Produse pentru torice proclear xr (47)

Gel anticelulitic

Gel anticelulitic

Gel with a cooling effect.The gel helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks. Improves blood microcirculation. Creates lymphatic drainage, smoothing the microrelief of the skin. Sea water and Laminaria digitata seaweed extract.Extracts of horsetail and broom: veinotonic active ingredients that stimulate microcirculation. Essential oils of sage and rosemary: a natural regulator Instructions for use: Apply a small amount of gel to each leg and gently massage from the ankles to the top. Use once a day. Recommendation: do not use for pregnant or breast feeding After application, wash hands well, avoid contact with eyes. Keep away from children
Suprefort - Produse peptidice

Suprefort - Produse peptidice

Pancreas peptides. Peptides have a selective action on pancreas cells, normalize their metabolism and regulate pancreas functions. Bulk:60 capsules of 0,215 g. Brand:Cytomaxes Catalog item:Suprefort Expiry date:30.11.2026 Barcode:4603423005513
Pfizer Genotropin 36iu

Pfizer Genotropin 36iu

Genotropin 12mg / 36iu HGH by Pfizer. Human Growth Hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, the primary form consisting of 191 amino acid chain. HGH is largely responsible for the growth of our bones, organs and other tissue. When Human Growth Hormone is injected, the growth process gets a huge boost. As we age, HGH is responsible for our muscle retention, the functioning of our immune system, a fast metabolism and our health as we age. In addition, our bone structure, our tendons improve and it heals / restores our connective tissue faster.
Cortec VpCI® 325 pentru protecție generală împotriva coroziunii

Cortec VpCI® 325 pentru protecție generală împotriva coroziunii

Cortec VpCI® 325: Ultimate Corrosion Shield. Protect your metal assets with Cortec VpCI® 325, a powerful corrosion inhibitor. Leveraging advanced VpCI® technology, it forms a molecular barrier shielding metal from rust and corrosion. Ideal for various metals and applications, it safeguards against harsh environments. Easy to apply, long-lasting, and eco-friendly, VpCI® 325 offers comprehensive protection for storage, shipping, and lay-up. Enjoy multi-metal coverage, exceptional penetration, and safe, water-based formula. Ideal for manufacturing, oil & gas, automotive, and more. Trust Cortec VpCI® 325 for your corrosion prevention needs.


Jex Professionnel innove en vous proposant un nouveau format inedit Reduisez vos dechets et votre impact sur l'environnement avec l'ULTRA DOSE Un format economique, pratique, peu encombrant Ce produit nettoie, degraisse et desodorise en 1 seul geste tous vos sols, surfaces et cuisines 500 mL 5 L de concentre Une solution innovante et efficace 97 6 du total des ingredients est d’origine naturelle Compatible contact alimentaire et parfum longue duree Fleurs de citronnier Ouvrir la poche à l'aide des ciseaux Verser 4,5L d'eau froide dans un bidon de 5L prealablement rince Ajouter le contenu de la poche dans le bidon
Bolus de vitamine și minerale Tracetop

Bolus de vitamine și minerale Tracetop

Our vitamin and mineral bolus Tracetop is a slow-release cattle supplement designed to prevent a vitamin and mineral deficiency in cattle and improve the overall wellbeing of the cows. Insufficient (trace) minerals can result in losses in performance and can cause clinical deficiencies. More commonly though, subclinical deficiencies occur manifested as reduced pregnancy rates, rough hair coats, hoof issues, retained placenta, low libido and poor calf performance.
Crema de Curățare Uriage 1L

Crema de Curățare Uriage 1L

Uriage Cleansing Cream 1l
F-Exx 3.0 F

F-Exx 3.0 F

F-Exx 3.0 F - Der Fettbrandlöscher bei Fettbränden bis zu 25 Litern
La Roche-Posay EFFACLAR Gel Spumant Purificator

La Roche-Posay EFFACLAR Gel Spumant Purificator

La Roche Posay EFFACLAR gel moussant purifiant
ACT. CTL THERMO P. MEN SPRAY 150ml - igienă, DPH

ACT. CTL THERMO P. MEN SPRAY 150ml - igienă, DPH

Fournisseur direct en produits de grandes marques pour la grande distribution Chutyptm vous propose ACT. CTL THERMO P. MEN SPRAY 150ml au meilleur prix du marché. Découvrez l'ensemble de nos réfs sur ! Achat en gros de ACT. CTL THERMO P. MEN SPRAY 150ml et import PGC


Rechargez votre flacon de parfum d’intérieur et diffuseur à bâtons rapidement grâce à sa contenance de 200ml. Vous pouvez ainsi le remplir plusieurs fois et parfumer votre intérieur avec votre senteur de Grasse préférée. Contenance:200ml – 6,76 fl.oz. Saison:Automne, Hiver Gamme Olfactive:Les Frais
TensorGrip C101 Detergent de citrice în spray de 500ml - TG-C101-Spray500

TensorGrip C101 Detergent de citrice în spray de 500ml - TG-C101-Spray500

Tensorgrip C101 Tensorgrip C101 Citrus Cleaner ist ein biologisch abbaubarer Z itruslösungsmittelreiniger. Er dient zum Entfetten und um Klebstoffreste zu entfernen. Hinweis: Nicht zur Klebeflächen- oder Lackierungs-Vorbereitung geeignet! Es kann auf den meisten Oberflächen und Substraten verwendet werden. Verwendbar für lackierte Oberflächen, Glas, Porzellan, Beton, und ist verträglich mit Vinyl und vielen Kunststoffen. Hervorragend für die Reinigung von Sprühkleberpistolen und Düsen geeignet. (Ehemals ACR EAN:4260534181293 ml:500
Cyberbond TT 69 Adeziv Anaerobic 4 în 1 35 g Cutie

Cyberbond TT 69 Adeziv Anaerobic 4 în 1 35 g Cutie

Cyberbond TM 69 4-in-1 ist ein grüner, anaerober Klebstoff auf Basis von Dimethacrylat zum Sichern und Dichten von Gewinden, Flanschen, Lagern von Buchsen und Rohren.


Medizinprodukt zur Linde­rung und Beru­hi­gung lokaler Beschwerden im Anorektal-Kanal bei akuter und chro­ni­scher Prosta­titis sowie gutar­tiger Prosta­ta­ver­größerung­ Pros­turol® Zäpf­chen ist ein Medizinprodukt auf pflanzlicher Basis. Es wird zur Linde­rung und Beru­hi­gung lokaler Beschwerden im Anorektal-Kanal bei akuter und chro­ni­scher Prosta­titis sowie gutar­tiger Prosta­ta­ver­grö­ße­rung ange­wendet, wie sie aufgrund von arte­ri­ellem Blutan­drang in Folge von Entzün­dungs­reizen, auftreten können. Originalpackung: 10 Zäpf­chen je 2 g, 30 Zäpf­chen je 2 g Wirkstoffe: Kürbis­kerne, Indi­scher Wassernabel, Weih­rauch, Stroh­blume, Vitamin E Acetat, Austra­li­scher Teebaum, Hyalu­ron­säure-Natri­um­salz, halb­syn­the­ti­sche Glyce­ride Therapiegebiet: Prostatitis


ECOFIX PLUS the best adhesive spray for printing boards ECOFIX PLUS is an high tack adhesive specially indicated for the textile silk-screen printing industry. It is suitable to keep the fabrics steady to their support while being printed. CHEMICAL BASE BASE: Synthetic rubbers and solid resins SOLVENTS: hydrocarbure group, benzen and omologous are absent PROPELLENT: Denaturate odourless hydrocarbure COLOUR: Yellow clear VISCOSITY: Middle IT DOES NOT CONTAINS CFC MAIN CHARACTERISTICS It does not transfer on the fabric or cloths printed. It does not dirty the fabrics. It is suitable for cotton, silk, wool, synthetic fabrics, cotton, mixed. It resists to many applications. It has a good resistance to heat. It is also suitable in embroidery industry to keep the cloth steady during embroidery. In the cut rooms it gets the adhesion of the model to the cloth during the cut. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Shake well the can before use. Spray the product from a distance of 25-30 cm. Remove it with wash solvent perchloroethylene.


XcelOil è una linea avanzata di lubrificanti progettata specificamente per veicoli industriali e commerciali, che garantisce prestazioni eccezionali e una protezione affidabile in condizioni di utilizzo intensivo. Formulata con tecnologie all'avanguardia, XcelOil riduce al minimo l'usura dei componenti del motore, migliorando l'efficienza e la longevità del veicolo. Grazie alle sue proprietà di elevata resistenza termica e chimica, questa gamma di oli è ideale per mezzi pesanti, autobus, tir e macchine da lavoro, operando in ambienti difficili e carichi estremi. XcelOil contribuisce a ottimizzare il consumo di carburante, riducendo così le emissioni e i costi operativi. Compatibile con motori diesel e a benzina, soddisfa o supera gli standard internazionali di settore, assicurando un funzionamento fluido anche in condizioni climatiche estreme. Le flotte commerciali possono contare su una manutenzione ridotta e su intervalli di cambio olio estesi, garantendo prestazioni TOP!
Octisex Forte - Recâștigă-ți Libido-ul

Octisex Forte - Recâștigă-ți Libido-ul

Octisex forte gélules apporte son aide dans les cas de fatigue passagère, prise de nouveau traitement, ou pannes sexuelles à répétitions. Le ralentissement de la libido provoque les problèmes d'érection, tout comme l'arrêt des rapports sexuels. L'andropose, la solitude et la fatigue, représentent plus de 80% des troubles. Réactivez votre système veineux et nourrissez votre système sanguin. Composition 100 % naturelle. L-arginine, Piper nigrum, Zinc, Ornithine Gingembre.
Gel Revitalizant cu Pectină

Gel Revitalizant cu Pectină

Used to treat dehydrated skin with disorders of pigmentation and elasticity. The natural polysaccharide pectin, in combination with hyaluronic acid, restores the moisture balance of the skin. The low pH (3.5) of the gel makes it suitable bothfor light peeling and complex face cleansing procedures for softening the stratum corneum. The salts from Ostrovnoye mud lake provide high electrical conductivity and enhance lymphatic drainage. Active ingredients:hyaluronic acid, pectin, salts from Ostrovnoye mud lake Usage:ultrasound and microcurrent therapies, iontophoresis, EMS, professional and home care Shelf life:3 years Bottles:100 ml, 200 ml, 300 ml, 500 ml, 1l
Detergent EX+ - 5 Litri

Detergent EX+ - 5 Litri

Produktinformationen "EX+ Reiniger - 5 Liter" Der umweltfreundliche Reiniger für Ihren Betrieb, Ihre Maschinen und Fahrzeuge. Ohne Phosphate, Lösemittel und ätzende Stoffe Sehr gut biologisch abbaubar Maschinell, manuell und in Hochdruckgeräten einsetzbar Kraftvoll, fettlösend und trotzdem mild und materialschonend Greift keine Lacke, Gummi oder Kunststoffe an Schnelltrennend im Abwasser gemäß Ö-Norm Test B 5105 pH-Wert: 9,4 Silikonfrei und AOX-frei Anwendung und Dosierung: Im Hochdruckreiniger: Konzentration 3–5 % In Bodenreinigungsmaschinen: Konzentration 3–10 % Chemische Basis: Alkalische Tenside Geruch/Duft: fruchtig Farbe: leuchtgelb Weiterführende Links zu "EX+ Reiniger - 5 Liter" Fragen zum Artikel? Weitere Artikel von TerraDomi
Cremă Neutru - Masaj Neutru

Cremă Neutru - Masaj Neutru

La Crème Neutre est destinée aux massages utilisés une manipulation régulière, plus ou moins longue. Hydrosoluble, hypoallergénique, ne tachant pas et naturellement hydratante, elle apporte glisse et confort, sans risque d’échauffement dû à une manipulation prolongée. Application: Appliquer directement sur la zone à traiter par petites quantités (30 ml). Masser jusqu’à pénétration complète du produit. Formule: Émulsions L / H, huile d’amande douce, vitamine B5, chèvrefeuille. Poids:0,3 kg Contenant:250ml, 500ml, 1000ml, 5000ml


A REAL REVOLUTION IN THE FASTENING AND ASSEMBLING TECHNOLOGY FOR SEALING, STICKING, FASTENING • Can be applied on every kind of metals and many other material • Very elastic and resistant, also against seawater • Quick polymerization, very high adhesive power • High abrasion resistance • Overpaintable and sandable • Without smell, not corrosive and not flammable • No shrinkage, no sag APPLICATION BRANCHES • Motor vehicles • Caravans, boats • Buildings CARCOFLEX 6600 represents a true revolution in the world of the one component, polyurethanic-based sealants. Our product is the result of the most complete synthesis of all characteristics, an adhesive sealant has to show, to be suitable for the auto transport, the artisanship, the building and the ship's branch.. In the specific auto transport branch the application fields are mainly the assembling of spoilers, chassis and profiles on the car, as well as the assembly of plate, plastic and wood parts on vans, ca
ProSolin - Solvent Concentrat pentru Ulei

ProSolin - Solvent Concentrat pentru Ulei

Tüm kurumuş yemek artıkları ve yanmış yağları, davlumbazda biriken yağ kalıntılarını temizlemek için formüle edilmiştir. Su bazlıdır. Fayans, çelik ve plastik yüzeylerde güvenle kullanılabilir.
Cartuș de gel pentru colectarea probelor

Cartuș de gel pentru colectarea probelor

Nos solutions de diagnostic EasyGel Protect®, vous garantissent un empoussièrement < à 5f/L (limite du code de la santé publique). Cette performance est atteinte dans la mesure où l’on s’inscrit dans le respect de la notice produit, d’un mode opératoire réglementaire et la formation des personnels. Respect du code du travail qui stipule que le chef d’entreprise doit prendre toutes les mesures techniques nécessaires pour réduire tout empoussièrement. Méthode de prélèvement n’altérant pas les analyses des laboratoires. La solution convient pour tous types de poussières nocives ou non. Référence:EGP310DIAG Destination:Prélèvement dans le cadre de repérage amiante Conditionnement:Cartouche de 310 ml Gel coloré:Non quantité minimum:12 unités


TRICOSTAR VOLUMEX, SOLUÇÃO INTEGRADA, COMPLETA, ATUAL NA LUTA CONTRA A QUEDA DE CABELO -Ajuda a eliminar as causas biológicas da queda de cabelo -Ajuda a parar a perda de cabelo e promove o crescimento do cabelo -Promove a atividade e saúde dos folículos pilosos, mantendo o seu equilíbrio nutricional, -Promove o aumento do volume do cabelo, -Estimula o fortalecimento e fixação da raiz do cabelo no couro cabeludo. Tricostar Volumex CÁPSULAS Atua de dentro para fora, fornecendo os nutrientes fundamentais para a existência de um cabelo saudável, promovendo entre outros, a síntese de queratina, a melhoria da microcirculação, o fortalecimento dos capilares, também exercendo uma marcada ação antioxidante. Tricostar Volumex SHAMPOO Funciona de fora para dentro, o que contribui para melhorar as ações promovidas pelas cápsulas e loção, desenvolvendo uma ação de limpeza do couro cabeludo e estimulação da microcirculação local.
Tensioactiv RapiGest SF

Tensioactiv RapiGest SF

Améliorez la qualité des digestions enzymatiques des protéines en solution Partout dans le monde, les laboratoires tentent de simplifier les protocoles de digestion et d’améliorer la vitesse des analyses. Le tensioactif RapiGest SF breveté de Waters a été spécialement conçu pour favoriser l’efficacité de votre laboratoire. Il réduit considérablement le temps de digestion protéolytique et permet de réaliser des digestions le jour même qui sont compatibles avec les techniques de spectrométrie de masse (MS). RapiGest SF augmente radicalement la vitesse et le pourcentage de rendement des digestions enzymatiques de protéines. Ce tensioactif anionique breveté accélère la production en solution de peptides générés par des protéases, telles que la trypsine, l’Asp-N, la Glu-C, la Lys-C et la PNGase F. De nombreuses protéines résistent à la protéolyse, car leurs sites de clivage sont inaccessibles aux endoprotéases. RapiGest SF facilite la digestion des protéines résistantes
Tratament de Reparare Biolustre Revive (32 oz.)

Tratament de Reparare Biolustre Revive (32 oz.)

Direction For Use: 1- Wash your hair with cleansing shampoo Biolustre repairs hair from the inside out, so it is important that your hair is completely cleansed so that biolustre has full access to the hair shaft. Wash the hair at least twice. 2- Dry your hair with a towel. If your hair is more damaged than moderate damage, it is better to dry it with a hair dryer. 3- Saturate the hair with Biolustre by removing the hair layers and allowing the product to penetrate all hair. Use 3-4 doses depending on hair length and thickness. Especially feed the ends of the hair. 4- Dry your hair under the dryer or with a hair dryer. Both are suitable. The biolustre is activated by heat, dry at medium to high heat. Biolustre will harden the hair. That's normal. 5- Gently rinse the hair with warm water until it is firm. Loosen your hair very slowly without rubbing. Wash it at least twice with a cleansing shampoo after the hair has softened.
Rymax Booster de Octan

Rymax Booster de Octan

The Rymax Octane Booster is developed to boost octane level by 2 – 4 points, improve and restore performance and clean fuel intake systems. How to use?All gasoline (leaded or unleaded) engines with injectors or carburetor. Will not harm catalytic converters. Pour the contents of one bottle in the fuel tank before filling it with gasoline.
VICTOR Booster de Octan - Booster de Octan

VICTOR Booster de Octan - Booster de Octan

Der VICTOR Oktanbooster zur Erhöhung der Oktanzahl bei Kraftstoffen mit niedriger Oktanzahl oder bei Motoren mit erhöhtem Oktanzahlbedarf. Vorteile: Schützt Ventilsitze bei bleifreiem Benzin. Verbessert Startverhalten und Volllastantrieb. Sorgt für gleichmäßigen und ruhigeren Leerlauf. Erhöhung der Oktanzahl um bis zu 3 Punkte in Abhängigkeit von der Kraftstoffqualität. Verbesserte Motorleistung und erhöhte Betriebssicherheit. Schützt Ventilsitze vor übermäßigem Verschleiß. Sorgt für einen gleichmäßigen Verbrennungsablauf und verbessert den CO-Wert.
Rayovac Extra Advanced 10

Rayovac Extra Advanced 10

Rayovac Extra Advanced 10 Référence technique:Rayovac 10 Type:Others Colisage:1/10
Vopsea de Fier Perls Albastru - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Vopsea de Fier Perls Albastru - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE