Cea mai bună furnizor pentru vopsea pentru beton

Franța, Neuilly Sur Seine
... nivelarea solului pentru o aderență mai bună la rășină. - Răzuitor de sol: Metodă pentru decaparea în profunzime a solului, chiar și pentru îndepărtarea unei supraplin de beton. Pentru o realizare optimă, dispunem de mașini de înaltă performanță pentru a lucra pe suporturi fără praf, deoarece sunt echipate cu un sistem de aspirație, fără vibrații și limitează zgomotul.

Produse pentru vopsea pentru beton (32)

Syntech Pavicrom SBV: Vopsea epoxidică pentru pardoseli din beton fără barieră de vapori

Syntech Pavicrom SBV: Vopsea epoxidică pentru pardoseli din beton fără barieră de vapori

Syntech Pavicrom SBV Colored two-component finish, permeable to water vapour, based on epoxy resins in water dispersion. Ideal for the pigmented coating of industrial floors and concrete constructions in general with residual humidity and without vapor barrier. Surfaces treated with Syntech Pavicrom SBV are easy to clean and guarantee excellent resistance to mechanical wear, as well as being highly resistant to water, alkaline solutions, detergents and hydrocarbons (petroleum, diesel, petrol, etc.) . Protective and decorative painting of concrete floors, restoration of the color of old resin floors, glazing of wall skirting boards, etc. Ideal for mechanical workshops, manufacturing industries, warehouses and factories in general where high chemical and mechanical resistance is required. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. Concrete The surfaces to be coated must be stable, clean and free of substances that could affect the adhesion of the coating. In case of restoration, use suitable mortars and products suitable for the system beforehand. Wait for the drying times before applying the next coat. The tensile strength must not be less than 1.5 N/mm². Existing paints, coatings or paints, cement grout residues, release agents, oils, greases, silicones, etc. they can be removed mechanically by sandblasting, blasting, hydroblasting or chemical removal. Cracks and fissures In case of static cracks, use Syntech Primer EP-W for sealing. The sealing of dynamic cracks or cracks larger than 4-5 mm must be assessed on site. Generally they can be grouted with elastomeric materials or act as expansion joints. Grouting and spot repairs Any holes or repairs to portions of concrete can be made with mortars from the REPAR line or by applying epoxy mortar made with Syntech Primer EP-W and quartz mastics. Apply a coat of Syntech Primer EP-W as a bonding primer, then proceed to seal and repair the damaged and broken concrete by applying the epoxy mortar. Any small filling of holes and cracks can be done by applying Syntech AS 21 epoxy mortar. Resin coatings The surfaces to be covered must be stable, clean and free of substances such as dirt, grease, oil, etc. which can affect the adhesion of the coating. Smooth the surface by mechanical sanding with diamond discs and vacuum. It is recommended to wash the surfaces and let them dry completely before applying the finish. Primer for concrete Syntech Pavicrom SBV can be applied directly to cementitious substrates as the product diluted with a maximum of 25% by weight of clean water acts as an anchoring primer. Resin coatings The application of Syntech Pavicrom SBV on resinous and multilayer systems must always be preceded by sanding the entire surface to promote and guarantee optimal adhesion of the product to the support. Combine the two components in the indicated mixing ratio. Add component B (hardener) to component A (base) and mix well until a completely homogeneous product is obtained. It is advisable to start mixing briefly with an electric drill at low speed and then intensify the stirring up to a maximum of 300-400 rpm. Leave the emulsion obtained to rest in the container, respecting the following induction times: at 15°C ~ 20 minutes at 25°C ~ 15 minutes at 30°C ~ 10 minutes The product can be applied uniformly using a spray gun or short-haired roller to avoid accumulations of material which could give rise to aesthetic defects. The application of the product must be carried out by crossing the passes and paying particular attention to the shots, regularly unloading the roller beyond the applied area to obtain a uniform film and eliminate any accumulations of product. Apply the first coat of Syntech Pavicrom SBV diluted with a maximum of 25% by weight of clean water as primer. The dilution must be carried out under mechanical stirring, adding the necessary quantity of water at the end of the induction time. Do not dilute the product further during application if it thickens it means that the use time has expired. Create a new emulsion with highly mixed material. Wait at least 12 hours, then apply the second one Colored finish diluted with a maximum of 20% weight of clean water, respecting the consumption and thicknesses indicated. It is possible to create non-slip finishes by adding quartz or hollow glass spheres. From 0.15 to 0.20 kg of Syntech Pavicrom SBV for each square meter of surface to be covered, for each coat. Pail 2.5 kg [A] - Pail 5 kg [A] - Pail 3 kg [B] - Pail 6 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Pail 2.5 kg [A] + 1 Pail 3 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Pail 5 kg [A] + 1 Pail 6 kg [B]


Acrylic solvent base paint with good adherence, high mechanical resistance and anti slip properties. Paint for horizontal marking of floors of concrete, cement, asphalt, etc. for parking lots and areas, sidewalks, crosswalk, etc. Colours: White, Yellow (Ral 1003), Red (Ral 2002), Blue (Ral 5015).
Vopsea pe bază de solvent

Vopsea pe bază de solvent

SOLVENT PAINT of COSMOCHROME is a high quality undercoat for concrete surfaces (concrete columns, concrete floors, walls, ceramic tile roofs etc). It is highly durable against extreme weather conditions and atmosphere pollution. It has strong adhesion, great covering power and extreme hardness PACKAGE:0,75 LT, 10 LT, 2,5 LT COLOR:Black, Cypress Green


Nettoie et preserve la brillance des sols en une seule operation elimine les salissures ( tache de gras, d'eau ... ) et les poussières. S’utilise sur les revêtements de sols modernes : sols en beton cire, sols peints et resine Action anti statique qui limite la redeposition de poussière et preserve la brillance des sols Formule pour reduire la frequence de nettoyage et faciliter les nettoyages ulterieurs Assure un sechage rapide Sans rinçage Compatible avec les nettoyeurs haute pression Bien depoussierer le sol. Verser à l'aide d'un bouchon doseur 75ml dans un seau de 4 à 5L. Appliquer uniformement avec une serpillère propre et humide. Laisser secher sans rincer. Contient un bouchon doseur. Dangereux. Respecter les precautions d'emploi
Vopsitorii și Restaurări

Vopsitorii și Restaurări

La tinteggiatura e il risanamento delle superfici sono lavori essenziali per preservare la bellezza e la funzionalità degli ambienti interni ed esterni. La tinteggiatura regolare delle pareti e delle superfici esterne non solo ne migliora l’aspetto, ma anche la loro durata nel tempo, proteggendole dalla corrosione e dal deterioramento. Inoltre, il risanamento delle superfici danneggiate, come crepe o buchi, previene ulteriori danni strutturali e garantisce la sicurezza degli ambienti.
Vopsea decorativă: mortex (beton neted)

Vopsea decorativă: mortex (beton neted)

Le Mortex est un un mortier à base de ciment, de produits de carrières sélectionnés et de résine. Cet enduit coloré multifonctionnel s'applique sur la plupart des supports : sols, murs, pièces d’eau, plans de travail, gyproc,... Assurément dans l’air du temps, il donnera à votre intérieur une note d’exclusivité ainsi en offrant un aspect de "tadelakt" ou "béton lissé"
Vopsea pentru Marcaje Rutiere - Sigilant pentru Beton

Vopsea pentru Marcaje Rutiere - Sigilant pentru Beton

Lösungsmittelbasierter, schnelltrocknender Pigmentlack auf Basis von Acrylatharzen Straßenmarkierfarbe Weiß Besondere Eigenschaften Schnelle Durchtrocknung und Überfahrbarkeit, auch bei hohen Schichtstärken Auftragsart Spritzen – Airless und Druckluftzerstäubung
FM Reparare Beton Epoxidic - Mortar Epoxidic pentru Repararea Pardoselilor Industriale Beton/Asfalt

FM Reparare Beton Epoxidic - Mortar Epoxidic pentru Repararea Pardoselilor Industriale Beton/Asfalt

Ein geschmeidiger Epoxidharz-Mörtel für die Reparatur von Betonböden oder Asphalt, Innen oder Außen, nach 12 Studen mit Gabelstapler befahrbar. Gibt es in den Versionen schnellhärtend, 0-10C° härtend und verschiedenen Farben. Kann leicht und einfach durch Ihre eigenen Mitarbeiter verarbeitet werden.
Acoperire Decorativă cu Efect de Beton

Acoperire Decorativă cu Efect de Beton

Beton Deco is a decorative coating designed to replicate the natural look of concrete, offering a modern and industrial aesthetic to interior spaces. It provides a textured, raw concrete finish, perfect for creating contemporary environments with a minimalist appeal. Product Features: - Replicates the appearance of natural concrete with a matte, textured finish. - High resistance to impacts, scratches, and wear. - Water-based, environmentally friendly and safe for health. Application Instructions: - Ensure the surface is clean, dry, and free of imperfections. - Apply the first coat of Beton Deco with a trowel, creating a smooth base. - After drying, apply the second coat using a trowel or roller, adding texture and depth for the desired concrete effect. - Once fully dried, polish the surface with a trowel for a refined finish. Drying Time: - Touch dry in 4-6 hours; fully dry in 24 hours under normal conditions.


La solution idéale pour l'aménagement extérieur de votre habitat public et privé. La solution de béton Draincolor® répond au décret N°2011-815 du 6 juillet 2011 relatif à la taxe pour la gestion des eaux pluviales. Plus besoin de systèmes coûteux d'évacuation d'eau, le béton Draincolor® se pose sur tout support sauf la terre, où une préparation s'avère nécessaire. Le béton Draincolor® demande peu d'entretien et dure dans le temps. Solution purement naturelle qui nourrit la terre, le béton Draincolor® est compatible avec les systèmes géothermiques. Le béton Draincolor® est idéal pour les sols en zone Architecte des bâtiments de France. De forme arrondie ou droite, agrémenté de pavés ou de briquettes et disponible en neuf coloris, le béton Draincolor® s'adapte à toutes vos envies d'aménagement extérieur. Avec le béton drainant coloré Draincolor® réalisez vos aménagements publics. Épaisseur:sur 8 cm d’épaisseur
Vopsire cu pulbere

Vopsire cu pulbere

Mit der Pulverlackierung lassen sich effiziente und kostengünstige Oberflächenbehandlungen realisieren. Unser Automat mit 10 Düsen ermöglicht ein rationelles, kostengünstiges Lackieren. Angedockte Handarbeitsplätze ermöglichen bei komplexeren Teilen eine manuelle Nachbesserung an für den Automaten schlecht zugänglichen Zonen. Die beiden Optionen ermöglichen es uns, auf die produkte- und kundenspezifischen Bedürfnisse einzugehen.
Vopsire în pulbere

Vopsire în pulbere

Beim Pulvern alle Farben möglich. Verwendung ausschließlich TGIC freier Pulver. Tribo- und Corona-Verfahren im Hand- oder Automatikbetrieb Auf Kundenwunsch auch 2 Schichten Pulver (Grundier- und Deckschicht)
Vopsire cu pulbere

Vopsire cu pulbere

Wir sind Ihr Partner für individuelle Pulverbeschichtung.
Vopsea de cauciuc clorurat

Vopsea de cauciuc clorurat

1-Komponenten Schwimmbeckenfarbe, 2-Komponenten Schwimmbeckenfarbe für Oberflächen mit dauernder Wasserbelastung aus Beton, grundiertem Metall und grundiertem Kunststoff (GFK/Polyester). Farbton: Karibiblau oder im Wunschfarbton nach RAL
Efect de Beton Răsucit - Acoperire Interioară

Efect de Beton Răsucit - Acoperire Interioară

E’ un rivestimento materico naturale all’acqua per interno, ideato per riprodurre l’effetto cemento in diverse varianti. METEORE 10 si sposa perfettamente con ambienti moderni e contemporanei, donando quel tocco di esclusiva eleganza e conferendo agli spazi decorati un aspetto unico, di grande impatto scenografico. Ideale anche per gli amanti dello stile urbano ed industriale.
Adhesiv de Montaj - Adhesiv de Contact

Adhesiv de Montaj - Adhesiv de Contact

Colle de contact transparente à base polyuréthane - spécial PVC doux Pour double encollage de matériaux divers, durs ou flexibles, comme la plupart des matières synthétiques (PVC souple, PVC, ABS, plexi, polycarbonate), bois, panneaux de revêtements décoratifs stratifiés, placage et collage sur champ, nez de marches et marches d’escalier, plinthes en PVC, cuir, liège, textile, métaux entre eux ou sur bois, pierre, béton, plâtre, métal et autres supports lisses et non poreux. Spécifiquement pour des applications dont la couche de colle ou le joint de colle reste visible : comme le collage sur verre ou plexi. Aussi idéal pour la réparation de bâches, toiles de tente et pour matériaux gonflables en PVC souple. Prête à l'emploi, transparente au séchage, pas de trace brune, utilisation aisée à la brosse et au peigne à colle, force d'adhérence progressive rapide, résistante à l'humidité à la chaleur et au froid (-10°C jusqu'à +70°C) Résiste aux acides légers et bases Sans...
Umplutură de beton

Umplutură de beton

Unsere exklusiven Produkte von CREAREV aus der Schweiz und Mercadier Beton Cire zur fugenlosen Wand - und Bodengestaltung.
Stâlp Vopsit pentru Betonare

Stâlp Vopsit pentru Betonare

Painted Bollard For Concreting
Restaurarea Betonului

Restaurarea Betonului

In jedem Fall erfordert eine Sanierung hervorragend ausgebildetes Fachpersonal und jede Menge ‘know how’ und eine individuell Begutachtung. Schadhafte Böden verursachen gerade im industriellen Bereich häufig hohe Folgekosten, beispielsweise durch erhöhte Abnutzung von Flurförderfahrzeugen oder Transportschäden. Zusätzlich fallen in den Bereich der Sanierung aber auch Maßnahmen bei Nutzungsänderungen oder optischen Forderungen. Lassen Sie sich von uns ein unverbindliches Angebot erstellen und profitieren Sie von unseren Erfahrungen. • Ursachenforschung • Untergrundanalyse • ein angemessenes Konzept • Untergrundvorbehandlung • Systemwahl • fachkompetente Ausführung
Restaurare după lucrări

Restaurare după lucrări

La remise en état après travaux est une étape cruciale pour transformer un chantier en un espace prêt à l'emploi. Chez RL Propre T, nous offrons un service de nettoyage post-travaux qui garantit un résultat impeccable. Nos équipes interviennent pour éliminer les poussières, débris, et résidus de construction, laissant vos locaux propres et accueillants. Grâce à notre expertise, nous assurons une transition fluide entre la fin des travaux et l'utilisation de l'espace. Nous comprenons que chaque projet est unique, c'est pourquoi nous adaptons notre service de remise en état à vos besoins spécifiques. Que ce soit pour des rénovations mineures ou des constructions majeures, nous avons les compétences et l'équipement nécessaires pour gérer tous types de chantiers. Avec RL Propre T, vous pouvez être assuré que votre espace sera prêt à accueillir vos activités dans les meilleures conditions.
Unelte Chimice pentru Protecția Betonului

Unelte Chimice pentru Protecția Betonului

Solidifiant et scellant pour plâtres et bétons. CATEGORY:Bâtiment Amount:5 L
Prop de cofraje Euro - Prop de cofraje Euro vopsit, galvanizat, dimensiuni diferite

Prop de cofraje Euro - Prop de cofraje Euro vopsit, galvanizat, dimensiuni diferite

the proven prop for traditional building construction, hand crush and failure guards make handling these props safer. Our Euro formwork props comply with the current requirements of DIN EN 1065 for "free" props. A label affixed to the prop marks the adjusting range of the prop lock, the permitted loads depend on the extent length of the formwork prop, see table on page 69
Cofraje și Schele - Oțel, vopsit, italian, cu flanșă, ringlock

Cofraje și Schele - Oțel, vopsit, italian, cu flanșă, ringlock

İnşaat Kalıbı, Çalışma İskeleleri, İksa Çalışma İskelesi, mühendislik
Protech WAC: Vopsea acrilică anti-carbonatare pentru produse din beton

Protech WAC: Vopsea acrilică anti-carbonatare pentru produse din beton

Protech WAC white Anti-carbonation, protective, decorative paint, pigmented for whitewashing concrete surfaces; based on acrylic resins in aqueous emulsion, it forms a film that is impermeable to water, with very low permeability to carbon dioxide but high vapour permeability, anchored by specific adherence and diffusion. Perfect for protective coatings of infrastructure projects in concrete. Painting of protective, decorative and anti-carbonation finish, for walls, façades, concrete products, plaster, masonry, natural stones, porous supports in general. Specific for painting industrial works and infrastructure artefacts: bridges, viaducts, large prefabricated, etc. The surfaces of application should be clean, free of any soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, or non-absorbent, dust, pre-existing paints, etc. Degraded or uneven surfaces should be reclaimed with products of the family REPAR or with adhesive cement mortars packaged in situ, based on Bond HG and polypropylene fibres Readymesh PM-180. Despite it is a good habit to apply an acrylic paint after preliminary treatment of the surfaces with the suitable reinforcing fixative Protech Fix AC, in the case of Protech WAC this operation is not strictly necessary. Apply the product in 2 coats, with a brush, roller or spray, diluting it with water according to the following dosages (% in weight): - roller or brush = 10% - spray = 15%-25% Apply from 0.25 to 0.35 kg of Protech WAC per square metre of surface to be painted. Packaging: 22 kg bucket Unit of Measure: €/kg
Protech Oxicrom: Compus de oxid feros pentru pigmentarea betonului, tencuielii și vopselei

Protech Oxicrom: Compus de oxid feros pentru pigmentarea betonului, tencuielii și vopselei

Protech Oxicrom Protech Oxicrom is an inorganic oxide/hydroxide based powder compound. Added in appropriate quantities and homogeneously distributed, it is ideal for the pigmentation of cement or similar conglomerates, plaster and paint. Protech Oxicrom oxides are available in yellow, red, brown, green, blue and black. Ferrous oxides have been used since ancient times for colouring paints. The main ferrous minerals from which the pigments are obtained are, of course, iron and its derivatives and compounds. The main colours of these pigments are dark gray/black in relation to ferrous oxide derivatives, and classic rusty red in relation to ferric oxide derivatives. Other more complex compounds may have colourings of yellow, orange, red and brown. Protech Oxicrom is ideal for the pigmentation of concrete for architectural and industrial floorings of washed gravel, shotcrete and exposed stone tiling, as well for the formulation of dyes and paints. The use of Protech Oxicrom ferrous oxide compounds is extremely simple: in the case of concrete, cements, mortars, plasters and so on, the pigment must be gradually and uniformly added to the mixer and mixed until a homogeneously coloured mixture is obtained. The indicative dosage of approximately 3-10% of the weight of the mixture to be pigmented should be varied according to the desired colour intensity. Add from 1 to 10% of Protech Oxicrom on the weight of the binder present in the mixture to the desired colour intensity. Bag 25 kg
Antigrex Consolidare a Betonului

Antigrex Consolidare a Betonului

Additional concrete reinforcement of French origin, a product specially designed to improve the properties of cement mortars. The addition of ANTIGREX to the cement mortar offers absolute tightness. Enhances their adhesion to any form of substrate. Allows the construction of very thin coatings, reduces the ratio of water to cement for equivalent workability. It does not allow the formation of dust and increases the resistance to abrasion. Increases flexural strength and prevents cracks from expanding and contracting. Increases the resistance to the effect of hydrochloric acid and reduces shrinkage in the setting of cement. ANTIGREX creates waterproof coatings on walls, basements, tanks, etc. It is suitable for the construction of industrial floors in warehouses, factories, etc. It helps to smooth the floor surface before laying tiles, slabs. It is suitable for repairing damaged concrete parts (eg stairs). PACKAGE:1 LT, 10 LT, 4 LT
QL Polisil : Agent de impregnare în soluție apoasă pentru tratarea betonului

QL Polisil : Agent de impregnare în soluție apoasă pentru tratarea betonului

A sodic impregnating agent of polysilicic acid in aqueous solution (sodium silicate) for anti-dust and protective treatments of concrete flooring and screeds. It drastically reduces the product’s water permeability whilst maintaining the passage of aqueous vapour. Consequently, the resistance to acid attacks and the overall durability of the concrete work increases. A protective treatment for new industrial floors and concrete screeds, both grey and coloured. The supports must be dry, clean and dust-free. Apply QL Polisil by spray, roller or immersion. Between 0.1 and 0.3 kg of QL Polisil per square metre of surface to be treated. Consumption varies depending on the porosity of the structure.
Consilex Idrofix: Produs de consolidare pe bază de apă pentru piatră, cărămidă și beton

Consilex Idrofix: Produs de consolidare pe bază de apă pentru piatră, cărămidă și beton

Liquid product based on lithium silicates, which was created for the protective, consolidating and porosity reducer treatment of concrete, mineral, brick and stone substrates. It guarantees optimal durability and adhesion strength, resistance to UV rays, chemical agents and mechanical stresses. The result of the application allows to obtain a rapid hardening of the surface as well as a revived and homogeneous appearance of the same. The product has a negligible environmental impact thanks to the low VOC content (<50 g / l) and is practically odorless. Protective, reinforcing, water repellent treatments of concrete, mineral and stone supports. Specific product for revitalizing, simultaneously providing a great consolidation and an annulment of the dust produced in concrete supports, interstices, brick, stone or mixed arches, present in taverns, public premises and of historic monuments interest. The application surfaces should be clean, free of incrustations, dust etc. A preliminary wash with distilled water or steam it's recommended. The support should be dry when applying. Apply the product as it is, with low pressure sprayer or brush with long bristles. Keep the substrate wet with Consilex Idrofix for at least 20 minutes during application. If applied on floors, wait 24 hours before passing on the treated support. The reinforcing contribution will be completed after 2-3 weeks of treatment. From 0,20 to 1,00 kg of Consilex Idrofix per square meter of surface to be treated, based on the porosity of the support.
QL Nano Lithium: Întăritor chimic/mecanic, anti-praf, nanotehnologie, non pellicular

QL Nano Lithium: Întăritor chimic/mecanic, anti-praf, nanotehnologie, non pellicular

A non-film chemical/mechanical nano-technological hardener with a base of lithium silicates for cortical consolidation, chemical surface hardening and anti-dust treatment of recently-constructed industrial concrete flooring. QL Nano Lithium must be applied on the surface of the floor, immediately after finishing with mechanical bladed trowels. Once the product has been absorbed, it is possible to polish the treated surface using specific polishing machines. It is the most significant progress in the saturation and the reinforcement of concrete floorings in the last 50 years, it has always been used in the United States. The "nanotechnology" of QL Nano Lithium, which is a real improvement with respect to sodium silicate and extremely performant as a reinforcing agent for concrete, has allowed us to achieve levels of performance that were previously unimaginable. The product also presents the following characteristics: -It significantly limits (90%) the cracks of the flooring during hardening. - This is the only chemical hardener that helps to alleviate and prevent the alkali-silica reaction ( "alkali-aggregate reaction" or ASR). - It completely replaces the armour with quartz dusting. It does not crack, it does not detach, it creates a film, it does not bubble. - The extraordinary contribution to the deep reinforcement, makes the surface of the concrete completely dust-proof and highly resistant to abrasion. The continuous use of the flooring contributes to continuously improving the surface gloss without altering slipperiness in the least. - It is in an aqueous solution and does not contain solvents. It is odourless, non-flammable, non-toxic, it does not fear the freezing and thawing cycles, it is not carcinogenic and does not contain volatile substances (VOC Free) and can also be used in closed premises. - Compatible with other materials like: epoxy resins, polyurethane resins, acrylic resins, etc.. - It is UV resistant and remains stable over time. Anti-dust hardening treatment, for industrial flooring and concrete slabs, both old and new, both grey and coloured. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". In case of new flooring, it can be applied as soon as the surface of the industrial flooring is walkable, without superficial water residue. Shake the product before use. Apply the product by low pressure airless, evenly without creating puddles, completely saturating the surface for a consumption of 70 g/m² approximately. It is advisable, after about 7-10 days, to wash the surface floor polisher provided with a black pad to eliminate any excess product, thus obtaining an elegant semi gloss (opaque) effect of the flooring, by polishing the lithium crystals on the surface. Approximately 0,07 litres of QL Nano Lithium for every square metre of surface to be treated.
QL Fluosil: Întăritor chimic anti-praf pentru pardoseli și șape din beton

QL Fluosil: Întăritor chimic anti-praf pentru pardoseli și șape din beton

An anti-dust chemical/mechanical revitalising hardener for concrete flooring and screeds, consisting of an aqueous solution of mineral silicates and fluosilicates, activated by specific wetting agents. It is applied in several coats of decreasing dilution in water, with a brush or mechanical “scrubber”. Specific anti-dust treatments for industrial flooring or concrete slabs that have lost their original “vitality”. It reacts with the calcium compounds, soluble and unstable, present in of concrete products, transforming them into new stable, insoluble and resistant compounds. Consequent increases in resistance to wear and tear of the order of 200% -400%, significant increases in chemical stability, resistance to freeze-thaw cycles etc. Reactive impregnations for stabilising chemical and mechanical structures and concrete products. Hardening, anti-dust, anti abrasive and anti-corrosion treatments for concrete floorings. Adjustment of the chemical and mechanical performance of products for the industrial, rural and livestock construction (on horizontal surfaces). Apply, preferably with a brush or with "washer dryer" machine on the basis of the following indications: - Porous surfaces: repeated applications of a solution of water and QL Fluosil at a ratio in 1:1 - Compact surfaces: apply three coats, with decreasing dilution with water. 1a coat 1:3, 2a coat 1:2, 3a coat 1:1. The consumption of QL Fluosil will be proportional to the absorption of the floor to be treated. Indicatively a porous surface will consume about 400 g/m², while a surface with normal porosity will consume 250-300 g/m². Leave the product to dry between one coat and the next and then, after the last coat, wash with copious amounts of water. Protect glass and aluminium surfaces during application. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface".