Produse pentru logistica (1113)

Transport de mărfuri în Europa

Transport de mărfuri în Europa

Services complets de transport de marchandises à travers l'Europe, adaptés à l'efficacité et à la fiabilité.
Soluții de transport personalizate - Soluții de transport

Soluții de transport personalizate - Soluții de transport

Every company is unique and therefore has unique transport and logistics requirements. That is why we listen to your transport needs and offer solutions that fit seamlessly with your specific requirements.
Logistică Belgia - Logistică

Logistică Belgia - Logistică

Transmec Group has been specialising in shipments, transport and logistics since 1850. Over the years, we have used our knowledge and expertise to deliver customised solutions that not only meet, but exceed the specific needs of our customers. Address:4ème Avenue 39, 4040 Herstal Covered area:2,250 sq m Eaves height:6 m Pallet spaces:1000 Number of input docks:3 Number of output docks:3 Vehicles input/output:45 per day
transport container

transport container

Options de transport complet vers l'Asie IFB peut s’occuper de l’achat, de l’entreposage intermédiaire, de la gestion des marchandises et même de la distribution de vos produits finis. Nous coordonnons les cargaisons de différents fournisseurs et pays, et organisons le transport ultérieur vers les destinataires à travers le monde. Transport de projets Nous assurons la manutention de marchandises diverses et de chargements lourds, ainsi que le transport de produits dangereux. Cargaisons de commerce triangulaire Lorsque l’expéditeur, le lieu d’expédition et la destination se trouvent dans différents pays, les procédures fiscales et la manutention représentent un défi supplémentaire. IFB s’occupe de tout pour vous, assurant ainsi un transport sans perte de temps.
Logistica Depozitului - Logistică

Logistica Depozitului - Logistică

Serdecznie zachęcamy do skorzystania z możliwości wynajmu magazynów na terenie województwa podkarpackiego w Podgrodziu koło Dębicy. Trafny i szybki wybór magazynu bardzo często decyduje o sukcesie inwestycji. Idealnie dopasowana powierzchnia magazynowa pozwoli zmniejszyć koszty oraz zapewnić efektywny przepływ towarów w łańcuchu dostaw. Oferujemy nie tylko wynajem powierzchni magazynowych, lecz także świadczymy usługi składowania, magazynowania i konfekcjonowania w hali magazynowej przy Centrum Logistycznym w Podgrodziu o łącznej powierzchni niemal 30 000 m2. Wykwalifikowana kadra pracowników pomoże w skutecznym zarządzaniu stockiem.
Italia - Transport și Logistică

Italia - Transport și Logistică

Having our own branch situated in Verona allows us to offer a comprehensive range of transportation solutions for shipments to and from Italy, connecting seamlessly with most EU countries
Îndeplinirea comenzilor

Îndeplinirea comenzilor

Our order fulfillment services ensure accurate and timely picking, packing, and shipping of your products, with the flexibility to scale operations according to your business needs.


We offer comprehensive logistics services in the process of planning and supply chain management. We help in the selection of optimal solutions for each of our clients. We follow the latest technologies and trends which are stimulating the logistics market on an ongoing basis. It helps us to achieve our goals and meet Your expectations.
Servicii logistice

Servicii logistice

Notre ambition est de concevoir et d'organiser des services logistiques qui contribuent au succès de vos événements. Étudions ensemble vos besoins pour créer une solution sur mesure qui répond à toutes vos attentes. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui et faites de Wdb Expo votre partenaire logistique de confiance.
Land Forwarding - Transport și Logistică

Land Forwarding - Transport și Logistică

At OKSEL, we specialize in comprehensive land forwarding services, ensuring the safe, efficient, and precise transportation of your goods. Our goal is to minimize delays and maximize efficiency. Land Forwarding Our comprehensive service includes: Detailed Planning: We start with a thorough assessment and planning phase to understand your unique requirements and develop a customized forwarding strategy. This involves site visits, detailed project timelines, and coordination with your team to ensure a seamless process.


Transport ADR - Servicii de transport cu o atenție și precauție speciale

Transport ADR - Servicii de transport cu o atenție și precauție speciale

We offer you transport services for goods that require special care and caution and belong to one of the groups according to the ADR classification. Transport is done with refrigerators (Thermo + ADR) or tarpaulins. According to ADR, goods have the following classes of danger: Class 1: explosive substances and objects Class 2: gases Class 3: flammable liquids Class 4.1: flammable solid substances, self-reactive substances, and explosive substances, desensitized solid substances Class 4.2: substances that ignite spontaneously Class 4.3: substances that if contacted with water extract inflammable gases Class 5.1: oxidizing agents Class 5.2: organic peroxides Class 6.1: toxic substances Class 6.2: infectious substances Class 7: radioactive substances Class 8: corrosive substances Class 9: different dangerous substances and objects
Transport Rutier

Transport Rutier

Nos services de transport routier couvrent toute la France, garantissant une livraison ponctuelle et fiable.
Stocare/Gestiunea Stocurilor

Stocare/Gestiunea Stocurilor

Le stockage et la gestion de stock sont des services cruciaux pour les entreprises cherchant à optimiser leur chaîne logistique. Pro SEND offre une solution complète de stockage, incluant la vérification qualitative et quantitative, la mise en stock et l'assurance. Notre entrepôt sécurisé de 5000 m² garantit la sécurité et l'intégrité de vos marchandises. En choisissant notre service de stockage et gestion de stock, vous bénéficiez d'une tranquillité d'esprit totale, sachant que vos marchandises sont entre de bonnes mains. Nous utilisons des technologies avancées pour garantir une précision maximale et une rapidité d'exécution. Faites confiance à Pro SEND pour vos besoins en stockage et gestion de stock et découvrez un service qui allie expertise et innovation.
Transportul de calderie

Transportul de calderie

El transporte de calderería de Transportes S. Jiménez e Hijos, S.L. está diseñado para manejar cargas que requieren un tratamiento especial debido a su tamaño y forma. Nuestro equipo especializado está capacitado para planificar y ejecutar el transporte de calderería de manera segura y eficiente, asegurando que cada carga llegue a su destino en perfectas condiciones. Utilizamos equipos de última generación y técnicas avanzadas para garantizar la integridad de sus caldererías durante todo el proceso de transporte. Nos enorgullece ofrecer un servicio que combina tecnología avanzada con un enfoque personalizado, asegurando que cada cliente reciba la atención y el servicio que merece. Con Transportes S. Jiménez e Hijos, S.L., sus caldererías están en buenas manos, desde el punto de origen hasta su destino final.
Sourcing de furnizori

Sourcing de furnizori

Le service de Sourcing fournisseur aide à l'identification et à la sélection de fournisseurs de confiance pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des entreprises. En offrant des outils de recherche et d'évaluation, ce service permet aux entreprises de trouver les meilleurs partenaires et de garantir un approvisionnement constant et de qualité. Les entreprises peuvent ainsi renforcer leur réseau de fournisseurs et améliorer leur compétitivité. De plus, le Sourcing fournisseur facilite la négociation des conditions avantageuses et l'optimisation des coûts. Ce service est essentiel pour les entreprises cherchant à renforcer leur réseau de fournisseurs et à assurer une gestion efficace de leurs achats. Grâce à une approche proactive et stratégique, les entreprises peuvent améliorer leur compétitivité et leur rentabilité.


Elevating Logistics, Mastering Success. Efficient logistics is about orchestrating a symphony of interconnected operations that streamline the supply chain and drive the business forward. That’s where Savino Del Bene’s cutting-edge 4PL (Fourth-Party Logistics) services come into play. It is redefining the landscape of logistics management. OPUS is as the autonomous and neutral company that exclusively delivers powerful 4PL solutions. Our proprietary software platform, OPUS4PLUS, is designed to masterfully manage complex shipping and logistics requirements.
Paleți din lemn reciclați de înaltă calitate

Paleți din lemn reciclați de înaltă calitate

Palets de madera de alta calidad diseñados para soportar condiciones exigentes en el transporte y almacenamiento de mercancías. Fabricados con materiales de primera, nuestros palets son ideales para empresas que requieren seguridad y durabilidad en sus operaciones logísticas.
Soluții de Logistică - Logistică

Soluții de Logistică - Logistică

En complément de nos services de transport, nous proposons des solutions de logistique et d'entreposage adaptées à vos besoins. Nos entrepôts sont équipés pour stocker divers types de marchandises, et notre équipe de logistique assure une gestion efficace des stocks et des expéditions. Ce service est idéal pour les entreprises cherchant à externaliser leurs besoins logistiques.
Serviciu de transport exclusiv și personalizat

Serviciu de transport exclusiv și personalizat

Société de transport et de livraison de colis et de marchandises
Logistică: Eficiență și Precizie pentru Succesul Tău

Logistică: Eficiență și Precizie pentru Succesul Tău

Unsere Logistiklösungen sind nicht nur effizient, sondern auch umweltfreundlich. Wir setzen auf nachhaltige Praktiken und Technologien, um unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu minimieren.
Logistică pentru comerțul prin corespondență, SERVICIUL DE SCRISORI ȘI PACHETE

Logistică pentru comerțul prin corespondență, SERVICIUL DE SCRISORI ȘI PACHETE

Als Partner von DHL/DEUTSCHE POST, HERMES und PIN Mail AG versenden wir mehrere hundert Pakete und Briefe pro Tag, um unseren Kunden eine zuverlässige und schnelle Zustellung anzubieten. Neben unsere Transportlogistik im Nahverkehr, tätigen wir auch gerne für Sie nationale und internationale Brief- oder Paketversände oder aber auch Mailings im Brief- oder Paketbereich. Wir etikettieren Ihre Ware und versenden es so kostengünstig wie möglich. Natürlich kümmern wir uns auch um eingehende Reklamationen und kontaktieren Sie zur weiteren Klärung.
Consultanțe Logistice

Consultanțe Logistice

We are always ready to help, if you have any doubts about the shipping method, its optimization or other matters - please contact us directly! We will check volumes, charges, historical data, security stocks, analyze forecasts and indicate places where you can improve your supply chain We will analyze every aspect and present ready-made solutions that will definitely help you make the right decision! We usually carry out a free consultation (LOGISTIC AUDIT) at the customer's premises, by phone or e-mail PURPOSE OF CONSULTATION | REAL AND STABLE OPTIMIZATION Setting directions of changes so that Logistics becomes more favorable to current trends Reducing transport costs while maintaining a high level of quality Ensuring safety and scalability of transport management Recognition of transport dependencies, requirements and conditions Verifying the legitimacy of using other solutions Developing change strategies in transport management
Servicii de Transport Aerian

Servicii de Transport Aerian

Looking for a reliable air freight service provider? Look no further, as we are here to offer you prioritized access to reasonably priced air cargo services! We proved individual services designed to solve your freight problems.Some clients prefer our Basic option because of its lower rates. The Basic service is meant for processing of less dynamic loads, therefore delivery speed is not key here. The secure and efficient transportation of your freight is guaranteed! E-Sped Premium Choosing E-Sped Premium guarantees a fast delivery ensured by the excellent global partner network we built, which is essential for the quality execution of all air freight services.
Închirierea Angajaților în Sectorul Logistic și Industrial

Închirierea Angajaților în Sectorul Logistic și Industrial

Im Rahmen der Arbeitnehmer­überlassung und Zeitarbeit bieten wir Unternehmen im Großraum Heilbronn die Möglichkeit, agil auf Auslastungsspitzen zu reagieren.
Producție și Logistică

Producție și Logistică

Bereit zur Produktion? Wir produzieren Ihre Produkte und übernehmen die Logistik.
Serviciu de Logistică

Serviciu de Logistică

Import / Export, Lagerung, Fulfillment, Warehousing, eCommerce ganz nach Ih­ren Be­dürf­nis­sen. Ob bei Ih­nen oder bei uns – wir ver­sor­gen Ihre Pro­duk­ti­on und op­ti­mie­ren ihre Wa­ren­flüs­se
Logistică / Depozit

Logistică / Depozit

We offer INTEGRATED LOGISTICS services responding to the needs of our customers who wish to outsource warehouse management both in terms of space, human resources and equipment and in terms of know-how, skills, advanced information systems, obtaining an excellent service by optimizing costs.
Transport internațional de mărfuri

Transport internațional de mărfuri

Transport de marchandises entre la France et d'autres pays européens.


Ital-Trans è il partner ideale anche per i servizi legati alla logistica e allo stoccaggio delle merci. L’azienda funge da centro operativo regionale e da transit point per diverse aziende produttrici e per grandi operatori logistici leader, che operano nel comparto food e non-food. Il transit point è un nodo logistico all’interno del quale la merce viene depositata per essere suddivisa, in un secondo momento, in lotti di dimensioni minori. Il transit point coordinato da Ital-Trans consente di riallocare e di gestire nel modo più efficiente possibile le merci, organizzando al meglio anche la fase stessa della distribuzione, con conseguenti vantaggi per l’intero sistema logistico. La nostra piattaforma operativa attrezzata ci consente di effettuare le attività di scarico, controllo qualitativo e quantitativo, stoccaggio, prelievo da stock, caricamento di mezzi di ogni portata e dimensione, in piena sicurezza.