Cea mai bună furnizor pentru un carbonat

... procese industriale. Cenușa de Sodiu Densă: Densitate: Cenușa de sodiu densă are o densitate mai mare și o dimensiune mai mare a particulelor comparativ cu cenușa de sodiu ușoară. Apariție: De obicei, apare ca un praf granular sau grosier cu particule mai mari. cenușa de sodiu ușoară :cenușa de sodiu densă carbonat de sodiu :materie primă pentru detergenți praf alb fin :materie primă pentru sticlă...

Produse pentru un carbonat (1887)

Carbonat de calciu

Carbonat de calciu

Calcium carbonate is a natural white pigment sourced from limestone. It is widely used across various industries to provide brightness and opacity. This versatile compound enhances color stability and texture in products such as food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Calcium carbonate is also employed in industrial applications like paints and coatings due to its excellent durability and adaptability. EC number:207-439-9 CAS No:471-34-1
Carbonat de magneziu

Carbonat de magneziu

Dr. Paul Lohmann® bietet Magnesiumcarbonat als Pulver, Granulat in den Qualitäten Food/Pharma/chem. rein und für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel an. Im Pharmabereich wird es zur Behandlung von Hypomagnesiämie eingesetzt. Im Foodbereich wird es eingesetzt als Säureregulator, Rieselhilfsmittel und zur Magnesiumanreicherung. In industriellen Anwendungen wird es eingesetzt zur Herstellung von Glaskeramik und Emaille und als Rieselhilfsmittel. CAS 12125-28-9 / 39409-82-0 EINECS 235-192-7 Dr. Paul Lohmann® führt Produkt- und Anwendungsentwicklung in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Kunden durch. Dazu gehört die Anpassung chemischer und physikalischer Parameter wie Schüttdichte, Benetzbarkeit, Partikelgröße, Reinheit oder pH-Wert."
Carbonat de sodiu - Sodă 99%

Carbonat de sodiu - Sodă 99%

Το ανθρακικό νάτριο, η σόδα πλυσίματος, η ανθρακική σόδα και οι κρύσταλλοι σόδας είναι μια ανόργανη ένωση με τον τύπο Na2CO3 και τα διάφορα ένυδρα της Είναι λευκό, υδατοδιαλυτό αλάτι που δίνει αλκαλικά διαλύματα στο νερό Παράγεται σε μεγάλες ποσότητες από χλωριούχο νάτριο και ασβεστόλιθο με τη διαδικασία Solvay Εφαρμογές: Ως καθαριστικό για οικιακούς σκοπούς, όπως το πλύσιμο ρούχων, είναι συστατικό πολλών ξηρών σκονών σαπουνιού απορρυπαντικές ιδιότητες μέσω της διαδικασίας σαπωνοποίησης που μετατρέπει τα λίπη και το λίπος σε υδατοδιαλυτά άλατα κατασκευή υαλουργίας, χημικά ενδιάμεσα προϊόντα, μεταλλουργία, σαπούνια και απορρυπαντικά, χαρτοπολτός και χαρτί, εκπομπές καυσαερίων, επεξεργασία άνθρακα, ανταλλαγή ιόντων Στην παρασκευή ενώσεων νατρίου όπως ο βόρακας Ιδιότητες: Αριθμός CAS 497-19-8 (άνυδρο) Αριθμός ΕΚ 207-838-8 Χημικός τύπος Na2CO3 Μοριακή μάζα 105,99 g/mol (άνυδρο)
Carbonat de Calciu - Îngrășământ

Carbonat de Calciu - Îngrășământ

92-96% CaCO3 incluso min. 50% CaO
Carbonat de potasiu de calitate alimentară - Substanțe chimice aditive alimentare

Carbonat de potasiu de calitate alimentară - Substanțe chimice aditive alimentare

Buy Potassium Carbonate Food Grade, also known as potash or pearl ash, form a strongly alkaline solution when dissolved in water. Used a leavening agent to rise bread in baking and as a processing aid for cocoa beans, lower acidity during wine production, as buffering agent in marinades for meat, and acidity regulator in milk and cream powders. It is a main ingredient in Kansui, to improve texture and color. Why buy Potassium Carbonate Price. Don’t worry! We do our homework. This product is offered at the industry’s lowest possible price. Availability. In-Stock. This product is in stock and ready to ship. Orders are usually shipped in 24-48 hours. Deliverability. Fast Shipping! This product is packaged with care from high quality, food grade packaging materials. Quality. Our curated products bottled in America match or exceed strict specifications. Formula Weight:138.205 Percent Purity:100% CAS No:584-08-7
Producător și furnizor de cenușă de sodă densă ușoară în Turcia - carbonat de sodiu

Producător și furnizor de cenușă de sodă densă ușoară în Turcia - carbonat de sodiu

Soda ash, also known as sodium carbonate, is a white, odorless powder that is commonly used in various industrial processes. There are two main forms of soda ash: light soda ash and dense soda ash. The primary difference between the two lies in their density and particle size. Soda Ash Light: Density: Light soda ash is characterized by its lower density and smaller particle size. Appearance: It typically appears as a fine powder with a white, crystalline structure. Applications: Soda ash light is often used in applications where a smaller particle size is desirable. It is commonly used in the production of glass, detergents, chemicals, and other industrial processes. Soda Ash Dense: Density: Dense soda ash has a higher density and larger particle size compared to light soda ash. Appearance: It usually appears as a granular or coarse powder with larger particles. soda ash light :soda ash dense sodium carbonate :detergent raw material white fine powder :glass raw material
Coca-Cola 500 ml

Coca-Cola 500 ml

Bring to your attention Coca Cola. Available in 0.33 Slim Cans, 0.5L,1.25L, 1,75 PET bottles. Special price. Fresh stock! Contact us for details +35 987 669 49 33
Apă la sticlă (Cu/Fără gaz) - Oferim apă minerală/apă de izvor carbogazoasă/necarbogazoasă cu toate opțiunile posibile

Apă la sticlă (Cu/Fără gaz) - Oferim apă minerală/apă de izvor carbogazoasă/necarbogazoasă cu toate opțiunile posibile

Let us present a fantastic way of creating your own branded water with us. We offer Mineral water & Spring water from resources around Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. Premium quality with all-natural filtration. Bottle types we can offer are: Aluminium can, Glass bottle, PET. Sizes: 250/330/500/750/1000/1500ML If you want to add vitamins, that's not a problem; we can help you mix the perfect healthy blend for your purpose. We also offer a wide range of tastes for your water, like Lime, wild strawberry, Melon, and lots of exotic fruits. If you have any idea of what you want to create, feel free to contact us, and we will guide you through the options. Possible flavours:Around 140
Carbon Activ - Carbon Activ

Carbon Activ - Carbon Activ

Activated Carbon
Adsorber de Carbon Activat

Adsorber de Carbon Activat

Advantages Micro filtration Area of application Chemical industry and drinking water treatment Flow rate Various filter sizes and the modular design enable any required flow rate. classification number P62 Filter aid - Filtration degree - Medium Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), drinking water Filter material Activated Carbon
Calitățile BIOCHAR

Calitățile BIOCHAR

Captura permanente de CO2: la incorporación de Biochar al suelo (CDR) es uno de los sistemas de abatimiento de carbono que la UE va a considerar irreversible y exento de peligro de causar “deforestación importada” como puede ocurrir con otras importaciones de carbón vegetal procedentes de talar árboles en otros continentes. Mejora del Medio Ambiente: si se cambian los hornos tradicionales por hornos pirolíticos en los secaderos de OGH de las extractoras de orujo, se eliminan las partículas de ceniza de las emisiones a la atmósfera, por lo que se hace innecesaria la depuración de los vahos como ocurre con la cogeneración con gas natural suya vida útil es hasta 2030. Nuevo valor añadido para el olivar: que mejora los procesos de secado de las extractoras, eliminando las molestias que pudieran causar en el entorno, consolidándolas como el sistema más robusto y resiliente de valorización de los subproductos del olivar estratégicamente distribuido por toda Andalucía
băuturi răcoritoare 275 ML

băuturi răcoritoare 275 ML

Cilindri cu Carbon Activ

Cilindri cu Carbon Activ

Gamme complète de filtres pour le traitement de l’air. Centrale de traitement de l'air, climatisation et chauffage Salle blanche Cabine de peinture


Coca-Cola® belirgin bir karamel rengi ve hoş bir tatlı tadı olan popüler bir gazlı içecektir. İçecek, su, şeker, karbondioksit, kafein, fosforik asit, karamel rengi (E150d) ve doğal aromalar gibi çeşitli bileşenlerden oluşur. Coca-Cola®'nın raf ömrü yaklaşık 6-9 aydır ve tüketicilere içeceğin tadını istedikleri gibi çıkarabilmeleri için önemli bir zaman penceresi sağlar. Foodcom S.A. gıda toptancıları, markalı ürünlerin distribütörleri, ithalatçılar, ihracatçılar ve perakende zincirleri dahil olmak üzere çeşitli kuruluşlara Coca-Cola® dağıtır.
Apă Minerală Volvic

Apă Minerală Volvic

A water with a unique mineral content and a crisp fresh taste. Great for sharing, keep the whole family hydrated* anytime, anywhere with our 1.5l bottle of Volvic natural mineral water. More from Volvic. Volvic natural mineral water comes in a variety of different bottle sizes and formats. 1,5:Liters


Degraissant universel Degraisse, decape, debouche Ultra concentre Fabrication française Les cristaux de soude possèdent de nombreuses proprietes. Ils nettoient, degraissent, decrassent tout dans la maison. Ils debouchent aussi les canalisations et adoucissent l’eau. Ideals pour les petits comme les gros travaux : nettoyage de terrasses, decapage des peintures ou papiers peints… Nettoyant multi-usages par excellence pour toute la maison : salle de bain (lavabos, douches, baignoires, toilettes), cuisine (plans de travail, evier, hotte, four, gazinière, casseroles brûlees, meubles de cuisine), carrelages, marbre, PVC, murs, terrasses… mais aussi machine à laver, canalisations et argenterie… Ne pas appliquer sur l’aluminium, le bois brut, les surfaces laquees, la laine, les plaques vitro ceramiques et induction. Ne pas melanger avec un acide.
Bobine de Oțel Carbon - Diverse Dimensiuni și Grosimi de Oțel Carbon

Bobine de Oțel Carbon - Diverse Dimensiuni și Grosimi de Oțel Carbon

Carbon steel products find applications across various industries. Construction materials, automotive parts, knives, tools, and more are manufactured from carbon steel. Our expert team crafts custom carbon steel products to meet your business needs. With our expert team and extensive product range, we offer carbon steel products tailored to your needs. Discover our symbol of strength and durability carbon steel products. Visit our Get a Quote page.
Încălzitor pe bază de carbon & Maturi de încălzire din carbon & Folii de încălzire Carbin - Maturi de încălzire Carbin "Made in Germany!"

Încălzitor pe bază de carbon & Maturi de încălzire din carbon & Folii de încălzire Carbin - Maturi de încălzire Carbin "Made in Germany!"

We manufacture customized heating mats based on carbon filaments & roving in all sizes and for all voltages!
Carbon Laser Cutting Machine - Transformă-ți afacerea cu o mașină de tăiat cu laser!

Carbon Laser Cutting Machine - Transformă-ți afacerea cu o mașină de tăiat cu laser!

Carbon is a laser cutting and engraving machine with a modern design and compact size. Our market darling is carefully designed and manufactured to ensure safety, innovation and ease of use. With the best cost-benefit ratio, it's the ideal equipment for Maker Space and handmade production of personalized pieces with a perfect finish. For wood, acrylic, plastics, leather, fabrics, cardboard, rubber, glass, ceramics, and more.
Oțeluri cu conținut ridicat de carbon

Oțeluri cu conținut ridicat de carbon

Our high carbon steels are characterized by their greater hardness and good machinability.


Le champagne est le vin effervescent le plus prestigieux au monde, symbole d'élégance et de célébration. Produit exclusivement dans la région de Champagne, en France, il est élaboré selon des méthodes traditionnelles rigoureuses qui lui confèrent son caractère unique. Issu principalement de trois cépages — le Chardonnay, le Pinot Noir et le Pinot Meunier —, le champagne se distingue par ses fines bulles et ses arômes délicats de fruits, de fleurs et de brioche. Qu’il soit brut, extra-brut, ou demi-sec, chaque type de champagne offre une expérience gustative distincte, souvent sublimée par une acidité rafraîchissante et une longue persistance en bouche. Les grandes maisons de champagne, réputées dans le monde entier, proposent des cuvées millésimées et non millésimées, ainsi que des champagnes Blanc de Blancs ou Blanc de Noirs, offrant ainsi une diversité adaptée à toutes les occasions. Que ce soit pour un mariage, une fête, ou un simple moment de plaisir raffiné
solidian GRID - solidian GRID este un întăritor nemetalic din carbon sau sticlă AR

solidian GRID - solidian GRID este un întăritor nemetalic din carbon sau sticlă AR

Carbonbeton ist die Zukunft des Bauens. Unser Beitrag zur Zukunft ist solidian GRID, eine Bewehrungsmatte aus Carbon, das mit innovativer Spitzentechnologie hergestellt wird. Wenn wir unser solidian GRID mit der klassischen Stahlbewehrung vergleichen, hat unsere Carbonbewehrung eine bis zu 7-mal höhere Zugfestigkeit, rostet nicht und trägt somit erheblich zu Einsparungen bei zukünftigen Instandhaltungen und Sanierungen bei. Ein geringerer Verbrauch von Wasser, Sand und Zement macht es zu einem nachhaltigen Produkt. Flexible Abmessungen und das superleichte Gewicht tragen maßgeblich zur Transportersparnis bei – durch diese Vorteile von solidian GRID werden bis zu 80% der Materialien eingespart.
Tester de Carbonatare Asco Co2

Tester de Carbonatare Asco Co2

The ASCO CO2 Carbonation Tester is used to identify any strange odour and/or taste in CO2. With this simple, easy to use kit you can check the quality of your liquid or gaseous CO2 from bulk tanks or CO2 cylinders. The set includes a CO2 carbonation unit, CO2 cartridge with special inner coating, adaptors made of stainless steel and emptying device for CO2 cartridge and easy instructions. Following the easy, laminated an coloured stepbystep instructions with pictures, a sample of water carbonated is tested. The carbonated water is compared for taste and smell with a noncarbonated sample of the same water. easy handling no calibration required ready for immediate use quick and cheap testing method for gaseous and liquid CO2


Potassium (K 2 O) : 20 % Azote total (N) : 0,5 % Azote organique (N) : 0,5 % Acides aminés libres : 6 % Matière organique totale : 6 % Sans chlorure : 0,5 g/ pH : 7,5
Red Bull 250ml băutură energizantă - Diverse arome

Red Bull 250ml băutură energizantă - Diverse arome

Flavours available : Red Bull Original Red Bull Blue Red Bull Red Red Bull Sugar Free Red Bull Tropical Red Bull ZERO - Possible forecast on all of our products - Eur Pallets / CHEP Pallets or Hand Loading - Stickering in any language & Repacking at extra cost - Health Certificate and COO available For a detailed quote, please get in touch with our team of specialist - info@arufel.com We look forward to hear from you! Classic Red Bull pack 24:108 x 24 pack per pallet Flavours Red bull pack 12:216 x 12 pack per pallet
Plasare Personalizată a Fibrelor - TFP - plasare țintită a fibrelor de înaltă performanță, cum ar fi carbonul, sticla, aramida și bazaltul

Plasare Personalizată a Fibrelor - TFP - plasare țintită a fibrelor de înaltă performanță, cum ar fi carbonul, sticla, aramida și bazaltul

Hierbei werden gebündelte Carbon - Faserstränge = Rovings zielgerichtet auf ein Trägersubstrat abgelegt, man spricht auch einfach von Carbon – Legen. Die Faserablage kann in jeder beliebigen Richtung, d.h. zwischen 0 und 360 Grad erfolgen. Das s.g. Roving - Legen bzw. Fiber Placement ermöglicht die Produktion von speziellen 3-dimensionalen Faserstrukturen. Durch unsere Composite-Technologie können, im Vergleich zur Nutzung von geflochtenem, gewebtem oder gestricktem Material, die Materialkosten extrem reduziert werden, da die Fasern nur selektiv abgelegt werden. Es können dabei definierte Bereiche durch wiederholtes Aufeinanderlegen von Fasern verstärkt werden. Die Materialauswahl ist absolut beliebig. Wir verarbeiten u.a. Aramid, Glas und Kohlefaser. Auch Kombinationen der verschiedenen Materialien sind möglich. Die automatisierte und präzise Faseranordnung dient dazu, die volle Zugfestigkeit der ausgewählten Faser für das jeweilige Produkt optimal zu nutzen.
Analiza carbonului

Analiza carbonului

Total carbon, TC - Total inorganic carbon, TIC, CO2 - Total organic carbon, TOC - Carbidically bound carbon, free carbon We determine the carbon modifications for you: Total carbon, TC - Total inorganic carbon, TIC, CO2 - Total organic carbon, TOC - Carbidically bound carbon, free carbon in different matrices like soils and rocks, oxidic raw materials, carbides and other materials.
Extinctor pentru toate aplicațiile - Extinctor

Extinctor pentru toate aplicațiile - Extinctor

Classe A : tous matériaux solides comme le bois, carton, tissus, etc Classe B : tous les liquides inflammables comme l’essence, le fioul, etc Classe C : tous les gaz inflammables comme le butane, propane, gaz de ville, etc Classe F : toutes les huiles, huiles de cuissons, huiles de friteuses, etc Classe D : tous les feux de métaux Consultez nos professionnels Vous pourrez échanger avec nous et établir un devis ensemble afin de trouver la meilleure solution à votre sécurité.