sahip olan modellerimiz arazinizdeki taşların öğütülmesini ve toprağın hazır hale getirilmesini sağlar. •Bu makineler, tarla, meyve bahçeleri, seralar, üzüm bağları, sahiller ve tarım dışı endüstriyel alanlar gibi geniş bir uygulama yelpazesinde kullanılabilir. •Elmas Bor Karbür kırıcı dişler, uzun ömürlü ve kesintisiz çalışma sağlayarak üstün performans sunar. •Hardox şase ve gövde, dayanıklılığı maksimum seviyeye çıkarır ve en zorlu çalışma koşullarında bile hatasız işleyişi garanti eder. •Makinalarımız özel üretim İtalyan şanzımanlar kullanılır Çalışma Eni: 170 cm Gerekli Min.Güç: 95 hp Max Çalışma Derinliği: 20 cm Ağırlık: 1.665 kg En: 198 cm Uzunluk: 115 cm Yükseklik: 130 cm Bıçak Sayısı: 34 Devir: 540 rpm Çaışma Hızı: 0,3-2 kmh
Mașini de Honare

Mașini de Honare

As a sector; We serve General Machinery Manufacturing, Valve and Pump Manufacturing, Iron and Steel Rolling Mills, Railway Sector, Mining and Crushing, Energy Sector and Shipbuilding Sectors. As production; We produce castings in Unalloyed Carbon Steels, High and Low Alloy Steels, High Manganese Steels, Stainless Steels, Gray Cast Irons, Spheroidal Graphite (Sphero) Cast Irons, and Ni-Hard Casting Heads. Product Code:GG-25
Mașini de prelucrare a foilor

Mașini de prelucrare a foilor

As a sector; We serve General Machinery Manufacturing, Valve and Pump Manufacturing, Iron and Steel Rolling Mills, Railway Sector, Mining and Crushing, Energy Sector and Shipbuilding Sectors. As production; We produce castings in Unalloyed Carbon Steels, High and Low Alloy Steels, High Manganese Steels, Stainless Steels, Gray Cast Irons, Spheroidal Graphite (Sphero) Cast Irons, and Ni-Hard Casting Heads. Product Code:GS-52
Presă de îndoire CNC

Presă de îndoire CNC

CNC press brake machines are advanced tools used to bend sheet metal into precise shapes. Unlike traditional presses, CNC press brakes offer automated and highly accurate bending processes. The machine operates with an upper punch and a lower die to shape the metal between them.


While the grain is carried upwards with the anchors made of hard material resistant to abrasion formed in appropriate dimensions on the rotor in an angled semi-cylindrical body made of stainless steel, the water is absorbed by the grain by subjecting it to intensive mixing at a measured speed. It is used in grain processing plants to ensure that the desired moisture content of the grains penetrate and feed the grain sufficiently. It brings the grain to be annealed with water and provides a homogeneous mixture. At the same time, a significant amount of peeling is ensured in the grain shell as a result of friction caused by the rotor rotating at high speed. Application Fields ◾ At food industry ◾ At the dry cleaning units of the flour and semolina mills ◾ At the grain processing plants where moistening process is required
Facilitatea de Producție NPK

Facilitatea de Producție NPK

We are proud to present our state-of-the-art multifunctional production plant, a groundbreaking innovation designed to streamline and simplify the process of manufacturing various solutions, including liquid fertilizers such as NPK, UAN, and more, as well as AUS solutions like AdBlue. This fully automatic and smart production plant is set to revolutionize the industry of liquid fertilizer. Versatile Solution Production:This versatility allows businesses to cater to various industries and markets with a single product Fully Automated Process:With advanced sensors, precise controls, and cutting-edge technology Smart Production:Automatic control on every elements and parts Minimum Manpower:3 technician is enough for full production Customs Duty Free:A-TR will be issued User Friendly UX/UI Design:Easy to be used


The control sieve is used for the final control before packaging in the packaging unit of the flour factories. The product arriving at each passage of the square screen enters through the pressure pipe and moves vertically and horizontally through the pre-set flow paths along the passage. The final checks are made after the flour sifting process. The flour, whose last checks are made, is directed to the bagging process. Apart from flour and semolina factories, it is used in processing plants of wheat, corn and similar grains, in feed mills, in various food products processing plants for the final screening of mixed feeds and for the sifting of large-grain corn, crushed pellet feed, barley, oats and similar processes. Application Fields ◾ At flour mills: For wheat, corn and similar grain processing plants ◾ At feed mills: For final sifting of formulated feed meals, corn, crushed pellet feed, barley, oats and for removing the remained coarse materials after grinding and similar processe
Uzina de reciclare pentru nisip sau moloz - Uzina de reciclare pentru nisip sau moloz

Uzina de reciclare pentru nisip sau moloz - Uzina de reciclare pentru nisip sau moloz

A Sand and Rubble Recycling Plant is a plant that processes and reuses demolished concrete, bricks, asphalt, and other such wastes to produce recycled products like aggregates and sand for use in construction projects. These plants used to recycle materials carry application in cities for the collection of wastes, sorting, breaking, screening, washing, and grading to get a product that may have the value for the customers. The reason may be that the aggregates produced in the plants can be used in construction by substitution for aggregates, which will lead to reduced demand for new aggregate resources and less waste landfill. As well, the recycled sand derived from the rubble may be used for applications such as construction, landscaping, and road works, providing a cleaner alternative yet ensuring the sustainability of the construction industry.
Spălător de găleți/ Deshidrator și Clasificator - Spălător de găleți/ Deshidrator și Clasificator

Spălător de găleți/ Deshidrator și Clasificator - Spălător de găleți/ Deshidrator și Clasificator

The bucket washer/dewaterer is specialized machinery used in agriculture, food processing, and recycling industries for cleaning and separating materials. It features a rotating drum or a series of buckets that dips in the water, agitating the materials to free them from dirt and debris, and lifts them out of the water for dewatering. These effectively wash the materials, dewater them for further processing or packaging. Bucket washers/dewaterers have gained prominence in the production of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and any other small, solid products that require washing effectively and drying prior to processing or resale to the consumer.
Log Washer și Scrubber - Log Washer și Scrubber

Log Washer și Scrubber - Log Washer și Scrubber

The log washer is a unique, heavy machinery equipment used in mining, aggregate processing, and mineral processing to clean and scrub ores, rocks, and minerals. This machine comprises an enormous shaft shaped like a log with paddles or blades which turn and shake the material in a container that can be filled with water or washing solution. The log washer paddles turn to generate a scrubbing action, thus driving their fruit, while lubricating forces remove the contaminants in the form of clay, silt, and other impurities. Supported by an aggressive action, the log washer acts to break down and remove unwanted materials while delivering a cleaner and more refined product. These particular applications have proven to work quite well with log washers, taking into consideration material preparation for further processing or to meet required quality specifications that call for thorough cleaning and scrubbing.
Facilitate de Producție Completa

Facilitate de Producție Completa

Fast production Fast cooling system 2 types of grease production in one circle The most homogenized product Flexible design capacity from 5 l to 3000 l of reactors Compatible with the production of all types of greases
PTK 144 Track Scalper Screen

PTK 144 Track Scalper Screen

Our track cone crusher scalper screen, model PTK144, is engineered for superior performance and efficiency in various screening applications. This advanced equipment features a hybrid drive system, utilizing motors from Volvo, Cummins, or Perkins, adhering to Tier 3-4 emissions standards. The scalper screen has a top deck size of 4,000 x 1,400 mm and a bottom deck size of 3,380 x 1,300 mm, ensuring efficient material separation. With a weight of 22,500 kg, it combines robust construction with operational flexibility, making it an ideal choice for diverse screening needs.The PTK144 scalper screen features a state-of-the-art hybrid drive system, combining the power of diesel engines from Volvo, Cummins, or Perkins with the efficiency of electric motors. This innovative drive system ensures robust performance while reducing fuel consumption and emissions. The hybrid technology aligns with modern sustainability standards, offering an eco-friendly solution for operators seeking high-perform
Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV - Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV

Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV - Plante Mobile de Fabricare a Nisipului - PMSV

Polygonmach steps up its game in the industry with the PMSV mobile crushing and screening plant, also known as the MOBILE SAND MAKING MACHINE. This state-of-the-art solution is designed to produce high-quality sand, of 0-5 mm granule size, which is renowned for its exceptionally cubic shape. The PMSV is a proud testament to good design and engineering coming together and delivering with the best of materials and in excellence of workmanship. The PMSV is able to delicately treat premade constituents for both primary and secondary operations, as well as natural stone not exceeding a size of 35 mm. The plant is capable of processing the entire basic range of materials, whether it is granite, basalt, dolomite, gabbro, or limestone, each having different gradations of hardness, giving very gratifying results.
Stația de Tratare a Apelor pentru Fabrici de Reciclare

Stația de Tratare a Apelor pentru Fabrici de Reciclare

The water treatment plant for a recycling plant is a facility that is specifically designed to treat the wastewater from the recycling operations of most industrial sectors. The function of water treatment facilities is to ensure that, upon discharge, the water from a recycling plant meets the required regulatory and environmental standards before being either released into the environment or reused back into the facility. The treatment process typically includes physical, chemical, and biological modes of treatment for the scavenging of pollutants, contaminants, and suspended solids from a wastewater stream. Applying processes such as filtration, sedimentation, disinfection, and biological treatment, water treatment plants for the recycling plant ensure that high-quality and environmentally safe treated water for discharge or reutilization, with the overarching goal of promoting sustainable water management practices.
Conveyor de Distribuție Automată - Tip Shuttle

Conveyor de Distribuție Automată - Tip Shuttle

The Automatic Distribution Conveyor possessing a Shuttle Type design is a sophisticated material handling system applied in warehouses, distribution centers, and manufacturing facilities. This equipment is primarily engineered to automate the sorting and distribution of items along a conveyor line. Unlike the other systems, this system has a shuttle mechanism that runs across the entire width of the main conveyor, picking items up and transferring them transversely to specific offloading locations. It operates independently of the main conveyor and can handle the accurate transferring of items depending on their destination, size, weight, or any other parameter that needs to be considered. Incorporate this shuttle mechanism to improve the total efficiency and accuracy of the system in handling materials and automate the flow of goods through various processes from processing to shipping.