Produse pentru aplicatie (1646)

Lentile Sferice și Lentile Semisferice pentru Lasere cu Fibra - Lentile Sferice din Sticlă cu Indice Ridicat de Refracție, cum ar fi Safirul și Sticla LASFN-9

Lentile Sferice și Lentile Semisferice pentru Lasere cu Fibra - Lentile Sferice din Sticlă cu Indice Ridicat de Refracție, cum ar fi Safirul și Sticla LASFN-9

Knight Optical offer a range of Stock Ball Lenses and Half Ball Lenses, for use within Fibre Lasers. As the name suggests ball lenses are completely spherical lenses mostly made out of High Refractive Index Glass such as Sapphire, and LASFN-9 Glass. The reason ball lenses are most commonly used is for their ability to focus light when leaving a fibre optic, so that it can therefore be used for a laser application. The key feature of ball lenses is their short back focal length allowing for precision coupling where size or space is a limiting factor in the system. Ball lenses are typically used in pairs with one lens acting as a collimator for the second to focus the light back into the coupled fibre. Where a more compact solution is required a half-ball lens is typically more suitable. We hold a large inventory of Ball Lenses. •Stock sizes from 0.5 5mm to 10mm diameter. •Custom sizes available to quotation. •Half Ball lenses also available. Material::BK7 or equivalent, Sapphire, Ruby, Quartz Diameter Tolerance::+/-2.5µm Figure (sphericity)::1λ Focal Length Tolerance::± 0.2% (<10mm) Wavelength Range::0.17 – 5.5µm Surface quality::<40-20 Scratch/Dig
Protejați-vă Datele Prețioase

Protejați-vă Datele Prețioase

La perte de données peut être catastrophique pour une entreprise ou un utilisateur. Notre service de sauvegardes informatiques offre une solution fiable pour protéger vos données précieuses en les sauvegardant régulièrement, vous offrant ainsi une tranquillité d'esprit totale.
Jowatherm® PO 851.10 - Adeziv pentru Ambalare

Jowatherm® PO 851.10 - Adeziv pentru Ambalare

Colle thermofusible base PO, pour montage et fermeture d'étuis et de caisses en carton, toutes machines, toutes cadences, très propre à l'utilisation, ne fait pas de fils.
Araldite 2013-1 | Cartuș Dublu de 200 ml cu ZMS - ARA-2013-1-200

Araldite 2013-1 | Cartuș Dublu de 200 ml cu ZMS - ARA-2013-1-200

ARALDITE 2013-1 | 200 ml Pastöser Zweikomponentenklebstoff auf Epoxidharzbasis • Metallisches Aussehen • Geeignet für vertikale Anwendungen • Gute Umwelt- und Chemikalienbeständigkeit • Für die Verklebung unterschiedlichster Materialien Araldite 2013- ist ein bei Raumtemperatur aushärtender, pastöser Zweikomponentenklebstoff. Die thixotrope Paste ist durch gute Kontakthaftung und Festigkeit gekennzeichnet und besitzt ausgezeichnete Beständigkeit gegen Umwelteinflüsse und Chemikalien. Araldite 2013-1 ist zwar als Metallklebstoff ausgelegt, eignet sich jedoch auch für andere Werkstoffe wie beispielsweise Keramik, Glas, Gummi, harte Kunststoffe sowie die meisten gebräuchlichen Materialien. Steckbrief: ARALDITE Bezeichnung 2013‐1 Chemische Basis, Mischungsverhältnis 2K EP 1:1 Farbe grau Viskosität (Verarbeitung) thixotrop Verarbeitungszeit für 100g bei 23°C 90min Typische Tg Glasübergangstemperatur 63°C Temp. EAN:4260534181576 ml:200
EP-340 - Adeziv polimerizant la temperatură normală sau prin încălzire

EP-340 - Adeziv polimerizant la temperatură normală sau prin încălzire

Colle polymérisant à température normale ou par chauffage De -55 à 150°C
Aplicator din bumbac 150 mm PP, cap mare, steril individual

Aplicator din bumbac 150 mm PP, cap mare, steril individual

Cotton Applicator 150 mm PP, Big Head, sterile individually
Distribuitoare semi-automate de etichete autocolante DFP-WR - Dispensere și etichetatoare de etichete

Distribuitoare semi-automate de etichete autocolante DFP-WR - Dispensere și etichetatoare de etichete

DFP-WR is a series of semi-automatic distributors of adhesive labels on rolls, completely made of steel, easy to use, versatile for any type of label you normally use. Available in widths up to 100 mm. or 200 mm. The holder can be adapted to any core can accept rolls up to 300 mm. diameter, thus offering long autonomy.The labels are read by two sensors that self-learning by the microprocessor automatically identify the difference in transparency between the label and the backing paper, presenting the label on the peeler, almost completely detached. Withdrawing the label, the next pop-up automatically. The control board also allows you to stop the rotation of the motor when coil is finished, or in case of paper breaking. It sign the anomaly with a sound signal. There is an electromechanical sensor for transparent labels and a preset counter for the regressive or progressive counting of the labels. The use of the battery version allows to work for about 4 hours without power supply. Example model:MOD. DFP-WR 100 Engine :Step by step Label width:mm. 15-100 Label lenght:mm. 15-600 External reel max diameter:mm. 300 Internal reel diameter:from 38 to mm. 110 Progress speed:from 10 to 15 mt./min.
Tastatură din folie pentru aplicații miniaturale - Introducere eficientă în format compact

Tastatură din folie pentru aplicații miniaturale - Introducere eficientă în format compact

Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bieten wir unseren Kunden hochwertige Folientastaturen und Dekorfolien für verschiedenste Branchen und Anwendungen. Dabei beraten wir Sie umfassend zu Ihren spezifischen Anforderungen hinsichtlich Ausstattung und technischer Merkmale und unterstützen Sie aktiv bei der Konstruktion. Die Folientastatur ist sehr flach und wird zumeist auf das Gehäuse geklebt. Im Aufbau besteht eine Folientastatur aus mehreren Schichten flexibler Materialien mit bedruckten Schaltkreisen und Kontakten. Die Konstruktion dieses Folienverbundes ermöglicht die Gestaltung einer dünnen und flexiblen Tastatur, was ideal für die Integration in tragbare, kleine Geräte ist.
Aplicații de forare - FORARE A UNUI VOLAN - Mașini de forare

Aplicații de forare - FORARE A UNUI VOLAN - Mașini de forare

AVEC LA SUPERCOMBINATA Pour toute information Sur les machines à aléser portables, vous pouvez contacter PENOUEST au 02 97 24 16 59. Aléseuses portables ELSA, vente, location, service après vente.
Frenzelit isoplan 750 GREENLINE - Material de izolație ecologic pentru temperaturi mai ridicate

Frenzelit isoplan 750 GREENLINE - Material de izolație ecologic pentru temperaturi mai ridicate

Isolationsplatten von Frenzelit sind für den Einsatz im Hochtemperaturbereich in der Wärmetechnik, im Anlagen- und Ofenbau, in der Prozessindustrie, in der Schifffahrt, als auch im bautechnischen Brandschutz entwickelt worden. Durch die Werkstoffkombination ergibt sich eine hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit. Die Isolationsplatten können vielfältig weiterverarbeitet werden wie z. B. bohren, fräsen, schleifen und wasserstrahlschneiden.
Concepție UI/UX

Concepție UI/UX

Créez des expériences utilisateur engageantes et intuitives avec les services de conception UI/UX de JL Development.
CAF 99 AXAD - Aparate electrice de uz casnic și aplicații de lipire a sticlei

CAF 99 AXAD - Aparate electrice de uz casnic și aplicații de lipire a sticlei

Proporciona um desempenho mecânico excecional, uma excelente estabilidade térmica, uma adesão sem primário a várias superfícies e uma forte resistência a agentes químicos. Proporciona uma montagem perfeita e uma vedação completa quando junção de diferentes materiais sujeitos a tensões térmicas.
Caut un înlocuitor pentru asistentă liberală

Caut un înlocuitor pentru asistentă liberală

Trouvez un remplaçant adapté et préservez votre bien-être avec SWITCHCARE SwitchCare vous permet de trouver des remplaçants qualifiés et de confiance en quelques clics.
Masă de tăiere cu plasmă PT-510HD CNC BAILEIGH Industrial - Mese de tăiere cu plasmă

Masă de tăiere cu plasmă PT-510HD CNC BAILEIGH Industrial - Mese de tăiere cu plasmă

La table de découpe au plasma PT-510HD CNC BAILEIGH Industrial est idéale pour tout atelier qui cherche à couper du 1500 x 3000 mm en acier doux. La table de découpe plasma PT-510HD CNC BAILEIGH Industrial est robuste puisqu'elle pèse 1,6 tonne. Comme toutes les tables de découpe plasma Baileigh CNC, elle est livrée intégralement montée. La seule chose à effectuer lors du lancement de la machine est l'actionnement de la torche. Cette table de découpe plasma CNC est livrée en standard avec un logiciel de conception facile à utiliser, chargé dans un PC de base et téléchargé via le câble de communication ou à distance par une clé USB. Dotée d’une station de contrôle opérationnelle et robuste, elle comprend une console avec grand écran de commande pour l'opérateur. Cette machine à plasma CNC peut exécuter un programme conçu par le logiciel et contrôler les axes X, Y et Z. L'axe Z est équipé d’une détection automatique de la hauteur pour permettre une distance parfaite Vitesse de la course:8000 mm/min Dimensions de la table:1500 x 3000 mm Capacité de charge de la table:25,4 mm en acier doux Puissance:220V / Monophasée Dimensions de colisage:4064 x 2590 x 1728 mm Poids de colisage:1535 kg
WIKA Tip PSM02 Comutator Compact de Presiune - Pentru aplicații industriale, histerezis de comutare ajustabil

WIKA Tip PSM02 Comutator Compact de Presiune - Pentru aplicații industriale, histerezis de comutare ajustabil

Einstellbare Schalthysterese Einstellbereiche: 0,2 … 2 bar [3 … 30 psi] bis 30 … 320 bar [450 … 4.600 psi] und -0,85 … -0,15 bar [-25 inHg … -5 inHg] Nichtwiederholbarkeit des Schaltpunktes: ≤ 2 % Schaltfunktionen: Schließer, Öffner oder Wechsler Messstoffe: Druckluft, neutrale und selbstschmierende Fluide und neutrale Gase
RO-M Fusion - Mașină Automată de Împachetare pentru Aplicații Universale

RO-M Fusion - Mașină Automată de Împachetare pentru Aplicații Universale

• Heizkeil-Schweißsystem in Standard-3 Ausführung • Antrieb des Aggregats in Gleichstromtechnik mit verschleißfreien Direktantrieben • Bandendevorabfrage mit Bandrestauswurf • Unkompliziertes Spulenwechsel- und Einfädelsystem • Umschalter für Softumreifung bei Einzelstücken oder extrem weichen Packstücken • Verschleißfreie, zwangsgesteuerte Bandführung • Bandspannung über Potentiometer einstellbar • Energiesparende Antriebe • Elektroniksteuerung • Aufklappbarer Vordertisch • Stabiles Fußpedal für Umreifungsauslösung • 4 Laufrollen, 2 davon feststellbar • Tischlänge: 600 mm oder wahlweise 700 mm oder 800 mm • CE-Zeichen inkl. Konformitätserklärung Verschlussart:Heizkeil-Schweißverfahren Weitere Eigenschaften:vertikale Umreifung
Cititor de Proximitate Antivandal pentru Controlul Accesului DGLI-WLC

Cititor de Proximitate Antivandal pentru Controlul Accesului DGLI-WLC

Lettori di prossimità antivandalo Wiegand - CDVI Italia - Lettore di prossimità antivandalo da applicare Wiegand in acciaio inox e/o policarbonato DIGIPROX, sono costruiti per installazioni da interno ed esterno. Si interfacciano ai sistemi di Controllo Accessi CENTAUR e ATRIUM mediante protocollo Wiegand. La peculiarità di questi lettori è il loro grado di protezione e la resistenza contro gli atti vandalici. Progettati proprio per qualunte tipo di ambiente con scelta di forme per installazioni a rilievo o ad incasso. Tutta l’elettronica è completamente resinata per garantire in qualunque condizioni atmosferica la sua funzionalità e affidabilità. La sua interfaccia permette di comunicare non solo con i prodotti CDVI ma anche con prodotti di altri, infatti il suo protocollo Wiegand a 26/30/44 bits li rende universale e interfacciabile con altre centrali di controlli accessi, centrali antitrusione e antifurti. DGLI WLC (L x W x D):97 x 76 x 20mm Alimentazione:12V dc Assorbimento:100mA
Pături de imprimare - Pentru diverse aplicații industriale

Pături de imprimare - Pentru diverse aplicații industriale

Teknova is the sole representative of the the world market leader for Trelleborg blanket brands belonging to the group Sava in Turkey. With 90 years of blanket production, Sava produces high-quality industrial blankets for various industrial applications. Thanks to its innovative approach and diverse product range, Sava blankets provide effective solutions for special applications in the printing industry.
Reciclarea monitoarelor LCD - domenii de aplicare

Reciclarea monitoarelor LCD - domenii de aplicare

According to initial estimates, in Germany about three million LCD monitors will be recycled in the year 2016. However, they often still have backlighting containing mercury and therefore have to be classified as “hazardous waste” in accordance with the German General Administrative Regulation (AVV) and registered in compliance with the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (Elektro G) under category 3. Whereby special conditions must ensure that no risk arises from the mercury for the environment or for humans. However, because of a lack of suitable automated procedures for the recycling of LCD monitors, it was to date only possible to dissemble the appliances laboriously by hand, with the ensuing health dangers for the workers. For this, ERDWICH now offers two alternatives which are both safe and time-saving for recycling LCD monitors. Mercury and valuable resources can be removed and recycled in an environmentally sound way in the future: 1. Monitor sawing plant for...
Sisteme de Tipărire și Aplicare a Etichetelor

Sisteme de Tipărire și Aplicare a Etichetelor

I sistemi Stampa e Applica per le tutte le vostre esigenze di etichettatura di packaging secondari, terziari e di pallet.
Tipărirea Etichetelor Autocolante -

Tipărirea Etichetelor Autocolante -

Impression d'étiquettes adhésives - En rouleau - En planche - Impression Flexographie - Impression Numérique - Petite et grande quantité - Tout type de support (papier, pvc, etc...) - Multiples finitions: dorure, pelliculage, gaufrage, vernis, etc - Bouteille / emballage / parfum / cosmétique Devis impression étiquettes gratuit
Sisteme de Serviciu la Distanță cu Ixagent - 612 005 00

Sisteme de Serviciu la Distanță cu Ixagent - 612 005 00

Remote maintenance and troubleshooting over long distances are only possible with a secure remote connection over the Internet. The central component of the Kuhnke remote service system is the IXplatform of our system partner IXON in Overloon, The Netherlands. The IXplatform is a powerful Industrial Internet of Things platform (Industrial IoT) and connects the control in the machine secure with one of the world-wide distributed data servers. The application on the data servers is web-based and can be accessed with any browser from your PC, smartphone or tablet. The VPN connection provides a secure remote connection for monitoring, programming or troubleshooting on the machine control. The IXrouter is a combined Industrial VPN Router and IoT-Edge Gateway and connects your machine controller, HMI, robots and all other industrial devices in your machine. Integrated function:VPN connection  Product status:Technology  Application:Observation, remote maintenance, data logging  Provision:IXrouter: Industrial VPN Router and IoT-Edge Gateway  Requirements:Available for all KUHNKE PLCs 


A must for every pet owner is the care. Daily life together also requires observing the regular hygiene of the animal. This applies to all types of animals, from pets to livestock. For almost every need of the animal companion, there are appropriate sophisticated care products. There is hardly any difference between these products and what a person would use for care. The wholesome ingredients can, among other things, calm, clean or protect the animal. Dietary supplements, products for washing and refining the coat or even tooth and ear care products are available. WFS develops and produces the right product for you on customer’s order.
Marcatori pentru Halbe de Bere din Fleece - cu Aplicație din Lemn, Gravată cu Laser

Marcatori pentru Halbe de Bere din Fleece - cu Aplicație din Lemn, Gravată cu Laser

So kann man seinen Bierkrug, seine Flasche oder sein Glas sofort aus der Menge erkennen. Auf der Holz Applikation wird auf einer Seite das Motiv per Laser eingraviert, die andere Seite kann zusätzlich mit einem Stift individuell beschriftet werden. Das Filzband ist in vielen Farben erhältlich, auch der aufgenähte Karo-Stoff ist in zahlreichen Farben lieferbar. Verschlossen werden die schicken Filzchen mit Klett oder Druckknopf. Mindestbestellmenge 300 Stück Größe:ca. 12,5 x 3 cm Material:Polyesterfilz, 3 mm Applikation:Holzherz ca. 35 mm, lasergraviert Mechanik:Klettverschluss oder Druckknopf
KOEPPCell® cauciuc celular CR-F fix

KOEPPCell® cauciuc celular CR-F fix

Cellular rubber made by KOPP is the ideal material for sealing, insulating, insulating, dampening and as rattle protection. Cellular rubber is a porous, closed-cell rubber quality that is available in various strengths and densities. It is manufactured using the so-called expansion process - based on natural and/or synthetic rubbers, such as EPDM and other synthetic elastomers. Cellular rubber is airtight and waterproof and therefore (unlike foam rubber) does not require an outer skin to be used as a seal. From our KOEPPcell® range you can get the following cellular rubber or elastomer types in our usual high quality at extremely interesting prices: • Natural rubber (NR-L, NR-S) • EPDM (EPDM-L*, EPDM-S*, EPDM- SUW*, EPDM-W*) * all also peroxidically cross-linked • Chloroprene rubber (CR-L, CR-S) • EPDM-PE blend • EPDM-CR blend (EPDM-CR-L, EPDM-CR-S ) • mixed-cell (semi-closed) EPDM (EPDM-SC) Technical properties Can withstand a wide range of requirements Origin:Germany
Forjarea fluxului de granule pentru aplicații critice - componente de siguranță mecanică: forjate în matriță închisă

Forjarea fluxului de granule pentru aplicații critice - componente de siguranță mecanică: forjate în matriță închisă

Forgings have a grain flow, like the fiber structure of wood, caused by plastic deformation during the forging process. Proper orientation of grain flow improves the physical properties of forged parts. Everyday examples for forgings are car wheel bolts or screw nuts. Further examples include all kind of fasteners and hoists including forged hooks, eyebolts, and chain links. Forgings are also part of complex assemblies like crawler track chains, articulation sockets for busses or trains, hydraulic systems and lifting gears, as well gearwheels (forged blanks), pinions, rollers, holders and supports. Made in Germany of European primary material KB Schmiedetechnik GmbH is a Western German drop forge, specialized in small series production of closed die forgings from 200g to 130Kg unit weight and up to 600mm length of all forgeable steel grades and superalloys according to: ISO 9001 + ISO 14001 ASME, PED, KTA, RCC-M ABS, BV, ClassNK, DNV, LR closed die drop forgings:up to 130Kg unit weight Length:600mm all steel grades and special alloys:carbon and stainless steel, superalloys Processed in Germany:of European quality steel and raw material special metals:corrosion-resistant, non-embrittling, seawater-suitable forgings also for shipbuilding according to::ABS, BV Marine & Offshore, ClassNK, DNV, LR Shipping pressurizes parts according to::ASTM/ASME, PED, AD2000, KTA, AVSD, RCCM Examples: international boiler projects of:Alstom, Babcock, CNIM, EDF, Mitsubishi/Hitachi (MHPS), and more
Stații de prelevare a apei pentru industrie EASYPRO CS - Stații de prelevare a apei pentru aplicații industriale EASYPRO CS

Stații de prelevare a apei pentru industrie EASYPRO CS - Stații de prelevare a apei pentru aplicații industriale EASYPRO CS

With the EASYPRO CS, you get a configurable system. This customised solution is ideal for industrial applications and saves costs as only the required components are installed. The design of the base plate allows the CS120 to be used in combination with up to three other measured variables in the water. The integrated TOPAX® MC multi-channel controller continuously measures the water parameters and keeps them within the target range. It controls a large number of actuators and final control elements and is simple and intuitive to operate. Components of the EASYPRO CS (mounted on base plate): . Multi-channel controller TOPAX® MC . Measuring cells and measuring cell fittings . Sample water filter . Flow monitor . DFR 45 flow controller with temperature sensor and sample water tapping point . Inlet and outlet tap . Holder for buffer solutions and buffer solutions for adjusting the measuring cells . Multicoloured LEDs
Coloris - Fațade

Coloris - Fațade

The material is available in a variety of colors that can work in a range of architectural applications. These colors last significantly longer than other competing materials, including concrete.
Plăci Magnetice de Fixare TFP pentru Aplicații de Șlefuire

Plăci Magnetice de Fixare TFP pentru Aplicații de Șlefuire

Elektropermanente Magnetplatten für die Hochpräzisions-Schleifbearbeitung