Produse pentru api (22)

Enzalutamid - Enzalutamid, 915087-33-1, anti-cancer, API, antiandrogen

Enzalutamid - Enzalutamid, 915087-33-1, anti-cancer, API, antiandrogen

Enzalutamide binds to androgen receptors and thereby inhibits them (antiandrogen). In addition, translocation in the cell nuclei is inhibited and the binding to the DNA is weakened, as well as the recruitment of cofactors for transcription. This leads to the inhibition of gene expression, which are regulated by the androgen receptors. Due to the triple mechanism of action, Enzalutamide differs from the usual anti-androgenic substances. Due to its anti-androgenic properties, the active ingredient also has an antineoplastic effect in androgen-sensitive tumors (e.g. metastatic prostate cancer). Name:Enzalutamide CAS Number:915087-33-1 Indication:prostate cancer Type:antiaandrogen
Classic SAE 20W-50 API SC - Tipp Oil Manufacturer Ldt. Co. KG

Classic SAE 20W-50 API SC - Tipp Oil Manufacturer Ldt. Co. KG

TIPP OIL Classic SAE 20W-50 API SC ist ein mild legiertes Motorenöl für den ganzjährigen Einsatz. In seiner Zusammensetzung wurde es speziell auf die Anforderungen von Old- und Youngtimer-Fahrzeugen mit Ölfilter abgestimmt. Darüber hinaus kann es auch für Benzin- und Dieselmotoren verwendet werden, die für Mehrbereichsöle ihrer Zeit entwickelt wurden. Classic SAE 20W-50 API SC verlängert die Lebensdauer des Motors durch erhöhte Konzentration des Zinkgehalts. Dieser vermindert Ablagerungen, Verschleiß und Undichtigkeiten. Die spezielle Viskositätslage sorgt auch bei hohen Temperaturen für einen stabilen Öldruck sowie optimale Kompression. Qualitäts- Klassifikation Spezifikationen: API SC Wir haben das weltweite erste Pfandsystem für Gebinde eingeführt, um aktiv am Umweltschutz teilzunehmen. Mit unserem Rebottle-Pfandsystem setzen sie ein wichtiges Zeichen, um die Müllflut zu beenden. Denn wir nehmen die geleerten Kunststoffbehälter wieder entgegen LIEFERZEIT:ca. 10 Tage ART:Synthetik GRÖSSE:1 Liter, 4 Liter, 5 Liter, 20 Liter, 60 Liter, 200 Liter HERKUNFTSLAND:Deutschland SPEZIFIKATION:API SC ZERTIFIZIERUNG:Tüv Nord DIN EN ISO 9001 VISKOSITÄT:20W-50
Control și Automatizare

Control și Automatizare

Automatisierungssysteme für verfahrenstechnische Abläufe Steuerungs- und Automationssysteme sind Teil der Anforderung an moderne Anlagen. Ruland liefert Automationslösungen für unsere Anlagentechnik. Von einfachen Steuerungselement bis zu komplexen Automatisierungsprogrammen passen unsere Programmierer das System individuell an. Die Anbindung an ERP- oder andere Schnittstellen, die Betriebsdatenerfassung und ein eigenes Programm zur Verwaltung der Produktionsprozesse gehören zum Ruland-Angebot. Die CAD-Konstruktion und der Bau von Schaltschränken sowie die Erstellung von Schaltplänen ergänzen unsere Automationslösungen.
Controler de Prevenire a Supraîncărcării EUS-2 - Conform standardului european EN 13922 și standardului american API RP 1004

Controler de Prevenire a Supraîncărcării EUS-2 - Conform standardului european EN 13922 și standardului american API RP 1004

The Overfill Prevention Controller EUS-2 is the central part of the overfill prevention system according to European VOC Directive 94/63/EC and American API RP 1004. EUS-2 monitors the level sensors at the tanker compartments, the truck grounding and the vapor recovery connection. The filling process is interrupted immediately at the loading gantry, if a critical situation is detected. The controller is able to detect the type of truck installation and activates the required operatingmode automatically. This interoperability allows to load trucks of different carriers.
Separator API - Filtre și Sisteme de Filtrare

Separator API - Filtre și Sisteme de Filtrare

API Separator These separators treat and remove about 80% of the free oil from oily-water with more than 150 µm of particle size dimension.
serum apicol

serum apicol

In der Kosmetikserie von apiserun finden Sie die unvergleichliche Kombination von Gelee Royale und ausgesuchten natürlichen Pflanzenextrakten. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE ist ein erfrischendes Tonic für die reifere und regenerationsbedürftige Haut mit Straffungseffekt. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE morgens und abends nach der Reinigung auf Gesicht und Hals auftragen. Wirkstoffe: • Gelée Royal • Karottenextrakt • Rosenöl • Geraniumöl
Prognoza BoFiT

Prognoza BoFiT

Forecasts in the energy sector With the transformation of the energy system and the expansion of renewable energy, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to estimate reliably the constraints of portfolio management. Customers’ needs regarding heat or gas and the expected volume of power generated from proprietary wind or PV installations must be forecasted. In addition, the price expectations in the various markets must be calculated in advance using suitable methods so as to make the right decisions in the right market channel. Brief description of BoFiT Forecast BoFiT Forecast allows you to create forecast models for any application and to implement them in your processes. Forecasts are fully integrated in time series management and in the runtime environment. In addition to simple profile procedures (standard load profiles, temperature-dependent load profiles, user-defined profiles) load profile extrapolation, regression procedures, artificial neural networks and...
Clofazimina - Clofazimina; Chlofazimina; Chlofazimin; 2030-63-9; API, Clofazimina

Clofazimina - Clofazimina; Chlofazimina; Chlofazimin; 2030-63-9; API, Clofazimina

Clofazimina es considerada como una de las medicinas antimicrobianas. En combinación con otras medicinas se usa contra la efermedad lepra. El mecanismo detras de su función sigue siendo sujeto de investigación. Nombre:Clofazimina Número-CAS:2030-63-9 Indicación:Lepra
Lactat de etacridină monohidratat - CAS 6402-23-9; API; Antiseptic și antibacterian

Lactat de etacridină monohidratat - CAS 6402-23-9; API; Antiseptic și antibacterian

El lactato de etacridina es un compuesto orgánico aromático basado en la acridina. Se utiliza principalmente como antiséptico (en forma de pomadas y soluciones) para el tratamiento de heridas infectadas y piodermas. Además, se aplica como solución de irrigación vesical y vaginal. Es eficaz contra la mayoría de las bacterias grampositivas, como los estreptococos y los estafilococos, pero ineficaz contra las bacterias gramnegativas, como Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Además, el lactato de etacridina se utiliza para la diarrea (o la profilaxis de la diarrea). En este caso, el principio activo normaliza el aumento del movimiento de los intestinos gracias a su efecto antiespasmódico. También tiene un efecto antibacteriano y reduce la permeabilidad de la pared intestinal a los fluidos. De este modo, se puede contrarrestar la diarrea. Por regla general, se administra en combinación con albuminato de tanino. Nombre:Lactato de etacridina monohidratado Número CAS:6402-23-9 Indicación:Antiséptico y antibacteriano
Lactat de etacridină monohidrat - CAS 6402-23-9; API; Antiseptic și antibacterian

Lactat de etacridină monohidrat - CAS 6402-23-9; API; Antiseptic și antibacterian

Ethacridine lactate is an aromatic organic compound based on acridine. It is mainly used as an antiseptic (in the form of ointments and solutions) for the treatment of infected wounds and pyoderma. Besides, it finds application as bladder and vaginal irrigation solution. It is effective against most gram-positive bacteria, such as streptococci and staphylococci, but ineffective against gram-negative bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition, ethacridine lactate is used for diarrhea (or diarrhea prophylaxis). Here, the active ingredient normalizes the increased movement of the intestines through its antispasmodic effect. It also has an antibacterial effect and reduces the permeability of the intestinal wall to fluids. Thus, diarrhea can be counteracted. As a rule, it is administered in combination with tannin albuminate. Name:Ethacridine lactate monohydrate CAS Number:6402-23-9 Indication:Antiseptic & Antibacterial
Warfarină Sodică, amorfă - Warfarină Sodică, amorfă; API; EP, USP, JP, ANVISA; [129-06-6]

Warfarină Sodică, amorfă - Warfarină Sodică, amorfă; API; EP, USP, JP, ANVISA; [129-06-6]

Warfarin Sodium, amorphous is a synthetically synthesized Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, produced under cGMP, compliant with EP monograph. Its CAS-N° reads [129-06-6]. It is used to treat or prevent blood clots in veins or arteries, which can reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, or other serious conditions. Detailed specification, Certificate of Analysis and samples are available on request. Warfarin sodium is a 4-hydroxycumarin, these are known as vitamin K antagonists. Vitamin K antagonists are anticoagulants that encroach on the blood clotting cascade. Since the substance can have significant fluctuations in its effectiveness, depending on the genotype, the blood clotting levels for dose tuning should be tested regularly. CAS:129-06-6 Product Information:API Route of Synthesis:Synthetic Patent Expiry:EU, US - expired Indication:Anticoagulant, Tromboembosism Dosage:Oral and iv formulation
Acid metansulfonic - MSA; 75-75-2; API sub formă de sare de mesilat; farmaceutic, veterinar, agro, electro

Acid metansulfonic - MSA; 75-75-2; API sub formă de sare de mesilat; farmaceutic, veterinar, agro, electro

El ácido metansulfónico pertenece al grupo de los ácidos metansulfónicos. El intermediario se utiliza en las industrias farmacéutica (y veterinaria), agrícola y de fragancias. Se aplica en la producción de APIs en forma de sal de mesilato. Nombre:Ácido metansulfónico Sinónimo:MSA CAS:75-75-2 Aplicación:APIs en forma de sal de mesilato Uso:Agro, fine chem, perfume, farma, vet
Clofazimina - Clofazimina; Chlofazimina; Chlofazimina; 2030-63-9; API

Clofazimina - Clofazimina; Chlofazimina; Chlofazimina; 2030-63-9; API

Clofazimin wird zu den kationischen, amphiphilen Arzneimitteln gezählt. Der Wirkmechanismus ist nicht vollständig geklärt. Clofazimin ist ein roter Farbstoff, der einen bakteriostatischen Effekt auf das Lepra-verursachende Mykobakterium leprae hat. Der Wirkstoff wird von der WHO zur Therapie von Lepra verwendet. Name:Clofazimin CAS:2030-63-9 Indikation:Antimycobakteriell (Lepra)
Clofazimina - Clofazimina; Chlofazimina; Chlofazimina; 2030-63-9; API

Clofazimina - Clofazimina; Chlofazimina; Chlofazimina; 2030-63-9; API

Clofazimin is considered one of the cationic amphiphic medicines. The mechanism of action is not fully understood. Clofamizin is a red dye that has a bacteriostatic effect on the leprosy causing mycobacterium leprae. The active ingredient is used by WHO to treat leprosy. Name:Clofazimine CAS:2030-63-9 Indication:Antimycobacterial
Lactat de etacridină monohidrat - CAS 6402-23-9; API; Antiseptic, are proprietăți antibacteriene

Lactat de etacridină monohidrat - CAS 6402-23-9; API; Antiseptic, are proprietăți antibacteriene

Ethacridinlactat ist eine aromatische organische Verbindung auf der Basis von Acridin. Es wird hauptsächlich als Antiseptikum (in Form von Salben und Lösungen) zur Behandlung infizierter Wunden und Pyodermien verwendet. Daneben findet es Anwendung als Blasen- und Vaginalspüllösung. Es ist wirksam gegen die meisten grampositiven Bakterien, wie Streptokokken und Staphylokokken, aber unwirksam gegen gramnegative Bakterien wie Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Darüber hinaus wird Ethacridinlactat bei Durchfall (bzw. zur Durchfallprophylaxe) angewandt. Hierbei normalisiert der Wirkstoff durch seine krampflösende Wirkung die gesteigerte Bewegung des Darmes. Es ist zudem antibakteriell wirksam und senkt die Durchlässigkeit der Darmwand für Flüssigkeiten. So kann einem Durchfall entgegengewirkt werden. Im Regelfall wird es in Kombination mit Tannin-Albuminat verabreicht. Name:Ethacridinlactat-Monohydrat CAS Nummer:6402-23-9 Indikation:Antiseptikum antibakteriell
Zofenopril Calciu - Zofenopril Calciu, 81938-43-4, API

Zofenopril Calciu - Zofenopril Calciu, 81938-43-4, API

Zofenopril calcium is an inhibitor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE inhibitor). Angiotensin I & II control the tone of the blood vessels and are part of the Renin Angiotensin aldosterone system. The increase in angiotensin II leads to a reduction in vascular tone, which leads to lower blood pressure. Therefore, it is used in the therapy of arterial hypertension and acute heart attacks. Name:Zofenopril Calcium CAS Number:81938-43-4 Indication:Hypertension
Propofol - Propofol; 2078-54-8; API

Propofol - Propofol; 2078-54-8; API

Propofol belongs to the group of phenol derivatives. The active substance is a short-acting anesthetic. It is used for the initiation and maintenance of intravenous anesthesia. Name:Propofol CAS Number:2078-54-8 Indication:Anesthesia, sedation
Acid Metansulfonic - MSA; 75-75-2; Săruri de Mesilat API; Farmacie, Veterinar, Agro, Electro, Parfum; Chimie Fină

Acid Metansulfonic - MSA; 75-75-2; Săruri de Mesilat API; Farmacie, Veterinar, Agro, Electro, Parfum; Chimie Fină

Methansulfonsäure gehört zur Gruppe der Methansulfonsäuren. Das Zwischenprodukt wird in der Pharma, Agro und Parfümindustrie verwendet. Es wird auch bei der Herstellung von APIs in Mesilatsalzform verwendet. Name:Methansulfonsäure Synonym:MSA CAS Nummer:75-75-2 API Anwendung:Mesilate-API Salze Verwendung:Agrar, Elektro, Feinchem, Pharma, Vet
Crotamiton - Crotamiton; (E)-N-Etil-N-(metilfenil)but-2-enamidă; API; EP; CAS 483-63-6

Crotamiton - Crotamiton; (E)-N-Etil-N-(metilfenil)but-2-enamidă; API; EP; CAS 483-63-6

Crotamiton is an active pharmaceutical ingredient produced under cGMP. * only European manufacturer * competitive process * up-to-date documentation * starting materials sourced from EU (no dependence on China) Crotamitone is an antipruriginosum used to treat burial mites (scabies). It works against the mites themselves, but also against the itching. CAS:483-63-6 Product Information:API Indication:Scabicidal and antipuritic Dosage:liquid Route of Synthesis:Synthetic Loss of Exclusivity:expired in EU, US
Diethylpropion HCl (1% acid L-tartaric); Amfepranon HCl; API; 134-80-5

Diethylpropion HCl (1% acid L-tartaric); Amfepranon HCl; API; 134-80-5

Diethylpropion hydrochloride is an amphetamine derivative that acts systemically on the cardiovascular system, certain organs and the brain (or CNS) as an indirect α-sympathomimetic. It is counted among the psychostimulants and suppresses needs such as sleep, appetite, thirst and urination. The release of catecholamines (e.g. adrenaline, dopamine) increases heart rate, blood pressure and pulmonary circulation. It is used to treat obesity. CAS:134-80-5 Product Information:BTM, contr. substance US schedule IV Route of Synthesis:Synthetic Patent Expiry:EU, US - expired Indication:Antipsychotic, CNS Stimulant,Anorexic Dosage:oral grade specialities Name:Diethylpropione hydrochloride
Ketoprofen - Ketoprofen; Ingredient Farmaceutic Activ; EP; JP; CAS 22071-15-4

Ketoprofen - Ketoprofen; Ingredient Farmaceutic Activ; EP; JP; CAS 22071-15-4

Ketoprofen is a synthetically synthesized Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, produced under cGMP, compliant with EP, JP monographs. Its CAS-N° reads 22071-15-4. It is used in treatment of arthritis-related inflammatory pains, severe toothaches that result in the inflammation of the gums or nerve pain. Ketoprofen is an acidic, non-opioid analgesic used for pain and inflammation. By inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis at the key enzyme cyclooxygenase, it can be used for acute and chronic pain (e.g. arthrosis and arthritides). Like most active ingredients in its class, it is poorly tolerated by the gastrointestinal tract, a particular side effect is light sensitization. Detailed specification, Certificate of Analysis and samples are available on request. CAS:22071-15-4 Product Information:API Route of Synthesis:Synthetic Patent Expiry:EU, US - expired Indication:Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory Dosage:Oral Name:Ketoprofen
Mesilat de Doxazosină - Mesilat de Doxazosină; Ingredient Farmaceutic Activ; EP; CAS 77883-43-3

Mesilat de Doxazosină - Mesilat de Doxazosină; Ingredient Farmaceutic Activ; EP; CAS 77883-43-3

Doxazosin Mesylate is a synthetically synthesized Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, produced under cGMP, compliant with EP monograph. Its CAS-N° reads 77883-43-3. It is used to treat high blood pressure and urinary retention associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia - BPH. Doxazosin mesylate is a selective α-blocker that selectively binds to α1-receptors, thus dilating peripheral blood vessels. This reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels of the serum. Detailed specification, Certificate of Analysis and samples are available on request. CAS:77883-43-3 Product Information:API Route of Synthesis:Synthetic Patent Expiry:EU, US - expired Indication:Antihypertensive, Adrenergic Blocker Dosage:Oral formulation