... mai mult de 200 de sisteme enzimatice, zincul este esențial pentru un organism puternic și sănătos.
Fiecare capsulă cu eliberare lentă de VitaminaC + Zinc conține 300mg vitaminaC și 5mg zinc, care a fost dezvoltată într-o capsulă specială. Aceasta își eliberează conținutul lent și continuu pe parcursul zilei, furnizând astfel organismului cantitatea optimă de vitaminaC și zinc.
Art. Nr.: 1447...
Vitamin-C is highly antioxidant and helps the body protect itself from free radicals. It can support the immune system and increase iron absorption. Vitamin-C has many positive properties on the human body.
It contributes to
-a reduction in tiredness and fatigue
-a normal energy metabolism
-a normal collagen formation for normal functioning of the blood vessels, bones,
cartilage, skin, gums and teeth.
Moringa Oleifera originates from the tropical and subtropical regions in the foothills of the Himalayas and has been used in Ayurvedic natural history for more than 5000 years.
MoriVeda® Moringa premium leaf powder is ground microfine and can be easily absorbed by the body.
MoriVeda® Moringa+Amla combines two of the most nutritious superfoods and offers a wide range of vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants and micronutrients.
Each tablet contains 300 mg of vitamin C in a special tablet development. It releases its contents gradually and provides thus the body with the optimal amount of vitamin C, which helps support the body's natural defence system.
Just one tablet each day provides the body with a constant supply of Vitamin C throughout the day.
Art. No.:1445
Gli integratori alimentari in capsule offrono una soluzione pratica e comoda per chi cerca di migliorare la propria salute e benessere. Questi prodotti sono progettati per essere facilmente ingeriti, garantendo un rilascio controllato dei nutrienti essenziali nel corpo. Le capsule gastroprotette e filmate assicurano che gli ingredienti attivi siano protetti dall'ambiente acido dello stomaco, migliorando l'assorbimento e l'efficacia complessiva.
"Increase your energy, immunity and focus with the Puori C3 vitamin C
In our search for a refreshing alternative to sugar-loaded drinks with a high percentage of caffeine it was a natural thing that we made Puori C3 with vitamin C from berries and rosehip. To improve its punch, we add mineral ascorbates, which means that Puori C3 also offers the benefits of zinc. Vitamin C3 supports immune functions and gives the best energy boost!
Content and use:
Each pack contains 20 tablets. It takes 6-10 minutes for this tablet to dissolve because only natural ingredients are used to activate the vibrant effect. There are no fillers to speed up the process.
Each dose contains 500mg vitamin C, 10mg zinc, 50mg maté plant extract and 4mg ginkgo biloba extract. The vitamin C is from natural sources such as gojiberry, acerolaberry and rosehip. It is sweetened with natural stevia and has a delicious mango citrus flavour."
Wir produzieren ihre gewünschten Vitamin C Kapseln her
Wir stellen ihre Vitamin C Kapseln in ihrer gewünschten Füllmenge in vegetarischen HPMC Kapseln zum preisgünstigen Konditionen an.
Anschließend füllen wir ihre Kapseln in Dosen, Gläser oder Standbodenbeutel ab - etikettieren und können ebenfalls für Sie Versenden oder unter kontrollierten Temperaturbedingungen bei uns einlagern.
des Weiteren bieten unsere InHouse Grafiker moderne frische Designs und sind bereits mit den Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Kennzeichnungsverordnungen bestens vertraut.
Herzlich sind sie auch eingeladen unsere Produktionsstätte zu besichtigen.
Wir freuen uns auf ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
TINY Vitamin C contains natural vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant known for its multiple health-promoting properties. Based on TINYsphere® technologies, it is combined here with the bioenhancer quercetin. This allows the body to absorb the active ingredients up to four times more than in conventional forms. Absorption is further enhanced by the added, emulsifier sunflower lecithin, which forms liposomes in the body that enclose and transport the synergistically acting substances.
- Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology
- Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies
- Developed at German universities
- Faster and longer lasting effect
- 4-fold Increased bioavailability
- IFS & HACCP certified
- Natural raw material sources
- Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan
We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com
Retentive large-dose, stomach-friendly vitamin C with retarding effect and high bio-availability. With valuable flavonoids. Strong antioxidant, supports the cardiovascular system, immune system, nervous system, detoxification, collagen build-up.
Supports/Is good for Anti-oxidants
Nerves and eyes
Wound healing
Connective tissues
Heavy Metals
Nicotine consumption
Colds and flu
Defence mechanism
Area of use Cardiovascular system, stress, sports, energy, connective tissue, immune system.
Recommended dose Take 1 capsules 2 times daily with fluid.
Content: 90 capsules
The retentive vitamin C is absorbed optimally and is also tolerated very well in high doses. The pH level is neutral. The bio-availability and efficacy are additionally strengthened because of bioflavonoids and OPC (2-5 times).
Presentación:Envase de 30 cápsulas
Composición:Agente de carga (Fosfato cálcico), Coenzima Q10 (Ubiquinona), Maltodextrina, Antiaglomerantes
Modo de empleo:Tomar 1 cápsula al día, con la comida
hochwirksames Antioxidans aus Traubenkernextrakt, Schutz vor Lipidoxidation, Schutz vor Artheriosklerose, Antiinflammatorisch, Hautschutz,
enthält natürliches Resveratrol aus Traubenschalen und natürliches Vitamin C aus Acerolakirschen. Studien zu Traubenkernextrakt vorhanden
Inhaltsstoffe pro Kapsel: 110 mg OPC, 60 mg Vitamin C
Verzehrsempfehlung: 1 Kapsel / Tag
Verpackungseinheit: Dose á 60 Kapseln
Du kennst Vitamin C aus Obst, Säften, Bonbons und Tabletten als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel. Der menschliche Körper kann Vitamin C nicht selbst herstellen, benötigt es aber dringend für den Aufbau von Bindegewebe, Knochen und Knorpel. Zudem verbessert es die Aufnahme von Eisen und Zink.
Bei uns kannst Du hochwertiges, 100% reines Vitamin C, auch Ascorbinsäure genannt, in kristalliner Form beziehen und damit zum Beispiel einen eigenen Sportdrink kreieren, der alles enthält, was Dir wichtig ist. Zudem ist es ein Antioxidationsmittel, welches in der Lebensmittelindustrie dazu eingesetzt wird, Gärungsprozesse aufzuhalten oder geschnittenes Obst in seiner natürlichen Farbe zu behalten.
Produkteigenschaften:Glutenfrei, Laktosefrei, Vegan
Lebensmittelkennzeichnung:E 300
Herstellung:Ascorbinsäure wird in einem chemischen Verfahren, der Reichenstein-Synthese hergestellt.
Le Curcuma est une plante tropicale vivace à courte tige et à rhizomes. Ses racines sont de couleur jaune ou orangée et ses fleurs rose vif. Son feuillage fait de larges feuilles est réparti de part et d'autre de la tige. Les fleurs du curcuma sont stériles et ce sont les rhizomes qui peuvent permettre la reproduction de la plante.
Conseil d'utilisation
2 à 4 gélules/jour à avaler avec un grand verre d'eau
à prendre en supplémentation d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée.
Précautions à prendre
Déconseillé aux enfants ,femmes enceintes ou allaitantes.
Ne pas dépasser la dose recommandée.
Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants, à l'abri de la chaleur et de l'humidité.
Comme avec tout supplément nutritionnel, consultez un professionnel de santé avant de le consommer en cas de prise concomitante d'anticoagulants.
Pour 4 gélules 2000 mg Curcuma
Kapseln sind eine der bevorzugten Darreichungsformen von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, da sie fertig dosiert sind und keine unangenehmen Geruchs- oder Geschmackseigenschaften aufweisen. Besonders für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Inhaltsstoffen, die von Natur aus einen bitteren oder fischigen Geschmack haben, eignen sich Kapseln ideal. Bei NFG New Food Group bieten wir die Herstellung und Abfüllung von Kapseln sowohl nach Standardrezepturen als auch nach individuellen Vorgaben an. Selbst bei kleineren Mengen und als gelantinefreie Alternative sind wir Ihr kompetenter Partner für die Lohnherstellung und Konfektionierung von Kapseln.
Wir füllen Ihre Wunschflüssigkeiten wie Öle oder Extrakte in pflanzliche Cellulose-Kapseln ab. Diese werden in einem speziellen Banding-Verfahren auslaufsicher versiegelt.
Das besondere: Die Flüssigkapseln werden in einem speziellen Verfahren auslaufsicher versiegelt. Außerdem enthalten die Kapselhüllen KEIN Carrageen oder andere Zusatzstoffe, sondern bestehen aus pflanzlicher Cellulose.
Nos capsules végétaliennes à spectre complet ou large de CBD, CBG et CBN utilisent notre puissant chanvre industriel. Ces capsules contiennent du CBD ou CBG ou CBN avec des composés actifs bénéfiques supplémentaires tels que CBDa, CBGa, CBC, CBDV et des terpènes naturels. La personnalisation comprend :
CBD, CBG ou CBN comme cannabinoïde prédominant
Puissance souhaitée (par exemple, 20 mg par capsule)
Couleur de la capsule
Bocal pharmaceutique en PET ou en verre
Nos capsules végétaliennes de CBD, CBG ou CBN sont hautement personnalisables en ce qui concerne la force, la couleur et les ingrédients bruts, ce qui en fait un produit idéal pour votre portefeuille personnel.
Camu camu, also known as rumberry, is considered a true superfood. The berry, grown in Peru, is a wonderful source of antioxidants and minerals. Especially the high vitamin C content and also the numerous amino acids can supply the skin with important vitamins.
MoriVeda capsules contain Camu Camu fruit powder extract with 50% vitamin C and are a great way to boost your immune system. Discover the natural benefits of this powerful source of vitamins.
-Contains about 40 times more vitamin C than lemons
-Contains about 3 times more iron than bananas
-Rich in vitamin B2 and B3
-Lactose-free, fructose-free, gluten-free and vegan
-Recommended dosage: Take 1 capsule daily with liquid.
Perfect for keeping your body's natural defences vitalised and healthy!
Vitamin C and zinc are important for a working immune system. In addition, vitamin C enhances iron absorption of the body and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. The trace element zinc contributes to a normal acid-alkali, carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolic rate. As component of more than 200 enzyme systems, zinc is essential for a strong and healthy organism.
Each Vitamin C + Zinc Slow Release Capsule contains 300mg vitamin C and 5mg zinc, which was developed into a special capsule. It releases its contents slowly and continuously throughout the day and thus supplies the body with the optimum amount of vitamin C and zinc.
Art. No.:1447
A high-quality food supplement with 1000 mg of L-Carnitine and 300 mg of vitamin C.
L-carnitine is an endogenous naturally occurring compound that plays an essential role in the energy and fat metabolism of the cells.
Vitamin C contributes to a normal energy metabolism and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
Carnipure™ guarantees 100 % pure L-carnitine and 0 % D-carnitine.
Carnipure™ offers the purest L-carnitine and is a trademark of Lonza AG, Switzerland.
Art. No.:27
Beside vitamin C, zinc is especially important for the support of the body's natural defences. Quantitatively seen, zinc is after iron the second-most frequent trace element in the human organism and component of more than 200 enzyme systems, which are indispensable for the body. Neither zinc nor vitamin C can be produced by the body itself, that is why a regular dietary supplement of these important nutrients is recommended.
Each Vitamin C + Zinc Slow Release Capsule contains 300 mg of vitamin C and 5 mg of zinc in a special capsule development. It releases its contents slowly and continuously throughout the day.
Art. No.:1446
MoriVeda® Camu Camu Kapseln
Camu-Camu, auch bekannt als Rumberry, gilt als echtes Superfood. Die in Peru angebaute Beere ist eine wunderbare Quelle für Antioxidantien und Mineralien. Insbesondere der hohe Vitamin C Gehalt und auch die zahlreichen Aminosäuren können die Haut mit wichtigen Vitaminen versorgen.
Die Kapseln von MoriVeda enthalten Camu Camu Fruchtpulver Extrakt mit 50% Vitamin C und sind ein tolles Mittel, um Ihr Immunsystem zu stärken. Entdecken Sie die natürlichen Vorteile dieser kraftvollen Vitaminquelle.
Enthält etwa 40-mal mehr Vitamin C als Zitronen
Enthält einen ca. 3-mal höheren Eisenwert als Bananen
Reich an Vitamin B2 und B3
Laktosefrei, fruktosefrei, glutenfrei und vegan
Einnahmeempfehlung: Täglich 1 Kapsel mit Flüssigkeit einnehmen
Camu Camu: Ein nährstoffreiches Multitalent
For a physically fit body.
Iron is particularly important, as it is part of haemoglobin, which provides red blood cells (erythrocytes) with their colour and transports the inhaled oxygen from the lungs to all cells of the body via the blood circulation. Endurance and high-performance sportspeople require iron for sufficient transportation of oxygen within the body. Iron also contributes towards the normal metabolic energy rate and the reduction of fatigue. Vitamin C supports the absorption of iron and contributes towards protection of the cells against oxidative stress.
Each capsule contains 60 mg vitamin C and 10 mg iron
Art. No.:2515
Nutritional supplement with evening primrose, borage seeds and currant seed oil with added vitamin E and a special vitamin B complex with biotin and folic acid.
Woman Vitamin Capsules are good for the biological processes as well as the metabolic processes in female organism. For example, Vitamin B6 supports a normal homocysteine, protein and glycogen metabolic rate, the formation of red blood cells, it contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity, a healthy mind and nervous system and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. B-vitamins help to help to keep the skin healthy and beautiful, such as biotinthat helps to maintain healthy skin and hair. Primrose, borage seed and currant seeds support the positive effect due to its high content of essential fatty acids. Supplementing the daily diet with Woman Vitamin Capsules is recommended, as higher levels of vital substances are often needed during the monthly cycle or due to the use of the contraceptive pill.
Art. No.:1800