Produse pentru alimente 12v3a (30)

Grăsimi alimentare

Grăsimi alimentare

Food fats
Pastă de roșii

Pastă de roșii

Tomato Paste is a concentrated and smooth paste made from ripe tomatoes. The production process involves boiling the tomatoes for several hours to eliminate the excess water, removing the seeds and skin, and boiling the remaining liquid until it becomes a thick and rich concentrate. This final product has a bright red color, a fresh and rich tomato flavor and contains no unwanted additives or artificial sugars. It is also a good source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in cooked tomatoes. The shelf life of Tomato Paste is approximately 18 to 24 months and it should be stored between 10°C and 24°C. Foodcom S.A. provides Tomato Paste in aseptic bags in steel drums weighing 230 kg. Due to its thick consistency and delicious taste, Tomato Paste is widely used in pizzerias, restaurants and catering companies as a base for sauces in various tomato dishes such as pizza and pasta.
MAXILIV A+C+D3 - Supliment alimentar (Spray)

MAXILIV A+C+D3 - Supliment alimentar (Spray)

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D3 Vitamin A:120 mcg Vitamin C:17.5 mg Vitamin D3:800 IU
Vitamina B12

Vitamina B12

Verschiedene Vitamin B12 Qualitäten. Spezifikationen finden Sie auf unserer Website. Bei Anfragen und Rückfragen senden Sie uns gerne eine Nachricht.
Serum cu vitamina E

Serum cu vitamina E

Dermoten Vitamin E Serum, helps moisturize the skin thanks to the 20% Vitamin E, wheat oil and jojoba oil it contains. Ingredients: Triticum Vulgare Germ Oil (Wheat Oil), Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil (Jojoba Oil). Usage: A few drops are dropped into the palm and applied to the face, neck and hair.
Mera Vitamina E 400UI - 30 Capsule moi

Mera Vitamina E 400UI - 30 Capsule moi

A potent antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress utilizing the powerful features of Vitamin E. It promotes vitality and performance through protection against the damaging actions of free radicals which may occur due to metabolic processes or environmental influences. Regular use of Mera Vitamin E enhances overall performance against daily stressors and environmental challenges
Biotină 2,5 mg 120 tablete

Biotină 2,5 mg 120 tablete

Biotin, or vitamin B7, produced by the intestinal bacterial flora is a nutrient necessary for proper glucose transformation. For this reason, it is extremely important for people struggling with diabetes. In addition, biotin plays an important role in the synthesis of fatty acids and in the metabolism of leucine, which belongs to the group of exogenous amino acids and also affects the proper development of the body and the condition of the skin. Symptoms of its deficiency include: <ul> <li> drowsiness </li> <li> Apatia </li> <li> irritability </li> <li> Anxiety and depression </li> <li> hair loss < /li> <li> split nails </li> <li> conjunctivitis </li> </ul> Vitamin B7 can be found in meat (pork, beef, poultry), egg yolks, cheese, bran, dark rice, rapeseed and sunflower oil as well as in fruit - bananas, melons, grapefruits, grapes and peaches. Technological processes and thermal treatment cause a partial or total distribution of biotin contained in food products, so it is important to


Supliment Nutrițional

Supliment Nutrițional

Produktionsdesign auf Anforderungen: GMP-IFS-BIO-HACCP Tabletten/Kapseln/ Soft Gel/Pulver/ Flüssig
Materii Prime / Aditivi - Arome, Aspartam, Acid Malic, Acid Ascorbic, Cazeinat de Calciu, Carragenan, ...

Materii Prime / Aditivi - Arome, Aspartam, Acid Malic, Acid Ascorbic, Cazeinat de Calciu, Carragenan, ...

Zusammen mit unserem Partner liefern wir Zusatzstoffe für die Lebensmittel-, Kosmetik-, Pharma- und Futtermittelindustrie Aromen, Apartam, Apfelsäure, Ascorbinsäure, Calciumcaseinat, Carraghen, Dextrose, Essigsäure, Farbstoffe, Fruktose, Gelatine, Genussmilchsäure, Gewürzextrakte, Glukosesirup, Glycerin, Kaliumsorbat, Kartoffelstärke, Käsespezialitäten, Laktose, Maltodextrin, individuelle funktionale Mischungen, Molkenpulver, Natriumacetat, Natriumascorbat, Natriumbezoat, Natriumcaseinat, Natriumglutamat, Saccharin, Sorbit, Trinatriumcitrat, Trockenglucose, Weinsäure, Weizenstärke, Xanthan, Zitronensäure, Zukcer
Furaj Suplimentar

Furaj Suplimentar

Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Brieftauben, Rassetauben, Geflügel und Kaninchen


With it's intense scent when you get in your car it allows you to have a pleasant journey. In addition to the prominent "Strawberry" scent, it leaves you pleasant feelings with its different undertones. Eliminates bad odors. It is applied by spraying with the help of a sprayer.


supplements & nutritions for food industry d3k2, d3, iron, q10, b12, b6, bcomplex, magnesium, vitamin c,
Nutri-Tops Vitamina D3 Vegană & K2 Comestibil - Supliment Dietetic (disponibil doar la vrac de la 20 kg)

Nutri-Tops Vitamina D3 Vegană & K2 Comestibil - Supliment Dietetic (disponibil doar la vrac de la 20 kg)

Vitamin D3 (vegan, Flechte, 4.000 UI/Dosis) & Vitamin K2 (150mcg/Dosis) verkapselt in O/W Nanoemulsion. Literatur: Erhöhung der Bioverfügbarkeit durch Verkapselung in Nanoemulsion. Wässrige Lösung SopharTops Vitamin D3 vegan & Vitamin K2 essbar - Wirkstoffe: Verkapseltes Vitamin D3, vegan aus der Flechte, 4.000 UI (internationale Einheiten) pro Tagesdosis und verkapseltes Vitamin K2 150 Microgramm pro Tagesdosis - Laut Literatur erhöht die Verkapselung öl-löslicher Wirkstoffe in kleine Lipidvesikel (Nanemulsionen) deren Aufnahme im Verdauungstrakt signifikant gegenüber der sonstigen Verabreichung in Tablettenform oder als Öl in Gelatinekapseln (1,2,3). - Um im Magen-Darmtrakt gut aufgenommen zu werden sollten öl-lösliche Wirkstoffe wie z.B. Vitamin D3 und K2 in möglichst winziger wässeriger Darreichungsform vorliegen. Dies wird durch die Verkapselung in die essbaren SopharTops erreicht (4). - Vitamin D3 ist wichtig für die Verarbeitung von Calcium in die Knochen und Zähne. Herstellungsland:Deutschland


PROTEIN 96 bei FREY Nutrition online bestellen. Eiweiss mit weltweit höchstem Proteinanteil für die Zunahme von Muskelmasse und Fettabbau.


Dein Triopräparat mit den Vitaminen D3 & K2 — kombiniert mit Magnesium. Ein Essential, dass dir eine perfekte Versorgung gewährt. Vitamin D3 & K2 sind wesentlich bei der Erhaltung von Knochen beteiligt und beeinflussen somit die Knochenbeschaffenheit maßgebend. Weiters hat D3 eine positive Auswirkung auf unser Immunsystem, unseren Hormonhaushalt, Muskelfunktion, und Menstruation der Frau. Wichtig für Muskelfunktion & Zellen Stärkt deine Knochen & Gelenke Stärkt dein Immunsystem Reguliert den Hormonhaushalt Nettofüllmenge 94g (90 Kapseln)


Kälte- und Wärmeträgerflüssigkeit auf Basis 1,2 Propylenglykol für lebensmittelverarbeitende- und produzierende Unternehmen mit Zulassung der NSF HT1
Vitamina B3 60 Capsule

Vitamina B3 60 Capsule

The best protection comes from inside. For an extra strong defence mechanism. For supporting the nervous system. Supports/Is good for Increased blood lipid and triglyceride count Circulatory problems Heart circulatory disorders Weak immune system Diabetes mellitus Hadaches Intake of psychotropic drugs Chemotherapy Recommended dose Take 1 capsule twice a day with water. Content: 60 Vegi capsules Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3 nicotine amide for a strong immune system. The body needs vitamin B3 for extracting energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is also involved in building neurotransmitters in the brain as well as the repair of damage in the genetic information. Vitamin B3 has a big influence on the scavenger cells in the body and makes the immune system powerful. How powerfully vitamin B3 supports the immune system is clear from the fact that high doses of vitamin B3 are used in the latest research against resistant disease germs.


Vitamina D3 25000 UI - 15 Capsule

Vitamina D3 25000 UI - 15 Capsule

It supports preventing disorders of the bones and skeletal system. Also available in different international units (IU): 1000, 10000, 50000, 100000.
Avocado Zutano

Avocado Zutano

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Mersin Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Vitamina D3

Vitamina D3

Verschiedene Vitamin D3 Qualitäten. Spezifikationen finden Sie auf unserer Website. Bei Anfragen und Rückfragen senden Sie uns gerne eine Nachricht.
Acid Ascorbic (Vitamina C/E300)

Acid Ascorbic (Vitamina C/E300)

La vitamine C (également appelée acide ascorbique ou acide L-ascorbique) est responsable de nombreux processus métaboliques dans le corps. Il intervient dans le métabolisme des glucides, des protéines et des graisses, ainsi que dans la synthèse de l'hémoglobine, des érythrocytes et de certaines hormones. La vitamine C existe sous forme oxydée ou réduite sous forme d'acide L-ascorbique. Il est très sensible à la destruction, principalement à cause de la lumière et de la chaleur.
Acid Ascorbic (Vitamina C/E300)

Acid Ascorbic (Vitamina C/E300)

La vitamina C (también conocida como ácido ascórbico o ácido L-ascórbico) es responsable de muchos procesos metabólicos en el cuerpo. Interviene en el metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono, proteínas y grasas, así como en la síntesis de hemoglobina, eritrocitos y determinadas hormonas. La vitamina C existe en forma oxidada o reducida como ácido L-ascórbico. Es muy susceptible a la destrucción, principalmente debido a la luz y el calor.
Grăsime anhidră din lapte (AMF)

Grăsime anhidră din lapte (AMF)

Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF) can be made from butter or 35%-45% cream, depending on the season. The production process consists of removing almost all the water and non-fat solids with the use of centrifuges. Thanks to this, the product is easier to preserve and store as it contains less water.
Unt Congelat

Unt Congelat

The name butter is reserved for products without vegetable fat admixtures with a specific milk fat content - at least 82% (not more than 16% water and 2% dry non-fat milk). It is made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. The product is rich in vitamins A, D, K.
Concentrat de Proteine de Soia 60% – Grad de Alimentație

Concentrat de Proteine de Soia 60% – Grad de Alimentație

Il concentrato di proteine di soia (SPC) è un prodotto purificato ottenuto dalla farina di soia decorticata e sgrassata tostata mediante separazione dai carboidrati (zuccheri solubili) utilizzando la più recente tecnologia di estrazione all'avanguardia nell'UE.
Lapte acid (AWP)

Lapte acid (AWP)

La poudre de lactosérum acide (AWP) est un sous-produit de la production de fromage ou de caséine acide. Il est produit en séchant du lactosérum frais obtenu à partir de fromages blancs à pâte molle. La fermentation microbienne réduit l'utilisation du lait microbien et convertit le lactose en acide lactique. La poudre de lactosérum acide est principalement utilisée dans la production de ricotta et de beurre de lactosérum. Il est également utilisé comme ingrédient dans de nombreux aliments transformés, tels que le pain, les craquelins, les viandes, les pâtisseries et les aliments préparés. La poudre de lactosérum acide se trouve également dans le chocolat et la confiserie. Le produit proposé par Foodcom peut également être utilisé dans la production d'aliments pour animaux. C'est un substitut économique populaire pour la poudre de lactosérum doux dans l'alimentation des porcelets. La poudre de lactosérum acide est également utilisée dans les substituts de lait à faible pH.


Washing foam is a synthetic and polymer-based product. Without damaging your vehicle by penetrating deep into the dirt and it makes your job easier to remove stains. Washing foam is a synthetic and polymer-based product. Without damaging your vehicle by penetrating deep into the dirt and it makes your job easier to remove stains. Provides effective cleaning and high performance on the exterior of all vehicles. Thanks to its balanced formula, it provides a spotless surface. It is used by concentrating 1/60 with water.