Produse pentru aplicatie (1108)

Oglinzi Lambda/10 pentru teste guvernamentale în domeniul aerospațial

Oglinzi Lambda/10 pentru teste guvernamentale în domeniul aerospațial

λ/10 mirrors are used in the aerospace environment due to the vibration - Knight Optical can offer you stock and custom lambda/10 mirrors for use in government testing for aerospace, in a range of materials such as BK7 or equivalent, Zerodur, Quartz, UV Fused Silica and many more. Mirrors are made from low expansion glass for optimum stability to maintain the lambda/10 flatness. The mirrors help produce high quality images and can be coated with a variety of coatings to ensure that the perfect quality image in the wavelength you require is achieved: Enhanced aluminium 94%R for visible applications. 99.9% dielectric for laser use in visible applications. UV aluminium for UV applications down to 180nm. 98.5% dielectric for laser use in the NIR applications. Ion plated silver for NIR-2000nm applications. Protected gold for 750nm to far infra-red applications λ/10 mirrors are used in the aerospace environment due to the vibration, temperatures & pressure through which they are exposed. To Find out More read the PDF Material::Soda lime float glass Diameter::+0 / -0.2 mm Length/width::±0.1mm Thickness::+0.1 / -0.2mm Surface quality::<40:20 scratch/dig Flatness::λ/10 over 90% of mirror aperture (Rear is commercial polish)
Schimbătoare de căldură Lemelowe - Pentru toate aplicațiile și mediile de lucru

Schimbătoare de căldură Lemelowe - Pentru toate aplicațiile și mediile de lucru

Szeroka gama produktów o różnych średnicach, kształtach rur, profilach lamel, materiałach i opcjach pozwala na dostosowanie wymienników do konkretnych zastosowań: jako nagrzewnica, chłodnica powietrza, skraplacz i parownik dla HVAC i wielu zastosowań przemysłowych. Lamelowe wymienniki ciepła składają się z rurek miedzianych i lameli aluminiowych lub miedzianych. Opracowane w naszym dziale badań i rozwoju specjalne rodzaje wytłoczeń lamelek poprawiają transfer ciepła i utrzymują spadek ciśnienia na umiarkowanym poziomie. Odstępy pomiędzy lamelami są zapewnione przez tzw. kołnierze, które dodatkowo zapewniają kontakt pomiędzy rurą rdzeniową a lamelami. Mechaniczne rozszerzanie rur gwarantuje doskonałe połączenie między żebrami i rurami, prowadzące do maksymalnego transferu ciepła między mediami.
Modul de Umiditate pentru Aplicații Meteorologice - HYT R411

Modul de Umiditate pentru Aplicații Meteorologice - HYT R411

RH/T-Modul ist werkseitig für großer Höhen und niedriger Temperaturen kalibriert - Digitales (I2C) Modul für relative Luftfeuchtigkeit und Temperatur, das für eine hervorragende Reproduzierbarkeit und Reaktionszeit ausgelegt ist, die in meteorologischen Ballons und Drohnen erforderlich ist. Extra schnelle Messung. Geeignet für Betriebsmessungen bis -80 °C.
G-Speed® Nit de Revistă - Nit de revistă G-Speed® multifuncțional cu o gamă largă de aplicații.

G-Speed® Nit de Revistă - Nit de revistă G-Speed® multifuncțional cu o gamă largă de aplicații.

Bis zu 60 Niete pro Minute! - Von führenden Kunden bestätigt! GESIPA® Magazinniete sind eine wirtschaftliche Alternative zur Automation. Bei der Magazinniettechnik bzw. Speed Rivet Technology handelt es sich um Montagetechnik, die nur einseitige Zugänglichkeit erfordert und aufgrund der vormagazinierten Niete und der automatischen Zuführung schnelle Taktzeiten ermöglicht. Vorteile des G-Speed® Magaziniets: Vorteile • Großer Klemmbereich • Reduzierte Variantenvielfalt • Optimale Bohrlochausfüllung und ausgeprägte Lochleibung • Bestens geeignet zur Übertragung von Scherkräften mit moderater Klemmkraft • Ideal für Anwendungen bei: — LED-Lichtleisten — Elektronik/Platinenbestückungen — Leichte Blechkonstruktionen — PC-Gehäuse — Typenschilder — Sacklochbohrungen
Sonda de Nivel Hidrostatic LMK 458 - senzor de nivel hidrostatic / capacitiv / pentru lichide / pentru aplicații marine

Sonda de Nivel Hidrostatic LMK 458 - senzor de nivel hidrostatic / capacitiv / pentru lichide / pentru aplicații marine

The LMK 458 has been developed for measuring level in service and storage tanks and is as a consequence certificated for shipbuilding and offshore applications. A permissible operating temperature of up to 125 °C and the possibility to use the device in intrinsic safe areas enable to measure the pressure of various fluids under extreme conditions. The basis for the LMK 458 is a capacitive ceramic sensor element designed by BD\SENSORS, which offers a high overload resistance and medium compatibility. Features: — nominal pressure: 0 ... 40 cmH2O up to 0 ... 200 mH2O — accuracy: 0.35 % (opt. 0.1 %) FSO — diameter 39.5 mm — high overpressure capability — high long term stability — shipping approvals: ABS, BV, CCS, DNV, GL, LR Optional Features: — IS-version — diaphragm pure ceramic (99.9% AI2O3) — different housing materials (stainless steel, CuNiFe) — screw-in and flange version — accessoires
Controler - REA JET DOD 2.0 - Acoperire robustă din oțel inoxidabil de calitate, IP65

Controler - REA JET DOD 2.0 - Acoperire robustă din oțel inoxidabil de calitate, IP65

Utilizzabili direttamente in tutto il mondo — Supporto unicode completo: possibilità di utilizzare tutte le lingue del mondo per aziende con clienti internazionali — Supporto di tutti i tipi di carattere True Type Font (TTF): massima libertà nella creazione dei testi da stampare — Protocollo di comunicazione e struttura dati basata su XML: standard utilizzato globalmente per la compatibilità dei dati — Robusto rivestimento di qualità in acciaio inossidabile, specifico per l'utilizzo industriale — Tensione 24V: per l'integrazione diretta in macchine e impianti — Alimentatore multitensione disponibile: per l'utilizzo immediato in tutto il mondo — Grado di protezione IP65: protezione contro polvere e spruzzi in condizioni industriali molto difficili — Server web integrato: consente di comandare il sistema tramite tablet o smartphone — Interfaccia grafica WYSIWYG: rappresentazione realistica dei contenuti da stampare
Sisteme de Aer Condiționat Rezistente la Explozii - Ex-Proof - ATEX

Sisteme de Aer Condiționat Rezistente la Explozii - Ex-Proof - ATEX

Patlamaya dayanıklı soğutma üniteleri Kara ve deniz petrol platformları, rafineriler, nükleer santraller ve benzeri enerji santralleri en üst düzeyde güvenlik gerektirir. Bu tür uygulamalar için alev sızdırmazlığı bir zorunluluktur ve tüm malzemelerin patlamaya dayanıklı olmasını gerektirir. Tüm ATEX ürünlerimiz, proje aşamasında belirtilen seri numaralarına ve sınıflandırmalara göre bir sertifikasyon sürecine tabi tutulur. Tüm testler uygulanır ve sertifika onayları üçüncü taraf kuruluşlar tarafından alınır. En doğru ürünü sağlamak için aşağıdaki ATEX sınıflandırması müşteriler tarafından iletilir: ​ II 2 G Ex de IIC T3 Gb II: Diğer patlayıcı alanlar 2: Bölge 1 ve Bölge 2 G: Gaz Örn: Avrupa standardı; d: Alev geçirmez şase, e: Artan güvenlik IIC: Patlama Grubu T3: Yüzey sıcaklığı maksimum 200 ° C Gb: Ekipman Koruma Seviyesi (EPL) Ex-Proof:Patlamaya dayanıklı, ATEX Sertifikalı
Conectori Micro-D dreptunghiulari D-Line® - Conectori miniaturizați pentru aplicații provocatoare

Conectori Micro-D dreptunghiulari D-Line® - Conectori miniaturizați pentru aplicații provocatoare

In addition to the standard range of Micro-D connectors and assemblies, axon’ is able to develop custom designed solutions, based on Micro-D twist-pin contact technology. Such solutions are ideal when the operating conditions are critical for applications including aerospace, military, industrial, medical or off-shore. Advantages Space saving Integration with specific cable or harness configuration, for a finished product High EMC protection Special shape to facilitate mechanical integration Customised solutions Extreme miniaturisation Twist-pin male contact : high reliability of electrical connection in severe conditions of temperature and vibration, low contact resistance, 500 g mechanical shock resistance. Construction A complete range of standard Micro-D connectors : Twist pin contacts Metal/plastic shell Rectangular and circular connectors Solder cup and crimped terminations Pigtails PCB connectors (CBR/ BS/ BR, surface mounting) Saver/microstrip
cabluri speciale chainflex® - Cabluri pentru aplicații speciale, cum ar fi suspendarea sau aplicații de mare capacitate.

cabluri speciale chainflex® - Cabluri pentru aplicații speciale, cum ar fi suspendarea sau aplicații de mare capacitate.

chainflex® special cables are cables for special applications such as hanging applications, for use in rail vehicles or thermal and compensation cables. Use our comprehensive knowledge about cable plus the experience of 2 billion test cycles that are annually realized in the company-owned chainflex® laboratory. The steadily growing product range of the chainflex® special cables is based on the requirements of our customers. igus® also manufactures cables for special applications and uses a wide range of materials and manufacturing processes. Depending on the design, customer-specific special products can be made from lengths of 500 m. We look forward to hear about your job definition!
Măsurători 3D în asigurări - Aplicații

Măsurători 3D în asigurări - Aplicații

In many projects insurance companies have the problem that the building to be insured is either not completely documented or was documented a long time ago, so that the available data is out of date. 3D laser scanning is an efficient way to detect the current condition of the building and all its details. The 3D data is particularly useful for insurance companies when it comes to the following tasks: Assessment of property value Surveying the inventory in 3D Calculation of areas In fact the 3D data is of particular importance in the case of damage. A new survey of the damaged object can be carried out and by using software, the condition before and after the damage can be compared and visualised directly. The amount of damage can be quantified much more precisely in comparison to a quantification without the use of 3D data.
Hose Rezistente la Flacără - Hose și Coturi

Hose Rezistente la Flacără - Hose și Coturi

Leichte kundenspezifische Niederdruckschläuche für die Eisenbahn. Alle Größen sind als gerade Form, gerade Reduzierstücke, 90°Bogen, 45°Bogen, 135°Bogen und 180° erhältlich. Gerne entwickeln wir auch individuelle Formen nach Ihren Anforderungen bzw. Ihrem Entwurf. Unten finden Sie die Druckstufen für den Shore Master Die Schläuche werden für Klimaanlagen, Heizung, Belüftung, Kühlerkühlmittel, Bremsenkühlung, Dachentwässerung und Motoranwendungen eingesetzt
Tehnologie Specială de Acționare pentru Offshore și Inginerie Mecanică - Roți dințate de ax / Roți mari și roți dințate

Tehnologie Specială de Acționare pentru Offshore și Inginerie Mecanică - Roți dințate de ax / Roți mari și roți dințate

Das Zahnradwerk Pritzwalk mit Sitz in Brandenburg stellt Schaftritzel, Zahnräder und Zahnwellen für den Einsatz der Jack-up Systeme her. Namenhafte Kunden vertrauen unseren Leistungen. ZWP in Brandenburg ist bekannter Lohnfertiger. Wir beliefern renommierte Unternehmen mit unseren Produkten aus unterschiedlichen Branchen. Zu unseren Kunden gehören auch andere namenhafte Unternehmen aus der Windkraft, Industriegetriebe, Bahn, Sondermaschinenbau, Maschinenbau allgemein sowie Bergbau, Schifffahrt und Kranherstellung. Setzen Sie bei den Beschaffungsprojekten und Einkauf von Verzahnungsartikeln auf das Know-How und die Herstellungskompetenz des Zahnradwerkes in Pritzwalk / Brandenburg. Aufgrund der eigenen Härterei können Teile im Unternehmen einsatzgehärtet werden. Dies spart Zeit und Kosten. Ein weiterer Vorteil sind die internen Herstellungsschritte mit fachlichem Know-How. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
Pini cu arc înfășurați specifici pentru aplicații - Pini cu arc înfășurați

Pini cu arc înfășurați specifici pentru aplicații - Pini cu arc înfășurați

While Coiled Spring Pins are extremely versatile self-retaining fasteners that can be used for many different functions, SPIROL has designed several series of Coiled Pins to meet the nuances and performance requirements of some particular niche applications. These Coiled Spring Pins are variations of our standard product either manufactured from special material, have a special finish or undergo specific processing to meet performance, corrosion, compatibility and assembly requirements for the specific application. These pre-designed application-specific series of Coiled Pins help companies shorten the design cycle to confidently launch their product quickly to their market with a pinning solution that has been tested and proven within their assembly.
Senzori de Nivel Capacitiv - Temperatură Ridicată - Senzori de Nivel Capacitiv pentru Aplicații la Temperatură Ridicată

Senzori de Nivel Capacitiv - Temperatură Ridicată - Senzori de Nivel Capacitiv pentru Aplicații la Temperatură Ridicată

Les contrôleurs de niveau capacitifs de EGE, destinés à fonctionner à des températures de fluide allant jusqu'à 230° C, disposent d'un boîtier en PTFE ou en PEEK ainsi que d'un filetage en acier inoxydable pour une utilisation dans des fluides agressifs. Les capteurs fonctionnent selon le principe capacitif éprouvé. Le fluide à détecter fait alors office de diélectrique. Le fluide en contact avec le capteur produit une variation de capacité. Celle-ci est convertie en un signal de commutation ou en un signal de sortie analogique de 4...20 mA. Grâce à leur petite taille, les capteurs de cette série sont particulièrement adaptés aux espaces restreints. Sur demande, nous livrons les capteurs avec un certificat FDA.
Sponge Universal pentru Aplicarea Produselor de Îngrijire Auto - Oskar Pahlke GmbH

Sponge Universal pentru Aplicarea Produselor de Îngrijire Auto - Oskar Pahlke GmbH

Universell nutzbarer Spezialschwamm zum Auftragen und Verarbeiten von Polituren, Wachsen oder anderen Pflegemitteln. Kombination aus weißer Griffseite aus PE-Schaumstoff und gelber Anwendungsseite aus PUR-Weichscaumstoff. In größeren Serien kostengünstig und präzise gestanzt, in kleineren Serien oder bei besonderen Anforderungen alternativ auch wasserstrahlgeschnitten. Versehen mit Logo-Laserung zur Kennzeichnung oder für Werbezwecke. In handelsfertiger Verkaufsverpackung verpackt. In Zusammenarbeit mit unseren langjährigen Geschäftspartnern lassen sich die unterschiedlichsten Verpackungen für Handel und Verkauf realisieren.
Panouri Solare - PSS - Sistem de Protecție Activ 24/7 pentru Panouri Solare

Panouri Solare - PSS - Sistem de Protecție Activ 24/7 pentru Panouri Solare

Ce système développé par Reinasan garantit que l'efficacité des Panneaux solaires reste optimale en empêchant la pollution organique et atmosphérique d'adhérer à la surface. L'eau de pluie icm le revêtement de protection assure des surfaces propres.
BTS18 - Boxă Bluetooth Rezistentă la Apă

BTS18 - Boxă Bluetooth Rezistentă la Apă

Αδιάβροχο BTS18, δυνατός ήχος μπάσων 5W, μεγάλος χρόνος αναπαραγωγής 10 ώρες! Μέγεθος χούφτας με λουράκι, μπορείτε να το έχετε μαζί σας παντού! Έκδοση Bluetooth:5.2+EDR Μπαταρία:2000 mAH Μεγάφωνο:5W Αδιάβροχο:IPX7 Λειτουργία:bluetooth, κλήσεις hands-free, AUX, TWS, TF CARD Υλικό:ABS+TPU
Element de Încălzire pentru Cuptoare cu Temperatură Înaltă - Element de Încălzire pentru Cuptoare cu Temperatură Înaltă (Aplicație Industrială)

Element de Încălzire pentru Cuptoare cu Temperatură Înaltă - Element de Încălzire pentru Cuptoare cu Temperatură Înaltă (Aplicație Industrială)

Metallische Heizleiter aus ML oder Wolfram von Plansee kommen bei Hochtemperaturprozessen zwischen 1000°C (1 832°F) und 2 800°C (5 072 °F) zum Einsatz. Wir liefern Heizleiter für alle Arten als Bleche, Stäbe, verdrillten Draht, gebündelten Draht und als Drahtgeflecht-Heizer. Material:Wolfram Material:Molybdän-Lanthan
Inspecție inline fără contact a pieselor forjate - Aplicație - serviciu

Inspecție inline fără contact a pieselor forjate - Aplicație - serviciu

Within the frame of quality assurance, the forged pieces of this client have to be checked in an inline inspection with respect to several parameters: Inner and outer diameters, as well as the absence of surface defects have to be verified. Video of inline forgings inspection for dimensional accuracy and surface defects with QuellTech LaserScaner. Particular Challenges Manual inspection carried out until now turned out to be not reliable enough, particularly after an increase in production. The final rejection rate has seriously affected the productivity of the entire manufacturing process. A solution for a contactless inline inspection was needed. The QuellTech Solution A testing station including an index table has been designed. This configuration acts as a support for two QuellTech Q4-60 laser scanners, used for inspection of the parameters mentioned above.
Conectori hibrizi CONEC supramoldati - Conectori hibrizi supramoldati, B12, B17, B23, B40

Conectori hibrizi CONEC supramoldati - Conectori hibrizi supramoldati, B12, B17, B23, B40

CONEC Hybrid connectors soon to be certified according to IEC standard 61076-2-118. For conventional wiring of motors, servo-drives or linear units/drives, time and costs for cabling, maintenance and diagnostics are very high. Separate cables from the switch cabinet are used for the power supply and control of every single motor. This procedure does not only require much space, but also causes high costs. With the new CONEC series, a compact hybrid connector system has been developed, combining power supply and data transmission in one single connector. This technology is equivalent to the modern connection and interface wiring technology. Size:B23 Style:Connectors overmoulded No. of poles M8x1:4+Pe, 3+PE+2
Pompă cu motor electric - Pompă chimică din oțel inoxidabil, încălzită hidraulic pentru sarcini exigente

Pompă cu motor electric - Pompă chimică din oțel inoxidabil, încălzită hidraulic pentru sarcini exigente

We bring our success, our wealth of experience and our know-how to the chemical industry. The requirement to pump viscous and sticky substances out of a vacuum is no easy task. However, our CHEM design easily meets this requirement. The requirements for dosing and transfer pumps as well as for distillate pumps in the CBD segment, for example, also match our CHEM design so that you get a pump solution for your entire distillation process with just one pump. More than 600 pumps of this design are running reliably in a wide range of cannabis applications at a number of our US customers. This robust and reliable pump series is used worldwide in demanding processes in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Operation:with electric motor Priming:self-priming Technology:external-gear Domain:or the pharmaceutical industry Other characteristics:for pharmaceutical applications
Beaver S Serie - Aplicații

Beaver S Serie - Aplicații

Eine Hochleistungsmaschine, die perfekte Schweißvorbereitungen mit großer Präzision erstellt. Der Beaver S ist für Rohre mit einem Außendurchmesser von bis zu 56" mit manuellen und automatischen Steuerungsoptionen erhältlich.Eine perfekte Vorbereitung der Rohrenden vor dem Schweißen ist für qualitativ hochwertige Schweißergebnisse unerlässlich. Die vollständige Kontrolle über den Rohrvorbereitungsprozess gewährleistet daher eine fehlerfreie Einrichtung für das Schweißen. Copier stellt stationäre Rohrschrägmaschinen her, die schnell, genau und langlebig für hohe Produktionsmengen sind. Das Maschinenprogramm für die Fasen unterscheidet sich durch den Durchmesser der Rohre, das Produktionsvolumen der Abschrägung der Rohre und die Anforderungen an die Endbearbeitung. Bearbeitungsbereich:0.25" - 56" Wandstärke:bis zu 25 mm in einem Arbeitsgang
Sticlă Laminată

Sticlă Laminată

Glass is a fragile material and standard float glass has low tolerance to impacts. By increasing thickness of the glass, tolerance for the impact will augment but will not eliminate risks caused by glass breakage. Laminated Glass is a safety and security glass. It is produced by combining two or more panels of glass with special binding agency polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer under heat and pressure. If the glass is broken, most of the fragments remain stuck to the interlayer, therefore minimizing the risks of injury caused by broken glass. Şişecam Laminated Glass is the trademark of laminated glass of Şişecam Flat Glass. Şişecam Ultra Clear Laminated Glass is the trademark of low iron laminated glass produced with low iron flat glass. The transparency of Şişecam Ultra Clear Laminated Glass is significantly higher, minimizing distortion of the original colors of the objects behind it.
Patches de înaltă calitate coase pe căciuli - Patches personalizate de calitate cu logo-ul clientului, coase pe căciuli.

Patches de înaltă calitate coase pe căciuli - Patches personalizate de calitate cu logo-ul clientului, coase pe căciuli.

Toppe di alta qualita' ricamate con logo personalizzato, cucite su cappellini di ogni tipo. Il servizio di cucitura e' realizzato in modo professionale con macchine da cucire industriali con telaio speciale, e permette di cucire tutte le tipologie di toppe su qualsiasi cappellino. Minima quantita:no minimi prezzi:a preventivo
grid | Xtreme VR - Baterii AGM cu plumb pur, proiectate pentru centre de date, aplicații IT

grid | Xtreme VR - Baterii AGM cu plumb pur, proiectate pentru centre de date, aplicații IT

grid | Xtreme VR to akumulator do UPS i telekomunikacji o żywotności do 15 lat. Idealny do trudnych warunków środowiskowych i wysokich temperatur pracy. Dzięki możliwości modułowej rozbudowy zapewnia wysoką elastyczność rozwiązania. Charakteryzuje się niższym śladem węglowym w porównaniu do konwencjonalnej baterii AGM, możliwością szybkiego ładowania, wysoką wydajnością energetyczną, zminimalizowanymi kosztami inwestycyjnymi i TCO. W połączeniu z innowacyjnym stojakiem grid | XtremeStack, wymaga do 10% mniej miejsca niż rozwiązanie litowo-jonowe. Kwas ołowiowy jest sprawdzoną i niezawodną, zrównoważoną technologią. 99% ołowiu stosowanego w naszych akumulatorach jest wykorzystywane w przyjaznym dla środowiska cyklu ekonomicznym.
Vana de control cu poartă glisantă pentru aplicații de înaltă presiune - Tip 8021-GS4

Vana de control cu poartă glisantă pentru aplicații de înaltă presiune - Tip 8021-GS4

Das Hochdruck-Gleitschieber-Regelventil Typ 8021 mit integriertem Stellungsregler findet bei einer großen Bandbreite verfahrenstechnischer Regelaufgaben seine Anwendung. Medien wie Dampf, Flüssigkeiten, Gase usw. sind damit ausgezeichnet auch bei hohen Betriebs- und Differenzdrücken regelbar. Stellungsregler: Digitaler Stellungsregler Typ 8049; Pneumatischer und Elektropneumatischer Stellungsregler Typ 8047; Stellungsregler mit integriertem Prozessregler Typ 8049 IPC; Stellungsregler Typ 8047 und Typ 8049 optional in explosionsgeschützter Ausführung; Stellungsregler mit Anbau nach NAMUR-Standard Nennweite:DN25 - DN250 Nenndruck:DN25 - DN80: PN160, ANSI#900; DN100 - DN150: PN100, ANSI#600; DN200 - DN250: PN40, ANSI#300 Werkstoffe:Gehäuse: Edelstahl 1.4571; Dichtscheiben: STN2, STN3 (DN25 und DN50) Temperatur:-60°C bis 350°C Zubehör:Metallfaltenbalg; Grenzsignalgeber; Stellungsrückmeldung; Handbetätigung; Magnetventil; . . .
Software pentru cântărirea în retail - Aplicații pentru a profita la maximum de cântarele tale

Software pentru cântărirea în retail - Aplicații pentru a profita la maximum de cântarele tale

Software solutions adapted to the individual needs of retailers and large distribution centres: scales programming, retail management, warehouse management, delivery notes and invoicing, graphic design of labels and receipts.
Tricanter® - Decantorul cu 3 faze de la Flottweg pentru aplicația dumneavoastră

Tricanter® - Decantorul cu 3 faze de la Flottweg pentru aplicația dumneavoastră

Il est possible avec la séparation 3-phases de séparer simultanément deux phases liquides d'une phase solide. Le Tricanter® constitue le partenaire idéal pour la séparation de ces trois phases. Tricanter® : domaines d'application typiques de la séparation trois-phases - Retraitement de boues huileuses de raffineries, d'étangs chargés en hydrocarbures, etc. - Extraction d'huiles et de graisses animales/végétales - Fabrication d'amidon pour la séparation de l'amidon de blé et de gluten Tricanter® : avantages et bénéfices pour le client - Pureté optimale des liquides à séparer grâce à la mise en œuvre de la turbine centripète - Des étapes de traitement ou des étages de séparation peuvent être évités ou ne sont plus nécessaires, ce qui permet à l'exploitant de réaliser des économies. - Adaptation aux circonstances (produit alimenté) possible à tout instant - Possibilité d'automatisation - Développé, produit et fabriqué en Allemagne, d'où la plus haute qualité de fabrication Simp Drive®:Des solutions sur mesure Turbine centripète (réglable):Des solutions sur mesure Différentiel de vitesse:Des solutions sur mesure Systèmes d'étanchéité:Des solutions sur mesure
Unitate liniară cu acționare prin șurub pentru aplicații în camere curate

Unitate liniară cu acționare prin șurub pentru aplicații în camere curate

RK Rose+Krieger, kendini kanıtlamış RK Duoline doğrusal birim profilini temiz odalarda kullanım için optimize etmiştir ve yaygın kullanılan 60 ve 80 parça büyüklüklerinde vakum bağlantısı olan veya olmayan mil ve dişli kayış tahrikli RK Duoline Clean doğrusal akslar sunmaktadır. Toplam sekiz farklı tür EN ISO 14644-1'e göre test edilerek başarılı olmuştur ve temiz odalar için dünya çapında geçerli 1. sınıftan (0,5 m/s'de vakum bağlantısı bulunan RK Duoline Clean 60 SU) 5. sınıfa (0,5 m/s'de vakum bağlantısı bulunmayan RK Duoline Clean 80 Z) kadar sertifikalandırılmıştır. Temiz oda kullanımına elverişli olduklarını ispat etmek için gerekli tüm testler Stuttgart'taki Fraunhofer IPA Üretim Teknolojileri ve Otomasyon Enstitüsü'nde yapılmıştır.
Producător de leggings pentru fete cu aplicație de fundiță

Producător de leggings pentru fete cu aplicație de fundiță

Girls leggings with bow application decoration. Produced of microfibre in 3-D system - this makes them very elastic and perfectly fitting to the leg. Opaque.