Mașină de curățare a apei - moldclean - Curățarea și protecția canalelor de răcire
Lime and corrosion are hidden cost factors. Inevitably, these two “enemies of temperature control channels” prolong the cooling time, reduce the process safety and have a negative influence on the parts’ quality. The problem occurs insidiously in each plastic processing company, because lime and corrosion gradually build an insulation layer in the cooling channels and are thus responsible for a deteriorating heat transfer. Often the problem is not recognized until the demanded parts’ quality cannot be achieved any longer or if the complete system breaks down. The effect of cleaning the cooling channels of an injection mould is a reduction of cooling time up to 40 % (in individual cases even more), depending on the amount of deposits. The latest development, easy to use by the processor himself, is moldclean, a compact appliance which cleans polluted cooling channels in injection moulds and heat exchanger systems.
Technology:water,solvent,compressed air
Field:process,for injection molding,for plastics
Other characteristics:compact,cleaning,continuous,robust,for cast parts