Produse pentru capă și spate de săpun (6)

Pudră de Baobab Organică

Pudră de Baobab Organică

"Baobab powder The baobab is the fruit of the baobab tree also called the Adansonia Digitata or monkey bread tree. The last name the tree owes to the many species of monkeys that live off the baobab fruits. The tree can grow very old and is the largest tree in Africa. Not only the fruit is useful for life in Africa. Almost all parts of the tree are useful so it is popularly called ""Tree of Life"". A nice example is that it uses its trunk as a water reservoir. During the rainy season, the monkey loaf tree provides sufficient reserves so that it can survive the dry periods. The tribe is then used by the population as a shop, cattle shed or bus shelter. The fruit has a very high antioxidant content. Baobab powder is also an excellent source of calcium and very rich in vitamins and minerals. After the fruit is processed into powder it consists for about 50% of fiber (pectin) which works as prebiotics. An extraordinary power food<…"
Pudră de Maca Bio

Pudră de Maca Bio

Das Berliner Unternehmen achtet auf beste Qualität, kurze Versandwege, faire Handelspreise, gute Herstellung und die besten (Bio)Produkte. Alle Koro Produkte hier shoppen.
Pudră de Maca Raw Organic

Pudră de Maca Raw Organic

"Origin and history Maca, also called Peruvian ginseng. This is an herbaceous biennial plant native to the Andes Mountains in Peru. The crop was first cultivated about 2,000 years ago. Maca grows at altitudes above 3,800 metres on rocky ground. Maca grows well at temperatures up to -10 degrees Celsius. Maca is mainly grown for consumption of the root. The Maca root varies greatly in size and shape. Maca is a radish-like plant, which the Spanish used to give their horses on the advice of the Incas. In the Junin region of Peru, maca is consumed in large quantities. It is a readily available and highly nutritious source of food. It is eaten fresh with meat, cooked in underground ovens lined with hot stones (pachamancas), or dried before being cooked into a porridge in milk. A particular drink made from maca is popularly called 'maca chica'. Another use is grinding the dried root into maca flour for baking. Processing The maca seed is sown in September, abo…"
Zahăr de Palmier Arenga Organic - Zahăr de Palmier Arenga Organic

Zahăr de Palmier Arenga Organic - Zahăr de Palmier Arenga Organic

"Wat is Arenga Palmsuiker? Arenga Palmsuiker wordt gemaakt van de nectar van de suikerpalm (Arenga Pinnata). De biologische arenga nectar wordt gezeefd en ingedampt tot de arenga gekristalliseerd is in suiker. Arenga Palmsuiker is minder zoet dan gewone kristal suiker. Arenga Palmsuiker gezond Arenga Palmsuiker bevat verschillende gezonde stoffen. Het bevat diverse mineralen, vitaminen, eiwitten en aminozuren. Ook zitten er veel antioxidanten in. Het is beter dan normale suiker, vanwege zijn lagere glychemische index (30-35)."
Coji de Psyllium (99%) Bio - Coji de Psyllium (99%) Bio

Coji de Psyllium (99%) Bio - Coji de Psyllium (99%) Bio

Herkunft Flohsamen: Psyllium (psyllii testa) stammt aus der Pflanze plantago ovato. Die Pflanze stammt aus Nordafrika, Indien, Pakistan und Afghanistan. Verarbeitung von Flohsamenschalenfasern: Die Hauptproduktion findet in Indien und Pakistan statt. Nach der Ernte werden die Samen zu Ballaststoffen verarbeitet. Eigenschaften von Flohsamenfasern: Die wichtigste Eigenschaft von Flohsamenfasern ist die Quellkraft. dies ist letztendlich nützlich für die Operation. Verwenden Sie Flohsamenschalenfasern. Psyliumfasern werden in etwas Wasser gelöst, als Bindemittel und als natürliches Verstärker in Brot und Gebäck verwendet. Sie verleihen Gebäck und Brot eine glatte Textur. es sorgt dafür, dass Brot und Gebäck länger frisch bleiben. Sie brauchen nur einen Teelöffel pro Tag. Bio-Flohsammel bieten eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, Ihrer Ernährung Ballaststoffe hinzuzufügen.
Zahăr de Palmier Organic

Zahăr de Palmier Organic

"palm sugar The sugar juice is extracted from the blossoms of the Palm trees. The Arenga Palm Tree is highly appreciated for the high quality of its sugar juice. Processing The palms are grown by a cooperative, to which several farmers are affiliated. The palms are grown in an area that was burnt down in the past and has now been turned into a modern sustainable sugar extraction by new growth of palm trees. Using a complex method, the thick juice is processed into Arenga sugar. This sugar is supplied by the Masarang foundation. In addition, the landscaped plantations provide a new habitat for endangered species. Palm sugar resembles brown sugar, but unlike ordinary table sugar and brown sugar, palm sugar contains many more minerals, such as magnesium and potassium. The structure of palm sugar is similar to that of soft sugar and therefore very suitable for baking. Palm sugar has a characteristic caramel taste and is ideal for sweetening food and drinks."