Produse pentru cosmectice (623)

Ulei de Cedru 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Ulei de Cedru 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Aceite de cedro 20 ml es un producto utilizado en el cuidado de la piel y el cabello, que nutre e hidrata la piel gracias a los antioxidantes que contiene, y además ayuda a apoyar la barrera protectora natural de la piel. También se puede utilizar en el cuidado del cabello y puede aportar brillo al cabello. Tiene un agradable aroma a madera de cedro. SKU:31938
Ulei de Floare de Portocal 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Ulei de Floare de Portocal 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Es un producto utilizado en el cuidado de la piel y conocido por su efecto relajante y calmante, al hidratar y nutrir la piel gracias a los antioxidantes que contiene. También llama la atención con un agradable aroma a flor de naranjo. SKU:31907
Masca de Păr cu Macadamia - Măști pentru Păr

Masca de Păr cu Macadamia - Măști pentru Păr

Gracias al aceite de macadamia natural de su contenido, es un producto eficaz para el cuidado del cabello que hidrata y nutre profundamente el cabello, ayudando a que el cabello se vuelva más brillante, suave y fácil de peinar. SKU:31181


KP-00805 Shape:Cylindrical Neck Finish:24/415 Material:PP Copolimer Finish:Glossy Package Quantity:4000 Sealing type:Crap Claw Coupling:Screw on
Ulei de ricin

Ulei de ricin

Castor oil is a herbal oil obtained from the seeds of the plant called Ricinus communis. This oil is pale yellow in color and has a slight odor. It has many known benefits and usage areas. It is especially preferred in the field of beauty in our country. With its beneficial and rich content, it is frequently used in the cosmetic and medical world. It is also used for hair and skin care. It contains protein, various minerals and acids and vitamin E. Latin Name: Ricinus communis Production Method: Cold Pressed Commercial Presentation Form: 50 ml Glass bottle All DERMOTEN products are produced in facilities with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 (HACCP), ISO 22716:2007 (GMP) certificates.
TEXAMIN® EM 45 - Textile

TEXAMIN® EM 45 - Textile

Texamin® EM 45 can be used for all natural and synthetic fiber mixtures, gives a great slipperiness effect to the fabric. Silky smoothness Excellent silky touch Brighter and gloss to the fabric High washing fastness Easily preparation Low yellowing Easy to emulsify High Ph Temperature stability Optical and resin strength Effective in low dosage Preparation of the end use product in order to prepare 100kg product, 30 – 70Kg Texamin® EM 45 taken into tank and mixed at 40 circulations, 15 minutes. A sample is taken and the properties are tested. Appearance:Clear liquid emulsion Ionic character:Slightly cationic Refractive index:43 - 45 pH at 25oC:6.5 – 7.5 Solubility:Easy soluble in water
Ulei de Migdale Dulci 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Ulei de Migdale Dulci 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Aceite de almendras dulces 20 ml es un producto utilizado en el cuidado de la piel y el cabello, gracias a las vitaminas A y E de su contenido, hidrata y nutre la piel, a la vez que ayuda a igualar el tono de la piel y reducir las arrugas de la piel. SKU:31969
Ulei de sâmbure de caise 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Ulei de sâmbure de caise 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Es un producto utilizado en el cuidado de la piel, gracias a las vitaminas A y E en su contenido, hidrata y nutre la piel, además ayuda a igualar el tono de la piel. También se puede utilizar en el cuidado del cabello y puede nutrirlo y darle una apariencia saludable. SKU:31921
Un set clasic de mireasă cu o piatră principală de 2 ct sub

Un set clasic de mireasă cu o piatră principală de 2 ct sub

Chintesența eleganței atemporale și a măiestriei fine pentru companii pretențioa - Vă prezentăm setul nostru clasic de mireasă cu o piatră principală de 2 ct sub Halo Solitaires, simbolul rafinamentului și farmecului atemporal, special croit pentru companiile de ultimă generație din industria bijuteriilor fine. Realizat cu pricepere în Istanbul, setul elegant este disponibil atât în variante de aur de înaltă calitate, cât și în argint sterling, pentru a se potrivi diferitelor preferințe ale clienților. Piesa centrală a acestui set maiestuos este o piatră principală uimitoare de 2 carate, așezată inteligent sub un halou de solitaire sclipitoare. Piatra principală a fost atent selectată pentru claritatea, claritatea și culoarea sa, făcând-o un punct focal radiant. Setarea de halou mărește strălucirea pietrei principale, oferind un fundal iluminant care captează și reflectă strălucitor lumina. Inelul de logodnă este completat de o verighetă perfect potrivită, concepută pentru a sta la nivelul inelului de logodnă.
Difuzor din Bambus cu In Moale 150ml - Arome pentru cameră

Difuzor din Bambus cu In Moale 150ml - Arome pentru cameră

Soft Linen difusor en varilla de bambú 150 ml es un producto que aporta sensación de frescor y frescura a tu hogar con sus suaves notas de lino. Cambia la atmósfera del ambiente emitiendo un agradable olor a lino. También incluye palos de bambú diseñados para un uso prolongado. SKU:31310
Difuzor din Bambus Clean Cotton 150ml - Arome pentru cameră

Difuzor din Bambus Clean Cotton 150ml - Arome pentru cameră

Clean Cotton difusor en varilla de bambú 150 ml es un producto que aporta sensación de frescor y frescor a tu hogar con sus limpias notas de algodón. Cambia la atmósfera del ambiente emitiendo un agradable olor a algodón. También incluye palos de bambú diseñados para un uso prolongado. SKU:31297
Ulei de Cedru 20 ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Ulei de Cedru 20 ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Zedernholzöl 20 ml ist ein Produkt zur Haut- und Haarpflege, das die Haut dank der enthaltenen Antioxidantien nährt und mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und außerdem zur Unterstützung der natürlichen Schutzbarriere der Haut beiträgt. Es kann auch in der Haarpflege eingesetzt werden und dem Haar Glanz verleihen. Es hat einen angenehmen Duft nach Zedernholz. Artikelnummer:31938
Ulei din Semințe de Smochin 20 ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Ulei din Semințe de Smochin 20 ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Feigenkernöl 20 ml ist ein Produkt zur Haut- und Haarpflege, das dank der enthaltenen Antioxidantien und Fettsäuren die Haut mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und nährt und gleichzeitig das Haar nährt und ihm Glanz verleiht. Artikelnummer:31983
Ulei de Eucalipt 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Ulei de Eucalipt 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

El aceite de eucalipto 20 ml es un producto utilizado en el cuidado de la piel, conocido por su efecto relajante y refrescante limpiando y purificando la piel gracias a los antioxidantes que contiene. SKU:32003
Ulei de Arbore de Ceai 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Ulei de Arbore de Ceai 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Aceite de árbol de té 20 ml es un producto utilizado en el cuidado de la piel, limpia la piel gracias a sus propiedades antisépticas naturales y ayuda a prevenir la formación de acné. SKU:31976
Difuzor din Bambus Aquatic Drops 150ml - Parfumuri pentru cameră

Difuzor din Bambus Aquatic Drops 150ml - Parfumuri pentru cameră

Aquatic Drops difusor en varilla de bambú 150 ml es un producto que aporta a tu hogar un ambiente marinero con sus notas refrescantes y relajantes y aporta un agradable aroma. Además se puede utilizar durante mucho tiempo gracias a sus varillas de bambú. SKU:31259
Masca de păr cu macadamia - Măști pentru păr

Masca de păr cu macadamia - Măști pentru păr

Dank des darin enthaltenen natürlichen Macadamiaöls handelt es sich um ein wirksames Haarpflegeprodukt, das das Haar intensiv mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und nährt und dabei hilft, das Haar strahlender, weicher und leichter kämmbar zu machen. Artikelnummer:31181
Ulei din Sămânță de Fică 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Ulei din Sămânță de Fică 20ml - Uleiuri Naturale

Aceite de semilla de higo 20 ml es un producto utilizado en el cuidado de la piel y el cabello, que hidrata y nutre la piel gracias a los antioxidantes y ácidos grasos que contiene, y al mismo tiempo nutre el cabello y le aporta brillo. SKU:31983
Masca de păr cu banană și unt de shea - Îngrijire pentru păr

Masca de păr cu banană și unt de shea - Îngrijire pentru păr

Mascarilla capilar de plátano y manteca de karité, gracias a la manteca natural de plátano y karité que contiene, hidrata y nutre el cabello, ayuda a fortalecer las hebras y previene problemas de rotura, y es un producto eficaz para el cuidado del cabello que contribuye a una apariencia más saludable del cabello. cabello. SKU:31174


•Eşek sütü insan derisinin pH düzeyine çok yakın bir pH düzeyine sahiptir, cildin nemlenmesine ve cildin doğal yağlarının dengede kalmasına yardımcı olur. •A vitamini bakımından yüksek olması nedeniyle, ciltteki tahrişi azaltmaya yardımcı olabilir. Cilt dokusunun onarılmasına ve cildin korunmasına da fayda sağlar. •İçerdiği vitamin ve aminoasitler sayesinde sivilce oluşumunu engelleyebilir. Sivilcelerin gözeneklere dolan kir ve yağlar sonucunda oluştuğunu hatırlarsak, cildin tamamen temizlenmesi ve yağın dengelenmesi sonucu sivilce oluşumunu engelleyebilir. •Egzama, sedef gibi cilt hastalıklarına iyi geldiği de söylenir. Bu gibi cilt hastalıklarına shaip kişilere eşek sütü sabunu önerilir. (Tabii her cilt tipi farklıdır ve cilt hastalıkları üzerinde kullanmadan önce doktorunuza danışmakta da fayda var.)


It sells automatic towel for reliable cleaning in cars and it works 24/7 long-term. The machines accepting various forms of payment, including coins, credit cards, and mobile payments. Gives the product to the user from the product reservoir of consistently the same quality car drying cloth. • LINK and Analogue/Pulse servo drives models • High-response frequency of 1 kHz • Auto-tuning for easy and quick start-up • Vibration suppression • Positioning, speed or torque control • Separate power and control power supply • Fast and accurate positioning • Incremental and absolute encoder Nominal voltage:12 V/DC Work Temparature:-15, +40 Length x Width x Depth:164 x 94 x 32 CM


It sells automatic towel for reliable cleaning in cars and it works 24/7 long-term. It works with coins and gives the product to the user from the product reservoir of consistently the same quality car drying cloth. • LINK and Analogue/Pulse servo drives models • High-response frequency of 1 kHz • Auto-tuning for easy and quick start-up • Vibration suppression • Positioning, speed or torque control • Separate power and control power supply • Fast and accurate positioning • Incremental and absolute encoder Nominal voltage:12 V/DC Work Temparature:-15, +40 Length x Width x Depth:164 x 94 x 32 CM
Săpun cu Cărbune Activ și Lapte de Capră

Săpun cu Cărbune Activ și Lapte de Capră

•Karbon sabunu bilhassa yaz döneminde yağlı cildinden dolayı problemler yaşayanlar için iyi bir çözümdür. Bu sabun ciltteki pislikler ile birlikte fazla yağı da emer ve yağsız bir görünüm bırakır. •Sivilce tedavisinde de kullanılmaktadır. Sadece toksinlerin ortadan kaldırılmasını sağlamaz, aynı zamanda cilt kusurlarını da yok eder ve akne tedavisine katkı sağlar. Ayrıca sivilcelerden kalan izlere de iyi gelebilmektedir. •Eğer dışarıda çok vakit geçiriyorsanız çok miktarda kirliliğe maruz kalıyorsunuz demektir ve gözeneklerinizde bu kirlerin birikmesi nedeniyle onların büyüdüğünü fark edebilirsiniz. Bir süre sonra bu gözenekler kolayca görünür hale gelmektedirler. Karbon sabunu ise bu konuda iyi çözümler sunar. Sadece kirleri çıkartmaz, aynı zamanda tıkalı gözenekleri tedavi eder ve boyutlarını küçültür. •Gevşek bir cilt yaşlılık işaretidir ve bu nedenle önlemleri erkenden almak gerekir. Karbon ise cildi sıkılaştırma özelliğine sahiptir. •Her cilt tipine uygundur
Ulei din sâmburi de caise

Ulei din sâmburi de caise

Apricot kernel oil is a herbal oil obtained from the dried seeds of fruits collected from the Apricot tree. Apricot, a fruit with high nutritional value, contains vitamins A, C and E. Apricot kernel oil, which has started to be used for skin care in recent years, is also preferred for aromatherapy. Apricot kernel oil, a light and odorless oil, is obtained by cold pressing method. Latin Name:Prunus armeniaca Production Method: Cold Pressed Commercial Presentation Form: 50 ml Glass bottle All DERMOTEN products are produced in facilities with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 (HACCP), ISO 22716:2007 (GMP) certificates.
DISPERLAT®WG 990 - Agricultură

DISPERLAT®WG 990 - Agricultură

Composition: Sodium alkyl naphthalene sulphonate Disperlat® WG 990 is highly effective dispersing agent. Provides very good and stable dispersion& suspensibility Perfect granulation for WG formulations Ensures that the formulation quality remains stable Disperlat® WG 990 is used as an effective dispersing agent in manufacturing of water dispersible granules and wettable powders. Disperlat® WG 990 is good dispersion properties makes the product uniform and easy for further processing. When considering the use of any Latro’s products in a particular application, you should review our latest Safety Data Sheet and ensure that the use you intend can be accomplished safely. For Safety Data Sheets and other product safety information, contact the Latro’s Sales Office nearest to you. Before handling any other products mentioned in the text, you should obtain available product safety information and take the necessary steps to ensure safety of use. Appearance:Light to dark brown free flowing powder pH (1% aq. soln):6.5 – 9.0 Moisture Content:Maximum 6.0%
Automat de prosoape din microfibră pentru uscare auto - 0612098T

Automat de prosoape din microfibră pentru uscare auto - 0612098T

It sells automatic towel for reliable cleaning in cars and it works 24/7 long-term. The machines accepting various forms of payment, including coins, credit cards, and mobile payments. Gives the product to the user from the product reservoir of consistently the same quality car drying cloth. • LINK and Analogue/Pulse servo drives models • High-response frequency of 1 kHz • Auto-tuning for easy and quick start-up • Vibration suppression • Positioning, speed or torque control • Separate power and control power supply • Fast and accurate positioning • Incremental and absolute encoder Nominal voltage:12 V/DC Work Temparature:-15, +40 Length x Width x Depth:164 x 94 x 32 CM
SURFECO® PS 12 - Agricultură

SURFECO® PS 12 - Agricultură

Surfeco® PS 12 is a silicone-based spreading & penetration agent that greatly reduces surface tension. It shows a great hydrolytic stability over a wide pH range (2-12). The surface tension of 0.1% Surfeco® PS 12 aqueous solution was obtained as 27 dyn / cm. It has been determined that keep stable this performance in the pH range of 2-12. Increases the uptake of active ingredients Increases the leaf coverage/ stomata flooding Promotes spray volume reduction Enhances the efficacy of fertilizers or pesticide in the field Applicable to many products thanks to wide range pH stability (2-12) It is recommended to use up to %2-5% as an IN-CAN adjuvant to pesticide or fertilizer formulations. It is recommended to decide after laboratory tests for optimum dosage and compatibility.When considering the use of any Latro’s products in a particular application, you should review our latest Safety Data Sheet and ensure that the use you intend can be accomplished safely. Appearance:Light yellow / light brown liquid Solid Content at 160°C:87±2 Ionic Character:Weak Cationic
SURFECO® PRO - Agricultură

SURFECO® PRO - Agricultură

Surfeco® PRO is a modified trisilioxane, is an organic silicone surfactant with super ability of spreading. It is a non-ionic surfactant has the structure of type “T”. It makes the water surface tension lower down to the 20.5 mN/m at the concentration of 0.1% (wt). After the mixture with the pesticide solution at the certain proportion. It can lower the contact angle between the spray and foliage, which can enlarge the coverage of the spray. Additionally, Surfeco® PRO can make the pesticide absorbed through the stomatal leaves, which is extremely effective for improving efficacy, reducing amount of pesticide, saving cost, reducing environmental pollution caused by pesticides. Surfeco® PRO is a modified trisilioxane, is an organic silicone surfactant with super ability of spreading. It is a non-ionic surfactant has the structure of type “T”. It makes the water surface tension lower down to the 20.5 mN/m at the concentration of 0.1% (wt). Surface Tension (0.1%):(0.1%)20,5 nM/m2 Viscosity at 25 0C:50-100 cp Cloud Point:< 10 °C Solid:% 99 Ionic character:Nonionic Density:1,012 = ± 0,02
Ulei de usturoi

Ulei de usturoi

Garlic oil is a herbal oil derived from garlic, a member of the onion family. Garlic, whose Latin name is Allium sativum, grows in tropical regions and has a pungent aroma. Garlic is frequently preferred, especially in culinary applications. In addition, it can also be used in skin care with the vitamins it contains. It is one of the most consumed vegetable oils thanks to its wide range of uses. Latin Name: Allium sativum Production Method: Cold Pressed Commercial Presentation Form: 50 ml Glass bottle All DERMOTEN products are produced in facilities with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 (HACCP), ISO 22716:2007 (GMP) certificates.
Ulei de semințe de in

Ulei de semințe de in

Linseed oil is a herbal oil obtained from the linseed plant by cold pressing method. This plant, which bears fruit in summer, has an oval and hard structure. It is known that the use of flaxseed dates back to ancient times. It generally grows in the Near East and Mediterranean regions. Flax seed oil contains high amounts of fatty acids. It also contains various minerals and vitamins. Production Method: Cold Pressed Commercial Presentation Form: 250 ml Glass bottle All DERMOTEN products are produced in facilities with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 (HACCP), ISO 22716:2007 (GMP) certificates.