Produse pentru aplicatie (1094)

Marin - Aplicații Industriale

Marin - Aplicații Industriale

Kigema works with marine producers as well as train and maintenance providers. The company has a long track record of manufacturing carriers, stern tube bushes and other products made of brass and bronze.Wide range of copper-based products, Complete manufacturing solutions according to customer drawings, Flexible approach to customer's needs, No minimum order quantity Quality management systems, Short lead times, Patented and efficient technology, Continuous development of the offer.
Aplicații de Recuperare a Aurului

Aplicații de Recuperare a Aurului

Altın Kurtarma Aktif karbon, birçok endüstriyel uygulamada kullanılan çok yönlü bir malzemedir. Altın madenciliği endüstrisi de aktif karbonu altın kurtarma işlemlerinde kullanır. Bu işlem, altın içeren bir çözeltiden altını ayırmak için kullanılır ve genellikle siyanür çözeltisi kullanılarak gerçekleştirilir. Aktif karbon, altın madenciliği endüstrisinde, siyanür çözeltisinden altını çıkarmak için kullanılır. Siyanür, altın için çok etkili bir çözücüdür, ancak doğada zararlıdır ve çevreye ciddi zararlar verebilir. Bu nedenle, altın madenciliği endüstrisi, çözeltideki siyanürü geri kazanmak ve yeniden kullanmak için aktif karbonu kullanır. İşlem için, altın içeren siyanür çözeltisi, aktif karbonla dolu bir tanka gönderilir. Aktif karbon, çözeltiden siyanürü emer ve altın partiküllerini adsorbe eder. Sonra, çözelti aktif karbonla dolu tanktan dışarı çıkarılır ve bir başka tanka gönderilir. Bu aşamada, çözelti içindeki altın partikülleri aktif karbonun üzerinde kalır ve siyanür, geri kazanılmak üzere bir başka tanka gönderilir. Son olarak, altın, aktif karbondan ayrılmak için bir elektroliz işlemine tabi tutulur. Bu işlem, altın partiküllerinin aktif karbondan ayrılmasını ve saf altın metalinin üretilmesini sağlar. Aktif karbonun altın kurtarma endüstrisinde kullanılması, çevresel açıdan daha güvenli bir yöntemdir ve çevreye zararlı olan siyanürün etkisini minimize eder. Ayrıca, aktif karbonun yüksek adsorpsiyon kapasitesi, altın partiküllerinin büyük bir kısmını adsorbe ederek, ürün verimliliğini artırır. Aktif karbon, altın madenciliği endüstrisinde çevresel açıdan daha güvenli bir yöntem olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu yöntem sayesinde, altın çıkarma işleminde siyanür kullanımı minimize edilir ve altın partiküllerinin adsorpsiyon kapasitesi yüksek olduğu için ürün verimliliği artar. Aktif karbonun altın kurtarma endüstrisinde kullanılması, ayrıca diğer yöntemlere göre daha ekonomiktir. Aktif karbon, uzun süre kullanılabilir ve çözeltideki altın partiküllerinin büyük bir kısmını adsorbe ettiği için daha az malzeme tüketimi gerektirir. Ancak, aktif karbonun kullanımı, bazı dezavantajları da beraberinde getirir. Özellikle, altın madenciliği endüstrisinde kullanılan aktif karbon, yüksek sıcaklıkta veya asidik ortamlarda kullanıldığında, aktivitesini yitirir ve yenilenmesi veya değiştirilmesi gerekir. Bu da maliyeti artırabilir. Aktif karbon ayrıca, altın partiküllerinin dışında, diğer maddeleri de adsorbe edebilir. Bu nedenle, altın kurtarma işleminde aktif karbonun seçici olması önemlidir. Diğer bir dezavantaj ise, altın partiküllerinin aktif karbondan ayrılması işleminin zaman almasıdır. Aktif karbon, altın kurtarma endüstrisinde önemli bir malzemedir. Siyanür yerine kullanımı, çevresel açıdan daha güvenli ve ekonomiktir.
Duza pentru aplicarea spumei

Duza pentru aplicarea spumei

Aço inoxidável temperado e proteção do bico POM de alta resistência ao desgaste e à ação dos produtos químicos. Pressão máxima:60 bar Débito máximo:70 lts/m Temperatura máxima:60º C Peso em gramas:112
RTL ZX - Aplicații

RTL ZX - Aplicații

Die RTL (Rotating Tool Lathe) bearbeitet im Gegensatz zu anderen Endbearbeitungsmaschinen umgekehrt: Das Werkstück ist fixiert und das Werkzeug dreht sich. Sie können das Rohr bis zum Außendurchmesser 323 mm vom Ende festklemmen und mit der Bearbeitung beginnen. Keine lange Rüstzeit: Stecken Sie das Rohr einfach hinein, klemmen Sie es fest und bearbeiten Sie es! RTL ZX hat das gleiche Bearbeitungsprinzip wie Beaver CNC. Im Vergleich zur Beaver CNC bietet RTL ZX jedoch genauere Endergebnisse und eine schnellere Zykluszeit pro Abschrägung. RTL ZX - CNC-Drehmaschinen mit radialer und axialer Zuführung zum Bearbeitungsfutter Einpunktbearbeitung Doppelseitiges Ende bis zu einem Außendurchmesser von maximal 323 mmDas Rohrgewinde bildet einen Spiralkamm am Ende eines Rohrs, der es ihm ermöglicht, die Rohre miteinander zu verbinden. Gewinderohre bieten eine wirksame Abdichtung, insbesondere für Rohre, die Öl, Gas und Flüssigkeiten transportieren.
Aplicații Maritime

Aplicații Maritime

In the marine sector, as in the infrastructure sector, the ability to operate in salty and highly corrosive environments is crucial, which is why materials such as stainless steel and double nickel and chrome coatings are often required for certain applications. Here are some application examples of cylinders that have been manufactured specifically for this area of use. HIDROMEC develops hydraulic cylinders and systems for maritime applications that are reliable, durable and comply with the relevant environmental standards.
Celelalte Domenii de Aplicare - Industrii

Celelalte Domenii de Aplicare - Industrii

Le groupe BORFLEX® est le spécialiste du sur-mesure, de la conception, du prototypage et de la fabrication de pièces en élastomère (caoutchouc, silicone, TPE et polyuréthane), de profils composites pultrudés et de pièces composites moulées. Du design jusqu’à une maitrise globale de la chaîne logistique, nous accompagnons les industriels quelque soit leur taille. En tant que créateur de solutions caoutchouc et composites, nous sommes là pour penser et concevoir vos projets en respectant vos cahiers des charges. Les produits BORFLEX® sont présents sur de nombreux marchés : la défense, le ferroviaire, le transport terrestre, l’énergie, l’agro-alimentaire, la maintenance industrielle, le nucléaire, l’aéronautique, l’imprimerie, l’emballage, etc. Nos équipes sont disponible pour faire naitre votre projet en mettant à votre disposition notre savoir-faire de plus de 60 ans.
Aplicații - MODEL 157

Aplicații - MODEL 157

ApplikenMODELL 157
Topografie 2D - Aplicații

Topografie 2D - Aplicații

Zoller + Fröhlich has developed the Z+F PROFILER® 9012 and the Z+F PROFILER® 9020 laser scanners for mobile mapping applications, which can be flexibly integrated into the mobile mapping systems of almost all MMS providers. Railway applications on vehicle (train, etc.) and trolley platform Light space applications, for the inventory of tunnel tubes (railway and road), vegetation, signs and safety corridors Road applications (MMS) for road maintenance, traffic infrastructure detection, and general object acquisition Because of the high data capture rate, Z+F laser scanners operate accurately even from mobile platforms, at speeds of up to 120 km/h (approx. 75mph).
Aplicații și Referințe Exemplu - SOLUȚII DE SISTEM

Aplicații și Referințe Exemplu - SOLUȚII DE SISTEM

Lipp tank and system solutions for municipal waste water treatment have been realised in close cooperation with well known design companies and end customers since the 1980s. In addition to municipal waste water treatment plants in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and other European countries, the Lipp system has already been successfully installed in many Asiatic projects. Lipp waste water tanks are offered in variable sizes and with individually adapted features (material, covers, additional equipment). Our success lies in professional management and close cooperation with all stakeholders over the entire project period. Reliable tank solutions, timely installation and numerous reference plants both in Germany and worldwide make Lipp an important partner in municipal waste water treatment.
Seria OPD9000 - Monitor industrial pentru aplicații software moderne

Seria OPD9000 - Monitor industrial pentru aplicații software moderne

The OPD9000 series are full HD widescreen monitors that make it easy to operate complex software applications. The integrated multi touch technology allows comfortable operation with several fingers - even when wearing work gloves. Thanks to the innovative mounting system, the OPD9000 monitors can be quickly mounted into control panels and machine housings without the need for special tools or additional installation parts. The monitors can be easily equipped with the optional HDBaseT receiver module, enabling signal transmission over distances of up to 100 metres. Display size:15.6 - 18.5 and 23.8 zoll Touch:PCAP Multi-Touch (can be operated with gloves) Protection class:IP65 Shock resistance:IK08
Industria imprimantelor cu jet de cerneală / Sisteme de marcaj - Aplicații industriale / Dispozitiv de marcaj industrial / Imprimantă industrială

Industria imprimantelor cu jet de cerneală / Sisteme de marcaj - Aplicații industriale / Dispozitiv de marcaj industrial / Imprimantă industrială

Industrie-Tintenstrahldrucker bieten eine kostengünstige, flexible und kontaktfreie Kennzeichnungslösung für Verpackungen, Waren, Paletten und mehr. Diese Drucker sind ideal für die Kennzeichnung unterschiedlichster Substrate und Anwendungen, ohne den Produktionsprozess zu stören. Inkjet-Drucker verwenden berührungsloses Tintenstrahlverfahren, bei dem Tintentropfen gezielt aus dem Druckkopf freigesetzt werden. Matthews Marking Systems setzt verschiedene Inkjet-Druckverfahren für industrielle Anwendungen ein, die einfache Wartung und variable Druckinhalte ermöglichen. Unsere Drucker bieten einen großen Abstand zwischen Druckkopf und Substrat, um Schutz und Qualität zu gewährleisten. Sie sind flexibel integrierbar und geeignet für verschiedene Produktionsumgebungen, ob staubig oder steril. Die Auswahl des passenden Drucksystems hängt von Kriterien wie Produktionsumgebung, Druckbildgröße, Auflösung und Oberflächenbeschaffenheit des Substrats ab.
Filtrare - Sectorul Compozitelor - Domeniile Noastre de Aplicare

Filtrare - Sectorul Compozitelor - Domeniile Noastre de Aplicare

Notre Expertise en Filtration de l’Air dans les entreprises travaillant les Matières Composites Depuis sa création en 1992, Technicis Filtration s’est imposée comme un leader dans la fabrication de filtres pour cabines d’aspiration. Avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience, notre société a développé une expertise solide dans la filtration de l’air, en particulier dans le secteur des matières composites. Que ce soit pour les ateliers de pulvérisation, de transformation, de traitement de surface, ou de finition des pièces en composites, nous avons développé des solutions adaptées à chaque métier. Les environnements de production nécessitent des systèmes de filtration efficaces pour garantir une qualité optimale de la finition, maintenir des conditions de travail sûres et propres, et optimiser les opérations de maintenance.
GAV - Utilizare în aplicații robotizate - Utilizare industrială în aplicații robotizate

GAV - Utilizare în aplicații robotizate - Utilizare industrială în aplicații robotizate

Utilisation industrielle en applications robotisées Les deux versions des GAV permettent une intégration dans des systèmes robotisés. Les robots industriels sont utilisés dans quasi tous les secteurs de production industriels. Ils peuvent être programmés pour les séquences de mouvements les plus diverses ; la garantie d’une efficience optimale en combinaison avec la technique de rivetage GESIPA®. Des processus de production rapides, sûrs et régulés et l‘emploi d‘une GAV entièrement automatisée combinée avec un robot multi-axes apportent les avantages suivants : • Ultra précision • Haute rentabilité • Temps de cycles courts • Haute flexibilité
RoFoam pentru aplicații industriale - O spumă XPE de înaltă performanță sub formă de rolă, pentru aplicații industriale

RoFoam pentru aplicații industriale - O spumă XPE de înaltă performanță sub formă de rolă, pentru aplicații industriale

Notre mousse XPE premium offre une grande polyvalence pour un large panel d’applications industrielles. Un large assortiment pour les besoins les plus divers - Nous développons en permanence de nouvelles mousses RoFoam et nous adaptons celles qui existent pour répondre aux exigences spécifiques de l’industrie. - La mousse de polyéthylène RoFoam remplace ou complète les mousses EVA et HDPE tout en offrant des atouts uniques pour les applications spécifiques. - Faites votre choix parmi un éventail de mousses RoFoam souples et amortissantes, et de produits plus durs et denses. RoFoam est un matériau de base idéal pour : - les applications industrielles soumises à des normes de sécurité (incendie) strictes ; - l’isolation thermique et acoustique. Grâce à sa structure à cellules fermées, RoFoam excelle pour l’absorption acoustique et l’isolation thermique ; - des joints et garnitures d’étanchéité fiables grâce à sa compressibilité et sa conformité.
SET-HD100 Sistem de Măsurare a Unghiurilor de Înaltă Precizie - pentru Aplicații de Calibrare și Măsurare

SET-HD100 Sistem de Măsurare a Unghiurilor de Înaltă Precizie - pentru Aplicații de Calibrare și Măsurare

Hochgenaues Winkelmesssystem mit +/-0,1s Genauigkeit für Mess- und Kalibrieranwendungen Die Signalabtastung geschieht über ein interferometrisches Funktionsprinzip (Laserscale) Die Teilungsperiode beträgt 1µm, die erzeugte Signalperiode des Ausgangssignals beträgt 250nm. Durch die Verwendung von sechs Leseköpfen in einer speziellen Anordnung werden Maßstabsfehler selbst kompensiert. Die Messwerte können über die USB Schnittstelle im csv- Format ausgegeben werden. Die Software zur Messwerterfassung und Speicherung ist im Lieferumfang enthalten. Genauigkeit:+/-0,1 acrsec Auflösung:2^30 Messschritte/Umdrehung Referenzmarke:1 Schnittstelle:USB Datenformat der Messdaten :csv max. Drehzahl:10 U/min
Unitate liniară cu acționare prin curea pentru aplicații în camere curate

Unitate liniară cu acționare prin curea pentru aplicații în camere curate

Die Lineareinheit RK DuoLine clean (Zahnriemen- oder Spindelantrieb) wurde speziell für den Einsatz in Reinräumen entwickelt und ist nach EN ISO 14644-1 bis zur Klasse 1 (entspr. Ausführung) getestet. RK Rose+Krieger optimierte seine bewährte Profil-Lineareinheit RK Duoline für den Einsatz in Reinräumen und bietet spindel- und zahnriemengetriebene RK Duoline Clean-Linearachsen mit oder ohne Unterdruckanschluss in den gängigen Baugrößen 60 und 80 an. Insgesamt acht verschiedenen Varianten wurden erfolgreich nach EN ISO 14644-1 getestet und erhielten die Zertifizierung für Reinräume der weltweit gültigen Klassen 1 (RK Duoline Clean 60 SU mit Unterdruckanschluss bei 0,5 m/s) bis 5 (RK Duoline Clean 80 Z ohne Unterdruckanschlussbei 0,5 m/s). Sämtliche dazu erforderlichen Tests zum Nachweis der Reinraumtauglichkeit wurden im Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA in Stuttgart durchgeführt. Absaugung:mit und ohne Absaugung lieferbar Antrieb:HTD-Zahnriemen Teilung 8mm, Breite 30mm Fx max.:1400 N Fy max.:1000 N Fz max.:4100 N Führung:Kugelschiene Führungsschlitten:verlängerter Führungsschlitten optional Getestet nach:EN ISO 14644-1 Herkunftsland:Germany Mx max.:100 Nm My max.:590 Nm Mz max.:520 Nm a max.:5 m/s² v max.:2 m/s
Sistem de Termografie cu Scanner Liniar Infraroșu Raytek MP150 - Soluție de termografie în timp real pentru aplicații industriale

Sistem de Termografie cu Scanner Liniar Infraroșu Raytek MP150 - Soluție de termografie în timp real pentru aplicații industriale

The Raytek MP150 infrared linescanner is designed for temperature monitoring in demanding industrial environments. It generates accurate thermal images of moving objects, scanning up to 90° wide fields of view with a motorized mirror at up to 1024 points per line and at a max. 150 Hz frequency. An internal high-speed microprocessor calculates the temperature of the individual measurement points. — Real-time thermal line-scanner system for continuous or discrete process measurements — Optical resolution up to 200:1 — Built-in line laser for rapid alignment — On-board Ethernet TCP/IP communication — Wide choice of models and spectral responses The Raytek MP150 includes provision for air or water-cooling, three configurable analog outputs, and two-way digital communications. It can be used in standalone mode, connected to a single PC or integrated into a process control system using the Windows-based DataTemp DP software for remote configuration and real-time process monitoring. Measured temperature range:20 °C...1200 °C (dependent on model) (up to 3000°C option on request) Spectral range:1 µm...5 µm (dependent on model) Scan rate:Up to 150 lines per second Measurement points per line:Up to 1024 Optical resolution:Up to 200:1 Interfaces:Ethernet TCP/IP (100 Mbit/s), OPC, DDE, analog/digital output, RS485 Ingress protection:IP65 (NEMA4) (rugged enclosure with air-purge and built-in water cooling capability) Ambient temperature:Up to 180 °C Scanning angle:90° Power supply:24 VDC ± 25 %, 1 A
Senzor laser Q4 pentru aplicații 2D/3D - selecție cuprinzătoare de modele pentru control dimensional automat fără contact

Senzor laser Q4 pentru aplicații 2D/3D - selecție cuprinzătoare de modele pentru control dimensional automat fără contact

Laser sensor Q4 – with a small form factor – Q4 for standard 2D / 3D measuring applications: Low sensitivity against influences of secondary light Measuring ranges from 5 mm to 1000 mm Laser wave lengths starting from UV via blue, red and green through to IR Average measuring speed up to 350 Hz frame The Q4 laser sensor has been designed to meet the requirements of standard measuring applications. Thanks to its increased flexibility, it can be used for several tasks also in complex projects. The dimensions of the ultra-compact version amount to only 86x40x25, at a weight of 140 g. Protective panes and cooling modules are available as an option. The Q4 laser sensor model enables users to obtain stable measuring results also on difficult surfaces, whether mirroring or transparent. The QS-View Standard Software comprises a comprehensive selection of application modules, to be invoked at once without previous programming steps. Customized adaptations are possible any time.
Întărire prin Contract / Servicii de Întărire prin Contract / Întărire / Servicii de Întărire - Întărire prin Contract / Întărire prin Aplicare pentru Inginerie Mecanică

Întărire prin Contract / Servicii de Întărire prin Contract / Întărire / Servicii de Întărire - Întărire prin Contract / Întărire prin Aplicare pentru Inginerie Mecanică

Wir verfügen über 2 Härtereien mit Abschreckung des Werkstoffes im Polymerbad oder in Öl. Preise richten sich nach Einhärtetiefe, Gewicht und Module der verzahnten Artikel. Wir härten aber auch andere Bauteile für den Maschinenbau. Wir härten die Teile nach Kundenvorgabe. Eine Einsatzhärtung mit bis zu 3,0 mm ist keine Seltenheit bei unseren geschätzten Kunden. Wir beliefern bereits Kollegen und Kunden aus folgenden Branchen: Automobilzulieferer, Sondermaschinenbau, Brückenbau, etc Einzelhärtungen Ihrer Produkte können auch vorgenommen werden. Beachten Sie bitte auch unsere anderen Leistungen und rufen das Firmenprofil auf. Das Zahnradwerk Pritzwalk übernimmt auch als unabhängige Zahnradfabrik die Herstellung von Zahnrädern, Zahnwellen, Hohlräder mit Innenverzahnung, Zahnkupplungen und Flansche. Wir produzieren und Härten erfolgreich seit 1969 und beliefern bekannte Unternehmen mit unseren Verzahnungsartikeln. Sprechen Sie uns gerne an.
Test EOL pentru aplicații auto - Test EOL

Test EOL pentru aplicații auto - Test EOL

End-of-Line (EoL) testing devices play a crucial role in assessing product quality post-production. They are instrumental in detecting any visual, auditory, or operational issues that may arise during component installation and assembly, ensuring that only flawless products reach customers. Novosim's end-of-line testing systems cater to a diverse range of applications, including rotary systems (such as transmissions and axles), automotive component testing, noise and vibration level measurements, and specialized testing requirements. These sophisticated EoL testing systems are designed to operate automatically, leveraging a comprehensive array of sensors, data acquisition devices, and testing equipment. They enable the creation of customized test procedures, which are stored in a centralized database for easy access. These procedures can be tailored to different test conditions, accommodating variations in speed, duration, and other parameters.
Software pentru echipamente de cântărire și/sau etichetare - Aplicații pentru echipamentele dumneavoastră de cântărire și/sau etichetare

Software pentru echipamente de cântărire și/sau etichetare - Aplicații pentru echipamentele dumneavoastră de cântărire și/sau etichetare

Soluciones de software estándar y a medida, especialmente desarrolladas para la industria alimentaria: programación de los equipos de pesaje, gestión comercial, control de almacenes y producción, albaranes y facturación, diseño gráfico de etiquetas y tickets, y aplicaciones de integración con el software de producción de su empresa.
Bobine - Personalizate pentru cerințele și aplicațiile dumneavoastră specifice

Bobine - Personalizate pentru cerințele și aplicațiile dumneavoastră specifice

The wide range of product portfolio of coils with different tube diameters, tube patterns, fin profiles, materials and options allows us to customize our coils for any specific application and fluids: air heaters, air coolers, condensers and evaporators for HVAC and various industrial applications. Kelvion heat exchanger coils are manufactured with copper tubes and aluminum or copper fins. The fins are equipped with special profiles developed at our R&D department enhancing heat transfer and keeping pressure drop at a moderate level. The customized fin spacing is achieved by collars which also provide the contact between the fin block and the tubes. Mechanical expansion of the tubes guarantees a perfect bond between the fins and the tubes leading to maximum heat transfer between both fluids.
triflex® R 3D echain® special creat pentru aplicații robotice TRC.30

triflex® R 3D echain® special creat pentru aplicații robotice TRC.30

Overview for triflex® advantages Other information triflex® RSP Continuously adjustable retraction force triflex® RSP triflex® RSE Infinitely adjustable retraction force for small robots triflex® RSE Triflex® R-Set Universal module for all motions on the robot Triflex® R-Set Fiber rod modules Intelligent problem solution through directed pretension. Fiber rod modules Universal assembly kit Offers the potential to mount the fiber rod module in the desired position on the robotic arm. Universal assembly kit Strain reliefs for large cross sections Secure mounting also in the use of cables with large cross section. Strain reliefs Gliding feed-through Available with and without swivel bearing Gliding feed-through Protectors Well protected in extreme applications. Protectors Heat shield Protection against weld and metal spills up to 600°C Heat shield CF Robot special cables Special cables for long service life in robotic applications. CF Robot special cables iF-Design Award for "TRC"- and "TRL"-Design Cleanroom environments on request Series TRC electrically conductive ESD/TEX versions possible UL94-V2classification Overview for triflex® advantages Other information Application examples Interesting applications from a variety of industrial sectors Triflex® R Configure interior separation Define cables, select chain and configure interior separation. Now also for all Triflex® R series! Internal separation configurator Triflex® R QuickRobot Equipment support for various types of robots. Simplified ordering of complete systems. QuickRobot TRC.30 Inner height Bi 1: 12 mm Inner height Bi 2: 10 mm Bending radius R: 50 mm Pitch: 11.3 mm e-chain® TRC.40 Inner height Bi 1: 15 mm Inner height Bi 2: 13 mm Bending radius R: 58 mm Pitch: 13,9 mm e-chain® Installation instructions Instructions for the joining and separating of the triflex® R - TRC. Assembly Instructions TRC.60 Inner height Bi 1: 22,5 mm Inner height Bi 2: 19,5 mm Bending radius R: 87 mm Pitch: 20,4 mm e-chain® TRC.70 Inner height Bi 1: 28 mm Inner height Bi 2: 24 mm Bending radius R: 110 mm Pitch: 25,6 mm e-chain® TRC.85 Inner height Bi 1: 33 mm Inner height Bi 2: 28 mm Bending radius R: 135 mm Pitch: 30,6 mm e-chain® TRC.100 Inner height Bi 1: 37.5 mm Inner height Bi 2: 32.5 mm Bending radius R: 145 mm Pitch: 34.5 mm e-chain® TRC.125 Inner height Bi 1: 43,3 mm Inner height Bi 2: 43,3 mm Bending radius R: 182 mm Pitch: 44,6 mm e-chain® Standard mounting bracket for TRC / TRE / TRL. Also possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Standard mounting brackets Light mounting bracket Standard for the TRL version. Also compatible with TRC / TRE; possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Light mounting bracket TRCF.85 Inner height Bi 1: 30 mm Bending radius R: 135 mm Pitch: 30.6 mm e-chain® TRCF.100 Inner height Bi 1: 37,5 mm Bending radius R: 145 mm Pitch: 34,5 mm e-chain® Standard mounting bracket for TRC / TRE / TRL. Also possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Standard mounting brackets Light mounting bracket Standard for the TRL version. Also compatible with TRC / TRE; possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Light mounting bracket TRE.30 Inner height Bi 1: 12 mm Inner height Bi 2: 10 mm Bending radius R: 50 mm Pitch: 11,3 mm e-chain® TRE.40 Inner height Bi 1: 15 mm Inner height Bi 2: 13 mm Bending radius R: 58 mm Pitch: 13,9 mm e-chain® Installation instructions Instructions for the joining, separating and filling of the triflex® R - TRE. Assembly Instructions TRE.60 Inner height Bi 1: 22,5 mm Inner height Bi 2: 19,5 mm Bending radius R: 87 mm Pitch: 20,4 mm e-chain® TRE.70 Inner height Bi 1: 28 mm Inner height Bi 2: 24 mm Bending radius R: 110 mm Pitch: 25,6 mm e-chain®. TRE.85 Inner height Bi 1: 33 mm Inner height Bi 2: 28 mm Bending radius R: 135 mm Pitch: 30,6 mm e-chain® TRE.100 Inner height Bi 1: 37,5 mm Inner height Bi 2: 32,5 mm Bending radius R: 145 mm Pitch: 34,5 mm e-chain® TRE.125 Inner height Bi 1: 43,3 mm Inner height Bi 2: 43,3 mm Bending radius R: 182 mm Pitch: 44,6 mm e-chain® Standard mounting brackets for TRC / TRE / TRL. Also possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Standard mounting brackets Light mounting bracket Standard for the TRL version. Also compatible with TRC / TRE; possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Light mounting bracket TRE.40.B Inner height Bi 1: 15 mm Inner height Bi 2: 13 mm Bending radius R: 58 mm Pitch: 13.9 mm e-chain® TRE.60.B Inner height Bi 1: 22,5 mm Inner height Bi 2: 19,5 mm Bending radius R: 87 mm Pitch: 20,4 mm e-chain® Assembly instruction Instructions for the joining, separating and filling of the Triflex® R - TRE-B version. Assembly instruction TRE.70.B Inner height Bi 1: 28 mm Inner height Bi 2: 24 mm Bending radius R: 110 mm Pitch: 25,6 mm e-chain® TRE.85.B Inner height Bi 1: 33 mm Inner height Bi 2: 28 mm Bending radius R: 135 mm Pitch: 30,6 mm e-chain® TRE.100.B Inner height Bi 1: 37,5 mm Inner height Bi 2: 32,5 mm Bending radius R: 145 mm Pitch: 34,5 mm e-chain® Standard mounting brackets for TRC / TRE / TRL. Also possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Standard mounting brackets Light mounting bracket Standard for the TRL version. Also compatible with TRC / TRE; possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Light mounting bracket Assembly tool triflex® R B-version Assembly tool for disassembly of triflex® R B-version Assembly tool triflex® R B-version TRL.30 Inner height Bi 1: 12 mm Inner height Bi 2: 10 mm bending radii R: 50 mm Pitch: 11,3 mm e-chain® TRL.40 Inner height Bi 1: 15 mm Bending radius R: 58 mm Pitch: 13.9 mm e-chain® Installation instructions Instructions for the joining, separating and filling of the Triflex® R - TRL. Assembly Instructions TRL.60 Inner height Bi 1: 23 mm. Bending radius R: 87 mm. Pitch: 20.4 mm e-chain® TRL.70 Inner height Bi 1: 28 mm Bending radius R: 110 mm Pitch: 25.6 mm e-chain® TRL.100 Inner height Bi 1: 38 mm Bending radius R: 145 mm Pitch: 34.5 mm e-chain® Standard mounting brackets for TRC / TRE / TRL. Also possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Standard mounting brackets Light mounting bracket Standard for the TRL version. Also compatible with TRC / TRE; possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Light mounting bracket TRLF. 65 Inner height Bi 1: 24.4 mm Bending radius R: 100 mm Pitch: 23.1 mm e-chain® TRLF. 85 Inner height Bi 1: 32.8 mm Bending radius R: 135 mm Pitch: 31 mm e-chain® Assembly instruction Instructions for the joining, separating and filling of the Triflex® R - TRLF. Assembly instruction TRLF. 100 Inner height Bi 1: 38 mm Bending radius R: 145 mm Pitch: 34,5 mm e-chain® Standard mounting brackets for TRC / TRE / TRL. Also possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Standard mounting brackets Light mounting bracket Standard for the TRL version. Also compatible with TRC / TRE; possible with strain reliefs and as intermediate connection. Light mounting bracket triflex® RSP Continuously adjustable retraction force triflex® RSP triflex® RSE Infinitely adjustable retraction force for small robots triflex® RSE Triflex® R-Set Universal module for all motions on the robot Triflex® R-Set Fiber rod modules Intelligent problem solution through directed pretension. Fiber rod modules Universal assembly kit Offers the potential to mount the fiber rod module in the desired position on the robotic arm. Universal assembly kit Strain reliefs for large cross sections Secure mounting also in the use of cables with large cross section. Strain reliefs Gliding feed-through Available with and without swivel bearing Gliding feed-through Protectors Well protected in extreme applications. Protectors Heat shield Protection against weld and metal spills up to 600°C Heat shield CF Robot special cables Special cables for long service life in robotic applications. CF Robot special cables This system is especially suited for: First choice for multi-axis industrial robots Three versions are available: TRC: closed design; TRE: "Easy" design, very easy to fill in from outside; and TRL: the "Light" version, likewise with "easy" design Universally applicable in general mechanical engineering Secure energy supply system Multi-axis (3D movements) High torsional stability Can be shortened and lengthened as required due to the individual elements Large filling space Doesn't get stuck in the interfering edges Small bending radius Simple cable routing for three-dimensional applications with ball-and-socket system for absorption of high tensile strength Cables easy to install and replace (TRE/TRL version) Fiber rod module for partial reinforcement and to give direction TRL - One-piece element, extremely light High tensile strength without additional elements like steel cables, spring elements, etc. Typical industrial sectors and applications First choice for industrial robots Machine tools Handling equipment 6-axis Material handling system General mechanical engineering iF-Design Award for "TRC"- and "TRL"-Design Cleanroom environments on request Series TRC electrically conductive ESD/TEX versions possible UL94-V2classification
Dymax SpeedMask® 726-SC - Mască SpeedMask® curabilă la lumină pentru protecția fiabilă a suprafeței

Dymax SpeedMask® 726-SC - Mască SpeedMask® curabilă la lumină pentru protecția fiabilă a suprafeței

Plating, grit blast, and heatresistant Maskant with SeeCure Technology. Features: - Cures with UV/Visible light - See Cure dispenses blue, cures pink upon cure - Excellent surface protection - Complete under in 8 seconds - Easy peeloff after exposure to heat/hot water bath - Spray or dip application - Rolls Royce approval as metal spray maskant with designation of OMat 2/240 - Compliant with ISO 109935 Cytotoxicity - Compliant with with RoHS2 directives 2015/863/EU


Pour une application optimale sur le visage et le corps. Utilisez comme un pinceau de maquillage, après avoir vaporisé l'eau bronzante sur chaque partie de votre corps.
Dispozitiv de pulverizare ST1031

Dispozitiv de pulverizare ST1031

Le spray trigger ST1031 est un produit polyvalent, idéal pour les applications dans le domaine de la maison et du jardin. Avec un dosage de 1.10 ml, il est conçu pour une utilisation facile et efficace. Sa fixation à visser et sa bague striée garantissent une manipulation aisée. Ce modèle est également équipé d'une buse en laiton, ce qui le rend durable et résistant. Que ce soit pour des nettoyants ménagers ou des sprays de jardinage, le ST1031 est un choix fiable qui répondra à vos attentes.
Seria HSR - Pompa electrică sanitară din oțel inoxidabil

Seria HSR - Pompa electrică sanitară din oțel inoxidabil

The new ‘HRS’ series electric pumps are the first with a flexible impeller and drainage system for sanitisation. Ideal for food and pharmaceutical applications The HRS Series stainless steel sanitary electric pump is the new frontier of innovation and hygiene in electric pumps for food and pharmaceutical applications From 2020, the ‘HRS‘ series joins the previous ‘RAPID’ and ‘RAPID SANITARIA’ series with which we have been present on the market for electric pumps for over 50 years. With its flexible impeller equipped with a drainage system for automatic sanitization, the HSR Series stainless steel sanitary electric pump introduces a new standard. It is the first flexible impeller pump with a drainage system for automatic flushing, without the need for disassembly. It was awarded the European patent in 2023. The distinguishing element of this series is its ability to guarantee a superior level of hygiene in the transfer processes, which is why we chose the letter ‘H’ – HRR series – of ‘HYGIENIC’ as the product’s distinguishing element. Certified Materials for Food Use and Innovative drainage system Impeller and seals of the HRS Series are made of Silicone or FDA Neoprene, materials certified for use in contact with foodstuffs. The HRS Series drainage system is particularly innovative as this equipment handles not only liquids, but also dense and viscous fluids. All the surfaces involved in the transfer are touched by the washing liquids, making it possible to use the same pump both for the transfer and for the washing operations of the system.
EWS.Varia VXT – Sistemul de schimb rapid pentru aplicații rotative statice

EWS.Varia VXT – Sistemul de schimb rapid pentru aplicații rotative statice

EWS.Varia VXT ist die neueste Erweiterung unserer erfolgreichen Varia-Reihe. Speziell für statische Drehanwendungen entwickelt, vereint dieses System höchste Präzision, Stabilität und Flexibilität. Basierend auf dem bewährten EWS.Varia VX-System ermöglicht die neue VXT-Linie eine extrem kompakte Werkzeugspannung. Besonders bei der Bearbeitung in Richtung des Revolverkastens zählt jeder Millimeter der Ausspannlänge. Optimierte Stabilität und Dämpfung -Das Doppelkonus-Flexsystem bietet durch weit auseinanderliegende Stützpunkte maximale Steifigkeit. -Der elastische zweite Konus im hinteren Teil des Adapters und zusätzliche Klemmschrauben verbessern die Dämpfung, was zu längerer Standzeit und höherer Oberflächengüte führt. -Die duale Flächenpassung gewährleistet sichere Drehmomentübertragung und präzise Lageorientierung. Werkzeugwechsel, Flexibilität und Modularität - Einhandbedienung: Erlaubt einen sicheren und schnellen Wechsel der Werkzeuge direkt in der Maschine - EWS.Varia VXT verbindet außerdem die wechselhäufigsten Bearbeitungen und ermöglicht den Einsatz von Normal- und Überkopfwerkzeugen Höchste Präzision und Leistungsfähigkeit - Wiederholgenauigkeit: +/- 0,002 mm - Übertragbares Drehmoment: VXT3 = 160 Nm | VXT4 = 200 Nm - Kühlmitteldruck: Maximal 80 bar
Pad de demachiere

Pad de demachiere

Achieve a flawless complexion with our Makeup Remover Pad, designed to gently cleanse your face and remove makeup with ease. Featuring a cotton towel side, this pad allows you to effectively clean your skin without irritation. Its high-quality materials ensure durability and long-lasting use, providing you with the convenience and performance you need for your skincare routine. Our Makeup Remover Pad is crafted with both functionality and style in mind. The classic design and neutral colors make it a versatile addition to any bathroom, while its easy-care fabric ensures hassle-free maintenance. Whether you're removing makeup after a long day or cleansing your skin before bed, this pad promises to deliver exceptional performance and style, making it an essential part of your beauty routine.
Morcov 10x10x2 STD

Morcov 10x10x2 STD

Organic French origin rissolée carrots, cut into 10x10x2 mm pieces, ideal for various culinary applications.