Produse pentru torică proclear xr (42)

CURL THERAPY LEAVE IN · Masca fără clătire pentru părul creț · GLOSSCO PROFESSIONAL

CURL THERAPY LEAVE IN · Masca fără clătire pentru părul creț · GLOSSCO PROFESSIONAL

Curl Therapy Leave in de Glossco Professionales una mascarilla sin aclarado apta para seguidoras del método curly girl. Su fórmula con aceite de macadamia, mejora la hidratación, aporta suavidad y mejora la peinabilidad de cabellos rizados y ondulados. Favorece el control del rizo y reduce el encrespamiento. Su fórmula no incluye siliconas. Descubre Curl Therapy, la línea desarrollada por el equipo de I+D de Glossco Professional diseñada para cuidar y dar forma a los cabellos rizados y ondulados.
Alline Procap 180 capsule

Alline Procap 180 capsule

Alline procap contains a unique high quality keratin. Keratin CynaPlus from Alline procap is the result of a patented production process that guarantees almost complete 95% bioavailability and the presence of 18 amino acids. Alline procap combines a natural keratin CynaPlus with a complex of eleven vitamins that provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking two capsules per day. Allin procap contains three minerals that each play an essential role in the hair cycle. These three minerals provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking 2 capsules per day.
Resveratrol Plus 20 capsule

Resveratrol Plus 20 capsule

Benfida Resveratrol Plus is een voedingssupplement dat een krachtige combinatie van gestandaardiseerde resveratrolrijke plantenextracten bevat, waaronder Japanse duizendknoop en druivenpitextract. Deze extracten zijn rijk aan resveratrol in al zijn vormen, evenals talrijke andere polyfenolen en flavonoïden. Resveratrol staat bekend om zijn antioxidatieve eigenschappen, die helpen bij het bestrijden van vrije radicalen en het ondersteunen van een gezonde celveroudering. Het supplement bevat ook quercetine, een flavonoïde die synergetisch werkt met resveratrol om de algehele gezondheid te bevorderen. Door dagelijks één capsule in te nemen, kun je profiteren van de voordelen van deze krachtige antioxidanten.
Suprefort - Produse peptidice

Suprefort - Produse peptidice

Pancreas peptides. Peptides have a selective action on pancreas cells, normalize their metabolism and regulate pancreas functions. Bulk:60 capsules of 0,215 g. Brand:Cytomaxes Catalog item:Suprefort Expiry date:30.11.2026 Barcode:4603423005513
Pfizer Genotropin 36iu

Pfizer Genotropin 36iu

Genotropin 12mg / 36iu HGH by Pfizer. Human Growth Hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, the primary form consisting of 191 amino acid chain. HGH is largely responsible for the growth of our bones, organs and other tissue. When Human Growth Hormone is injected, the growth process gets a huge boost. As we age, HGH is responsible for our muscle retention, the functioning of our immune system, a fast metabolism and our health as we age. In addition, our bone structure, our tendons improve and it heals / restores our connective tissue faster.


STRETCHCARE C Line is a stretch-and-tonify skin solution that puts an end to sagging skin without elasticity. This product helps regain firmer, tighter and more resilient skin. STRETCHCARE C Line is intended for use on the arms, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. However, it can also be used on the facial area. This product is a treatment solution that is applied by injection therapy. It contains non cross-linked hyaluronic acid and DMAE. In addition, STRETCHCARE C Line works with an active ingredient complex of minerals, whereby the skin regains its original firmness and resilience. These include calcium and copper. SKU:STRC-0000 Brand:REVITACARE Concentration:Non cross-linked HA 20 mg/5 ml DMAE Sodium Benzoate Calcium Pantothenate Copper Gluconate Zinc Indication:Improves skin flexibility Removes unwanted skin discolouration Reshapes the face contour The Pack Includes:10 x 5 ml Vials Manufacturer:REVITACARE
YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome

YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome

YGK EcoChrome Cerium - YGK Chrome Application:Decorative application in automotive and sanitary field Function:Deposited from trivalent chrome electrolytes, noble dark optics


Cora®Jet is a water jet bonded polyester fleece. It is characterized by a very uniform fibre structure. The large material thickness also supports the deposition of the particles in the depth of the filter medium. Weight range:40 – 100 g/m2 Thickness:0.4 – 1.1 mm Production width:2,400 m Composition:Various polyester fibres, mechanical bonded
F-Exx 3.0 F

F-Exx 3.0 F

F-Exx 3.0 F - Der Fettbrandlöscher bei Fettbränden bis zu 25 Litern
Api-Bioxal 35 g - Tratamente antivarroa

Api-Bioxal 35 g - Tratamente antivarroa

Medicinale veterinario a base di acido ossalico contro la varroa. API-BIOXAL E’ IL FARMACO PIU’ UTILIZZATO IN ITALIA CONTRO LA VARROA QUANDO SI USA: Primavera, estate e inverno in assenza di covata (indotta o naturale) COME SI USA: Doppia modalità d’uso: gocciolamento e sublimazione Busta da 35 g. Dosaggio esatto per un numero preciso di alveari Consentito in apicoltura biologica Facilmente solubile nello sciroppo zuccherino a temperatura ambiente Ottima efficacia (>96%) e tollerabilità Garanzia di sicurezza per il consumatore, per le api, per i prodotti dell'alveare Codice Prodotto:703
La Roche-Posay EFFACLAR Gel Spumant Purificator

La Roche-Posay EFFACLAR Gel Spumant Purificator

La Roche Posay EFFACLAR gel moussant purifiant


Rechargez votre flacon de parfum d’intérieur et diffuseur à bâtons rapidement grâce à sa contenance de 200ml. Vous pouvez ainsi le remplir plusieurs fois et parfumer votre intérieur avec votre senteur de Grasse préférée. Contenance:200ml – 6,76 fl.oz. Saison:Automne, Hiver Gamme Olfactive:Les Frais
PURGATOR Tablete pentru Curățarea Geamurilor Auto Lămâie

PURGATOR Tablete pentru Curățarea Geamurilor Auto Lămâie

1 × 3 Stück im Blister Bei den PURGATOR Autoscheiben-Reiniger Tabs handelt es sich um einen hoch konzentrierten Reiniger in Tablettenform zur Verwendung in der Scheibenwaschanlage von Kraftfahrzeugen. Die übliche Anwendungskonzentration beträgt ein Reinigertab (2,5 g) auf bis zu vier Liter Wasser.


Medizinprodukt zur Linde­rung und Beru­hi­gung lokaler Beschwerden im Anorektal-Kanal bei akuter und chro­ni­scher Prosta­titis sowie gutar­tiger Prosta­ta­ver­größerung­ Pros­turol® Zäpf­chen ist ein Medizinprodukt auf pflanzlicher Basis. Es wird zur Linde­rung und Beru­hi­gung lokaler Beschwerden im Anorektal-Kanal bei akuter und chro­ni­scher Prosta­titis sowie gutar­tiger Prosta­ta­ver­grö­ße­rung ange­wendet, wie sie aufgrund von arte­ri­ellem Blutan­drang in Folge von Entzün­dungs­reizen, auftreten können. Originalpackung: 10 Zäpf­chen je 2 g, 30 Zäpf­chen je 2 g Wirkstoffe: Kürbis­kerne, Indi­scher Wassernabel, Weih­rauch, Stroh­blume, Vitamin E Acetat, Austra­li­scher Teebaum, Hyalu­ron­säure-Natri­um­salz, halb­syn­the­ti­sche Glyce­ride Therapiegebiet: Prostatitis


ECOFIX PLUS the best adhesive spray for printing boards ECOFIX PLUS is an high tack adhesive specially indicated for the textile silk-screen printing industry. It is suitable to keep the fabrics steady to their support while being printed. CHEMICAL BASE BASE: Synthetic rubbers and solid resins SOLVENTS: hydrocarbure group, benzen and omologous are absent PROPELLENT: Denaturate odourless hydrocarbure COLOUR: Yellow clear VISCOSITY: Middle IT DOES NOT CONTAINS CFC MAIN CHARACTERISTICS It does not transfer on the fabric or cloths printed. It does not dirty the fabrics. It is suitable for cotton, silk, wool, synthetic fabrics, cotton, mixed. It resists to many applications. It has a good resistance to heat. It is also suitable in embroidery industry to keep the cloth steady during embroidery. In the cut rooms it gets the adhesion of the model to the cloth during the cut. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Shake well the can before use. Spray the product from a distance of 25-30 cm. Remove it with wash solvent perchloroethylene.
Gel Revitalizant cu Pectină

Gel Revitalizant cu Pectină

Used to treat dehydrated skin with disorders of pigmentation and elasticity. The natural polysaccharide pectin, in combination with hyaluronic acid, restores the moisture balance of the skin. The low pH (3.5) of the gel makes it suitable bothfor light peeling and complex face cleansing procedures for softening the stratum corneum. The salts from Ostrovnoye mud lake provide high electrical conductivity and enhance lymphatic drainage. Active ingredients:hyaluronic acid, pectin, salts from Ostrovnoye mud lake Usage:ultrasound and microcurrent therapies, iontophoresis, EMS, professional and home care Shelf life:3 years Bottles:100 ml, 200 ml, 300 ml, 500 ml, 1l
ProSolin - Solvent Concentrat pentru Ulei

ProSolin - Solvent Concentrat pentru Ulei

Tüm kurumuş yemek artıkları ve yanmış yağları, davlumbazda biriken yağ kalıntılarını temizlemek için formüle edilmiştir. Su bazlıdır. Fayans, çelik ve plastik yüzeylerde güvenle kullanılabilir.
TENZI Toalex 5L - Chimie

TENZI Toalex 5L - Chimie

Professionelles antibakterielles Toilettengel mit Chlor, reinigt, desinfiziert, bleicht Tägliche Pflege von Sanitäranlagen mit Chlor. Gebrauchsfertiges alkalisches Reinigungsmittel mit antibakteriellen Eigenschaften und erhöhter Viskosität zur Reinigung von Toiletten. Es entfernt effektiv Verunreinigungen organischen Ursprungs und hellt dank des aktiven Chlors auch die gereinigte Oberfläche auf. Das Präparat beseitigt unangenehme Gerüche und hinterlässt einen leichten Chlorgeruch. Es eignet sich perfekt für die laufende Reinigung aller Sanitärgeräte.
Flexonature® Gel Rece Imediat - Uleiuri, Unturi și Balsamuri pentru Masaj

Flexonature® Gel Rece Imediat - Uleiuri, Unturi și Balsamuri pentru Masaj

Gel de massage certifié cosmétique BIO à effet froid immédiat et durable FLEXONATURE® GEL FROID IMMEDIAT au menthol, à l’eucalyptol, à l’arnica et à l’harpagophytum est formulé spécialement pour apaiser les tensions au niveau des zones sensibles du corps, comme les articulations et les muscles, notamment après un effort sportif. Il est facile à appliquer en massages circulaires sur les zones sensibles. Sa texture agréable au parfum frais ne laisse pas de traces sur les vêtements. Il apporte un effet frais immédiat, durable et intense. Les huiles essentielles de menthe poivrée et de gaulthérie utilisées sont toutes HEBBD (Huiles Essentielles Botaniquement et Biochimiquement Définies), certifiant qu’elles sont 100% pures et de qualité. Un triple effet froid FLEXONATURE® GEL FROID IMMÉDIAT combine 3 ingrédients à effet froid : L’alcool, en s’évaporant, provoque une diminution significative de la température à la surface de la peau. Référence:24191


TRICOSTAR VOLUMEX, SOLUÇÃO INTEGRADA, COMPLETA, ATUAL NA LUTA CONTRA A QUEDA DE CABELO -Ajuda a eliminar as causas biológicas da queda de cabelo -Ajuda a parar a perda de cabelo e promove o crescimento do cabelo -Promove a atividade e saúde dos folículos pilosos, mantendo o seu equilíbrio nutricional, -Promove o aumento do volume do cabelo, -Estimula o fortalecimento e fixação da raiz do cabelo no couro cabeludo. Tricostar Volumex CÁPSULAS Atua de dentro para fora, fornecendo os nutrientes fundamentais para a existência de um cabelo saudável, promovendo entre outros, a síntese de queratina, a melhoria da microcirculação, o fortalecimento dos capilares, também exercendo uma marcada ação antioxidante. Tricostar Volumex SHAMPOO Funciona de fora para dentro, o que contribui para melhorar as ações promovidas pelas cápsulas e loção, desenvolvendo uma ação de limpeza do couro cabeludo e estimulação da microcirculação local.


Restylane® Lidocaine is used to add volume and fullness to the skin and to correct fine lines and wrinkles between the eyebrows, on the forehead and the bilateral lines between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds). Restylane can also be used for lip enhancement. Contains lidocaine, a powerful anaesthetic, for a more comfortable injection. The pack consists of: 1 x 1ml syringe.
Fepa Flexicartil

Fepa Flexicartil

Complemento alimenticio a base de glucosamina, condroitina, MSM, ácido hialurónico, extractos de plantas y vitamina C con edulcorante vitamina C contribuye a la formación normal de colágeno para el funcionamiento normal de los vasos sanguíneos, huesos, cartílagos, encías, piel y dientes. La vitamina C contribuye a la formación normal de colágeno para el funcionamiento normal de los cartílagos Presentación:30 sobres de 5 g Peso neto:150 g Dosis diaria recomendada:1 sobre al día (5g) Dosis por envase:30 Modo de empleo:Tomar 1 sobre (5 g) disuelto en 200 ml de agua una vez al día.
Rayovac Extra Advanced 10

Rayovac Extra Advanced 10

Rayovac Extra Advanced 10 Référence technique:Rayovac 10 Type:Others Colisage:1/10
Vopsea de Fier Perls Albastru - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE

Vopsea de Fier Perls Albastru - SUBSTANȚE CHIMICE



Suplement diety Vigo ONE XL to produkt z wysoką dawką L-argininy, skierowany do mężczyzn którzy chcą zadbać o swoje zdrowie seksualne oraz potrzebują wzmocnić i wywołać erekcję. Dawka l-argininy w dwóch kapsułkach 600 mg.
Capsulă/Pachet Ageflor Probiotice și Prebiotice - Probiotice și Prebiotice

Capsulă/Pachet Ageflor Probiotice și Prebiotice - Probiotice și Prebiotice

We offer Private Label manufacturing for this product. Ageflor Capsule & Sachet includes probiotics (Lactobacilius Acidophilus, Lactobacilius Rhamnosus ) and prebiotics (inulin) in its formulation. Ageflor Capsule & Sachet help to prevent and treat content for diarrhea, constipation lactose intolerance, tourist diarrhea, antibiotic-induce diarrhea. It is used for regeneration of bowel epithelium and correction of dybiosis.Treatment starts with 1 capsule just before a meal and dosage are adjusted according to response. You can start to use 1 capsule per day and increase it to 2 capsules and 3 times per day.
Protein PRO Tropical - 20g

Protein PRO Tropical - 20g

Protein water is a delicious and easy way to increase your protein intake and hydration. We add essential vitamins complemented with specialist flavours as part of our protein collagen water, keeping the vital ingredients at their most powerful. Collagen Protein can help regulate your appetite and support your skinʼs health. The BCAAs Leucine, Isoleucine & Valine help with energy and muscle soreness. Vitamins help support your immune system.
VITA XTRA T+ - Revitaliza

VITA XTRA T+ - Revitaliza

Esta bebida antioxidante, energizante, multivitaminica y multimineral única, es una poderosa fuente nutricional que te brinda energía física y vitalidad. Su increíble fórmula Clean Label te ayuda a obtener un efecto prolongado de energía para mantenerte activo todo el día, mientras te ayuda a reducir la oxidación celular. ANTOCIANINA DE MAÍZ MORADO + GUAYUSA + TÉ VERDE + ACAI BERRY + MICELIO DE CORDYCEPS + GOJI BERRY + MACA + GINSENG + FIBRA SOLUBLE + VITAMINAS + MINERALES
Fixativ Extra Puternic 200ml

Fixativ Extra Puternic 200ml

Festiger extra stark 200ml Artikelnummer: NB18834
Gel Circulator Rece - Circulație & Picioare Grele

Gel Circulator Rece - Circulație & Picioare Grele

Principe actif principal Extrait végétal de marron d’Inde. Formule Huiles essentielles de thym, de sauge, de cyprès et de la- vande. Extraits végétaux de ficaire, d’hamamélis, de lierre, de marron d’Inde, de fucus et de romarin. Camphre et menthol. Indication En associant un puissant effet froid à l’action des principes actifs décongestionnants, le Gel Circulatoire, dans sa version froide, diminue la sensation de jambe lourde et prolonge l’effet de légèreté retrouvée par une fraîcheur persistante au niveau des zones massées. Application Appliquer le gel directement sur la zone de traitement, par petites quantités (30 ml). Masser jusqu’à pénétration complète. Contenant:250ml, 500ml, 1000ml