Produse pentru cosmectice (71)

Frais Vent Mild Wash - fabricat în Japonia conține doar extracte naturale și pentru îngrijirea pielii

Frais Vent Mild Wash - fabricat în Japonia conține doar extracte naturale și pentru îngrijirea pielii

The harmonious wash lotion made in Japan contains only skin-caring and natural extracts, e.g. from evening primrose, seaweed, ginger, royal sage, porcelain ginger lily and Japanese chamomile. With its subtle, fresh fragrance, Mild Wash is suitable for women, men and sensitive skin, cleanses thoroughly and is gentle on the skin. Contains the innovative and moisturizing Neosilk collagen from silk cocoons. No alcohol, no parabens, no mineral oils, no artificial fragrances or colors. Extremely economical.
Unt de Cacao Organic

Unt de Cacao Organic

It is a product obtained by hot extraction of roasted and chopped seeds (nibs) of Theobroma cacao. It is pale yellow in color. For food and cosmetic applications Food: Cacao butter is used to make chocolate. Cosmetics: Rich in essential fatty acids, it helps fight the action of the sun by absorbing UV radiation. Thanks to its high levels of lanolin, it acts as a moisturizer for the skin, moisturizing it and reducing water loss, thus delaying the appearance of wrinkles. MOQ:20kg
BiNFi-S - Nanofibră de Biomasă

BiNFi-S - Nanofibră de Biomasă

BiNFi-s ist eine Biomasse-Nanofaser mit einem Durchmesser von ca. 0,02 μm und einer Länge von of Ein paar μm. Sie wird durch Verarbeitung von Zellulose, Chitin und Chitosan mit unserer Höchstdruck-Wasserstrahltechnologie hergestellt. Diese aus Biomasse gewonnenene Nanofaser nutzt Merkmale wie z. B. einen niedrigen thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizient, ein hohes Elastizitätsmodul, Lichtdurchlässigkeit, Bioverträglichkeit, antibakterielle Eigenschaften sowie eine verbessernde Wirkung auf physikalische Eigenschaften auf. Die angewandte Entwicklung dieser Nanofaser verläuft auf verschiedenen Gebieten, u. a. in der chemischen Industrie, Medizin, Pharmazeutik und Naturkost. Art der Nanofaser:5 Arten von Nanocellulose Art der Nanofaser:Carboxymethylcellulose Art der Nanofaser:Chitin Art der Nanofaser:Chitosan Art der Nanofaser:Silk
Produse Ayurveda

Produse Ayurveda

Für ein indisches Traditionsunternehmen suchen wir qualifizierte Vertriebspartner für Ayurveda-Kosmetik-Produkte in Deutschland und Europa. Ebenfalls denkbar ist die Kooperation mit Pharmaunternehmen bei der Entwicklung neuer Medikamente / Wirkstoffe. Denkbar sind auch die Herstellung von Kräutertees bzw. natürlichen Lebensmittelzustoffe. Hier eine GEO-Reportage über Ayurveda auf Arte: (Link gültig bis 05.10.2021)
Parfum și Cosmetice

Parfum și Cosmetice

Wir führen ein breites Sortiment an weltweit bekannten Parfüm- und Kosmetikartikeln, die wir innerhalb von 48 Stunden ausliefern.
Crema Anti-Aging

Crema Anti-Aging

Reichhaltige Anti-Falten Creme. Der Extrakt aus Ginkgo wirkt der lichtbedingten Hautalterung entgegen und dient als Radikalfänger. Anti-Aging Cream Reichhaltige Anti-Falten Creme Kollagenfasern bilden ein elastisches Netz, in dessen Zwischenräumen sich wichtige Gewebsflüssigkeit ansammelt. Für die Qualität dieser Netzstruktur ist die hauteigene Kollagensynthese verantwortlich. Matrixyl unterstützt und aktiviert diesen Prozess. Der Extrakt aus Ginkgo wirkt der lichtbedingten Hautalterung entgegen und dient als Radikalfänger. Die besonders reichhaltige Konsistenz der 24-Stunden Pflege wirkt wohltuend bei sehr trockener und anspruchsvoller Haut.
Produse cu Marcă Privată începând de la 25 de bucăți

Produse cu Marcă Privată începând de la 25 de bucăți

Wir bieten Ihnen ein großes Programm auch für Ihre eigene Serie


Hochwertige Kosmetik erzielt heute bereits beachtliche Erfolge.
Format 70 x 140 mm, Șervețel Răcoritor

Format 70 x 140 mm, Șervețel Răcoritor

Ein sehr vielseitiges Format mit 2 Innentuchgrößen und großer Füllmenge Meistens als Erfrischungstuch eingesetzt Sachetgröße 70 x 140mm Tuchgröße 1: 150 x 220mm Tuchgröße 2: 180 x 220mm Verschiedene Tuchmaterialen möglich, diverse Füllgüter (Reinigung, Erfrischung, etc.) Bezeichnung: Erfrischungstuch Druck: Individuell bedruckt Füllgut: Erfrischungsflüssigkeit Lagerware: Nein


Neben der eigentlichen Abpackung bietet Lohn-Pack auch die Möglichkeit der Konfektionierung an, wie z.B. Einkleben von Sachets, Einsetzen in Displaykartons sowie weitere manuelle Tätigkeiten.
Mâneci Shrink pentru Cosmetice

Mâneci Shrink pentru Cosmetice

Shrink Sleeves für kosmetische Produkte; 360° rundum Druck; leuchtende Farben; PET, OPS, PLA, PVC & weitere Folien; hochwertiger HD UV-Flexo. Bei Bedarf Full-Service möglich. Sprechen Sie uns an! • Volle 360° „rundum“ Werbefläche • Werbung von „Kopf bis Fuß“ • Leuchtende Druckfarben • Sonderformen möglich • Weißflächen und detaillierte Darstellung von Strich Codes • Innenliegendes Konterdruck-Verfahren (Druck vor Abrieb geschützt) • Einsparung von mehreren Etiketten • Folien aus PET, OPS, PLA, PVC und weitere • Hochwertiger HD UV-Flex minimal mögliche flache Breite: 25 mm maximal mögliche flache Breite: 330 mm
Șablon pentru Etichetarea Produselor Chimice

Șablon pentru Etichetarea Produselor Chimice

Vorlage zur Etikettierung auf Basis der entsprechenden EU-Verordnung sowie Etikett Überprüfungen. Ein kennzeichnungspflichtiges Produkt muss mit einem Kennzeichnungsetikett versehen werden. Inhalt, Art und Größe des Etiketts regelt die CLP-Verordnung (EG) 1272/2008 in Artikel 17ff. Darüber hinaus müssen die Vorgaben der Fertigpackungsverordnung berücksichtigt werden. Für Detergenzien, Biozide und Aerosole gelten gesonderte Vorschriften, die ebenfalls bei der Erstellung des Etiketts berücksichtigt werden müssen. Manche Produkte unterliegen somit mehreren Vorschriften, deren Vorgaben bei der Etiketterstellung erfüllt werden müssen. Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Etikettierung und erstellen Ihnen eine Etikettvorlage unter Berücksichtigung aller relevanten Verordnungen und stehen Ihnen bis zur Drucklegung beratend zur Seite.
Tisă - Cutie - TBM-77

Tisă - Cutie - TBM-77

Tissue - Box - TBM-77: Hexagonal Tissue Box mit 50 Tüchern
Hydro-Tops Extract de Ceai Verde - COSMETICE - Produs semi-finis (disponibil doar la vrac de la 20 kg)

Hydro-Tops Extract de Ceai Verde - COSMETICE - Produs semi-finis (disponibil doar la vrac de la 20 kg)

Hochreines Epigallocatechingallat zu 2% verkapselt in multipler W/O/W Nanoemulsion. Stärkeres Anti-Oxidant als reines Vitamin C. Erhöhung der Bioverfügbarkeit in der Haut durch Trägersystem. SopharTops Grüntee (EGCG) Warum Grüntee-Extrakt (EGCG) in Trägersystem verkapseln? => Ermöglicht die Penetration dieses wasserlöslichen Wirkstoffs in die lebenden Hautschichten. = Wirkstoff = Epigallocatechingallat (Reinheitsgrad mind 94%) in einer multiplen Nanoemulsion (Verkapselung des wohl effektivsten EGCG auf dem Markt) = Verkapselungsrate = 2% = Einsatz-Konzentration in Fertigformulierung = 2-4% für die Hautpflege = Farbe = milchig-weiß = Anwendung = - Hocheffektive Penetration in die lebende Haut eines wasserlöslichen Wirkstoffs und radikal-fangende Eigenschaften durch Tests nachgewiesen - Höheres antioxidatives Potential als reines Vitamin C (Ascorbinsäure) - Reduzierung der Hautrauhigkeit - Anti-inflammatorisch z. B. nach Sonnenbrand und UV-Einwirkungen (1) Herstellungsland:Deutschland
Ulei de Amarant bio, presat la rece - Ulei de amarant pentru produse farmaceutice, cosmetice, alimente și furaje, vânzare cu amănuntul și en-gros.

Ulei de Amarant bio, presat la rece - Ulei de amarant pentru produse farmaceutice, cosmetice, alimente și furaje, vânzare cu amănuntul și en-gros.

Immer verfügbar bis zu 1000 Liter frisch gepresstes Amaranthöl, biologisch und konventionell. Für die Industrie: Pharma, Kosmetik, Lebensmittel und Futtermittel, Einzel- und Großhandel. Always available up to 1000 liters of freshly pressed amaranth oil, organic and conventional. For the industry: pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and feed, retail and wholesale.
Uleiuri Esențiale - De la Amyris la Chiparos - Primești fiecare ulei esențial

Uleiuri Esențiale - De la Amyris la Chiparos - Primești fiecare ulei esențial

Von Amyris bis Zypresse - Sie erhalten jedes ätherische Öl in handelsüblichen Mengen ab 100 ml.
Borcan compostabil pentru cosmetice - Borcane compostabile industriale pentru cosmetice pe bază de ulei și pulbere

Borcan compostabil pentru cosmetice - Borcane compostabile industriale pentru cosmetice pe bază de ulei și pulbere

Our biodegradable jars are ready for manufacturing in Germany and in Japan. We have two different mateial grades, 'Premium' and 'Universal'. 'Premium' material which contains visible wood chips adds natural and luxurious look to our customer's product., while 'Universal' material with smaller wood chip inside gives smooth texture and fits well with our customers' brand image. 4 different size jars(7ml, 9ml, 133ml and 200ml ) are currently available for oily and powder cosmetics such as balm and shea butter oils. 150ml jar is going to be availabel in 2022 Q1. In addition, 60ml new jar just became available for water-based cosmetics. <Feature> ・100 % plant-based material ・9 standard colour available ・Industrial compostable and free from microplastics (EN13432) ・Natural and luxurious look ・Custom designed product available upon request In additon, we can provide logo printing and liners for better sealing. Jar size:7ml, 9ml, 60ml, 133ml, 150ml and 200ml Material selection:2 types (Premium material and Universal material) Colour:9 basic colours(Black, White, Natural, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Pink, Purple, Red, Green) Liners:Liners are available upon request Logo printing:Logo printing is available upon request
GODDESS SKIN SECRETS - Secretele Pielii Zeiței - 50 ml Rejuvenarea Ultimativă a Pielii

GODDESS SKIN SECRETS - Secretele Pielii Zeiței - 50 ml Rejuvenarea Ultimativă a Pielii

„Goddess Skin Secrets“ ist die sinnliche Begegnung, die Ihrer Haut neue Impulse in der tiefenwirksamen, maximalen Hautpflege gibt. Exklusive Natursubstanzen füllen den Feuchtigkeitsgehalt wieder auf. Gleichzeitig scheinen sich geschädigte Hautpartien zu erholen, Poren zu verkleinern und feine Linien zu verblassen. Festigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit werden in kurzer Zeit wiederhergestellt. Zudem werden Alterungsprozesse, die durch Inflammationen (kleinste Entzündungen) in der Haut entstehen, wirkungsvoll bekämpft. Die Wirkung übertrifft alles, was bisher für möglich gehalten wurde.
Sac pentru vărsături din folie albă LDPE rezistentă la rupere, diametru 11cm

Sac pentru vărsături din folie albă LDPE rezistentă la rupere, diametru 11cm

11 cm großer Abschlußring als Mundstück, mit Kerben zum Einhaken des Beutels für sicheren Verschluß
Frais Vent All In One Gel - Frais vent All in One Gel conține tot ce este esențial pentru un aspect radiant.

Frais Vent All In One Gel - Frais vent All in One Gel conține tot ce este esențial pentru un aspect radiant.

Our universal all-in-one gel has a subtle scent of lemongrass and ginger. It absorbs instantly, leaving skin feeling firmer and softer in seconds, and leaves a pleasant film of moisture for many hours without being sticky. The rich gel-cream is our concentrated day and night care for women and men with sensitive and dry skin and due to its natural formula also suitable for people with neurodermatitis.
Protameen APGs ca agent de curățare, spumă, emulgator - Poliglicozide alchilice, surfactanți neionici, glucozid de coco/decil/lauril

Protameen APGs ca agent de curățare, spumă, emulgator - Poliglicozide alchilice, surfactanți neionici, glucozid de coco/decil/lauril

Alkyl polyglycosides (APGs) are a class of non-ionic surfactants widely used in a variety of cosmetic, personal care, household and industrial applications. They are biodegradable and plant-derived from sugars and plant oils. they are, mainly, used as cleansing agents and emulsifiers. They show great foam properties of the final product. With respect to their favorable environmental profile and excellent dermatological properties (mildness, in terms of skin irritation potential), APGs attract considerable interest. Coco-glucoside is a mild vegetable-based non-ionic surfactant derived from coconut oil and glucose from corn. It is a mild cleanser used in cosmetic formularies including in products for individuals with a sensitive skin. It is recognized as a natural ingredient by the Natural Product Association. Decyl glucoside is a mild non-ionic cleanser used in cosmetic formularies including in products for individuals with a sensitive
Frais Vent Loțiune Blândă pentru Piele - Curățare facială cu o porție suplimentară de hidratare.

Frais Vent Loțiune Blândă pentru Piele - Curățare facială cu o porție suplimentară de hidratare.

Intensive moisturizing lotion with innovative Neosilk collagen and refreshing plant extracts. Removes impurities, clarifies the skin, makes it soft, elastic and prepares it for further care. Suitable for sensitive skin, without alcohol, without parabens, without mineral oil, without artificial colors and fragrances.
Neosilk Colagen - colagen pur din coconi de mătase pentru frumusețe naturală

Neosilk Colagen - colagen pur din coconi de mătase pentru frumusețe naturală

NEOSILK, a novel and safe type 1 collagen sourced from silk cocoons, is available to cosmetic manufacturers. Silk worms produce this protein molecule, which is compatible with human collagen, at the same time as their silk threads. Using innovative technologies, the protein can be easily isolated from the cocoon and further processed. The worm is not harmed in the process. Collagen has been used in countless beauty and care products for many years because it is a key component in human connective tissue. Obtained through an innovative type 1 collagen extraction process, NEOSILK represents a real alternative to conventional collagens and allows cosmetics manufacturers to redefine their technology process.
Frais Vent Set Esențial pentru Îngrijirea Feței - conține un demachiant delicat Mild Wash și un gel All in foarte concentrat

Frais Vent Set Esențial pentru Îngrijirea Feței - conține un demachiant delicat Mild Wash și un gel All in foarte concentrat

These two ingenious products reduce the daily skin care ritual to the essentials: Mild Wash thoroughly yet gently removes dirt, sebum, dead skin cells and impurities, preparing the skin for the facial care that follows. The highly concentrated all-in-one gel contains everything the skin needs for the day or night: Lots of moisture, intensively nourishing plant extracts and innovative collagen.Our Essential facial care set is the perfect all-purpose care when things have to go quickly or the skin only needs a short treatment. Men in particular love the compact care ritual, the uncomplicated application and the convincing result.
Crema Frais Vent - Crema noastră anti-îmbătrânire pentru față face ca pielea să fie minunat de moale și suplă.

Crema Frais Vent - Crema noastră anti-îmbătrânire pentru față face ca pielea să fie minunat de moale și suplă.

Our cream makes the skin wonderfully soft and supple after the moisture kick with the Essence beauty serum - and for many hours.High-quality plant oils from macadamia, shea butter and jojoba provide the skin with natural care ingredients throughout the day and form a protective film that preserves the skin's own moisture for a long time. In combination with hyaluronic acid as well as our unique collagen, the moisture content of the skin is specifically regulated and thus protected from drying out. The result is an amazingly elastic and smooth complexion. Effective anti-aging can be so natural!
Q10 - Coenzima Q10

Q10 - Coenzima Q10

Nutrition supplement and cosmetical application; Ubichinon; antioxidant, which protects cells from damage and plays an important part in the metabolism; helps convert food into energy; Q10 is found in almost every cell in the body. Antioxidants fight damaging particles in the body known as free radicals, which damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death.
Frais Vent Essence - un impuls de prospețime, gel de răcire fără parfum

Frais Vent Essence - un impuls de prospețime, gel de răcire fără parfum

The fragrance-free, cooling gel consists of highly concentrated active ingredients that give the skin a new vitality and firmness. The anti-aging care serum is formulated with highly concentrated Neosilk collagen, hyaluronic acid and valuable moisturizing plant extracts. Without alcohol, without parabens, without mineral oil, without artificial colors and fragrances, thus suitable for sensitive skin.
Acid Hialuronic - Sodium Hyaluronate, Hialuron, Hialuronan, Acid Hialuronic

Acid Hialuronic - Sodium Hyaluronate, Hialuron, Hialuronan, Acid Hialuronic

Hyaluronic acid (HA), a polysaccharide (glycosaminoglycan), is naturally found in many areas of the human body, including the skin, eyes, and synovial fluid of the joints. HA has a unique capacity to bind and retain water molecules (up to 6 L water per gram), functions as derma filler and lubricant. It is the key molecule involved in skin moisture, and formulated also in nutrition supplements. Our HA is made by a process called bio fermentation, non-animal source, biocompatible and bio-degradable. It has excellent quality (pharma-grade), formulation friendly viscosity. In general, HA can be used as derma filler, joint injectables, eye drops, regenerative medicine, skin care products and nutrition supplements.
Extracte din Plante Extracte din Ierburi Organice - Cosmetice și Îngrijire Personală Suplimente Alimentare, Nutraceuticale, Sănătate

Extracte din Plante Extracte din Ierburi Organice - Cosmetice și Îngrijire Personală Suplimente Alimentare, Nutraceuticale, Sănătate

The natural plant extracts are supplied in various dosage forms and concentrations. They can be used to manufacture products such as shampoos, soaps, oils, powders and tonics. Depending on customer needs and product requirements, individual formulations are developed in order to generate optimal results for customers and users.
Frais Vent Set Complet de Îngrijire a Feței - set complet de îngrijire a pielii pentru cei care intenționează să investească timp în îngrijirea pielii lor

Frais Vent Set Complet de Îngrijire a Feței - set complet de îngrijire a pielii pentru cei care intenționează să investească timp în îngrijirea pielii lor

Our Complete facial care set contains four unique cleansing and care products: 1. Mild Wash for thorough yet gentle cleansing 2. Mild Skin Lotion for perfect moisturizing and paving the basis for further care 3. Essence Beauty Serum as a highly concentrated booster 4. Cream for intensive and long-lasting skin care. This perfectly tuned anti-aging skincare set with natural active ingredients and innovative collagen cleanses and nourishes the skin, based on skin care tradition of Japanese women. With an extensive care ritual, it preserves a flawless complexion and a very special radiance.