Cuptoare Combinate - Cuptoare combi, potrivite pentru toate bucătăriile profesionale.
There are two types of oven to choose from, steam injection or boiler combination ovens. The steam injection models are not designed for all day use or regeneration cooking, instead choose a boiler combination oven.
Steam Injection combi ovens:
Electrolux Air-o-Convect steam injection combination ovens (not for UK)
Convotherm easyDial ES or GS model combination ovens
Hounö C Series combination ovens
Boiler combi ovens:
Electrolux Skyline Combination Ovens
Electrolux Air-o-Steam Level B ovens
Convotherm easyDial EB or GB or OES models combination ovens
Hounö K or CombiSlim series combination ovens
Lincat Combimaster ovens
Rational Combimaster ovens
Eloma combination ovens
Falcon combination ovens
Vulcan Hart combination ovens (not for use in the EU)