Produse pentru inissia nepresată (17)



Culture hydroponique, 100% biomasse Cannabis certifié et biologique obtenu par culture autorisée Soigneusement sélectionnés pour garantir des normes élevées de qualité et d'uniformité. Ne pas ingérer Valeur THC inférieure à 0,2%
Clementina Hernandina

Clementina Hernandina

The Clementina Hernandina is a variety of sweet and juicy citrus fruit, appreciated for its unique flavor and ease of consumption. These clementines are characterized by a thin and easily removable skin, bright orange in color, and tender, juicy flesh. They ripen from January to March, making them available during the winter months. The Clementine Hernandina is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which support the immune system and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. They are ideal for fresh consumption, in citrus salads, or as a healthy snack. Their natural sweetness also makes them perfect for preparing desserts and jams.
Purina de coada-calului

Purina de coada-calului

Description Riche en silice, en oligo-éléments et sels minéraux (notamment potassium, calcium, soufre, cuivre, phosphore…) le purin de prêle est reminéralisant et restructurant. Il contribue à la prévention de nombreuses maladies et attaque d’insectes en renforçant les défenses immunitaires des plantes. Conditionnement : BIB de 1 L 5 concentré à diluer dans l’eau Comment l’utiliser ? Le purin de prêle est employé dilué à 10% (1 litre de purin pour 9 litres d’eau) Incorporé au terreau des semis et au repiquage En arrosage à la plantation ou en pulvérisation puis toutes les 2 semaines En pulvérisation pour les rosiers, potagers et fleurs ; Pour l’entretien des vivaces, arbres et arbustes A l’Automne et au printemps : 10 % en pulvérisation ou en arrosage (Après la récolte et au démarrage de la végétation). Produit utilisable en agriculture biologique conformément au règlement CEE N°2092/91 du 24/06/91 modifié POIDS:2 kg DIMENSIONS:20 × 15 × 20 cm
Iarba de Andrographis

Iarba de Andrographis

Pflanzliche Trockenextrakte, Andrographis paniculata, Spezifikation 10:1, Preis und Analysezertifikat auf Anfrage
Ulei de Babassu

Ulei de Babassu

Babassu-Öl wird aus den Nüssen der Babassupalme gewonnen. Diese stammt aus Brasilien, die Hauptanbaugebiete sind in Südamerika. Die Palme gehört der Familie der Arecaceae an und wächst nur sehr langsam. Sie trägt erst nach 10 Jahren die ersten Früchte, wird bis zu 200 Jahre alt und erreicht eine Höhe von 30 Metern. Die Früchte ähneln einer Kokosnuss, werden 10 bis 12 cm lang und enthalten 3 - 5 Samen mit ca. 60-70% Öl. Das Öl ist unter 22°C fest und wird daher auch als Babassuwachs oder Babassufett bezeichnet. Es hat einen hohen Gehalt an Laurinsäure und erzeugt ein weiches Hautgefühl. Bei Hautkontakt schmilzt es. Verwendung: Pharma: * Lindert Hautbeschwerden Lebensmittel: * Bestandteil von Süß- und Backwaren * Herstellung von Margarine Kosmetik: * Hautschutz * Herstellung von Cremes und Shampoos * Lindert Hautbeschwerden CAS:911078-92-1 EINECS:293-376-2 Farbe:weißlich bis gelb Geruch:nussig INCI:Orbignya Oleifera Seed Oil Lagerung:kühl, trocken, lichtgeschützt, in geschlossenen Gebinden lagern
Extract de ribwort

Extract de ribwort

Extract from Plantago lanceolata L. Ratio 4:1
HV Calophyllum

HV Calophyllum

Nom latin : Calophyllum inophyllum Partie pressée : Graines du fruit Origine : Côte Est de Madagascar Indications : Rougeurs diffuses Peaux à imperfections Peaux squameuses, sèches Permet de lutter contre les vergetures


We sell high-quality frozen elderberry gathered in ecological region of Carpathian mountains in Ukraine. Delivery directly to your warehouse. Packing according to your needs and EU standards. Please contact us to get more information.
Tei - Tei

Tei - Tei





L-Lysin ist eine essentielle, proteinogene Aminosäure.
Floarea pasiunii

Floarea pasiunii

Monstera Variegata

Monstera Variegata

We grow our own Monstera Variegata plants in our own greenhouse for our clients. Our motherplants are 30 years old and give us a variety of leaves, from marbled, half moon and sometimes full moon leaves. This is hard to predict and it is always very exiting to see new leaves form on our plants. We propogate our Monstera Variegata plants with a minimum of 3 leaves and let them grow untill they form a new leave to ensure that they are healthy and that they are growing so they can be shipped to you our customer. We grow our Monstera Variegata plants in 12cm potsize. We ship our Monstera Variegata plants all over the world! If you are outside the EU you will need a phytolicense for us to be able to ship your plants to you, please do not forget to add the phytolicense if you need one. ​All plants are carefully packed and shipped with DPD/DHL/UPS Express, worldwide this does not take longer then 72 hours.


Dispergator for sandwich panel production lines Mixing concept Because of changes in regulations on additives and the complexity of for-mulations, items in the Polyol blend viscosities were varied and are very difficult miscible or even immiscible. The result is a foam very difficult to implement, surfaces in contact with the plate full of bubbles, adhesion problems, shrinkage problems, bubbles, … To circumvent the lack of miscibility of the components we have developed two elements allowing a dispersion of additives and the gas into very small particles homogenously distributed in the Polyol. Therefore, when the Polyol is mixed in the mixing-head with Isocyanate, additives are much more reactive and there is no concentration of gas or random foaming agents that create bubbles surface states or « potato fields. ». The disperser is to this day an essential element of the production units of polyurethane foams and have a great effect on PIR. It is available as low pressure (air...


Hydroponic cultivation, 100% biomass Certified and organic cannabis obtained through authorized cultivation Carefully selected to ensure high standards of quality and uniformity.Do not ingest THC value less than 0.2%


Nom latin : Cinnamosma fragrans Partie distillée : feuilles Origine : côte Ouest de Madagascar Indications : Vergetures, cicatrices, peaux matures Infections urinaires Infections buccodentaires : gingivites, aphtes... Mycoses Grippes, rhumes, sinusite, otites, bronchites


Dispergator for sandwich panel production lines Mixing concept Because of changes in regulations on additives and the complexity of for-mulations, items in the Polyol blend viscosities were varied and are very difficult miscible or even immiscible. The result is a foam very difficult to implement, surfaces in contact with the plate full of bubbles, adhesion problems, shrinkage problems, bubbles, … To circumvent the lack of miscibility of the components we have developed two elements allowing a dispersion of additives and the gas into very small particles homogenously distributed in the Polyol. Therefore, when the Polyol is mixed in the mixing-head with Isocyanate, additives are much more reactive and there is no concentration of gas or random foaming agents that create bubbles surface states or « potato fields. ». The disperser is to this day an essential element of the production units of polyurethane foams and have a great effect on PIR. It is available as low pressure (air...