Produse pentru cosmectice (13598)

Șampon pentru Păr Fiin 200ml Bio-T

Șampon pentru Păr Fiin 200ml Bio-T

Destiné aux cheveux fins et mous, ce lavant naturel est riche en aloe vera et utilise des tensio-actifs doux et d'origine végétale qui permettent un moussant agréable. Il facilite l'obtention d'un volume naturel pour une chevelure aérée. Les shampoings Bio-T feront le bonheur de toutes les familles recherchant un lavage confortable et doux à la fois,de plus ils sont formulés sans sulfates et riches en actifs biologiques Véritable lavant végétal capillaire qui apporte éclat et volume à vos cheveux Cosmétique écologique et biologique certifiée BIO par Qualité France, labellisé COSMEBIO Shampooing Vegan et non testé sur les animaux, de fabrication française Toutes nos bases moussantes sont d’origine végétale ultra-douce ( nous n’utilisons jamais de tensio-actifs sulfatés de type sans ammonium lauryl sulfate, lauryl sulfate) Sans colorants ni parfum de synthèse (nous utilisons exlusivement avec des parfums naturels ou des huiles essentielles 100% pures) Sans éléments issu de l’industrie pétrochimique (paraffine, silicone, PEG, parabènes, colorants synthétique…) Idéal pour un usage quotidien Référence:BIOTSHFIN200


FILLMED UVI SKIN PROTECT SUN CREAM now offers blue light emissions protection which can cause damage to the skin as far down as beyond the cellular junction. In addition, the improved texture has magnifying effect, making it great to use before makeup. The formula is clean, with rigorously non-eco toxic filters. 3-in-1 protection. For all skin types, sensitive and fragile skin. SKU:FLLD-0014 Brand:FILLMED Concentration:Vitamin E Vitamin B “MAT XS” (powerful oil control) Dioxepane (AOX reinforced) Indication:Very high sun protection Fights against photo-ageing Keeps the skin hydrated The Pack Includes:1 tube x 50ml Articles:Skin Preparation Guide for a Successful Dermal Filler Procedure Manufacturer:FILLMED


• Bıttım soap delays the graying of hair and is a good cleanser for the hair. • It is good for skin diseases such as eczema and fungus. • It is good for acne and pimples on the skin. • With its antiseptic feature, it kills the microbes formed on the skin and hair. • Bıttım soap provides fast growth of hair. It prevents the hair from getting electrified and falling out. • Bıttım is an effective soap for body cleaning as well. • It creates a peeling effect on the skin so that the skin reaches a smooth appearance. • It is effective in removing skin spots caused by the sun and other external factors. • It gives a lively and bright appearance to the skin. • It is good for redness and itching in the body. • It reduces varicose veins in the leg area. • Bıttım soap can be used for psoriasis.
Tom Ford Black Orchid

Tom Ford Black Orchid

Tom Ford Black Orchid


È un bioflavonoide noto per le sue proprietà trofiche sul microcircolo Agisce favorevolmente sul tono e contribuisce al mantenimento dell'elasticità delle pareti dei vasi sanguigni; gioca un ruolo essenziale nella comparsa delle microangiopatie, soprattutto retiniche livello. Confezione:30 compresse Mirtillo Nero e.s:150 mg
Săpun Negru cu Argan - Îngrijire Organică a Corpului

Săpun Negru cu Argan - Îngrijire Organică a Corpului

Le savon noir bio argan et plus généralement le savon noir est utilisé comme gommage lisse avant le gommage manuel au gant “Kess” lors du rituel du hammam au Maroc. Il est aussi utilisé pour une variété d’affections cutanées notamment l’acné, l’eczéma et le psoriasis. Les propriétés thérapeutiques du savon en font un produit fiable dans de nombreux cas.Les ingrédients biologiques comme l’huile d’olive, le beurre de karité et l’huile d’argan favorisent l’hydratation de la peau et procurent une sensation de douceur instantanée . Les bienfaits du savon noir : Il gomme efficacement le corps et le visage Il lave la peau en douceur Excellent anti-rides Aide à lutter contre les affections cutanées SKU :COS00150 Poids:0.3 kg
Calvin Klein Defy - Parfumuri

Calvin Klein Defy - Parfumuri

Calvin Klein défie - Perfumes
Balsam Hidratant Profund - Oh My Sleek

Balsam Hidratant Profund - Oh My Sleek

Un après-shampoing hydratant adapté à tous les types de cheveux. Sa formule riche en agents ultra-nourrissants est légère, ce qui permet de rétablir une hydratation optimale du cheveu sans l’alourdir. Parfait en cure hydratante ou pour un usage quotidien pour apporter douceur, légèreté et brillance.
Ginkgo Biloba - Suplimente Alimentare

Ginkgo Biloba - Suplimente Alimentare

Difficultés de concentration ? Baisse de vigilance ? Le ginkgo biloba possède des effets reconnus sur le maintien d’un bon équilibre nerveux et mental. Ses feuilles sont riches en flavonoïdes. Pourquoi préférer GINKGO BILOBA de Fleurance Nature ? Dosage optimal : 2 comprimés apportent 720* mg de ginkgo biloba BIO Feuilles de ginkgo biloba certifiées BIO Le GINKGO BILOBA de Fleurance Nature est soumis à des contrôles rigoureux. *Equivalent en plantes sèches Référence:59254
Cutie Pliabilă Rigidă - Închidere Magnetică a Clapetei, Fereastră PET și Bandă Dublu Adezivă în Colțuri

Cutie Pliabilă Rigidă - Închidere Magnetică a Clapetei, Fereastră PET și Bandă Dublu Adezivă în Colțuri

Číslo položky: CL-003 Pevná skládací krabička s magnetickým uzávěrem, PET oknem a oboustrannými pásky v rozích Krabice z uměleckého papíru o hmotnosti 157 gm, šedé desky o gramáži 1200 g / m2 a 0,3 mm PET pro okno. Krabice je matná, laminovaná, aby nedošlo k poškrábání během výroby a přepravy. Na přání lze použít speciální funkce, jako je lisování fólií, bodové UV záření, reliéfní tisk atd Vestavěné PET okno zviditelňuje vnitřní produkty. Úchyty na polích na oboustranných páskách usnadňují odlepení krycího papíru z pásky. Skládací design pomáhá šetřit náklady na dopravu, ale zachovává tuhou funkci. Také jsme schopni navrhnout vložku vyrobenou z lepenky, která nahradí plastový podnos, aby byl obal „zelenější“ a skládací, což šetří náklady na dopravu. Magnetický uzávěr klapky:Uchovávejte krabici řádně uzavřenou PET okno:Zviditelněte produkty Karta kiss-cut na oboustranné pásky:Snadno se odlupuje krycí papír z oboustranné d páskya Skládací kartonová vložka:Vytvořte obal „zelenější“ a ušetřete náklady na dopravu
Fibră 3 Alb Lapte - Bază - Strat Superior

Fibră 3 Alb Lapte - Bază - Strat Superior

15ML BASE FIBER Conseils d’utilisation : S’utilise après un limage de la plaque de l’ongle Pour une meilleur tenue utiliser le primer oqbnails avant l’application de la base Renfort pour ongles mous Tenue +++ Séchage 90 sec sous led-Uv Ne pas dégraisser


Baume nature pour le corps fabriqué de façon artisanale enrichi en beurre de karité*, en huile de jojoba*, huile de sésame* et amandon de prune de Gascogne*. Le baume corps À la Prune de Gascogne saura vite devenir un indispensable pour votre bien être et la santé de votre peau. Il peut également être utilisé pour le soin des cheveux. Contenance:50 ml contenance:30ml
Gluco Chondro Fort 45 Capsule - Suplimente Alimentare

Gluco Chondro Fort 45 Capsule - Suplimente Alimentare

Confort, souplesse et mobilité articulaire Les articulations permettent de vous mettre en mouvement sans y penser, de bouger avec aisance et d’effectuer les gestes anodins du quotidien. Avec l’âge, il devient indispensable de vous en soucier car le renouvellement du cartilage articulaire diminue et peut provoquer des raideurs articulaires voire même des blocages. GLUCO CHONDRO FORT, formule renforcée avec de l’harpagophytum, vous aidera à atténuer vos gênes articulaires et à rester actif en toute circonstance ! Référence:59316
Loțiune pentru corp cu iaurt grecesc și jeleu regal - 200ml

Loțiune pentru corp cu iaurt grecesc și jeleu regal - 200ml

"Questa lozione per il corpo di yogurt greco è realizzata con ingredienti naturali ed è priva di olio minerale, parabeni, silicone e vaselina.È prodotto in Europa ed è adatto a tutti i tipi di pelle. La lozione per il corpo dello yogurt greco contiene ingredienti attivi dello yogurt, come il lattosio e varie proteine.Questi ingredienti aumentano il contenuto di umidità negli strati superiori della pelle e quindi forniscono un effetto rinfrescante e riparativo.Questi ingredienti attivi nutrono e idratano la pelle, rendendola più sana e radiosa. La nostra lozione per il corpo organico è realizzata con gli ingredienti di altissima qualità ed è prodotta in base ai rigidi standard di produzione.Usiamo solo i migliori ingredienti organici ed evitiamo i sintetici per garantire che la nostra lozione per il corpo sia sicura ed efficace per la pelle.Con questa lozione per il corpo organico puoi godere di una pelle liscia e idratata senza doversi preoccupare di sostanze chimiche dannose.
Marcă privată - De la ideea ta la produsul tău

Marcă privată - De la ideea ta la produsul tău

Laboratoire Science et Nature has put our experience and expertise in organic and natural cosmetics and detergents to work for companies who want to develop their own brand. We support you in developing your projects innovative formulas adapted to your needs. - Turnkey : This option allows you to quickly and economically complete your project since timelines and regulatory costs are minimised. The finished product just needs your branding. - Adapted: Would you like to launch a standard formula in personalised packaging that fits your brand ? We will implement it as quickly as possible while maintaining your image, the one your customers will recognise at a glance ! Personalised: Your product is one-of-a-kind. Do you want an innovative formula, fragrance or an active ingredient that sets you apart, plus packaging chosen specifically for you ? We are here to help you bring your idea to life while advising you on market expectations and guiding you on your brand image.
MaryFuel® COSMAN Apă cu Spectru Complet 100ml

MaryFuel® COSMAN Apă cu Spectru Complet 100ml

MaryFuel® is an innovative combination of micro water-soluble CBDnoids extracted and developed by the KannaStar laboratory. The latest product line has four different combinations, Hustling, Party Animal, Cosman and Lander. Users can choose suitable products according to the needs such as tolerance. This is a very convenient and effective product to use directly or to mix cocktails or soft drinks wherever and whenever. Unlike traditional CBD consumption, it does not produce smell in the environment, does not need to wait too long for it to take effect, does not know the dosage, and will not be wasted due to biological activity. Effect: After consumption, it reaches the bloodstream very high efficiency. The effect of CBDnoids create in the body can range from person to person. For most people, effects will begin to dissipate within 4 to 6 hours, but some may experience sensations for up to 6 to 12 hours. It is important to keep the products away
Șampon pentru Scalp Mâncărime și Mătreață - pentru Păr

Șampon pentru Scalp Mâncărime și Mătreață - pentru Păr

Shampoing Demangeaisons Pellicules - pour les cheveux
Ulei de Ricin Materie Primă Cosmetică 100ml

Ulei de Ricin Materie Primă Cosmetică 100ml

Olej rycynowy, niekiedy nazywany olejkiem rącznikowym, pozyskiwany jest z rośliny zwanej rącznikiem pospolitym (Ricinus communis). W Indiach i Egipcie stosowany był już od tysięcy lat.Odżywia i poprawia kondycję skóry twarzy - nawilża, wygładza i spłyca zmarszczki. Świetny nadaje się do wzmocnienia włosów, rzęs, oraz brwi.Jest składnikiem wielu kosmetyków: kremów, mydeł i innych środków pielęgnujących ciało, gdzie wykorzystywany jest jako składnik leczniczy i pielęgnacyjny. Sprawdza się w przypadku skóry bardzo suchej, stosuje się go również do oczyszczania twarzy. Świetny jako odżywka na końcówki włosów lub składnik maski na włosy. Włosy stają się lśniące, miękkie, ciemniejsze i grubsze. Zamyka łuski włosa i zmniejsza ilość rozdwojonych, przyspiesza porost włosów.Ojej rycynowy, regularnie wcierany, potrafi zmiękczyć twardą skórę pięt, kolan czy łokci.&nbsp;<strong>Skład:</strong> olej rycynowy&nbsp;<strong>Stosowanie</strong>Olej rycynowy może być wykorzystywany jak środek do odżywcze
SPRAY BUCCAL PROPOLIS EPP BIO 20ML - Spray bucal organic cu propolis verde și extract de semințe de grapefruit - 20ml

SPRAY BUCCAL PROPOLIS EPP BIO 20ML - Spray bucal organic cu propolis verde și extract de semințe de grapefruit - 20ml

Le Spray buccal Propos'Nature à la Propolis Bio, extrait de pépins de Pamplemousse, Miel et Orange procure une sensation de bien-être rapide et durable. La Propolis, cet incroyable actif qui regorge d'atouts et nous restitue le meilleur de la nature, s'associe merveilleusement bien aux autres actifs naturels.  L’extrait de pépins de Pamplemousse Bio, entre autre, est un agent naturel riche en bioflavonoïdes et en vitamine C. L’association de l’extrait de pépins de Pamplemousse et de la Propolis permet une action encore plus efficace.Ce spray buccal est sans alcool, et au goût délicieux de miel et extrait d'Orange. Le Spray Buccal à la propolis sans alcool existe également au parfum Miel Menthe. Reference:SPRAYEPP20ML
Pâini de Săpun Handmade Sălbatice și Naturale

Pâini de Săpun Handmade Sălbatice și Naturale

Made from the finest quality ingredients, using the melt and pour method, resulting in evocative fragrances and tactile textures that your customers will adore. Our handmade soap loaves weigh approximately 1.3kg and are a popular choice for craft markets, where hand-made soaps are often the busiest stalls. The key to success is in the display, so get creative with your presentation to attract customers and showcase the beauty of these exquisite soap loaves. Selling soap loaves can be a profitable business venture, especially if you have high-quality, handmade soap that appeals to a specific market. Indulge your customers with the range of finest handmade soap today and start stocking up on our exquisite natural and wild soaps. So, whether you're an established retailer or a new business, our wholesale soap UK collection has everything you need to make your customers happy.
Laptele Demachiant Hidratant - Centifolia - Cosmetice Organice

Laptele Demachiant Hidratant - Centifolia - Cosmetice Organice

This organic cleansing milk is the perfect care to remove all traces of stubborn makeup from your face. Its exclusive formula removes makeup and soothes your face. After application, your skin is soft and radiant. This cleansing milk leaves a pleasant sensation of freshness on a silky and flexible skin. It is suitable for all skin types.This organic milk is formulated with natural ingredients that take care of your face: - Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract, which has moisturizing and rejuvenating properties; - Cocoa butter, which nourishes the skin and soothes it durably: - Aloe Vera, which deeply moisturizes the epidermis and protects your face from external aggressions. Size:200 ml
Set Cadou Linia Premium cu Trufă Neagră - Cu Cosmetice Naturale

Set Cadou Linia Premium cu Trufă Neagră - Cu Cosmetice Naturale

SET REGALO LINEA PREMIUM AL TARTUFO NERO - FULL SIZE Contiene: - 300 ml Gel Doccia Al Tartufo Nero - 300 ml Shampoo Capelli Fragili Al Tartufo Nero - 250 ml Crema Mani E Corpo Al Tartufo Nero
Crema hidratantă pentru pielea atopică a copilului 500 ml

Crema hidratantă pentru pielea atopică a copilului 500 ml

Vegano/Consigliato dalla nascita Ipoallergenico - Controllo Pediatrico - Estratto di Avena Crema idratante per pelle atopica viso e corpo a rapido assorbimento. Mettere una piccola quantità sulla pelle e stendere fino a completo assorbimento. Se la tua pelle è molto secca, applicala due volte al giorno. Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini. Non mangiare. In caso di contatto con gli occhi lavare immediatamente ed abbondantemente con acqua. Acqua, isopropil miristato, glicerina, burro butyrospermum parkii, alcool cetilico, ottildodecanolo, gliceril stearato, PEG-100 stearato, olio di ricino idrogenato PEG-40, polisorbato 20, alcool benzilico, acido benzoico, acido sorbico, gomma xantana, squalano, dimeticone, Olio di semi di macadamia integrifolia, polimero incrociato acrilati/alchil acrilato C10-30, tocoferile acetato, glicole propilenico, estratto di nocciolo di Avena sativa, sorbato di potassio, idrossido di sodio.
Mini Săpunuri Bio 30g - ÎNGRIJIREA CORPULUI

Mini Săpunuri Bio 30g - ÎNGRIJIREA CORPULUI

We undertake the production of your soaps. Private label and products according to your needs. Bio soaps with high quality igredients Pure Olive oil, natural oils, herbs and citrus. Moisturizes the skin, antioxidant and antiaging soaps
Gel pentru îngrijirea unghiilor

Gel pentru îngrijirea unghiilor

Dermoten Nail Care Gel 10 ml (40% Urea Content), Thanks to its strong content containing 40% urea, it helps protect nails against external factors. It is easy to apply thanks to its special brush stick. Suitable for daily use. Ingredients: Aqua, Urea, Alcohol, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Polyacrylate -13, Lactococcus Ferment Lysate, Phenoxyethanol, Polyisobutene, Piroctone Olamine, Polysorbate 20 , Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Ethylhexylglycerin, Sodium Chloride. Usage: Apply once a day on cleaned and dried nails.
Laptele Curățare - Emulsie Bogată pentru Demachiere

Laptele Curățare - Emulsie Bogată pentru Demachiere

(tuba 200 ml) Mleczko Oczyszczające Rémy Laure usuwa zanieczyszczenia i makijaż, pozostawiając skórę czystą i respektując jej naturalną równowagę (pH). Delikatność tego kremowego płynu jest odpowiednia dla wszystkich typów skóry. Tekstura: płynne mleczko Typy skóry: wszystkie typy skóry Stosowanie: nakładaj okrężnymi ruchami przy użyciu miękkiej waciki bawełnianego W 100% wyprodukowano we Francji
Gel Hidra Energetic - Îngrijire Organică pentru Față

Gel Hidra Energetic - Îngrijire Organică pentru Față

The passage of a razor blade sensitizes the skin. Between microcuts and irritations, the skin needs to be soothed. In the form of a balm or gel or cream, the application of an after-shave product is the essential final gesture to perfect the shave, because it allows : tosoothe the skin to promote the healing of cuts tomoisturize the skin tobring a feeling of freshness To choose your aftershave, it is best to rely on your skin type : For dry skin : it is advisable to use an after-shave balm, which in addition to soothing will also moisturize the skin. For oily skin : it is advisable to use an alcohol-free after-shave cream or gel, which tones the skin . For normal skin : balm or aftershave cream, it is a matter of taste and preference. SKU:G00111
Dispozitiv de curățare a feței Olay Regenerist - Unelte pentru îngrijirea pielii

Dispozitiv de curățare a feței Olay Regenerist - Unelte pentru îngrijirea pielii

Top quality verified and reputable skin care products and body lotion made with the world’s finest plant oils and absolutes all available in wholesale and retail.
Spray fixativ Estilo 200ml - Comandă minimă de 15K€ fără vânzări cu amănuntul (contactați-ne pentru mai multe informații)

Spray fixativ Estilo 200ml - Comandă minimă de 15K€ fără vânzări cu amănuntul (contactați-ne pentru mai multe informații)

Spray for extra body and volume. Unique hair dryer spray with numerous applications Allows hair to fall into the most natural shape Ideal for spraying at the roots for optimal volume Apply to towel dried hair With heat protection Aqua, Alcohol Denat., VP/VA Copolymer, PVP, PEG40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Fragrance, Polyquaternium11, Propylene Glycol, Panthenol, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, Hydroxycitronellal, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Linalool, Hexyl Cinnamal, Limonene. Essential oils Moisturizing effect for the hair Jasmine Fragrance


Les colliers Oya sont nés du métissage de la tradition dentelière turque et du regard voyageur de Christine Delpal, créatrice de la marque Karawan. La rencontre forte et prometteuse avec Hanifa et ses soeurs, villageoises d’Anatolie, fut une évidence. Karawan s’engage depuis sa fondation pour la valorisation de savoir faire artisanaux des Routes de la Soie, par la création de collections singulières que Christine revisite par le design, pour les maintenir vivants, dans une démarche d’économie solidaire. Un désir partagé de transmettre et d’accompagner vers une professionnalisation, source de revenus et d’innovation, des savoirs traditionnels féminins d’exception, souvent limités à la sphère domestique. Christine s’installe de longs jours dans les montagnes d’Anatolie, aux cotés Référence:KSAUT02JE-S