Înregistrarea datelor STRATE: Pentru monitorizarea stării și diagnosticul mașinilor
The recording of operating data such as flow volumes, pumping pressure, operating hours and power consumption of the pumps etc. is essential for the state monitoring of – usually municipal – pumping stations and pressure line as well as for the diagnosis of machine components. Data recording system with LCD display for the electronic acquisition, display, recording, evaluation, remote transmission and archiving of up to 6 analogue and digital input signals.
Product features
For daily, monthly, annual evaluation; meter statuses, operating times and volumes; min., max. and mean value recording
Multi-colour display, digital, bar chart and graph representation
Archiving in the internal memory and on compact flash card (no data lost in the event of a power failure!)
Remote data transmission via standardised interfaces
Suitable for door installation in the AWAcontrol control cabinet