Produse pentru cosmectice (8027)

Crema Revigorantă Extract de Eucalipt 100ml - Creme pentru Față și Corp

Crema Revigorantă Extract de Eucalipt 100ml - Creme pentru Față și Corp

Gracias a sus extractos especiales de eucalipto, es un producto de cuidado eficaz que refresca la piel y le da un aspecto vivaz. SKU:31396
Creion Profil 090

Creion Profil 090

El perfilador de labios de lápiz está disponible en 9 tonos diferentes. Estos van desde el color más nude hasta el rojo más intenso. Este lápiz labial de textura cremosa está especialmente diseñado para complementar perfectamente tus tonos de lápiz labial favoritos. El uso de un delineador de labios cremoso te ayuda a proporcionar una base perfecta para luego aplicar tus labiales por encima. Color Delfos: 090 Referencia:5060465719744
SĂPUN NATURAL ARTIZANAL AGARTA CU ALOE VERA 150 GR - Săpun natural cu aloe vera, realizat manual, cu formulă bogată Agarta

SĂPUN NATURAL ARTIZANAL AGARTA CU ALOE VERA 150 GR - Săpun natural cu aloe vera, realizat manual, cu formulă bogată Agarta

Agarta El Yapımı Doğal Aloe Vera Sabunu zengin içeriği sayesinde, cildi derinlemesine temizlerken, cildi nemlendirmeye yardım eder. Aloe Vera bitkisinden elde edilen B12 vitamin desteğiyle cilde parlaklık ve yumuşaklık verir. Kullanmaya başladıktan sonra cilt bakımı rutinlerinizin vazgeçilmezi olacak. Agarta El Yapımı Doğal Aloe Vera Sabunu kötü çevre koşullarına maruz kalan cilt görünümünü iyileştirir. Makyaj artıklarını derinlemesine temizler. İçerdiği yüksek potasyum ile cildinizin yenilenmesine katkı sağlar. Cildinizde oluşabilecek olan güneş yanıklarını ve lekelerini hafifletmeye katkı sağlar. Sivilce ve akne oluşumunu önlemekte etkili bir sabundur. Cildi yumuşatmak, cildin oksijen almasını sağlamak ve kendisini yenilemesi amacıyla kullanabilirsiniz. Tahriş ve cilt kuruluğu yaşadığınız bölgeyi rahatlatıcı bir etki yapar. Ciltteki aşırı sebum üretimini engelleyip, cildinizin yağ oranını dengeler. Cilt bakımı yanında; saç bakımınızı yapmanızı da sağlar.
Contur Ochi – Rose Radiance Centifolia - Cosmetice organice

Contur Ochi – Rose Radiance Centifolia - Cosmetice organice

Este contomo de ojos orgánico le ofrece un cu-dado realmente excepcional para cuidar sus ojos. La piel del contorno de los ojos es la más fina del rostro, por lo que necesita un cu dado específico y reforzado. Este tratamiento orgánico para los ojos hidrata intensamente y suaviza la piel Su punta de zamac ayuda a descongestionar las Polsas y a reducir las ojeras. Este cuidado orgánico concentrado le ofrece unos rasgos alisados y una piel nutrida Día tras día. sus arrugas se reducen y su mirada se suaviza.Está formulado con ingredientes naturales con potentes be'veficios: - El aceite de alforfón, que nutre en profundidad la epidermis, suaviza la piel y la protege. - La rosa centifolia. que tiene propiedades calmantes, hidratantes y protectoras: - El ácido hialurónico. un activo natural que hidrata intensamente el contorno de los ojos. Se llena de agua y ayuda a rellenar las arrugas y a proteger la piel; Formato:tubo de 15 ml


Takesumi poudre 1kg (Japon) GEN Code:4 537 143 530 409 UNITE:1kg
Bambouflex - Bunăstare

Bambouflex - Bunăstare

Entretient le cartilage et maintient le bon fonctionnement des articulations. Chondroïtine et Glucosamine Constituants principaux des cartilages. Ortie, Bambou Traditionnellement utilisés pour l’équilibre et le bienêtre osseux. Le bambou est riche en silice. Cette plante est reconnue pour ses propriétés bénéfiques pour les articulations et les os. Les minéraux et les oligoéléments présents dans l'ortie permettent de renforcer les os, les ongles et les cheveux. Cassis Les feuilles de cassis sont traditionnellement utilisées comme antiinflammatoire naturel pour favoriser le confort articulaire, ainsi que pour leurs propriétés drainantes. Aubier de tilleul Traditionnellement utilisé pour favoriser l’élimination des déchets de l’organisme. 2 gélules par jour, aux principaux repas, à avaler avec un verre d’eau. Ampoules bambouflex 2 ampoules par jour, au cours des principaux repas, pures ou diluées dans un verre d’eau, pendant 1 mois, renouvelable. Cartilage de raie:150 mg dont Chondroïtine (sulfate) :40 mg dont Glucosamine (sulfate):22 mg Peuplier (Populus nigra):150 mg Cassis (Ribes nigrum):50 mg Ortie piquante (Urtica dioica):50 mg Bambou (Bambusa arundinacea):50 mg Tilleul (Tilia cordata):50 mg Cartilage de raie hydrolysé:236 mg
Ulei CBG cu Spectru Larg 5% - 5% Cannabigerol cu Spectru Larg în Ulei de Semințe de Cânepă, Ulei CBG 5%, Picături de Cânepă

Ulei CBG cu Spectru Larg 5% - 5% Cannabigerol cu Spectru Larg în Ulei de Semințe de Cânepă, Ulei CBG 5%, Picături de Cânepă

Our 5% Broad Spectrum CBG Oil is the purest on the market today and is bursting with synergistic and naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes. We can guarantee compliant THCfree CBG Oils while maintaining other beneficial molecules that trigger the Entourage Effect. During the extraction and purification process for this premium ingredients, we use proprietary technology that preserves terpenes and plant lipids while eliminating unwanted THC, chlorophyll and waxes. Through stringent quality control and testing schemes, we know that our 5% Broad Spectrum CBG Oil has critical attributes, taste, color, potency, and purity, that will consistently meet the highest standards for cosmetic or other industries and satisfy our customers’ requirements for finished products and ingredients. All our Broad Spectrum Oils are derived from EU certified genetics and produced in Europe. Potency:5% Carrier Oil:Hemp Seed Oil Color:Dark green to orange Odor :Natural terpene odor Flavor:Bitter, authentic hemp taste Food Safety System:ISO 22000:2018 Vegan:Yes
Hidrolat de Mușețel Roman BIO – 100ml - Ape Florale

Hidrolat de Mușețel Roman BIO – 100ml - Ape Florale

Hydrolat Camomille Romaine BIO – 100ml - Eaux Florales Poids:0.260 kg
Perie anti-încâlcire DeTangle - Accesorii

Perie anti-încâlcire DeTangle - Accesorii

The De-Tangle brush is an anti-tangle detangling brush that will tackle the most tangled and/or thickest hair. Ergonomic and light grip. Flexible composition that ensures easy, quick and painless styling. Can be used on both damp and dry hair. Stimulates the scalp and thus promotes micro-circulation.
Cutie rigidă de lux - Cutie rigidă de lux Dior L'Or de Vie

Cutie rigidă de lux - Cutie rigidă de lux Dior L'Or de Vie

Produttore di scatole su misura Cartone grigio da 1,4 mm a 4 mm o legno/MDF da 2 mm a 5 mm Coperture in carta da 120g a 180g (carta patinata, carta fantasia, tela, carta soft touch, carta goffrata, similpelle...) Stampa da 1 a 8 colori Stampa a caldo e goffratura di testi e loghi Fornitura e montaggio di accessori (magneti, nastri, piastre metalliche, maniglie, ecc.) Imbottitura personalizzata Scatola di cartone rigido personalizzabile Scatole personalizzate Scatole rigide Scatole rigide personalizzate Scatole rigide di lusso Scatole di cartone di lusso Produttore di scatole di cartone Imballaggio di lusso in cartone personalizzato Scatole di lusso Imballaggio di design Imballaggio personalizzato Azienda di imballaggio Azienda produttrice di imballaggi Produttore di scatole di cartone Imballaggi per cosmetici Imballaggio Francia Imballaggio di lusso Imballaggio di profumi Imballaggi personalizzati Scatole da imballaggio Produttore di scatole di lusso
Îmbuteliere pe bază de contract

Îmbuteliere pe bază de contract

Die ZSB Verpackung GmbH bietet Lohnabfüllung in Kunststoff- und Glasflaschen sowie Parfumflakons von empfindlichen kosmetischen sowie medizinischen Erzeugnissen in zertifizierter Qualität. Lohnbefüllung von Kunststoff- und Glasflaschen mit Schraub- oder Prell-Verschluss, Zerstäuberpumpen, Pumpspender oder Airless-Systeme sowie Parfumflakons und Nagellackfläschchen in Größen von ca. 1 ml bis 500 ml. Moderne technische Lösungen und das Know-how langjährig qualifizierter Mitarbeiter:innen garantieren auch beim Abfüllen hochsensibler Stoffe unter kontrollierten Produktionsbedingungen gemäß ISO-Standards und entsprechenden Hygieneanforderungen höchste Qualität.


Bettina Barty SUMMER VANILLA Bade- und Duschgel mit wertvollen Pflege- und Wirkstoffen ist speziell entwickelt für die tägliche Anwendung. Es reinigt sanft, wirkt angenehm und belebend und schützt ihre Haut wirkungsvoll vor dem Austrocknen. Ein sommerlich frischer Duft, der die Sinne verwöhnt und das Urlaubsflair zu Ihnen nach Hause bringt. Dermatologisch getestet.
Costum de Masaj Mărime Mare – Fără Picior – Costume de Masaj

Costum de Masaj Mărime Mare – Fără Picior – Costume de Masaj

Kostium kosmetyczny, który można wielokrotnie wykorzystać, stworzony do profesjonalnych zabiegów wyszczuplających i przeciwcellulitowych w salonach urody i SPA. Zalecany szczególnie do masażu podciśnieniowego typu LPG Endermologie. Ten kostium zapewnia komfort i bezpieczeństwo podczas wykonywania zabiegu. Ułatwia przesuwanie głowicy urządzenia po ciele, chroniąc skórę przed urazami mechanicznymi, wyrywaniem włosków i zaciskaniem. Dzięki temu wykonanie zabiegu staje się łatwiejsze i bardziej precyzyjne. Poprawia się również komfort pacjenta, ponieważ kostium do masażu redukuje nieprzyjemne doznania, które mogłyby zepsuć pozytywne wrażenia związane z zabiegiem. Kostium do masażu zapewnia także higienę podczas zabiegu. Jest zaprojektowany wyłącznie dla jednej osoby, ale można go używać wielokrotnie. Pacjent nie musi go wyrzucać po zakończeniu serii zabiegów Endermologie. Kostium do masażu LaSpa można prać w pralce i używać ponownie do kolejnych zabiegów. Rozmiar:3/4XL Kolor:Czarny / Biały Typ kostiumu:Gruby kryjący / Cienki transparentny
Jetpeel complet 6 sesiuni

Jetpeel complet 6 sesiuni

Jetpeel complet 6 séances
B PHASE - Solariu cu presiune scăzută cu 4 coloane rotative

B PHASE - Solariu cu presiune scăzută cu 4 coloane rotative

4 colonne rotanti per 5 risultati Sportarredo va oltre il concetto di solarium abbronzante proponendo un’apparecchiatura all-in-one unica nel suo genere. Le 4 colonne rotanti, permettono la scelta di 5 tipologie di seduta, con un solo click. EASY FIT Una pedana basculante che stimola la circolazione sanguigna, favorisce l’ossigenazione delle cellule e la tonificazione.
O atingere a naturii - Aditiv pentru baie - Pin elvețian - HARMONIE

O atingere a naturii - Aditiv pentru baie - Pin elvețian - HARMONIE

Edles Kirschholzdisplay bestückt mit 24stk Zirbenbädern. a. 30g Ideal für den Handel, Giveaways, Hotel/Zimmerservice oder Spa-Behandlungen. Auch eigens personalisiert möglich. Hergestellt in AT
Baie cu Ulei și Zer Eucalipt Nr. 117

Baie cu Ulei și Zer Eucalipt Nr. 117

Befreiendes Pflegebad für die Erkältungszeit! Die natürlichen Kräfte von Bio-Eukalyptusöl sowie Kiefern- und Fichtennadelöl wirken lösend und befreiend.
Spray cu Melatonină CBD - · fără THC · cu 60 mg Melatonină

Spray cu Melatonină CBD - · fără THC · cu 60 mg Melatonină

CBD Melatonin Spray vom CBD Hersteller kaufen✔️ Premium Marke Hanfosan✔️ 60mg Melatonin✔️ Bio EU-zertifizierter Nutzhanf✔️ THC frei✔️ Labor geprüft✔️ Hanfosan CBD Melatonin Spray als natürliche Einschlafhilfe für Ihre Kunden. Ein Sprühstoß enthält 8,3 mg CBD (Cannabidiol) und 1 mg Melatonin. · mit 60 mg Melatonin · THC frei · Pfefferminz-Geschmack · 500 mg Cannabidiol · Frei von Pestiziden, Fungiziden und Herbiziden · stets frisch hergestellt · Labor geprüft · Herstellung in Deutschland Entdecken Sie unsere weiteren CBD Öle, CBD Vape Liquids und and CBD Produkte auf unserer Webseite. Kontaktieren Sie uns bei offenen Fragen.
Suntem partenerul de încredere

Suntem partenerul de încredere

Depuis 25 ans nous concevons, fabriquons et commercialisons des gammes de produits cosmétiques sous nos propres marques et sous les marques de nos clients. Nous maîtrisons l’ensemble de la chaîne de production, de la R&D à la conception, de la fabrication jusqu’à la livraison. Toutes les étapes sont effectuées dans nos locaux dans le sud de la France. Notre laboratoire de recherche intégré, possède un riche portefeuille de formules variées, permettant de répondre à toute demande – le résultat de plus de 25 ans d’expérience. Nous proposons aussi bien des formules prêtes à l’emploi que des développements personnalisés. Nous répondons aux attentes spécifiques liées aux différentes réglementations et habitudes de consommation d’un pays à l’autre.
Format 70 x 140 mm

Format 70 x 140 mm

Ein sehr vielseitiges Format mit 2 Innentuchgrößen und großer Füllmenge Meistens als Erfrischungstuch eingesetzt Sachetgröße 70 x 140mm Tuchgröße 1: 150 x 220mm Tuchgröße 2: 180 x 220mm Verschiedene Tuchmaterialen möglich, diverse Füllgüter (Reinigung, Erfrischung, etc.) Bezeichnung: Reinigungstuch Druck: Individuell bedruckt Füllgut: Reinigungsflüssigkeit, Isopropanol, etc. Lagerware: Nein
CBD & CBG Chill Out - Picături CBD

CBD & CBG Chill Out - Picături CBD

PharmaHemp® CHILL OUT Water-Soluble CBD 2.5% and CBG 2.5% contain an oil-in-water emulsion of CO₂ extract of hemp plants. The product is rich in CBD, CBG and a wide range of other cannabinoids and bioactive compounds creating an “entourage effect”. The water-soluble formula enhances the potency of the product. The perfect combination of CBD and CBG, two of the most potent antioxidants found in hemp, are here to help you fight against free radicals and to improve your wellbeing on a whole new level. Strenght:2.5% CBG and 2.5% CBD
Ambalare și Logistică

Ambalare și Logistică

Unser Komplettservice umfasst auch die transport- und verkaufsgerechte Verpackung. Hohe Termintreue und Sicherheit können wir Ihnen garantieren. Unser Komplettservice umfasst auch die transport- und verkaufsgerechte Verpackung. Um den bestmöglichen Lieferservice zu bieten, produzieren wir bei entsprechenden Vereinbarungen besonders kostengünstige Losgrössen und bieten auch die Einlagerung von Montageteilen und fertigen Endprodukten an. Wir arbeiten mit zuverlässigen Speditionsunternehmen zusammen, damit wir flexibel auf Kundenwünsche reagieren und umgehend ausliefern können.
Imprimare cu Gamut de Culoare Extins

Imprimare cu Gamut de Culoare Extins

We offer a printed colour guides and point of sale using our MultiGamut® system utilising 7 colours (CMYK+OGV) for an expanded colour gamut and enhanced colour accuracy.
multe forme

multe forme

Les moules multi-empreintes sont essentiels pour les entreprises cherchant à maximiser leur production tout en maintenant une qualité exceptionnelle. Ces moules permettent de produire plusieurs pièces en une seule opération, ce qui réduit considérablement le temps de cycle et augmente l'efficacité de la production. Chez MCDM, nous maîtrisons la fabrication de moules multi-empreintes, garantissant une précision et une durabilité inégalées. Nos moules sont conçus pour répondre aux exigences les plus strictes de nos clients, qu'ils soient dans l'industrie automobile, médicale ou cosmétique. En choisissant nos moules multi-empreintes, vous bénéficiez d'une technologie de pointe qui optimise vos processus de fabrication. Nos experts travaillent en étroite collaboration avec vous pour comprendre vos besoins spécifiques et concevoir des solutions sur mesure qui améliorent votre productivité. Grâce à notre expertise et à notre engagement envers l'innovation, nous vous aidons à rester compétitif sur le marché mondial. Faites confiance à MCDM pour vos besoins en moules multi-empreintes et découvrez comment nous pouvons transformer votre production.


Ectoine is a powerful skincare ingredient known for its exceptional ability to protect and repair the skin. It is a natural compound that helps the skin retain moisture, making it an ideal choice for hydrating and soothing sensitive skin. Ectoine's protective properties shield the skin from environmental stressors such as UV radiation and pollution, reducing the risk of premature aging. Its unique mechanism of action involves stabilizing cell membranes and proteins, enhancing the skin's resilience and overall health. Incorporating ectoine into skincare products can lead to improved skin texture, reduced redness, and a more youthful appearance. This versatile ingredient is suitable for a wide range of skincare formulations, from moisturizers to serums, and is highly regarded for its gentle yet effective performance.
Păstăi de vanilie organică – Calitate premium din Comore

Păstăi de vanilie organică – Calitate premium din Comore

Bioteris offers Organic Vanilla Pods of exceptional quality, sustainably sourced from the Comoros Islands and certified organic. Our hand-selected vanilla pods are expertly cured to provide a rich, aromatic profile with complex flavors, ideal for gourmet applications, high-end cosmetics, luxury perfumery, and large-scale food manufacturing. Produced with eco-friendly practices, our vanilla reflects a commitment to sustainable agriculture that preserves local ecosystems and supports the well-being of the communities involved in harvesting. By choosing Bioteris, you benefit from authentic Comoros vanilla, renowned for its premium quality and ethical sourcing. Benefits Certified Organic Full-bodied, rich aroma suitable for culinary, cosmetic, and perfumery applications Eco-friendly production with sustainable practices High quality guaranteed through responsible sourcing Fast and reliable shipping Competitive pricing for B2B clients With Bioteris’ organic vanilla pods, you gain a premium, versatile ingredient that supports sustainable agriculture and enhances a wide range of products.Bioteris offers Organic Vanilla Pods of exceptional quality, sustainably sourced from the Comoros Islands and certified organic. Our hand-selected vanilla pods are expertly cured to provide a rich, aromatic profile with complex flavors, ideal for gourmet applications, high-end cosmetics, luxury perfumery, and large-scale food manufacturing. Produced with eco-friendly practices, our vanilla reflects a commitment to sustainable agriculture that preserves local ecosystems and supports the well-being of the communities involved in harvesting. By choosing Bioteris, you benefit from authentic Comoros vanilla, renowned for its premium quality and ethical sourcing. Benefits Certified Organic Full-bodied, rich aroma suitable for culinary, cosmetic, and perfumery applications Eco-friendly production with sustainable practices High quality guaranteed through responsible sourcing Fast and reliable shipping Competitive pricing for B2B clients With Bioteris’ organic vanilla pods, you gain a premium, versatile ingredient that supports sustainable agriculture and enhances a wide range of products.
Babycol Supliment Alimentar 60 Capsule, 72 G

Babycol Supliment Alimentar 60 Capsule, 72 G

Wild rose - helps the proper functioning of the immune, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems. Thanks to the content of vitamin C, which is one of the strongest antioxidants, it protects DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage. Collagen, which makes up 30% of the total mass of human protein, is responsible for the constant renewal of the body's cells. Determines the elasticity, firmness and proper hydration of the skin. Vitamin D - contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system and the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus, helps the proper functioning of muscles, maintaining healthy bones and teeth and maintaining proper levels of calcium in the blood, and also participates in the cellular process division.


Wir stellen Offset bedruckte Kartonverpackungen aus Wellpappe,Vollpappe und Karton her. Sie bestimmen die Größe,die Form,den Druck und die Menge. Nach Ihren Richtlinien produzieren wir die Verpackungen schon ab 250 stück. Mittlerweile befinden sich in unserem Sortiment auch Zylinderverpackungen.
ULEI CBD 20% Spectru Complet (< 02% THC) Ulei din Semințe de Cânepă - En-Gros

ULEI CBD 20% Spectru Complet (< 02% THC) Ulei din Semințe de Cânepă - En-Gros

Our advanced full-spectrum formula, for those seeking all the shades that cannabis has to offer. Infused with our high-quality indoor plant honey and MCT or hemp seed oil. We produce our own high-quality indoor honey, which we in cooperate into our PURE CBD Oil, making it even better in quality and taste. The honey acts as an important base in our Oil recipe and is derived from our high-quality indoor SCC (Swiss Certified Cannabis) certified flowers. Our oils are produced by top scientists using the finest organic ingredients to guarantee a unique flavor and nuance, 100% Swiss Quality. Available in different concentration levels. Product available as bulk (1L, 5L, 10L, 25L, 50L, 100L) and with white label etiquette and cover. Lab tested for safety and purity. Price on request. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN:Switzerland PACKAGING UNITS:1L Bottle
Sac din Silicon - RPSI-002

Sac din Silicon - RPSI-002

silicon bag, packaging, beauty bag, beauty pack