Produse pentru alimente (127)

Dispenser Mobil pentru Farfurii

Dispenser Mobil pentru Farfurii

Design: CNS 18/10, heated / unheated, for plates and serving plates. Thermostatically adjustable from 30° – 90 °C. Mounted on 4 castors (2 lockable), diameter 125 mm. Incl. handle and corner bumper.
Sistem de curățare a aerului ACS

Sistem de curățare a aerului ACS

Mobile module with integrated air exhaust technique and circulating-air cleaning. Design CNS 18/10, niche for table top devices (available separately). On left and right side of the niche a control panel with on/off switch and main sockets (2 on each side - 2 x 230V and 2 x 400 V). On each side an extension made of CNS with cutouts for GN-containers (3x GN1/6 and 2x GN2/8). Removable threepart splash guard,on guest side made of safety glass (ESG). 2 high performance grease separators with grease collection trays. Cleaning of odors with patented plasma technology in combination with activated charcoal filters.
Dispenser Mobil pentru Coșuri

Dispenser Mobil pentru Coșuri

Design: CNS 18/10, heated basket dispenser thermostatically adjustable from 30° – 90 °C. Incl. handle and corner bumper. Mounted on 4 castors (2 lockable), diameter 125 mm.
Lampă de încălzire pentru bufet dublă

Lampă de încălzire pentru bufet dublă

Design: Stand, lamp shades and flexible arms optionally chromium plated or black-coloured. Lamps with two individual on-off-switches. E.-Connection: 230 V – 500 W. Incl. 2 x 250 Watt-infrared radiators, white light.
Dispenser universal încorporat

Dispenser universal încorporat

Design: CNS 18/10. For flush built-in. With platform and 8 guide rods. plattform 580 x 580 mm
Placă de gătit Ceran - pentru montaj încastrat

Placă de gătit Ceran - pentru montaj încastrat

Design: Casing chrome nickel steel 18/10. Continuously adjustable temperature control from 30 – 90 °C by loosely attached ther mostat, with casing. 2 x GN 1/1 and 3 x GN 1/1 seperately adjustable.
Farfurie rece

Farfurie rece

GN 1/1 - GN 3/1. Surface chrome nickel steel. Ready to plug-in. Refrigerant: 600a. Adjustable from -5° to +15°C.
Steamer pentru colțunași

Steamer pentru colțunași

Design: Chrome nickel steel 18/10, cabinet vitrified on all sides, with thermostat, adjust - able from 30 – 110 °C, heating with overheat protection, 5 perforated intermediate shelves. Slides also suitable for GN-inserts 2/3-65. Device decomposable for cleaning. E-Connection: 230 V – 1,8 kW. 5 Intermediate shelves.
Trotinetă pentru tăvi RTW - cu uși

Trotinetă pentru tăvi RTW - cu uși

Design: Frame structure made of anodized special light metal-profiles, side walls and separating walls made of melamin resin laminated panels, completely surrounded by U-profile.Rear- and front side open. Tray supports made of chromium plated tubular material. Mounted on 4 corrosion protected, ball bearing castors with distance holding bumpers, 2 of them lockable. With acrylic glass doors (completely faced with melamine panels).
Făină din semințe de struguri

Făină din semințe de struguri

Vitis Traubenkernmehl - glutenfrei mit hohem Ballaststoffgehalt
Stație de tăiere

Stație de tăiere

Design: Carving station made of chrome nickel steel 18/10. Digital adjustable from 30 – 100 °C. Carving surface with retaining lip. Incl. heat resis tant carving board made of glass. Available with cough protection on guest side upon request.
Ulei de chili organic

Ulei de chili organic

"herrliches Chiliaroma mit angenehmer Schärfe"
Dispenser de coșuri

Dispenser de coșuri

For flush built-in. Temperature fixed at 70 °C. Unheated basket dispenser open. Heatedbasket dispenser closed.
Carucior pentru tăvi AGW

Carucior pentru tăvi AGW

Cutlery- and tray-distribution trolley AGW. Design: Frame structure made of anodized special light metal-profiles, side walls melamine resin laminated, panels completely surrounded by U-profile, on top cutlery container with napkin dispenser for 300 napkins. Mounted on 4 corrosion protected, ball bearing castors, 2 of them lock able.
Dispenser de farfurii încorporat - încălzit

Dispenser de farfurii încorporat - încălzit

Heated, for plates and menu plates. Design: Casing and base made of chrome nickel steel, chromium steel plattform. Ther mos tat and on-off switch loosely attached, with built-in casing for mounting into site facing. Thermostatically adjustable from 30 – 90 °C. Capillary tube length 1800 mm. Capacity: approx. 50 plates. E.-Connection: 230 V-0,4 kW. Thermostat-built-in casing 107 x 175 x 80 mm, cut-out measures for built-in casing 87 x 150 mm.
Extracte din Ierburi și Fructe

Extracte din Ierburi și Fructe

Angefangen bei Anis und Apfel bis hin zu Zimt, Zitrone und Zitronengras Aus unterschiedlichsten Kräutern und Früchten entwickeln und produzieren wir hochwertige Extrakte. Sie sind maßgeblich für den Geschmack, erfüllen funktionelle Zusatznutzen und sorgen für eine ansprechende Färbung. Um unserem Qualitätsanspruch gerecht zu werden, greifen wir bei der Herstellung unserer Extrakte ausschließlich auf erstklassige Rohstoffe zurück. Und in bewährten Extraktionsverfahren verarbeiten wir diese auf besonders schonende Weise. Lassen Sie sich von der Vielfalt unseres Angebots inspirieren!
Ulei de Rapiță Bio

Ulei de Rapiță Bio

"Klassiker mit viel Geschmack"
Sistem de curățare a aerului ACS - cu fețe laterale

Sistem de curățare a aerului ACS - cu fețe laterale

Mobile module with integrated air exhaust technique and circulating-air cleaning. Design CNS 18/10, niche for table top devices (available separately).Granite work top 30 mm thick,extended on customer side as tray support. Granite options: Nero Impala, Rosso Multicolor, Rosso Balmoral, Viskont White. Resopal facing on three sides. On left and right side of the niche a control panel with on/off switch and main sockets (2 on each side - 2 x 230V and 2 x 400 V). On each side an extension made of CNS with cutouts for GN-containers (3x GN1/6 and 2x GN2/8). Removable threepart splash guard, on guest side made of safety glass (ESG). 2 high performance grease separators with grease collection trays. Cleaning of odors with patented plasma technology in combination with activated charcoal filters.
Ulei de Cânepă Organic

Ulei de Cânepă Organic

"zurecht zunehmend beliebt"
Podul de încălzire 29000 - pentru montaj la fața locului

Podul de încălzire 29000 - pentru montaj la fața locului

Design: 18/10, without feet, chains and eyelets, for on site mounting. With IRK-halogen-infrared-quartz radiators à 400 Watt.
Profit-Line 25000 Gheață Zdrobită

Profit-Line 25000 Gheață Zdrobită

Insulated cooling basin and neon-lighting, without cooling aggregate, for crushed-ice.
Ulei de nucă organic

Ulei de nucă organic

Fein nussig & mild, so muss natürliches Walnussöl schmecken. Durch unsere besondere Technologie pressen wir Walnussöl besonders schonend. Dabei verwenden wir beste, geschmacklich einwandfreie Nüsse
Placă combinată caldă sau rece

Placă combinată caldă sau rece

Table top. Hot or cold combined in one plate. Temperature variable from – 5 °C to +110 °C. With Self-Cooling-System (refrigerant R600a). Casing chrome nickel steel 18/10, glass facing.
Ulei de semințe de dovleac bio

Ulei de semințe de dovleac bio

"natürliche Kraft der Kürbiskerne"
Sistem de Umplere Vid-Gravitație pentru Băuturi Fără Gaz UNI-V

Sistem de Umplere Vid-Gravitație pentru Băuturi Fără Gaz UNI-V

UNI-V - Das Füllsystem Vakuum-Schwerkraft für stille Getränke - bis zu 15 000 Fl. / Std. für Heiß- und Kaltsterile Füllungen. Der UNI-V Betrieb ist als Solo-Variante mit allen üblichen Verschließsystemen möglich. Auch als Duo, Triple-Variante - aber auch als Dri-Block mit integrieten Rinser, im Linearoder Winkelversion erhältlich. Wichtige Details: Alu Schraubverschluss (auch alle anderen Verschlussarten möglich), Rechts oder Linkslauf möglich, Füllsystem Vakuum-Schwerkraft für stille Getränke, eingerichtet für PET Flaschen zur Wasserfüllung (sonstige Flaschensorten möglich), Leistung von 2 000 - 15 000 Flaschen/Std bei 0.5 Ltr., Rinkesselversion CIP fähig, mit Tulpenabhebung! - Zur sicheren Flaschenabfüllung erforderlich.
Ulei de armurariu

Ulei de armurariu

"mild und einfach fein"
Mașină de Spălat Sticle Semi-Automată Polfram

Mașină de Spălat Sticle Semi-Automată Polfram

Halbautomatische Flaschenreinigungsmaschinen der POLFRAM-Baureihe werden wegen ihrer bekannten Vorzüge seit vielen Jahren in Kellereien geschätzt.
Extracte de fructe, plante și ceai

Extracte de fructe, plante și ceai

Mit natürlichen Extrakten Trends setzen Sie suchen nach natürlichen Extrakten, die Ihren Produkten ein unverfälschtes Geschmacks- und Farberlebnis sowie funktionelle Zusatznutzen verleihen? Plantextrakt bietet Ihnen über 2.000 verschiedene Rezepturideen aus Kräutern und Früchten sowie aus Schwarz- und Grüntees. Außerdem besitzen wir im Bereich der entkoffeinierten Schwarz- und Grüntees dank unserer langjährigen Erfahrungen eine sehr hohe Kompetenz. Und: Wir kreieren für unsere weltweiten Kunden aus der Tee-, Getränke-, Molkerei-, Babynahrung- sowie Süßwarenindustrie maßgeschneiderte Konzepte und Produktideen, die die aktuellen Wünsche der Verbraucher treffen.
Castan în Ulei de Rapiță

Castan în Ulei de Rapiță

"geröstete Kastanien in Rapsöl" ~ Saisonartikel ~
Sistem de Umplere Semi-Automat Fjord

Sistem de Umplere Semi-Automat Fjord

Ob vom Filter oder vom Tank - mit der halbautomatischen Abfülleinrichtung Fjord lassen sich stille Flüssigkeiten sauber und schnell in Flaschen abfüllen.