Produse pentru torice proclare xr (21)

Controlul Marginilor X2

Controlul Marginilor X2

Edge Control Gel Noutrix – Maîtrisez vos cheveux avec facilité ! Découvrez notre incroyable Edge Gel, spécialement conçu pour maintenir les poils fins et les cheveux rebelles en place sans les casser. Une tenue impeccable toute la journée Grâce à sa formule de qualité supérieure, notre gel edge ne s’écaille pas et n’est pas gras, ce qui laisse vos cheveux sains avec une finition brillante. De plus, il est idéal pour maîtriser les baby hair, tirer les cheveux en arrière ou réaliser des twists élégants. Une formule sans résidus Notre Edge Gel offre une tenue durable sans laisser de résidus indésirables. Ainsi, vous pouvez être sûr(e) que votre coiffure restera en place toute la journée, sans besoin de retouches fréquentes. Convient à tous types de cheveux Polyvalent et adapté à tous types de cheveux, qu’ils soient bouclés, crépus, lisses ou ondulés, notre gel edge répond aux besoins de coiffure de toute la famille. Découvrez notre produit en action sur TikTok
Suprefort - Produse peptidice

Suprefort - Produse peptidice

Pancreas peptides. Peptides have a selective action on pancreas cells, normalize their metabolism and regulate pancreas functions. Bulk:60 capsules of 0,215 g. Brand:Cytomaxes Catalog item:Suprefort Expiry date:30.11.2026 Barcode:4603423005513
Pfizer Genotropin 36iu

Pfizer Genotropin 36iu

Genotropin 12mg / 36iu HGH by Pfizer. Human Growth Hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, the primary form consisting of 191 amino acid chain. HGH is largely responsible for the growth of our bones, organs and other tissue. When Human Growth Hormone is injected, the growth process gets a huge boost. As we age, HGH is responsible for our muscle retention, the functioning of our immune system, a fast metabolism and our health as we age. In addition, our bone structure, our tendons improve and it heals / restores our connective tissue faster.
Bolus de vitamine și minerale Tracetop

Bolus de vitamine și minerale Tracetop

Our vitamin and mineral bolus Tracetop is a slow-release cattle supplement designed to prevent a vitamin and mineral deficiency in cattle and improve the overall wellbeing of the cows. Insufficient (trace) minerals can result in losses in performance and can cause clinical deficiencies. More commonly though, subclinical deficiencies occur manifested as reduced pregnancy rates, rough hair coats, hoof issues, retained placenta, low libido and poor calf performance.
Computer mobil robust Point Mobile PM90 cu modem LTE

Computer mobil robust Point Mobile PM90 cu modem LTE

Mobiles Datenerfassungsgerät für den Einsatz in Industrie, Logistik und Handel. Mit 2D Barcode, IP65 Schutzklasse und LTE zur Mobilfunkkommunikation. Android 11 als Betriebssystem (AER) und PULS.


Medizinprodukt zur Linde­rung und Beru­hi­gung lokaler Beschwerden im Anorektal-Kanal bei akuter und chro­ni­scher Prosta­titis sowie gutar­tiger Prosta­ta­ver­größerung­ Pros­turol® Zäpf­chen ist ein Medizinprodukt auf pflanzlicher Basis. Es wird zur Linde­rung und Beru­hi­gung lokaler Beschwerden im Anorektal-Kanal bei akuter und chro­ni­scher Prosta­titis sowie gutar­tiger Prosta­ta­ver­grö­ße­rung ange­wendet, wie sie aufgrund von arte­ri­ellem Blutan­drang in Folge von Entzün­dungs­reizen, auftreten können. Originalpackung: 10 Zäpf­chen je 2 g, 30 Zäpf­chen je 2 g Wirkstoffe: Kürbis­kerne, Indi­scher Wassernabel, Weih­rauch, Stroh­blume, Vitamin E Acetat, Austra­li­scher Teebaum, Hyalu­ron­säure-Natri­um­salz, halb­syn­the­ti­sche Glyce­ride Therapiegebiet: Prostatitis
Novofine - Îngrijire Medicală

Novofine - Îngrijire Medicală

Vitamins, test strips and needles and other valuable health care products available in retail and wholesale.
Octisex Forte - Recâștigă-ți Libido-ul

Octisex Forte - Recâștigă-ți Libido-ul

Octisex forte gélules apporte son aide dans les cas de fatigue passagère, prise de nouveau traitement, ou pannes sexuelles à répétitions. Le ralentissement de la libido provoque les problèmes d'érection, tout comme l'arrêt des rapports sexuels. L'andropose, la solitude et la fatigue, représentent plus de 80% des troubles. Réactivez votre système veineux et nourrissez votre système sanguin. Composition 100 % naturelle. L-arginine, Piper nigrum, Zinc, Ornithine Gingembre.
Roche - Roche | Test Rapid Antigen Covid-19 pentru Profesioniști | 25/Set | Preț Unitar

Roche - Roche | Test Rapid Antigen Covid-19 pentru Profesioniști | 25/Set | Preț Unitar

Verpackungsinhalt (je Box): •25 sterile Tupfer •25 Extraktionsröhrchen mit Pufferlösung integriert inkl. Tropfenverschlüsse •25 Testkassetten (einzeln verpackt ) •1 DE Gebrauchsanweisung Eigenschaften: •Probenahmemethode:◦Nasopharyngeal (Nase-Rachen) •Hohe Sensitivität ( 96,52% ) und Spezifität ( 99,68% ) •Einfach anzuwenden:◦Schnelle und zuverlässige Testergebnisse in nur 15 Minuten Zulassungen: •BfArM gelistet (BfArM-AT-Nummer: AT004/20) •PEI Evaluierung •HSC common list (RAT-ID: 1604) Anmerkung: * Fachtests dürfen nur von Fachleuten oder geschulten Personen angewendet werden. Produktname: SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test Hersteller: Roche (SD BIOSENSOR)
TERMAX Pulsometru

TERMAX Pulsometru

Technical characteristics - Scope of measurement SpO²: 70-99% - Normal saturation SpO² between 95-99% - Pulse measurement range: 30-250 beats/min - Normal heart rate values range between 60 – 100 beats/min - High quality silicone finger pad - Ribbon OLED display - 4-way display mode (no waveform) - Weight up to 50g (with batteries) - Low power consumption - 2 AAA batteries can work continuously for 20 hours (batteries not included) - Automatic shutdown - up to 5 seconds when the device does not read a pulse - Warranty 2 years - Medical Device - Class II b, (MDD93 / 42 / EEC IX Rule 10), registered in BDA 48545/11112020
CONTOUR® NEXT Benzile de Testare a Glucozei din Sânge (50 buc.)

CONTOUR® NEXT Benzile de Testare a Glucozei din Sânge (50 buc.)

brillante Messgenauigkeit für zuverlässige Ergebnisse, automatisches Codieren für einfaches Messen, intelligente Nachfülloption Möglichkeit des erneuten Auftragens von Blut in denselben CONTOUR® NEXT Sensor wenn die erste Probenmenge zu gering war.
Rayovac Extra Advanced 10

Rayovac Extra Advanced 10

Rayovac Extra Advanced 10 Référence technique:Rayovac 10 Type:Others Colisage:1/10
Vopsea de Fier Perls Albastru - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Vopsea de Fier Perls Albastru - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE



Suplement diety Vigo ONE XL to produkt z wysoką dawką L-argininy, skierowany do mężczyzn którzy chcą zadbać o swoje zdrowie seksualne oraz potrzebują wzmocnić i wywołać erekcję. Dawka l-argininy w dwóch kapsułkach 600 mg.
Protein PRO Tropical - 20g

Protein PRO Tropical - 20g

Protein water is a delicious and easy way to increase your protein intake and hydration. We add essential vitamins complemented with specialist flavours as part of our protein collagen water, keeping the vital ingredients at their most powerful. Collagen Protein can help regulate your appetite and support your skinʼs health. The BCAAs Leucine, Isoleucine & Valine help with energy and muscle soreness. Vitamins help support your immune system.


Das Nautiz X6 kombiniert das Großformat eines Tablets mit der uneingeschränkten Mobilität eines robusten Smartphones. Somit werden die Vorzüge von Android Oreo und Android for Enterprise vereint. Das Nautiz X6 kombiniert das Großformat eines Tablets mit der uneingeschränkten Mobilität eines robusten Smartphones. Dieses ultrarobuste Phablet – Smartphone plus Tablet – vereint die Vorzüge von Android Oreo und Android for Enterprise. Gewicht: 380 g Größe: 192 mm x 91 mm x 14.5 mm Akkupack: 3,8V 800 mAh
Durolane 1 x 3 ml - Durolane

Durolane 1 x 3 ml - Durolane

What is Durolane 1×3 ml? Durolane 60mg is a thick, transparent gel made up of highly-purified sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid). Sodium hyaluronate is found throughout the body, but specifically in joint tissue and the fluid that surrounds it. In the knee joint, this naturally occurring linear polymer works as a lubricant and shock absorber. The content of sodium hyaluronate, as well as its ability to lubricate and cushion, may be diminished in joints damaged by osteoarthritis. A single injection of Durolane 60mg directly into the joint may improve lubrication and cushioning, thus reducing pain associated with movement.
Detector Mobil de Urme TR-TRACE

Detector Mobil de Urme TR-TRACE

The TR-TRACE can detect and identify a wide variety of explosives including pure explosive and composite explosives under different humidity and pressure conditions in vapour or trace (particles mode). The list of explosives includes – TNT, RDX, C4, Semtex, PETN, ANFO, EGDN, Nitro-glycerine (NG), Dynamite, DNT, Black Powder, Ammonia and Urea nitrates, HMTD, Tetryl, HMX, Picric Acid, and mixtures thereof. The cost of TR-TRACE’s ownership is very low, as special consumables are not required. Regular aluminium foil swabs can be used for surface wiping in (particle mode). This mobile trace detector does not contain any radiation sources and the warm up time is less than 1 minute.
Violet cristalin - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Violet cristalin - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Contour Plus - Îngrijire Medicală

Contour Plus - Îngrijire Medicală

Vitamins, test strips and needles and other valuable health care products available in retail and wholesale.