Produse pentru alimente (474)

Făină de malț

Făină de malț

Malt flour is a one of the oldest, natural baking agents and a traditional ingredient in baked goods. This malt product is predominantly used to improve the fermentation process and baking qualities. This product is available from wholesaler August Töpfer & Co in different colour variations from light to dark, with or without enzyme activity.


NIDO FORTIFICAT 400G, 900G, 1KG, 1.8KG, 2.5KG

NIDO FORTIFICAT 400G, 900G, 1KG, 1.8KG, 2.5KG

Wir stellen Ihnen Nestle NIDO FORTIFIED vor – der Schlüssel zu starkem Wachstum und Ernährung Ihres Kindes!
TINY 5-HTP - Supliment nutrițional, lichid de sănătate foarte eficient

TINY 5-HTP - Supliment nutrițional, lichid de sănătate foarte eficient

In TINY 5-HTP, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it absorbed by the organism more strongly than conventional 5-HTP. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - Significantly Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: Website:
Chimen - Semințele verzi, pline și foarte intense de chimen din Iran sunt

Chimen - Semințele verzi, pline și foarte intense de chimen din Iran sunt

Die grünen, vollen, sehr intensiven Cumin-Samen aus Iran sind wie die Luxusversion des braunen, schrumpeligen iIndischen Kreuzkümmels. Quality European - CRE 101 Purity 99.5 % Process Sortex Moisture < 7 % Non-Volatile Oil > 15 % Volatile Oil Content > 2.5 % Admixture < 0.5 % Broken Seeds < 1% Total Ash on dry Basis < 7.5 % Total Ash Insoluble < 1 % Wir vertreten das seit 40 Jahren erfolgreiche Familiengeschäft - Die kaufen von uns in Deutschland, wir liefern direkt aus unserer Fabrik in Iran, auf Hamburger Rechnung. Cumin aus Iran kommt von uns - oder von Zwischenlieferanten, die von uns kaufen. 5.000 Tonnen Cumin handelt das Familienunternehmen jährlich in Iran - und jedes Jahr gehen 1.000 Tonnen allein nach Japan. Das sollte Qualitätsgarantie genug sein.
TINY Valeriană + Lavandă + Coenzima Q10 - Supliment Nutrițional, lichid foarte eficient pentru un somn odihnitor

TINY Valeriană + Lavandă + Coenzima Q10 - Supliment Nutrițional, lichid foarte eficient pentru un somn odihnitor

In TINY Valerian + Lavender + Coenzyme Q10, the nutrients are enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 6 times as absorbable by the body than in untreated state. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 6-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: Website:
TINY Aloe Vera - Supliment Nutrițional, lichid de sănătate foarte eficient

TINY Aloe Vera - Supliment Nutrițional, lichid de sănătate foarte eficient

In TINY Aloe Vera, the nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, which makes it more absorbed by the body than conventional Aloe Vera. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - Significantly Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: Website:
Serviciul TINY White Label - Avem o gamă largă de produse - toate cu biodisponibilitate maximă

Serviciul TINY White Label - Avem o gamă largă de produse - toate cu biodisponibilitate maximă

Our product range features highly bioavailable TINYsphere® technology-enhanced liquid supplements, offered in bulk or conveniently pre-filled 10/30ml TINY White Label bottles made of brown glass and sealed with black/white spray or dropper caps. Additionally, TINY offers Solids (capsules) in attractive brown wide-mouth bottles with black/white screw caps. Going beyond, TINY extends its support by providing Full Service, encompassing customized labeling and packaging according to your design, enabling impactful product launches. Our IFS-compliant products are developed in partnership with German universities, ensuring quality. They are fully vegan, devoid of artificial ingredients. For further assistance and personalized guidance, feel free to contact us at Telephone: +49 (0) 40 87409824. We eagerly anticipate serving your needs.
TINY HHC 5% - Produs cosmetic, lichid cannabinoid foarte eficient

TINY HHC 5% - Produs cosmetic, lichid cannabinoid foarte eficient

In TINY HHC 5%, the nutrient is refined by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making them 6 times more absorbed by the body than in untreated form. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 6-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: Website:
TINY Coenzima Q10 + B12 + Omega 3 - Supliment Nutrițional, lichid de sănătate foarte eficient

TINY Coenzima Q10 + B12 + Omega 3 - Supliment Nutrițional, lichid de sănătate foarte eficient

In TINY Coenzyme Q10 + B12 + Omega 3 these nutrients are enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 6 times stronger (Q10), 5 times stronger (B12), and even 22 times stronger (omega 3) than in their untreated state. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 22-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: Website:
Izolat de proteină din soia - pudră de proteină fără gluten, gust neutru, vegan

Izolat de proteină din soia - pudră de proteină fără gluten, gust neutru, vegan

Unser Sojaprotein! Denn es überzeugt durch seinen hohen Eiweißgehalt und ist damit eine wertvolle pflanzliche Proteinquelle für ernährungsbewusste Menschen. Mit 28g Eiweiß pro Portion ist es perfekt für Dein Training oder Deine vegane Ernährung. Weil es geschmacksneutral ist, kannst Du es Deinem favorisierten Geschmack anpassen! Die Hülsenfrucht deckt nicht nur Deinen Eiweißbedarf, sie liefert nebenbei auch ungesättigte Fettsäuren, ist glutenfrei und ein Mineralstoff-Booster. Anders als das Whey-Protein ist Sojaprotein ein pflanzliches Eiweißpulver, welches alle essentiellen Aminosäuren beinhaltet. Warum aber Sojaproteinisolat? Im Gegensatz zu Sojaproteinkonzentrat besteht unser Sojaproteinisolat zu 90% aus Eiweiß. Produkteigenschaften:Glutenfrei, Laktosefrei, Vegan Anwendung:z.B. Eine kleine Menge in den Shake oder ins Müsli geben und gut verrühren. Herstellung:Sojaprotein ist ein Erzeugnis aus der Sojabohne.


Polydextrose - kalorienreduzierter Ballaststoff Vor allem in der Lebensmittelindustrie wird Polydextrose als Füll- und Trägerstoff eingesetzt, um Lebensmitteln mehr Volumen und Struktur zu verleihen. Polydextrose wird auf Grund seines geringen Kaloriengehaltes oftmals in energiereduzierten Lebensmitteln eingesetzt. Weil Polydextrose außerdem Wasser bindet, verhindert sie zudem das Austrocknen von Lebensmitteln und kann damit als Feuchthaltemittel in Lebensmitteln eingesetzt werden. Polydextrose III wird u.a. für die Herstellung von Getränken, Backwaren oder Süßwaren etc. verwendet. Kann bei übermäßigem Verzehr abführend wirken.
TINY Vitamina C + Fier - Supliment alimentar, lichid de protecție imună foarte eficient

TINY Vitamina C + Fier - Supliment alimentar, lichid de protecție imună foarte eficient

In TINY Vitamin C + Iron, these nutrients are enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 2 times as absorbable by the body as conventional vitamin C. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 2-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: Website:
Ceară pentru Rupere - Ușor de utilizat, eficient. Rupere curată.

Ceară pentru Rupere - Ușor de utilizat, eficient. Rupere curată.

Weihnachten steht bald wieder vor der Tür und Du wolltest schon immer mal Deinen eigenen Festtagsbraten selber machen? Oder aber Du möchtest beim nächsten Grillfest mit eigens gerupften und marinierten Geflügelschenkeln glänzen? Dann probiere es doch einmal mit unserem Rupfwachs aus. Wir haben für Dich qualitativ hochwertiges Wachs, mit dem Du schnell und sauber die Federn deines Geflügels entfernen kannst. Nach einer kurzen Aufreinigung ist das Rupfwachs sogar wiederverwendbar! Produkteigenschaften:Glutenfrei, Laktosefrei, Vegan
Cipsuri de zahăr sub formă de pelete

Cipsuri de zahăr sub formă de pelete

Sugarbeet is a common and wellestablished feed for livestock. Sugarbeet chip pellets are high in sugar and therefore particularly beneficial for livestock animals that are intended to gain weight and which require lots of energy. Their high fibre content is easily digestible for ruminants and is gentle on the rumen and digestive system. Dried chip pellets are therefore ideal as a highsugar dairy cow feed and beef cattle feed.
TINY Omega 3 + Chimen Negru - Supliment Nutrițional, lichid de sănătate foarte eficient

TINY Omega 3 + Chimen Negru - Supliment Nutrițional, lichid de sănătate foarte eficient

TINY Omega 3 + Black Cumin these nutrients are enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it up to 22 times as absorbable by the body than conventional omega 3 & black cumin. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 22-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: Website:
Extract de malț

Extract de malț

Malt extract is a finishing product made from Malt that is entirely natural and primarily used in brewing and for baked goods. Malt extract is largely composed of different types of sugar such as maltose, dextrin, glucose and fructose. The ingredients are rich in natural sugar, proteins and minerals beneficial to health.


Similac ist eine Marke für Säuglingsnahrung, die bei Eltern auf der ganzen Welt weithin anerkannt und vertrauenswürdig ist. Es wird von Abbott Laboratories hergestellt, einem globalen Gesundheitsunternehmen. Similac bietet eine Reihe von Formeln an, die auf die Ernährungsbedürfnisse von Säuglingen in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien zugeschnitten sind. Similac-Formeln sind sorgfältig zusammengestellt, um essentielle Nährstoffe wie Proteine, Kohlenhydrate, Fette, Vitamine und Mineralien bereitzustellen, die für das Wachstum und die Entwicklung eines Babys von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. Die in den Similac-Formeln verwendeten Inhaltsstoffe stammen von hochwertigen Lieferanten und werden strengen Tests unterzogen, um Sicherheit und Qualität zu gewährleisten.
Proteina din zer

Proteina din zer

Molkenprotein ist ein beliebtes Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das bei der Käseherstellung aus Milch gewonnen wird. Es ist ein vollständiges Protein, das heißt, es enthält alle neun essentiellen Aminosäuren, die der Körper für eine optimale Funktion benötigt. Molkenprotein genießt hohes Ansehen für seine Fähigkeit, das Muskelwachstum und die Muskelreparatur zu fördern, was es zu einem Grundnahrungsmittel für Sportler und Fitnessbegeisterte macht. Einer der Hauptvorteile von Molkenprotein ist seine hohe Bioverfügbarkeit, was bedeutet, dass es vom Körper leicht aufgenommen und verwertet werden kann. Dies macht es zu einer ausgezeichneten Wahl für die Erholung nach dem Training, da es dabei hilft, Muskelgewebe wieder aufzufüllen und zu reparieren. Darüber hinaus steigert Molkenprotein nachweislich die Muskelproteinsynthese, was zu einem größeren Zuwachs an Muskelmasse und Kraft führt.
TINY Curcuma - Supliment nutrițional, capsule de sănătate foarte eficiente.

TINY Curcuma - Supliment nutrițional, capsule de sănătate foarte eficiente.

Based on the TINYsphere® technologies, the curcumin contained in TINY Curcuma is combined with piperine, which allows it to be absorbed by the body up to 10 times more than in conventional forms. Absorption is further enhanced by the added, soy-allergen-free emulsifier sunflower lecithin, which forms liposomes in the body that enclose and transport the ingredients. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 10-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: Website:
Vitaminele B

Vitaminele B

We offer B vitamins In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Zahăr industrial

Zahăr industrial

White sugar also known as Industrialsugar is conventionally produced from sugarbeet and sugarcane. White sugar in the wholesale trade can be divided into two categories based on the purity of the crystals EU Category I and Category II. Category II refers to conventional industrial sugar. As the name suggests, this sugar is industrially produced. Major customers, confectionery manufacturers and companies in the food industry use this type of sugar for a range of applications.


Walnuts are characterised by a very high content of healthy, unsaturated fatty acids and are among the most popular varieties of nuts in Germany
TINY Vitamina D3 + Omega 3 - Supliment nutrițional, lichid de protecție a sănătății foarte eficient.

TINY Vitamina D3 + Omega 3 - Supliment nutrițional, lichid de protecție a sănătății foarte eficient.

In TINY Vitamin D3 + Omega 3, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 22 times stronger (omega 3) and 2 times stronger (vitamin D) as absorbable than conventional D3 & omega 3. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 22-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: Website:
Îndulcitori Intenși

Îndulcitori Intenși

We offer intense sweeteners In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Great Value Fasole Roșie Închisă, 15,5 oz

Great Value Fasole Roșie Închisă, 15,5 oz

Wir stellen Ihnen die preiswerten dunkelroten Kidneybohnen vor, Ihren perfekten kulinarischen Begleiter für ein köstliches kulinarisches Erlebnis. Diese 15,5-Unzen-Bohnen strotzen vor reichhaltigem Geschmack und tief kastanienbraunen Farbtönen und sind eine Fundgrube an Nährstoffen und Geschmack. Unsere dunkelroten Kidneybohnen stammen aus den besten Ernten und werden sorgfältig aufgrund ihrer erstklassigen Qualität ausgewählt, um stets ein gleichbleibendes und gesundes Produkt zu gewährleisten. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Koch oder ein angehender Hobbykoch sind, diese Bohnen sind eine hervorragende Ergänzung für Ihre Speisekammer und verleihen Ihren Gerichten mit ihrer cremigen Textur und erdigen Essenz das gewisse Etwas.
Acid sorbic - Conservant, inodor și insipid

Acid sorbic - Conservant, inodor și insipid

Sorbinsäure ist ein fester Bestandteil in abgepacktem Brot, Feinkostsalaten, Salatsaucen sowie Ketchup, Mayonnaise und Senf. Darüber hinaus wird es verwendet, um Fisch- und Geflügelerzeugnisse, eingelegtes Gemüse, Milchprodukte, Kuchen und Torten länger haltbar zu machen. Es wird vorwiegend eingesetzt, weil es das Endprodukt nicht im Geschmack verändert. Erfolgreich hemmt Sorbinsäure die Ausbreitung von Bakterien, Schimmel- und Hefepilzen. Sie tötet die Keime nicht, sondern verlängert lediglich die Haltbarkeit der Produkte. Dabei ist sie vollkommen geschmacks- und geruchsneutral. Sorbinsäure wurde zunächst in der Natur, an den Früchten der Eberesche entdeckt. Die Vogelbeere Sorbus aucuparia war somit auch der Namensgeber des Antioxidans. Produkteigenschaften:Glutenfrei, Laktosefrei, Vegan Lebensmittelkennzeichnung:E 200 Herstellung:Sorbin ist das Produkt einer mehrstufigen Synthese.
Sirop Auriu

Sirop Auriu

Golden Syrup (a clear golden viscous syrup) has a distinctive naturally caramelised mellow flavour and golden colour. It performs the same task as invert syrups but with added colour and flavour. It is used in baking and savoury sauces. It has no added flavours or colours. This is the traditional golden syrup made from natural sugar ingredients.


We offer preservatives In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Nuci - Nuci

Nuci - Nuci

Walnuss Kerne