Produse pentru aplicatie (3071)

Oglinzi Knight Optical pentru aplicații laser - Fabricăm oglinzi utilizate în UV/VIS/NIR și infraroșu

Oglinzi Knight Optical pentru aplicații laser - Fabricăm oglinzi utilizate în UV/VIS/NIR și infraroșu

Due to high intensity light from the laser, mirrors used with a laser application require a high damage threshold, and high reflectivity. Knight Optical can help! Laser mirrors are used to reflect or redirect the laser. This manipulation of the beam means it is great for laser applications where there is limited space, as the beam can be steered multiple times. We manufacture mirrors used in the UV/VIS/NIR and infrared. We provide a number of mirrors from stock with coatings at infrared wavelengths such as: Dielectric (98% NIR) Protected Silver (96% VIS/NIR) Protected Gold (97%@750-FAR IR) These are available to purchase from stock in a wide ranges of sizes from 6.3 mm in diameter to a 300mm x 300mm square and various different thicknesses. They are also available with varying flatness specifications with λ/10 also available for immediate shipment and for you to achieve the highest performance. Read PDF for full specification..
Jowatherm® PUR MR 605.90 - Acoperire de profile PUR fără marcaj

Jowatherm® PUR MR 605.90 - Acoperire de profile PUR fără marcaj

Colle thermofusible base PUR sans marquage , pour l'enrobage de profils, toutes machines, tous supports.
Aplicator din bumbac 150 mm din lemn, cap mic, steril...

Aplicator din bumbac 150 mm din lemn, cap mic, steril...

Cotton Applicator 150 mm Wood, Small Head, sterile individually
Aplicator de lipici electro-pneumatic TR 50 - Funcționează cu lipici granular sau lipici în baton cu diametrul de 43mm. Capacitate de extrudare 250 ml/min

Aplicator de lipici electro-pneumatic TR 50 - Funcționează cu lipici granular sau lipici în baton cu diametrul de 43mm. Capacitate de extrudare 250 ml/min

This gluing gun for professional use enabling the application of hot melt adhesives in pellet or stick diameter 43 mm .. Suitable for bonding small and large surfaces. The fusion system in the closed tank allows to have in a few seconds a large amount of melt adhesive for a fast delivery. The temperature is regulated by a thermostat at bimetallic strip, which guarantees a particular strength and wear resistance. Thanks to the melting tank (optional) you can heat the glue prior to use by making use of the gluing faster and cheaper. The gluing is provided with standard nozzle # 3074. Other nozzles available on reservation. Air pressure:adjustable 1-6 bar Power consumption:400W Air Consumption:100 l/min Temperatureadjustable:20°- 200°C Heating time:3-5 min Tank capacity:250 ml Capacity of extrusion:250 ml/min
Tastatură din folie pentru aplicații miniaturale - Introducere eficientă în format compact

Tastatură din folie pentru aplicații miniaturale - Introducere eficientă în format compact

Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bieten wir unseren Kunden hochwertige Folientastaturen und Dekorfolien für verschiedenste Branchen und Anwendungen. Dabei beraten wir Sie umfassend zu Ihren spezifischen Anforderungen hinsichtlich Ausstattung und technischer Merkmale und unterstützen Sie aktiv bei der Konstruktion. Die Folientastatur ist sehr flach und wird zumeist auf das Gehäuse geklebt. Im Aufbau besteht eine Folientastatur aus mehreren Schichten flexibler Materialien mit bedruckten Schaltkreisen und Kontakten. Die Konstruktion dieses Folienverbundes ermöglicht die Gestaltung einer dünnen und flexiblen Tastatur, was ideal für die Integration in tragbare, kleine Geräte ist.
Frenzelit isoplan 750 GREENLINE - Material de izolație ecologic pentru temperaturi mai ridicate

Frenzelit isoplan 750 GREENLINE - Material de izolație ecologic pentru temperaturi mai ridicate

Isolationsplatten von Frenzelit sind für den Einsatz im Hochtemperaturbereich in der Wärmetechnik, im Anlagen- und Ofenbau, in der Prozessindustrie, in der Schifffahrt, als auch im bautechnischen Brandschutz entwickelt worden. Durch die Werkstoffkombination ergibt sich eine hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit. Die Isolationsplatten können vielfältig weiterverarbeitet werden wie z. B. bohren, fräsen, schleifen und wasserstrahlschneiden.
CAF 99 AXAD - Aparate electrice de uz casnic și aplicații de lipire a sticlei

CAF 99 AXAD - Aparate electrice de uz casnic și aplicații de lipire a sticlei

Proporciona um desempenho mecânico excecional, uma excelente estabilidade térmica, uma adesão sem primário a várias superfícies e uma forte resistência a agentes químicos. Proporciona uma montagem perfeita e uma vedação completa quando junção de diferentes materiais sujeitos a tensões térmicas.
Aplicații în industria aparatelor de uz casnic cu imprimare tampon și marcaj laser

Aplicații în industria aparatelor de uz casnic cu imprimare tampon și marcaj laser

Anwendungen für die Haushaltsgeräteindustrie mit Tampondruck / Laser - Die Firma TAMPOPRINT GmbH ist ein etablierter Partner europäischer Hersteller im Bereich der elektrischen Haushaltsgeräte. Unsere Tampondruck- und Laserdruckautomationen erfüllen die höchsten Qualitätsanforderungen für den Einsatz im Team und gewährleisten eine konstante Qualität, selbst bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten. Die höchstmögliche Markierungsgenauigkeit auf gewölbten, runden oder flachen Teilen im Tampondruck, in einfarbiger oder mehrfarbiger Ausführung, sowie in hochfarbiger Mikro-Drucktechnik sind selbstverständlich und erfüllen die hohen Anforderungen moderner Industrieprodukte. Die Qualität Ihrer Produktion wird durch die Überwachung des gesamten Prozesses mittels moderner Kameras sichergestellt. Von den kleinsten Teilen über die filigransten Formen bis hin zu großformatigen Teilen oder sehr kleinen Texten und Skalen oder hochfarbigen Oberflächen bietet TAMPOPRINT Ihnen die Maschinen und Automationen. Anwendungsbereiche: vielfältig Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Lösungen: ja
RO-M Fusion - Mașină Automată de Împachetare pentru Aplicații Universale

RO-M Fusion - Mașină Automată de Împachetare pentru Aplicații Universale

• Heizkeil-Schweißsystem in Standard-3 Ausführung • Antrieb des Aggregats in Gleichstromtechnik mit verschleißfreien Direktantrieben • Bandendevorabfrage mit Bandrestauswurf • Unkompliziertes Spulenwechsel- und Einfädelsystem • Umschalter für Softumreifung bei Einzelstücken oder extrem weichen Packstücken • Verschleißfreie, zwangsgesteuerte Bandführung • Bandspannung über Potentiometer einstellbar • Energiesparende Antriebe • Elektroniksteuerung • Aufklappbarer Vordertisch • Stabiles Fußpedal für Umreifungsauslösung • 4 Laufrollen, 2 davon feststellbar • Tischlänge: 600 mm oder wahlweise 700 mm oder 800 mm • CE-Zeichen inkl. Konformitätserklärung Verschlussart:Heizkeil-Schweißverfahren Weitere Eigenschaften:vertikale Umreifung
Reciclarea monitoarelor LCD - domenii de aplicare

Reciclarea monitoarelor LCD - domenii de aplicare

According to initial estimates, in Germany about three million LCD monitors will be recycled in the year 2016. However, they often still have backlighting containing mercury and therefore have to be classified as “hazardous waste” in accordance with the German General Administrative Regulation (AVV) and registered in compliance with the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (Elektro G) under category 3. Whereby special conditions must ensure that no risk arises from the mercury for the environment or for humans. However, because of a lack of suitable automated procedures for the recycling of LCD monitors, it was to date only possible to dissemble the appliances laboriously by hand, with the ensuing health dangers for the workers. For this, ERDWICH now offers two alternatives which are both safe and time-saving for recycling LCD monitors. Mercury and valuable resources can be removed and recycled in an environmentally sound way in the future: 1. Monitor sawing plant for...
Centaur Enterprise Multitehnologie - Sisteme de Control al Accesului CDVI Sigure și Revoluționare

Centaur Enterprise Multitehnologie - Sisteme de Control al Accesului CDVI Sigure și Revoluționare

Sistema di controllo accessi CENTAUR Enterprice Multitecnologia, gestione fino a 16.384 badges e 2048 Varchi per sito (massimi siti gestibili 64). Il software viene fornito con chiave di abilitazione USB, sistema in grado di gestire fino a 256 Concentratori mod. CT-V900-A; ad ogni concentratore si possono collegare direttamente fino a un massimo di 2 lettori con protocollo wiegand e per ogni concentratore inoltre è possibile collegare fino a 3 moduli di espansione lettori mod. CA-A470-A; ad ogni modulo di espansione lettore si possono collegare fino a un massimo di 2 lettori creando cosi un sistema di 2048 lettori. La connessione da concentratore al modulo di espansione avviene mediante linea seriale RS-485 cosi come tra i modulo di espansione.
Forjarea fluxului de granule pentru aplicații critice - componente de siguranță mecanică: forjate în matriță închisă

Forjarea fluxului de granule pentru aplicații critice - componente de siguranță mecanică: forjate în matriță închisă

Forgings have a grain flow, like the fiber structure of wood, caused by plastic deformation during the forging process. Proper orientation of grain flow improves the physical properties of forged parts. Everyday examples for forgings are car wheel bolts or screw nuts. Further examples include all kind of fasteners and hoists including forged hooks, eyebolts, and chain links. Forgings are also part of complex assemblies like crawler track chains, articulation sockets for busses or trains, hydraulic systems and lifting gears, as well gearwheels (forged blanks), pinions, rollers, holders and supports. Made in Germany of European primary material KB Schmiedetechnik GmbH is a Western German drop forge, specialized in small series production of closed die forgings from 200g to 130Kg unit weight and up to 600mm length of all forgeable steel grades and superalloys according to: ISO 9001 + ISO 14001 ASME, PED, KTA, RCC-M ABS, BV, ClassNK, DNV, LR closed die drop forgings:up to 130Kg unit weight Length:600mm all steel grades and special alloys:carbon and stainless steel, superalloys Processed in Germany:of European quality steel and raw material special metals:corrosion-resistant, non-embrittling, seawater-suitable forgings also for shipbuilding according to::ABS, BV Marine & Offshore, ClassNK, DNV, LR Shipping pressurizes parts according to::ASTM/ASME, PED, AD2000, KTA, AVSD, RCCM Examples: international boiler projects of:Alstom, Babcock, CNIM, EDF, Mitsubishi/Hitachi (MHPS), and more
Kit de analiză a băuturilor - Kituri de aplicație

Kit de analiză a băuturilor - Kituri de aplicație

Le kit d’analyse de boissons de Waters est un kit complet et facile à utiliser pour quantifier rapidement 6 additifs couramment utilisés (acésulfame K, saccharine, caféine, benzoate, sorbate et aspartame) dans les formulations de boissons non alcoolisées. Analyse rapide de six additifs dans les boissons non alcoolisées avec une préparation minimale des échantillons Phase mobile, solvant de lavage et étalons préformulés Solvants à base d’éthanol, plus écologiques Méthodologie optimisée et facile à suivre Certificat d’analyse avec les valeurs d’incertitude et les informations relatives aux tests de vérification Fonctionne avec divers systèmes LC ; résultats disponibles en seulement 10 minutes par HPLC ou 7 minutes par UPLC.
Termometru bimetalic Wika Tipuri A52, R52 - Pentru aplicații industriale

Termometru bimetalic Wika Tipuri A52, R52 - Pentru aplicații industriale

Anzeigebereiche von -30 … +500 °C Große Auswahl an Nenngrößen von 25 … 160 mm Gehäuse und Tauchschaft aus CrNi-Stahl 5 verschiedene Anschlussbauformen
Cititor portabil de coduri de bare DataMan 8072 ER - Cititor cu rază extinsă pentru aplicații logistice

Cititor portabil de coduri de bare DataMan 8072 ER - Cititor cu rază extinsă pentru aplicații logistice

Le lecteur de code-barres portatif DataMan® 8072 Extended Range (ER) est conçu pour les applications logistiques et d'entreposage, permettant de lire de manière fiable des codes à barres 1D et 2D à partir de 8 mètres. Il dispose des derniers algorithmes brevetés, de la technologie des lentilles liquides, de l'éclairage LED haute puissance et du viseur laser pour une numérisation longue portée efficace. Les codes DataMan 8072ER déchiffrent jusqu'à 8 mètres (26 pieds), ce qui le rend idéal pour numériser des étiquettes de palette sur des étagères hautes ou des glissades suspendues au plafond d'un entrepôt. Ce lecteur de code-barres a un capteur de 1,2 mégapixels pour améliorer résolution et formation d'image. Algorithmes:1DMax,™ Hotbars®, 2DMax, PowerGrid Imageur:1.2 MP Eclairage:2 LED haute puissance (balayage lointain); 1 LED (proche de la numérisation) Communications:RS-232, USB, TCP / IP, FTP, Ethernet / IP, PROFINET, protocole MC, Modbus TCP Dimensions:210 mm x 115 mm x 85 mm
Aplicația de Telemetrie SMS Aquavisor - Aplicație Android pentru Monitorizare și Control de la Distanță și Organizarea Întreținerii

Aplicația de Telemetrie SMS Aquavisor - Aplicație Android pentru Monitorizare și Control de la Distanță și Organizarea Întreținerii

Android Applikation für Smart Monitoring, Organisation und Administration von Kleinkläranlagen via GSM (SMS) Video hier:
Stații de prelevare a apei pentru industrie EASYPRO CS - Stații de prelevare a apei pentru aplicații industriale EASYPRO CS

Stații de prelevare a apei pentru industrie EASYPRO CS - Stații de prelevare a apei pentru aplicații industriale EASYPRO CS

With the EASYPRO CS, you get a configurable system. This customised solution is ideal for industrial applications and saves costs as only the required components are installed. The design of the base plate allows the CS120 to be used in combination with up to three other measured variables in the water. The integrated TOPAX® MC multi-channel controller continuously measures the water parameters and keeps them within the target range. It controls a large number of actuators and final control elements and is simple and intuitive to operate. Components of the EASYPRO CS (mounted on base plate): . Multi-channel controller TOPAX® MC . Measuring cells and measuring cell fittings . Sample water filter . Flow monitor . DFR 45 flow controller with temperature sensor and sample water tapping point . Inlet and outlet tap . Holder for buffer solutions and buffer solutions for adjusting the measuring cells . Multicoloured LEDs
Coloris - Fațade

Coloris - Fațade

The material is available in a variety of colors that can work in a range of architectural applications. These colors last significantly longer than other competing materials, including concrete.
Aplicator LTSI/LTSA - Aplicator cu atingere ușoară LTSI/LTSA

Aplicator LTSI/LTSA - Aplicator cu atingere ușoară LTSI/LTSA

Light touch applicator LTSI/LTSA (for 64-xx dispenser, XLP 504 dispenser): • Application of labels on sensitive products without the need of compressed air • Suitable for variable product heights • Applicator extends its ‘telescopic arm’ until sensor encounters resistance • Stroke length up to 400 mm (LTSI only) Type of labelstock:Self-adhesive, die cutted, film material Label width:30–80 mm Label length:30–80 mm Capacity:Up to 50 labels/min Label Position:Top Application accuracy:+/- 1 mm
Plăci Magnetice de Fixare TFP pentru Aplicații de Șlefuire

Plăci Magnetice de Fixare TFP pentru Aplicații de Șlefuire

Elektropermanente Magnetplatten für die Hochpräzisions-Schleifbearbeitung


Soluții Software Specifice pentru Industrie

Soluții Software Specifice pentru Industrie

dataglobal ist Spezialist für die übergreifende und automatisierte Klassifizierung von Daten und die unternehmensweite Archivierung (Unified Archiving)
Aplicație de Monitorizare a Temperaturilor Koovea

Aplicație de Monitorizare a Temperaturilor Koovea

Trop de solutions sur le marché sont chronophages et vous demandent du temps dans leur mise en place. Koovea fait simple pour vous avec son application de surveillance de température. Accédez à vos données directement sur l'application Koovea App et laissez vos services informatiques se concentrer sur ses priorités. Remontez vos données en toute simplicité en connectant votre logiciel métier à notre API. Notre application web et mobile sécurisée vous permet de surveiller vos relevés de température en temps réel et à distance et de recevoir des alarmes par SMS, mail et téléphone en cas de dépassement. Plus besoin de chercher vos certifications d'étalonnage ! Elles sont stockées directement depuis l'application. Grâce à notre protocole de communication sécurisé, vous profitez d’une remontée de données fiabilisée et d'un hébergement fiabilisé sur nos serveurs sécurisés. Toutes les mises à jours et évolutions de notre application sont mis à votre disposition, gratuitement.


As a contract manufacturer and contract filler, we offer our customers a large and varied range of industrial care products. From wax release agents and basic cleaning agents to special cleaning and cold cleaning agents, floor oils or Chromoblitz-emulsions and sweeping shavings: This product variety of industrial care products meets almost every customer’s wish and need. In addition, what may have existed up to now only as an idea of the customer can be specially developed by the knowledge and innovative strengths of Wachsfabrik Segeberg GmbH. Basic cleaning agents: Flexible surfactants Basic cleaning agents are based on surfactants, which are either water- or solvent-based, depending on the desired application. These industrial care products have a degreasing and dewaxing effect. Floor oils: Impregnation of industrial floors Special floor oils are used to make industrial floors less sensitive to dust and dirt and to impregnate them.
9922 Kit T de 1" - Drenaj 1", seria 99 și sifonuri aferente

9922 Kit T de 1" - Drenaj 1", seria 99 și sifonuri aferente

9922 1-inch gas T-kit consisting of the following elements: 9919/1 1-inch gas drain 9917 ring nut for 1 inch gas drain 9918 gasket for 1-inch gas drain 9916 union nut (3 pcs) 9914 sealing gasket diameter 32 (2 pcs) 9915 sealing gasket dm. 30 9922/1 1-inch gas T-piece Material:White ABS
optoNCDT ILR2250 - Senzor optic de distanță / Senzor laser de distanță pentru aplicații industriale

optoNCDT ILR2250 - Senzor optic de distanță / Senzor laser de distanță pentru aplicații industriale

The high-performance optoNCDT ILR2250 laser distance sensor is used whenever large measuring ranges and high accuracy are required. The optoNCDT ILR2250 can be installed at distances up to 100 m, and even up to 150 m with a reflector film. This sensor impresses when measuring dark, structured and poorly reflecting surfaces, while providing stable measurement results to millimeter accuracy. The optoNCDT ILR2250 laser distance sensor is used in transportation, logistics and conveyance technologies as well as automation and the metals industry. This is where the sensor enables reliable measurement results even when it is, e.g., installed at a safe distance from heat emitting measuring objects. In addition, difficult-to-access places via mirrors or through glass sheets can be detected.
Adeziune spray Goebel

Adeziune spray Goebel

Sprühkleber zur Fixierung verschiedenster Werkstoffe Menge:1 SKU:2233561000
Buton din plută pentru aplicator - Deodorant solid organic

Buton din plută pentru aplicator - Deodorant solid organic

Votre bouton poussoir est abimé ? Vous voulez le remplacer. Nous vous proposons deux boutons, avec deux tailles différents, pour s’adapter aux mieux à votre applicateur en bois. À noter : lorsque vous achetez le duo, le bouton poussoir est bien intégré à votre commande.
SF - Sistem de filtrare rotativ brevetat, proiectat pentru aplicații termic sensibile.

SF - Sistem de filtrare rotativ brevetat, proiectat pentru aplicații termic sensibile.

The SF Filtration System is a systematically designed scheme that allows execution of filtering tasks continuously, with stable pressure rating and processing momentum. This mechanism includes an integration of short flow channels that reassure minimized dwelling period of the melt within the system. The screen modification procedure is carried out without product quality alteration. Type:continuous Technology:rotary disc type
Sistem de Extracție LFE 301 pentru Aplicații Laser - Sistem de Extracție și Filtrare LFE 301 pentru Aplicații Laser, Laboratoare, Tehnologie Medicală

Sistem de Extracție LFE 301 pentru Aplicații Laser - Sistem de Extracție și Filtrare LFE 301 pentru Aplicații Laser, Laboratoare, Tehnologie Medicală

Das Gehäuse der Anlage besteht aus robustem Stahlblech und ist innen sowie außen mit einer Pulverbeschichtung versehen. Dank der speziellen Bauweise mit getrennter Abluftführung der Turbinen wird ein äußerst geringer Geräuschpegel erreicht. Zur Vorabscheidung von Stäuben wird der Luftstrom auf ein Prallblech gelenkt, bevor er auf die Filterpatronen trifft. Die gereinigten Stäube werden mittels Druckluftimpuls abgeschieden und in einem großzügigen Staubsammelbehälter mit einem Volumen von etwa 9 Litern gesammelt. Die Filterpatronen arbeiten nach dem Prinzip der Oberflächenfiltration, wobei die Partikel auf der Oberfläche abgelagert werden, ohne in das Filtermaterial einzudringen. Die neue Generation LFE ist mit easy clean nano Filterpatronen ausgestattet, die keine Erstprecoatierung benötigen. Eine optionale Dauerprecoatierungseinrichtung kann bei Bedarf angeschlossen werden.