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3 in 1 - Romania



    ecoHORNET produces equipments with high-efficiency energy output using a self made, technology burning pellets made of "everything that burns": garbage, vegetal, agricultural and forestry waste, selection of domestic waste, energetic plants, wood chips, etc, trough incineration at over 1250 degrees Celsius. Our equipments, ecoHORNET brand, "Patented in Romania": pellet heating units ( 20 - 500 kw); pellet injector burner (20 - 750 kw); pellet burners with radiant tubs (20 - 75 kw); pellet and agro-pellet based hot air generator (20 - 750 kw).The process on, all of these equipments is fully automated and designed to operate with very low levels of emisions. Therefor we obtain the most inexpensive and clean thermic energy, as well as electrical energy trough cogeneration, a new energetical hope for us and most important, for future generations.





    We are Group of Trading Companies with main activity in Trading with Food and Beverage. Due to our experience and to our good relationship with our business partners, we have the possibility to deliver various kind of merchandise at very good prices.We have also Food with HALAL certificate for chicken, beef and sheep.For your info we have: - Pellets for Italian market and other markets- Meat (beef, pork, chicken, turkey, quails, sheep, snails, and others), all can be fresh or frozen- Canned all types. Can be meat, fruits, vegetables, pickles, ready to eat, jam, and others- Dished all types : salami, frankfurters, ham, sausages, pate, mortadella and others types- Dairy and Eggs, milk powder, milk, cheese, yellow cheese, goat cheese, goat yellow cheese, powder eggs- Spices all types (Savory, mustard, pepper, paprika, oregano, basil, Rosemary, Dill)- Sweets all types (candy, wafers, biscuits….) and all derivate- Drinks all types, with alcohol (beer, wine, brandy, vodka…), without alcohol [water(very good price for Middle East), natural juice, carbonated], energizer- We have also natural juice without chemicals, direct factory from Moldova and Romania, can put your private label (bottle 0, 25 cl, 1 liter, 3 liter)- Other products: honey (we can put private label, various types), olive oil, olive, sugar, sunflower oil, wheat flour, pampers, paper toilet, napkins, and many other. For all products we can make with your private label and packaging.



    Ne-am inceput activitatea in vara anului 2015 oferind in piata autovehiculelor rulate din Romania un stoc de peste 400 de masini cu rulaj si istoric de service certificate, garantie asigurata contractual pe o perioada de 1 an de la data livrarii si o oferta completa de solutii de finantare. Dupa un 3 ani de activitate, depasirea pragului de 1500 de autovehicule vandute ne-a pozitionat in randul jucatorilor importanti din piata. Am obtinut acest rezultat datorita calitatii masinilor ofertate, posibilitatii de a importa rapid autovehicule rulate pe comanda in baza briefului clientilor nostri si bineinteles multumita sistemelor de finantare asigurate in parteneriat cu BRD Finance, Ideea Leasing, Cetelem, ING BANK si Zenith Leasing Operational.



    1 Solutii pentru ingrijirea mainilor( protectie, curatire, hidratare) 2 Curatitori industriali pentru suprafete si pompite pentru nebulizare( detergenti, solventi, acizi) 3 Hartie, lavete, servetele impregnate pentru stergeri profesionale 4 Scule de mana cu aplicatie generala( chei, clesti, surubelnite, extractoare) 5 Scule speciale pentru service auto( prese, dispozitive, leviere, adaptoare de impact) 6 Scule pneumatice industrial( ciocane cu percutie, polizoare, clicheti, bormasine) 7 Aparate de masura si control pentru domeniu industrial( sublere, dinamometrice, calibre) 8 Detergenti auto si pompite pentru nebulizare 9 Scule, dispositive, consumabile pentru ateliere tinichigerie 10 Produse profesionale pentru ateliere de mentenanta si service( sprayuri, blocatori, etansanti, adezivi) 11 Organe de asamblare si elemente de fixare( suruburi, nituri, dibluri, autoforante) 12 Echipamente de protectie( manusi, ochelari, salopete) 13 Echipamente de ridicat, transportat in siguranta 14 Mobilier industrial de atelier( dulapuri mobile, sisteme de ordonare, rafturi) 15 Panze, freze, cutite pentru industria lemnului

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    Lemetal Com Srl is a Romanian company founded in 1999 having as field of activity the distribution of metallurgical products, especially of wire products used in the manufacturing process in different fields: industry, agriculture, etc. The head office is located in Bucharest, having storage spaces in Sibiu and Ilfov with the possibility of distribution throughout the country. Among the most sold products we present: - carbon steel spring wire according to EN10270-1; - oil hardened wire according to EN10270-2; - stainless steel spring wire according to EN10270-3; - cold rolled strip according to EN10132-2 / 3/4 and EN10139; - carbon steel and alloys: round, square, wide, hexagonal; - galvanized wire for palisade-vine; During the over 20 years of activity, Lemetal Com responds with seriousness, professionalism and promptness to any request from customers offering consulting and high quality products for the automotive industry, spring production, and the agricultural sector in Romania. We offer you a fleet of trucks with a maximum authorized mass of 12 tons and forklifts for the handling and distribution of goods both in a palletized and courier system. Our mission is to offer quality products to steel producers and users throughout Romania for optimal products and results, thus aiming at having top long-term financial performance by integrating sustainability into our business strategy, while having a positive impact on society and the environment.



    Au inlocuit cu brio ochelarii si au adunat in jurul lor o serie de mituri. Ca sa intelegi mai bine despre purtarea lentilelor de contact, iata cateva intrebari si raspunsuri referitoare la acestea! 1. Sunt greu de ingrijit? NU! Raspunsul la o astfel de intrebare este unul simplu. Lentilele de contact in general nu sunt deloc greu de ingrijit, doar trebuie tinute in solutia seciala destinata! 2. Pot sa port lentile de contact daca fac sport? Ai vazut ca putini sportivi au ochelari de vedere atunci cand se afla in timpul unui joc, de aceea ei prefera sa poarte lentile. Cele din noua generatie permit oxigenului sa treaca mai usor, au o permeabilitate mai buna, fiind mai eficiente decat cele clasice. 3. Este necesar consultul de specialitate la oftalmolog? DE PREFERAT DA. Pretul lentilelor difera in functie de marca si model. Alegeti dintr-o mare varietate precum Acuvue, Air Optix, solutii Eye See, picaturi pentru ochi dar si lentile de contact zilnice, lunare sau anuale. Este de ajuns sa intrati pe site si sa comandati online. Vedeti ofertele noastre chiar acum!



    Trend is a manufacturing company operating on textile market since 20 years. It has 140 employes and is a very flexible company, it is used to produce very different types of garments for very diffrent types of customers and that is one of its main plus: we are talking about jackets, pants, fleece, shirts, softshell, waistoats. It has no problem to switch from high fashionable garments to very technical/sporty ones, its quality has very high standard on both. It is equipped either with standard sewing machines or very special machines like: 1 eco-down injection machine 1 embroidery laser machine 3 cutting laser machines 3 vinyl cutting machine (transfer) 8 standard presses (transfer and heat transfer applications) 6 carousel Top Fusing Machine (Triple station, hydraulic Pressure) 1 serigraphy 1 automatic cutter 11 ultrasonic sewing machines 8 taped sewing machines If you are interested in collaborating with us do not hesitate to contact us in Romanian, Italian, English even for a test to see how we work. The company is located in Alba Iulia, centre of Romania and it is very close to the highway entrance, a very strategic position then.



    Solutii si servicii pentru digitalizarea afacerii . Suntem o companie dinamica, innovativa care impreuna cu partenerii nostri, furnizori de date si tehnologii cu experienta, sprijinim companii din industrii diferite cu instrumentele si suportul necesar cresterii eficientei operationale si ale actiunilor de marketing.Definim impreuna cu clientii nostri cerintele specifice, propunem si recomandam modalitati de achizitie si licentiere, scalam solutiile oferite, formam echipele de lucru si asiguram suport tehnic pe intreaga perioada de derulare a contractelor. 1. Solutii de contorizare - numarare persoane si pasageri: .Cu ajutorul tehnologiilor noastre, aveti acces la date in timp real si puteti lua decizii informate referitoare la profitabilitatea si potentialul spatiilor administrate, gradul de ocupare in timp real, managementul timpilor de asteptare, impactul actiunilor de marketing si vanzari, tipologia si comportamentul clientilor/vizitatorilor in spatiile administrate. 2. Solutii Cloud de optimizare-planificare rute: Platforma noastra de planificare-optimizare rute, va ofera instrumentele necesare optimizarii costurilor de transport si distributie, marirea capacitatii de livrare si utilizare a resurselor, reducerea livrarilor intarziate. 3. Servicii de geocodare, date si studii de locatie, instrumente GIS-Geomarketing: Furnizam servicii de geocodare, curatare adrese, adaugare cod postal, realizam studii referitoare la potentialul locatiei, competitie.



    1. PRELUCRARI MECANICE - cu strunguri cu comanda numerica in 2 si 3 axe si strunguri clasice; - strunjiri la diferite diametre si lungimi max 3000 mm; - frezari diferite pe masinile de frezat din dotare; - rectificari plane; - rectificari exterioare la diametru max. 350 mm si lungimi max. 2000 mm; - rectificari interioare - gauriri pana la diametre de 100 mm - debitari pe ferastraie cu panglica la diametre max 300 mm; 2. REPARATII - reparatii transportoare de banda 3. CONFECTII METALICE USOARE SI MEDII ROLE SI GHIRLANDE DE ROLE PENTRU BENZILE TRANSPORTOARE SUPORTI DE ROLE SI GHIRLANDE DE ROLE PENTRU BENZILE TRANSPORTOARE ELEMENTI DE BANDA REDLLER



    Societatea noastra se numeste SC. TEXTIL CONF SERV SRL, CUI: 38075442, J20/1242/2017, are sediul in Romania, loc.Petrosani , str. Oituz , bl.5 , sc.2, ap.15, dar ca punct de lucru in loc.Petrila , str. Republicii, nr.26.CAEN -1392. Noi producem confectii din tricotaje in sistem lohn si am dorii o relatie de colaborare cu firma dumneavoastra. Va enumeram utilajele de care dispunem noi la fabrica astfel: kett finetea 22-3 bucati kett finetea 16-15 bucati kett finetea 10-5 bucati kett finetea 7-4 bucati triplok 1 ac - 2 bucati triplok 2 ace - 3 bucati 0V - 2 bucati Uberdek -1 bucata masina 33-1 bucata cheita - 2 bucati liniare - 2 bucati 2 manechine luminoase Avem un numar de 20 de salariati . Capacitatea noastra de productie este de 200-400 de bucati/ zi in functie de complexitatea modelelor. Am lucrat pentru brenduri cum ar fi ; Benetton, Valentino, Paris Hilton, Burberry, Max Mara, Tomax (articole copii), Escorpion, Zara. Pentru articolele de finete - 07-10 minutul de lucru este de 0, 10 centi/minut. Pentru articolele de finete - 16 minutul de lucru este de 0, 15 centi/minut. Pentru articolele de finete - 22 minutul de lucru este de 0, 20 centi/minut. Persoane de contact: - Cristina Pentek - +40744856617- administrator - Krausz Daniela - +40727767294- contabil Persoane de contact care vorbeste limba engleza : - Pavel Mihai - +40785474232



    -Producem: 1. o gama variata de umerase pentru ciorapi, sosete, underwear. 2. repere de protectie si fixare pentru industria ambalajului. 3. capace pentru capete de tevi rotunde si rectangulare si dopuri 4. cel mai nou sistem de pe piata pentru fixarea placilor mici, medii, mari si foarte mari de gresie si faianta si a placilor de greso-granit - Producem cu seriozitate - Livram cu promptitudine in timp util - Calitate garantata -Preturi foarte competitive



    Producem si comercializam damigene din sticla, la preturi fara concurenta. Producem atat damigene pe formele traditionale romanesti, cat si damigene pe formele italiene. Avem calitate la preturi atractive.