Produse pentru viermi de compost (17)

Gunoi de pasăre - Îngrășământ granular

Gunoi de pasăre - Îngrășământ granular

N 3,5-4,2%, P 2,5-3%, K 1,5-2%, Ca 2,5%, Mg 0,7%, Sostanza organica 60-75%, pH 9,5


An organic, solid soil conditioner that comes out of the transformation of natural manures by the redworm. It’s a product 100% natural and certified as ecological according to the comunitary rule CEE nº2092/91. It’s a high quality product, with a high organic purity and easy to manipulate. It can be mixed with substrates, as a fertilizer and as a soil improver. Composition; 100% redworm humus. Packaging: 25 Kg and 10 L bags.
Pelete de fân/Cobs de fân în formă liberă - Furaje

Pelete de fân/Cobs de fân în formă liberă - Furaje

Panonia Heucobs sind Wiesencobs als Futtermittel hauptsächlich in der Pferdehaltung. Panonia Heucobs sind besonders geeignet für die Fütterung von Pferden hohen alters oder mit Allergie.
Pelete din lem

Pelete din lem

Wood pellets are a popular choice for heating and energy production, known for their efficiency and environmental benefits. At GreenWay LTD, we offer high-quality wood pellets, including ENplus A1 certified pellets, ensuring superior performance and low emissions. Our pellets are made from sustainably sourced wood, providing a renewable energy solution for homes and businesses. Packaged in convenient 15 kg polyethylene bags, our wood pellets are easy to store and handle. Whether you're using them for residential heating or industrial applications, our wood pellets deliver consistent and reliable energy, making them an ideal choice for eco-friendly consumers.


Entdecken Sie die beispiellose Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit von A2-Holzpellets, der ultimativen Wahl für umweltbewusste Heizbedürfnisse. Diese Pellets werden aus hochwertigem Holz aus verantwortungsvoll bewirtschafteten Wäldern hergestellt und sorgfältig verarbeitet, um optimale Leistung und eine geringere Umweltbelastung zu gewährleisten.
Pellete de floarea-soarelui - Culturi oleaginoase

Pellete de floarea-soarelui - Culturi oleaginoase

Sunflower pellets - Oilseed crops
drojdie pentru furaje

drojdie pentru furaje

dry inactive granulated feed yeast granule diameter 6-10mm protein content 24-26 packaging big-bag 1 ton
Hamei Nugget – Pellet

Hamei Nugget – Pellet

Humulus lupulus” du latin, est une liane qui peut grimper jusqu’à 10m et grandir de 30cm par jour ! Elle est cultivé pour ses cônes couvert de lupuline qui amérise et aromatise nos bières. Donc en 2020, nous avons débuté la culture de 12 variétés, de l’amérisant à l’aromatique, Anglaise, Allemande, ou Américaine. Pour avoir une bière local, il faut du houblon local (et biologique). Et ça tombe bien car nos brasseurs locaux n’attendaient que ça pour sublimer leurs recettes et donner à leurs produits une véritable note de terroir. En cônes ou en pellets, brasseur ou amateur de petits brassins entre amis, vous pouvez faire un tour sur notre boutique ou bien prendre contact avec nous pour d’avantages d’informations. CONDITIONNEMENT:200g, 1kg, 5kg
Rădăcină de brusture uscată

Rădăcină de brusture uscată

Dried burdock root
Pelete din lemn Sac de 15kg

Pelete din lemn Sac de 15kg

Holzpellets aus Holzresten Pellets eignen sich besonders für die Verfeuerung in automatischen Zentralheizungen oder Pellet-Kaminöfen
Codițe de Cireș, Tulpini de Cireș, Stipites Cerasorum

Codițe de Cireș, Tulpini de Cireș, Stipites Cerasorum

We can offer cherry stems, cherry stalks as a raw material for herbal tea produc - Cherry stems, cherry stalks can be packed in cardboard boxes, PP bags or pressed bales.
Frunze de dud

Frunze de dud

gli alberi di gelso producono bacche aromatiche apprezzate in tutto il mondo e spesso considerate supercibi a causa della concentrazione di vitamine, minerali e potenti composti vegetali. Tuttavia, il frutto non è l'unica parte dell'albero di gelso che si dice offra benefici per la salute. Per secoli, le sue foglie sono state utilizzate nella medicina tradizionale come trattamento naturale per una varietà di condizioni. Si dice che abbia effetti positivi sui livelli di zucchero nel sangue e di insulinaInoltre, si ritiene che riduca i rischi di aterosclerosi diminuendo l'ossidazione del colesterolo nei vasi sanguigni. Inoltre, si dice che aiuti a prevenire il diabete limitando l'ingresso in circolo dell'elevata quantità di monosaccaridi.Usi: le foglie di gelso sono utilizzate principalmente per il tè. Versa 1 cucchiaino per tazza (250 ml) di acqua bollente e copri per 3-5 minuti a seconda dei tuoi gusti. Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso
Furaj pentru Păsări

Furaj pentru Păsări

Extruded poultry feed for meat direction from 50 to slaughter (feeding rate: 200 g/head per day) COMPOSITION: Wheat, Full fat soy, Meat and bone meal, Fish meal, Sunflower oil VITAMIN complex: A, D3, E, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 ‚B6, BC, B12, H Mineral complex: iron, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium Granular, extruded feed, which is the final stage in the process of feeding young broilers and other meat breeds from 50 days to slaughter. It is a complete feed, and can also be used as part of a mash, provided that there is no heat treatment.
pellete din coji de floarea-soarelui

pellete din coji de floarea-soarelui

Vocht maximaal 13% ISO 6496 Vettigheid max. 3% ISO 734 - 1 As links max. 2,5% Calorieën 4,0 - 5,3 kWh/kg Ruw eiwit met beschikbaar vocht min. 3% ISO 5983 Vezels maximaal 60% ISO 5983 Verpakkingen In onze werkzaamheden maken wij gebruik van ruim 9 soorten hoogwaardige verpakkingen, afhankelijk van het soort geleverde producten. Waaronder: zeecontainers, kartonnen dozen, polypropyleen zakken, flexitanks, netzakken, vacuümzakken, ibc-containers en vaten.
Pellete din paie la sac - Pat

Pellete din paie la sac - Pat

streuflo Strohpellets als Einstreu aus Weizenstroh geeignet in der Pferdehaltung, Geflügelhaltung und Schweinehaltung.


yeni konsantre liQuit worm wermicompost bitki besleme ürünü hertürlü sera ve tarla bağ bahceniz degüvenle kulanabilirsiniz organik üründür ünlerineze hiçbir zarar vermez