Sisteme de stocare - Masă de acumulare - Masa de acumulare poate stoca cantități mari de pahare, sticle sau conserve
The Gronemeyer accumulation table can store large quantities of glasses, bottles or tins. The products are pushed to the accumulation table if there is backlog. The products are later re-fed into production by operating the system in reverse. The machine works according to the First In-Last Out principle.
In case of malfunction, the electrical control system activates the accumulation table based on sensor messages. After the malfunction ends, the stored products are automatically fed into the line.
Technical data:
—Chain width: up to 3,000 mm
—Usable chain length: up to 20 m
—Independent electrical control system
Optional equipment:
—Complete machine cover made of Makrolon with maintenance doors
—Loading and unloading belts
—Insulated module with air conditioning technology for perishable goods