Produse pentru tratare (103)

Tratament de suprafață

Tratament de suprafață

galvanisation électropolissage Revêtement zinc-nickel Revêtement de phosphate de manganèse revêtement de chromate et de chromate dur Revêtement par cataphorèse Revêtement en poudre dans différentes couleurs RAL


Il nostro sistema RO offre una capacità di produzione versatile da 250 a 4.000 litri all'ora. È dotato di una pompa ad alta pressione in acciaio inossidabile e di un'interfaccia PLC touch screen da 7" intuitiva. Per garantire precisione ed efficienza, un flussometro digitale misura la produzione e le quantità di acque reflue e le portate possono essere regolate con una valvola a spillo in acciaio inossidabile. I sensori di pressione sul touch screen monitorano la pressione in ingresso della rete e della membrana, arrestando automaticamente il sistema e visualizzando errori se vengono superati i valori di pressione preimpostati. Gli utenti possono monitorare il valore dei solidi disciolti totali (TDS) sul touch screen. Il sistema comprende tre elettrovalvole di alta qualità controllate dal microprocessore PLC per una gestione precisa. Il quadro elettrico garantisce sicurezza e longevità con le funzioni Motor Protection e Phase Protection. Capacità produttiva versatile:da 250 a 4.000 litri/ora Alta qualità:pompa ad alta pressione in acciaio inossidabile Facile da usare:Interfaccia microprocessore PLC touch screen da 7". Flussometro digitale:per la misurazione precisa della produzione e delle quantità di acque reflue Regolabile:Portate regolabili con valvola a spillo inossidabile Sistema di monitoraggio:Sensori di pressione per il monitoraggio della pressione in ingresso alla rete e alla membrana Spegnimento automatico del sistema:Spegnimento automatico del sistema e notifiche di errore in caso di superamento dei valori di pressi Monitoraggio TDS:Monitoraggio dei solidi disciolti totali (TDS) sul touch screen Elettrovalvole:Tre elettrovalvole di alta qualità per un controllo preciso Quadro elettrico:Quadro elettrico con funzioni di Protezione Motore e Protezione di Fase Autorisciacquante:capacità dopo aver riempito il serbatoio dell'acqua di produzione Elegante:armadietto inossidabile visivamente attraente e chiuso
Uzina de Stabilizare Mecanică-Molino Pug

Uzina de Stabilizare Mecanică-Molino Pug

In order to enhance the qualities of soil and make it more suitable for constructing infrastructure such as roads highways and airport runways the construction industry uses mechanical stabilization plants. In order to improve the strength durability and load-bearing capacity of the soil binding agents like lime cement or foamed bitumen are blended into the soil. The objective is to produce a uniform stable material that can back the building of long-lasting structures and surfaces. In situations where the native soil lacks the necessary qualities for construction mechanical stabilization plants are crucial. By modifying the properties of the soil these plants guarantee that the foundation is robust enough to support large loads and withstand environmental influences. The resulting stabilized soil serves as a dependable base for long-lasting infrastructure and is utilized for a variety of purposes including embankments and road bases and subgrades.
GON - Filtrare și Separare

GON - Filtrare și Separare

Mikropor Druckluftfilter wurden entwickelt, um alle Anforderungen der Welt der Druckluftfiltration zu erfüllen. Die Luftfilter haben vier Effizienzstufen, die Verunreinigungen von 0,01 Mikron bis zu 290 psi (20 bar) entfernen, mit Rohrgrößen von 1/4" bis 3" NPT/BSP. Ein geschützter automatischer Schwimmerentlüfter (2 mm Öffnung) ist Standard für eine optimale und zuverlässige Entfernung von flüssigen Verunreinigungen. Diese Luftfilter sind aus porenfreiem Aluminium mit einer haltbaren Epoxidbeschichtung und einer korrosionsbeständigen Innenbeschichtung für eine lange Lebensdauer. Die Filterkombinationen werden so konfiguriert, dass sie die Anforderungen spezifischer Anwendungen erfüllen. Die Filter entsprechen der PED und den entsprechenden ISO 8573 Normen. Die Filter können mit Differenzdruckmanometern ausgestattet werden, um die Wartung zu erleichtern und die Energieeffizienz zu verbessern.
IGU de Control Termic

IGU de Control Termic

IGU est une unité de verre produite par deux ou plusieurs panneaux de verre avec de l'air sec ou des gaz à l'intérieur. Les IGU de contrôle thermique sont fabriqués avec du verre Low-E de haute qualité, revêtu pour le contrôle thermique. Ils offrent une isolation thermique maximale et réduisent vos coûts de chauffage. Pour les IGU avec contrôle thermique et solaire, vous pouvez consulter ici.
Saltea TANGO STAR - Husa tricotată are un tratament cu argint care îi conferă proprietăți antimicrobiene.

Saltea TANGO STAR - Husa tricotată are un tratament cu argint care îi conferă proprietăți antimicrobiene.

Le noyau des ressorts Bonnell traditionnels Tango Star est recouvert de mousse de confort haute densité pour maintenir une grande stabilité. Des ressorts parfaits réduisent les points de pression sur le corps pour une bonne nuit de sommeil. La housse tricotée est dotée d'un soin argenté qui confère des propriétés antibactériennes Housse anti-transpirante:Système à ressort traditionnel Transmission sous forme compressée:Soins orthopédiques du dos Anti stress:Antibactérien
TRATAMENT PENTRU RADIATOR - Fluide de răcire și lichide de frână

TRATAMENT PENTRU RADIATOR - Fluide de răcire și lichide de frână

Radiator Treatment is a concentrated, heavy-duty, and long-lasting organic corrosion inhibitor designed for use in automotive and stationary engine cooling systems. It is suitable for a wide range of engines, including those powered by petrol, diesel, and natural gas, where anti-freeze/anti-boil protection is not required. Radiator Treatment offers extended-term corrosion protection for both aluminum and ferrous alloys and is fully compatible with the rubber hoses and plastics commonly found in engine cooling systems. Notably, Radiator Treatment does not contain ethylene glycol and is not an anti-freeze/anti-boil coolant. Therefore, it should only be used in accordance with the recommendations provided by engine manufacturers. It is not intended to address pre-existing corrosion issues. Available in:200 Litres and 20 Litres Item code:VI8-3400
Tratament Termic

Tratament Termic

It is the general name of the placement aimed at improving the mechanical properties of heat treatment metals. A type of metallurgical process. Generally, it is done by annealing metals in a certain way, bringing their structure to the desired stage.


NEDEN SANTE BEAUTY ANTİ AGİNG SERUM? Sante Beauty Anti Aging Serum içeriğindeki doğal aktif maddeler ve yağlar ile cildin kaybettiği ve ihtiyaç duyduğu nemi, azalmaya başlayan protein iplerini (Kolajen) cilde kazandırılmasında önemli rol oynar. Sağlıklı ve genç bir cilt, yüksek kolajen seviyesi ile doğru orantılıdır. Vücudumuzun en büyük organı olan cildimiz 3 katmandan oluşur: Epidermis Dermis Hipodermis Dermis tabakasında kolajen ve elastin lifleri bulunur. Kolajen kaybıyla birlikte; Cildin dermis tabakasında bulunan hyaluronik asit miktarı azalır, cilt kurumaya başlar ve güneş ışığına karşı savunmasız hale gelir. Bu da cildin erken yaşlanmasına ve solgun görünmesine neden olmaktadır. Biz size tek bir şişede cildin ihtiyaç duyduğu nemi, kolajeni ve hyaluronik asidi sunuyoruz. Anti Aging serumumuz zengin içeriği sayesinde cildinizi korumakta ve cilt sorunlarını ortadan kaldırmaktadır.
Crema Facială Firmantă pentru Porii Melexder - Strângerea și Fermitatea Porilor

Crema Facială Firmantă pentru Porii Melexder - Strângerea și Fermitatea Porilor

This product is developed to tighten and beautify the appearance of pores which formed at facial area. This product help’s to reinforce elasticity it also provides to diminish the appearance of strech marks and leaves the skin smooth and perfecting softness and tone-up. Glycosaminoglycan; it’s primary role is to maintain and support collagen, elastin and turgidity in the cellular spaces and keep protein fibers in balance and proportion. GAGs are important in the regeneration of epidermal cells due to firming of pores. Caffeine, Theobromin, Theophylline; have potent antioxidant properties. they helps protect cells against the UV radiation and slows down the process of photoaging of the skin. caffeine increases the microcirculation of blood in the skin due to increasing of oxygen transfer in epidermal cells resulted on minimize of pores.
Linii de Tratament al Suprafațelor - Tratament al Suprafațelor

Linii de Tratament al Suprafațelor - Tratament al Suprafațelor

There are two types of surface treatment lines: dipping and spray lines. Degreasing - Rinsing - Coating - Rinsing - Passivation processes are applied and the processes may vary depending on the need
Șampon Tratament Revitalizant și Protecție a Culorii Naturale

Șampon Tratament Revitalizant și Protecție a Culorii Naturale

It helps you to get healthy and well-groomed hair by softening your hair with its special formula. The combination of horsetail extract, horse chestnut extract and provitamin B-5 give your hair a shiny, vivid, strong and full-bodied appearance, while protecting dyed hair color. SKU:8749467 UPC:AGK-86965435
Serum de Rejuvenare Bellus - Anti-îmbătrânire, Rejuvenant, Serum pentru Față

Serum de Rejuvenare Bellus - Anti-îmbătrânire, Rejuvenant, Serum pentru Față

Cilt Gençleştirme Serumu Dünyada bir ilk.! PTD(Protein Transduction Domain) sistemi ile Egf ve Fgf1 büyüme faktörlerini birlikte cilt altına ileten Sp teknolojisi. Kırışıklıkların görünümünü azaltır Yaşlılığın görünen etkilerini azaltır. Cildinizi sıkılaştırır ve parlaklık verir Gözenekleri küçültür Yağsız ve hipoallerjiktir. Cildi gençleştirir Cildi yumuşatır ve esnekliğini arttırır. Cilt dokusunu geliştirir ve nemlenmesini arttırır.


PASLANMAZ ÇELİK AISI 304 KALİTE 300mm, 500mm, 1000mm DUVAR SU PERDESİ ŞELALE Kit İçeriği: Boyut: 300, 500, 1000 mm Et kalınlığı: 2 mm Dudak genişliği: 300, 500, 1000mm Malzeme: AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz çelik parlak yüzey Giriş boyutu: 63 mm içten dişli duvar monte tabla boyutu: 300,500,1000 mm Paket İçeriği: 1 adet paslanmaz çelik şelale duvar su perdesi
Seria DPT - Pompa Centrifugă Submersibilă pentru Apă Uzată Seria DPT

Seria DPT - Pompa Centrifugă Submersibilă pentru Apă Uzată Seria DPT

Tasarım ve Teknik Özellikler • Çamurlu su ve kanalizasyon sıvısı gibi katı-sıvı karışımından ibaret sıvıların , viskoz sıvı ve pis suların atılmasında kullanılır • Kumlu,çamurlu suları basabilmek için değişik tip modellerde çarklar imal edilmektedir. Ancak yoğun kumlu sularda aşınmaya karşı mutlaka önlem alınmalıdır. Bu önlemide kırıcılar ile sağlanmaktadır • Rotor ve pompa çarkı tek bir mil üzerindedir. Rotor iki adet ağır hizmet tipi rulmanla merkezlenmiştir. • Kolay kolay bakım gerektirmez ve uzun ömürlüdürler • Kurulumu kolaydır • Pompa eksenel kuvveti dengeleme kanatları ile karşılanmaktadır. Ağır şartlara göre dizayn edilmiştir. • Atık su pomplarında mekanik salmastra kullanılmaktadır • TS EN ISO 9906 Standartlarına uygun olarak test edilmektedir. • IP 68 koruma sınıfı içerisindedir.
Tavă de Tratament - PLASTICE

Tavă de Tratament - PLASTICE

Treatment Tray - PLASTICS KOD:BPTT00001
Floculant polimer anionic [Poliacrilamid]-[PMA]

Floculant polimer anionic [Poliacrilamid]-[PMA]

Polyacrylamide, also known as PAM, is a type of flocculant or cohesion agent . This product, which is manufactured in the form of a white powder, is water-soluble. It plays a crucial role in the flocculation, sedimentation, and separation of mud suspensions. PAM is a low-cost solution for water systems and its unique properties make it irreplaceable by other flocculant products. selena industry produces 4 different cationic flocculant with 4 different molecular weight and anionic charge : M25 M26 M27 M28 m25 m26 m27 m28 are potent flocculants utilized in the remediation of wastewater from the paper, textile, and food industries, as well as produced water from the oil industry and most mineral processing applications. m25 m26 m27 m28,the linear polymers, are adequately hydrolyzed. they are employed for the rapid separation of solid particles suspended in water. Its applications can be likened to those of “Ciba” and “A103”.
Stație Mobilă de Transfer al Deșeurilor

Stație Mobilă de Transfer al Deșeurilor

EMS Makina Manufacturing in Turkey Rear Loading Waste Transfer Stations. Steel conveyor waste transfer station is used for unloading the solid municipal wastes, that were collected from the inner-cities with smaller garbage trucks, in to bigger capacity waste transfer semi trailers so that the municipal solid wastes can be transported to the landfills economically.
Dispozitiv de Decontaminare a Deșeurilor Lichide AQUA Premium - Decontaminarea Apelor Reziduale Medicale și a Lichidelor Periculoase

Dispozitiv de Decontaminare a Deșeurilor Lichide AQUA Premium - Decontaminarea Apelor Reziduale Medicale și a Lichidelor Periculoase

Eco-friendly Chemical & Biological Decontamination of Medical Effluent Water and Dangerous Liquid for Contaminated laboratory waste infectious fluids blood and blood products Dialysis fluid waste Liquid pathological waste Pharmaceutical waste and dangerous chemicals. Chemical Neutralization and Biological Treatment Stainless Steel Reactor Tank Biological UV Treatment Disinfection with Ozone
Cameră de sablare - Cameră de sablare

Cameră de sablare - Cameră de sablare

Kumlama Odası olarak tabir edilen kumlama kabini; içerisinde bir ya da daha fazla operatörün işçiliği ile kumlama yapılan kapalı kumlama alanını ifade eder. Çoğunlukla büyük ve otomatik makineye ihtiyaç duyulmayacak sayıda parçanın kumlanmasında tercih edilir. Otomotiv, Çelik Konstrüksiyon, Savunma Sanayi vb. sektörlerde tercih edilir. BF BLAST tarafından müşteri ihtiyacına göre her ölçüde üretilmekle beraber standart ölçüdeki kumlama odaları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterilmiştir.
Tratament Termic

Tratament Termic

Our Heat Treating Suppliers are certified by Aeronautical and Automotive Industries. Annealing Normalizing Stress Relieving Quenching and Tempering Vacuum Hardening Homogenization Decarburization Nitriding Carburization Case Hardening and more
Tratament Termic

Tratament Termic

Traitement thermique Nos fournisseurs de traitement thermique sont certifiés par les industries aéronautique et automobile. Recuit Normalisation Réduction des contraintes Trempe et revenu Durcissement sous vide Homogénéisation Décarburation Nitruration Carburation Cémentation
Sisteme de Tratare a Apei din Seria ULTIMATE - 250-4000 LPH

Sisteme de Tratare a Apei din Seria ULTIMATE - 250-4000 LPH

Umkehrosmose-Systeme (RO) sind für ihre außergewöhnliche Wasserreinigungsfähigkeit bekannt und reduzieren effektiv bis zu 99 % der Verunreinigungen. Die RO-Serie, auf die wir uns spezialisiert haben, ist auf die anspruchsvollen Anforderungen der industriellen Wasseraufbereitung aus verschiedenen Quellen, einschließlich Brack-, Oberflächen- und kommunaler Wasserversorgung, zugeschnitten. Diese industriellen Umkehrosmose-Wasseraufbereitungssysteme sind mit verbesserten Materialien und Hochleistungstechnologie ausgestattet und eignen sich daher gut für Anwendungen in verschiedenen Branchen. Bemerkenswert ist, dass diese Systeme einzigartig in den Vereinigten Staaten entwickelt und hergestellt werden, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Energieeffizienz und Umweltfreundlichkeit liegt und gleichzeitig stets Wasser von hoher Qualität geliefert wird.


Unser RO-System bietet eine vielseitige Produktionskapazität von 250 bis 4.000 Litern pro Stunde. Es verfügt über eine Hochdruckpumpe aus Edelstahl und eine benutzerfreundliche 7-Zoll-Touchscreen-SPS-Schnittstelle. Um Präzision und Effizienz zu gewährleisten, misst ein digitaler Durchflussmesser die Produktions- und Abwassermengen und die Durchflussraten können mit einem rostfreien Nadelventil angepasst werden. Drucksensoren auf dem Touchscreen überwachen den Netzwerk- und Membraneingangsdruck, stoppen das System automatisch und zeigen Fehler an, wenn voreingestellte Druckwerte überschritten werden. Benutzer können den TDS-Wert (Total Dissolved Solids) auf dem Touchscreen überwachen. Das System umfasst drei hochwertige Magnetventile, die vom SPS-Mikroprozessor gesteuert werden, um eine präzise Steuerung zu gewährleisten. Die Schalttafel gewährleistet Sicherheit und Langlebigkeit mit Motorschutz- und Phasenschutzfunktionen. Vielseitige Produktionskapazität:von 250 bis 4.000 Liter pro Stunde Gute Qualität:Hochdruckpumpe aus Edelstahl Benutzerfreundlich:7-Zoll-Touchscreen-SPS-Mikroprozessorschnittstelle Digitaler Durchflussmesser:zur präzisen Messung von Produktions- und Abwassermengen Einstellbar:Einstellbare Durchflussraten mit einem rostfreien Nadelventil Überwachungssystem:Drucksensoren zur Überwachung des Netzwerk- und Membraneingangsdrucks Automatisches Herunterfahren des Systems:Automatische Systemabschaltung und Fehlermeldungen bei Überschreitung voreingestellter Druckwerte TDS-Überwachung:Überwachung der Gesamtmenge gelöster Feststoffe (TDS) auf dem Touchscreen Magnetventile:Drei hochwertige Magnetventile für präzise Steuerung Schalttafel:Schalttafel mit Motorschutz- und Phasenschutzfunktionen Selbstspülend:Kapazität nach dem Füllen des Produktionswassertanks Glatt:optisch ansprechendes und geschlossenes Edelstahlgehäuse


System RO oferuje wydajność od 250 do 4000 litrów na godzinę z pompą wysokociśnieniową ze stali nierdzewnej i interfejsem PLC z 7-calowym ekranem dotykowym. Cyfrowy przepływomierz, zawór iglicowy, i czujniki ciśnienia zapewniają precyzję i wydajność. Użytkownicy mogą monitorować TDS na ekranie dotykowym, a panel elektryczny zapewnia bezpieczeństwo i trwałość. System znajduje się w estetycznej obudowie ze stali nierdzewnej. Wszechstronne możliwości produkcyjne:od 250 do 4000 litrów na godzinę Wysoka jakość:pompa wysokociśnieniowa ze stali nierdzewnej Przyjazny użytkownikowi:Interfejs mikroprocesora PLC z ekranem dotykowym 7". Cyfrowy przepływomierz:do precyzyjnego pomiaru ilości produkcji i ścieków Nastawny:Regulowane natężenie przepływu za pomocą zaworu iglicowego ze stali nierdzewnej System monitorujący:Czujniki ciśnienia do monitorowania ciśnienia wejściowego sieci i membrany Automatyczne zamykanie systemu:Automatyczne wyłączenie systemu i powiadomienie o błędzie w przypadku przekroczenia zadanych wartośc Monitorowanie TDS:Monitorowanie całkowitej zawartości rozpuszczonych substancji stałych (TDS) na ekranie dotykowym zawory elektromagnetyczne:Trzy wysokiej jakości zawory elektromagnetyczne zapewniają precyzyjną kontrolę Panel elektryczny:Panel elektryczny z funkcjami ochrony silnika i ochrony fazy Samopłuczący:wydajność po napełnieniu zbiornika wody produkcyjnej Gładki:atrakcyjna wizualnie i zamknięta obudowa ze stali nierdzewnej


Our RO system offers a versatile production capacity from 250 to 4,000 liters per hour. It features a stainless steel high-pressure pump and a user-friendly 7" touch screen PLC interface. To ensure precision and efficiency, a digital flow meter measures production and wastewater quantities, and flow rates can be adjusted with a stainless needle valve. Pressure sensors on the touch screen monitor network and membrane input pressure, automatically stopping the system and displaying errors if preset pressure values are exceeded. Users can monitor the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) value on the touch screen. The system includes three high-quality solenoid valves controlled by the PLC microprocessor for precise management. The electric panel ensures safety and longevity with Motor Protection and phase Protection functions. The system is housed in a visually appealing stainless cabinet. Versatile production capacity:from 250 to 4,000 liters per hour High-quality:stainless steel high-pressure pump User-friendly:7" touch screen PLC microprocessor interface Digital flow meter:for precise measurement of production and wastewater quantities adjustable:Adjustable flow rates with a stainless needle valve Monitoring System:Pressure sensors for monitoring network and membrane input pressure Automatic system shutdown:Automatic system shutdown and error notifications if preset pressure values are exceeded TDS monitoring:Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) monitoring on the touch screen solenoid valves:Three high-quality solenoid valves for precise control Electric panel:Electric panel with Motor Protection and phase Protection functions Self-rinsing:capability after filling the production water tank Sleek:visually appealing, and enclosed stainless cabinet
Uzina de Tratare a Apelor pentru Fabrici de Reciclare - Procesare Umedă-Spălare

Uzina de Tratare a Apelor pentru Fabrici de Reciclare - Procesare Umedă-Spălare

The water treatment plant for a recycling plant is a facility that is specifically designed to treat the wastewater from the recycling operations of most industrial sectors. The function of water treatment facilities is to ensure that, upon discharge, the water from a recycling plant meets the required regulatory and environmental standards before being either released into the environment or reused back into the facility. The treatment process typically includes physical, chemical, and biological modes of treatment for the scavenging of pollutants, contaminants, and suspended solids from a wastewater stream. Applying processes such as filtration, sedimentation, disinfection, and biological treatment, water treatment plants for the recycling plant ensure that high-quality and environmentally safe treated water for discharge or reutilization, with the overarching goal of promoting sustainable water management practices.
Stația de Tratare a Apelor pentru Fabrici de Reciclare

Stația de Tratare a Apelor pentru Fabrici de Reciclare

The water treatment plant for a recycling plant is a facility that is specifically designed to treat the wastewater from the recycling operations of most industrial sectors. The function of water treatment facilities is to ensure that, upon discharge, the water from a recycling plant meets the required regulatory and environmental standards before being either released into the environment or reused back into the facility. The treatment process typically includes physical, chemical, and biological modes of treatment for the scavenging of pollutants, contaminants, and suspended solids from a wastewater stream. Applying processes such as filtration, sedimentation, disinfection, and biological treatment, water treatment plants for the recycling plant ensure that high-quality and environmentally safe treated water for discharge or reutilization, with the overarching goal of promoting sustainable water management practices.


Mikropor Compressed Air Filters have been designed to meet all requirements of the compressed air filtration world. These air filters provide more comfortable usage for end users with an increased endurance, higher efficiency at lower pressure drop and more port size options.The air filters have four efficiency ratings, removing contaminants as small 0.01 micron at up to 290 psi (20 bar)- 1/4” to 3” NPT/BSP pipe sizes. A protected auto float drain (2 mm orifice) is standard for optimal and reliable removal of liquid contaminants. These air filters have a zero-porosity aluminium and durable epoxy powder-coat finish, along with a corrosion-resistant internal coating for a long service life. Filter combinations are configured to meet specific application requirements. Filters comply with PED and perform as per related ISO 8573 standards. These filters may be equipped with differential pressure gauges for easy maintenance and energy efficiency.


Mikropor ""Conwrap"" Separators are standard wrapped style separators. Theseseparators are designed for outside to inside flow and can be used with all oil injectionRotary Vane and Rotary Screw Compressors. Conwrap separators operate between1 to 60 m³/min flow rate at 7 bar with 1 to 3 mg/m³ oil carry over.