Produse pentru testează (46)

Test Rapid HOTGEN® pentru Coronavirus în Ambalaj Moale, Ambalaj Individual

Test Rapid HOTGEN® pentru Coronavirus în Ambalaj Moale, Ambalaj Individual

Antigen Laientest zur Selbstanwendung vorderer Nasenabstrich (1, 5cm tief) hochpräzise Ergebnisse nach 15 Minuten Einfache Handhabung ohne zusätzliches Analysesystem Hotgen Coronavirus 2019-nCOV Antigen Laientest ist auf der Liste der zugelassenen Selbsttests auf der Website des BfArM. Hotgen Coronavirus, 2019-ncoV Antigen Laientest ist sehr einfach anzuwenden, da der Nasenabstrich bei einer Tiefe von 1.5 cm im vorderen Nasenbereich erfolgen kann. Der Hotgen Coronavirus 2019-nCOV Antigen Laientest ist in der Selbstanwendung zuverlässig durchzuführen und somit kein medizinisch geschultes Personal mehr erforderlich.
CorDX SARS-CoV-2, Gripă A+B și test combinat RSV

CorDX SARS-CoV-2, Gripă A+B și test combinat RSV

CorDX 4in1 Combotest zum schnellen nachweis auf Influenza A+B, SARS-CoV-2 und RSV. CE 2934, dadurch als Laientest freigegeben. Einzeln verpackt.
Test Rapid Antigen Covid-19 Clungene

Test Rapid Antigen Covid-19 Clungene

Artikelnr. IVD02 5 Stück / Packung Corona Tests zur Anwendung, Ergebnis in 15 min, Antigen-Testkits für den Einmalgebrauch, Antigen-Testkits – BfArM 5640-S-168/21 zugelassen Clungene COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Corona Schnelltest – 1 Packung = 5 Corona-Selbsttests Abstrich im vorderen Nasenbereich, besonders angenehme Probenentnahme Details auf einen Blick BfArM Zulassung 5640-S-168/21


Corona Tests für Firmen: Der Hygisun Anbio Biotech Corona Laien Schnelltest/Spucktest (Kolloidales Gold), Laientests mit Bfarm Sonderzulassung. Corona Test zum Nachweis im Speichel. Spucktest HYGISUN COVID-19 Corona Antigen Laientest 1Stk. Corona Tests für Firmen Corona Tests für Mitarbeiter Für Laien geeignet nichtinvasive Probenentnahme: Speicheltest Testergebnis in 15-20 Minuten Kinderleichte Handhabung Einzelverpackung BfArM zugelassen Sonderzulassung vom BfArM als sogenannter Laientest (5640-S-058/21) LAGERZUGANG KW14
Test de încărcare a unei macarale

Test de încărcare a unei macarale

In Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Partner WaterWeights® und unseren eigenen WaterWeights®- Wassergewichten bieten wir Ihnen die Prüfung von Kränen, Booten, Gangways und Plattformen an.
Concepte de Clădiri și Protecția Clădirilor

Concepte de Clădiri și Protecția Clădirilor

Aufbauend auf Risiko- und Gefährdungsanalysen werden Gebäude- und Gebäudeschutzkonzepte erstellt, die aus baulichenund sicherheitstechnischen Maßnahmen zur Abwendung von Gefahren bestehen.
Tester Digital de Cuplu Crane CapStar pentru Capace de Sticlă - Capacitate 2 / 4 / 6 Nm

Tester Digital de Cuplu Crane CapStar pentru Capace de Sticlă - Capacitate 2 / 4 / 6 Nm

By measuring torque, the CapStar can ensure the correct level of tension is in place on a wide range of caps and closures such as on medicinal or cosmetics containers, drinks bottles or food jars etc. With the CapStar’s clear display and easy-to-view torque results, operators are able to guarantee production quality whilst ensuring contents – which could be potentially harmful – remain sealed and secured. The CapStar helps to ensure the safety of products, prevent leaks and reduce the ergonomic issues associated with these products without compromising on safety, quality or freshness. For optimal power management, the CapStar automatically switches to the highest voltage power source to save on battery life, yet still giving the option to pick it up and unplug to seamlessly run on battery power. The CapStar is supplied with an adjustable component fixture for measuring bottles and containers, and is available in 2Nm, 4Nm and 6Nm ranges.
Greenspring Test Rapid Antigen 4în1 Pachet de 25

Greenspring Test Rapid Antigen 4în1 Pachet de 25

BfArM gelistet AT417/20 (erstattungsfähig), Speichel, vordere Nase, Nase-Rachen und Rachenabstrich Der Green-Spring SARS-CoV-2 Antigen-Schnelltest 4-in-1 mit vorgefüllter Pufferlösung kombiniert 4 Abstrich-Proben in einem, ist BfArM gelistet, erfüllt die Richtlinien des Paul-Ehrlich-Institut und der Europäische Kommission. BfArM gelistet AT417/20 (erstattungsfähig) Evaluiert nach den Richtlinien des Paul-Ehrlich-Institut EU-RAT Liste PEI Evaluierung 05.05.2022 (86%) Aktuell nur für Fachpersonal zugelassen! 4 Probenahmemethoden: – Speichel (Lolly-Methode) – Anterio-nasaler Abstrich (Vordere Nase / Nasal) – Nasopharyngealabstrich (Nase-Rachen) – Oropharyngealabstrich (Rachen) Vorgefüllte Pufferlösung Sensitivität: 91,88% Spezifität: 100% Genauigkeit: 95,64%
fluorecare® Test Combinat SARS-CoV-2, Gripă A+B și VSR

fluorecare® Test Combinat SARS-CoV-2, Gripă A+B și VSR

fluorecare® 4in1 Combotest zum schnellen nachweis auf Influenza A+B, SARS-CoV-2 und RSV. CE 2934, dadurch als Laientest freigegeben. Einzeln verpackt.
InstantSure TEST RAPID ANTIGEN COVID-19 (Pachet de 20)

InstantSure TEST RAPID ANTIGEN COVID-19 (Pachet de 20)

Der InstantSure COVID-19 Antigen Schnelltest ist BfArM gelistet und somit erstattungsfähig Gesamtsensitivität nach Paul-Ehrlich-Institut: 96,00% Top 4 Antigen-Schnelltest nach Listung des PEIs
AmonMed™ Test Rapid Antigen Lollipop Test de Autoevaluare (1 bucată)

AmonMed™ Test Rapid Antigen Lollipop Test de Autoevaluare (1 bucată)

COVID-19-Antigen-Selbsttest zum Nachweis der Omikron-, Delta- und Epsilon-Variante zur Eigenanwendung (Lollitest – Sensitivität 98% bei Speichelprobe). EU-Liste für digitale Zertifikate Device ID # 1763 testet alle bekannte Varianten inkl. Delta-, Epsilon-, Omikron PEI Omikron Nachweis erfolgreich 1er Packung Probenentnahme im Mundraum (Lollitest) Geeignet für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene Sensitivität 98.02% Spezifizität 99.55% Ergebnis nach 15 Minuten Erstattungsfähig im Rahmen der Testverordnung Aus Hygienegründen vom Rückgaberecht ausgeschlossen
Test REALY Sars-Cov-2 & Combo Gripă A/B Test Rapid

Test REALY Sars-Cov-2 & Combo Gripă A/B Test Rapid

Realy Test Sars-Cov-2 & Influenza A/B Combo Schnelltest. Test zum qualitativen Nachweis von neuartigen Coronavirus-Antigenen und Influenza-A- und -B-Antigenen in einem Nasenabstrich. Realy Test Sars-Cov-2 & Influenza A/B Combo Schnelltest für Sars-Cov-2 und Influenza A/B. Test zum qualitativen Nachweis von neuartigen Coronavirus-Antigenen und Influenza-A- und -B-Antigenen in einem Nasenabstrich. Coronavirus Ergebnis in 15 min.
Test Rapid Antigen Flowflex – Soluție Tampon Preumplută

Test Rapid Antigen Flowflex – Soluție Tampon Preumplută

BfArM gelistet AT1217/21 (erstattungsfähig), CE0123 Laientest zu Selbstanwendung, vorgefüllte Pufferlösung Der ACON Biotech Flowflex Antigen-Schnelltest mit vorgefüllter Pufferlösung ist ein zugelassener Schnelltest für den qualitativen Nachweis von SARS-CoV-2-Nukleokapsid-Antigenen in Nasenabstrichproben und erkennt entsprechend der Bridging-Prüfung des Paul-Ehrlich-Institut die Omikron Variante ACON Biotech Flowflex Antigen-Schnelltest – BfArM gelistet AT1217/21 (erstattungsfähig) – Evaluiert nach den Richtlinien des Paul-Ehrlich-Institut – CE Zertifiziert nach: TÜV SÜD (CE0123) – EU-RAT Liste – PEI Liste-26.04.2022 Vorgefüllte Pufferlösung Sensitivität: 97,1 % Spezifität: 99,5 % Genauigkeit: 98,8 % Acon Flowflex Probenentnahme: Anteriore Nasenabstrichproben Testergebnisse in nur 15-30 Minuten Hervorragende Leistung im Vergleich zu molekularen Methoden Lagertemperatur: 2-30 ℃ Hersteller: Acon Biotech (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd.
Teste de profil antigen Covid-19 Clungene 3 în 1

Teste de profil antigen Covid-19 Clungene 3 în 1

mit CE und 6 sprachige Anleitung, vorabgefüllt Pufferlösung
JOYSBIO® Test Rapid Antigen SARS-COV-2 (Pachet de 20)

JOYSBIO® Test Rapid Antigen SARS-COV-2 (Pachet de 20)

BfArM gelistet und somit erstattungsfähig vorderer Nasenabstrich (etwa 2,5 cm tief in die Nase) hochprazise Ergebnisse nach 15 Minuten Einfache Handhabung ohne zusätzliches Analysesystem Joysbio Coronavirus Antigen Schneltest ist ein Point-of-Care-Test, der eine schnelle und sichere ldentifizierung von SARS-CoV-2-Infizierten ermöglicht. Die Identifizierung basiert auf den monoklonalen Antikörpern, die für das neue Coronavirus-Antigen spezifisch sind. Das Testergebnis liegt innerthalb von 15 bis 20 Minuten vor. Der Joysbio Coronavirus Antigen Schnelltest ist sehr einfach anzuwenden, da der Nasenabstrich in einer Tiefe bis 2,5 cm in der vorderen Nase erfolgen kann.
Test Rapid Antigen CLUNGENE 3 în 1

Test Rapid Antigen CLUNGENE 3 în 1

BfArM gelistet AT079/20 (erstattungsfähig), erkennt Omikron, Profitest Der CLUNGENE Covid-19 Antigen-Schnelltest ist ein Lateral-Flow-Immunoassay zum qualitativen Nachweis einer akuten SARS-CoV-2 Infektion und erkennt entsprechend der Bridging-Prüfung des Paul-Ehrlich-Institut die Omikron Variante. Zum Nachweis des SARS-CoV-2-Nucleocapsid-Antigens wird während der aktuten Phase der Infektion ein Nasal-, Nasopharyngeal- oder Oropharyngealabstrich entnommen. BfArM gelistet AT079/20 (erstattungsfähig) Vom Paul-Ehrlich-Instituit validiert und gelistet EU-RAT Liste Nachweis mutierter Viren einschließlich des Omikron-Stamm-Virus B.1.1.7 (Alpha) B.1.351 (Beta) P.1 (Gamma) B.1.617.2 (Delta) B.1.1.529 (Omikron ) Schnelle und zuverlässige Testergebnisse in nur 15 Minuten Kann mit naso- und oropharyngealen Proben durchgeführt werden Alle Testkomponenten sind enthalten
Test POC-NAT RT QPCR cu sistem U-Card DX (pachet de 24)

Test POC-NAT RT QPCR cu sistem U-Card DX (pachet de 24)

Corona Real Time PCR Test (24er Packung) vom namenhaften Hersteller Wondfo als Schnelltest mit U-Card DX-System HansaGT Medical bietet den Corona Real Time PCR Test (24er Packung) vom namenhaften Hersteller Wondfo als Schnelltest mit U-Card DX-System an. Alle wichtigen Bestandteile befinden sich auf einer Chipkarte. Das System kann nach einer Einweisung von jeglichem medizinischen Personal bedient werden. Die Probenentnahme erfolgt dabei wie von den Schnelltets gewohnt. Schon nach 40 Minuten druckt das System das Ergebnis aus. Ebenfalls für Influenza A und B geeignet. Leistung: Bis zu 40 Tests/Tag Lebensdauer: ca. 22.000 Zyklen in 5 Jahren Sichern Sie sich rechtzeitig Ihr Corona PCR Schnelltest-System. Reservierungen auf die Geräte werden ab sofort angenommen! Lebensdauer: 22 Zyklen in 5 Jahren Leistung: bis zu 40 Tests/Tag
Transductor de Cuplu Static Sturtevant Richmont TT-L - Capacitate 10 / 50 / 100 / 300 lbf·in // 80 / 150 / 250 / 600 lbf·ft

Transductor de Cuplu Static Sturtevant Richmont TT-L - Capacitate 10 / 50 / 100 / 300 lbf·in // 80 / 150 / 250 / 600 lbf·ft

The gateway to the finest in torque measurement tools! Sturtevant Richmont TT-L Series Torque Transducers are designed to work with both System 4 / System 5 and System 8 Digital Torque Testers. These transducers incorporate an integral “L” bracket to facilitate horizontal or vertical mounting, such as for a bench or mobile (cart) application. Features and Benefits: - L-bracket has two (2) holes, 5/16” diameter, 3.25” on center on each leg of bracket. - Designed to be mounted to a bench or cart - very quickly. - Requires detachable cable (P/N 10293) for attachment to Switch Box or directly to tester. Related Products: - DTT System 8
Măsurător de cuplu Tohnichi ATG - Capacitate 0,45 / 0,9 / 1,5 / 3 / 6 / 12 / 24 cNm

Măsurător de cuplu Tohnichi ATG - Capacitate 0,45 / 0,9 / 1,5 / 3 / 6 / 12 / 24 cNm

High precision Torque Gauge Suitable for fine torque measurements required in inspection, research and assembly of small parts, such as precision instruments, electronic products. There are various application types, e.g. for measuring rotating objects, also for measuring torque on orthodontic springs et al. Graduation and side memory pointer (except ATG045CN) are on the body. This ensures excellent visibility in different operating positions. ATG models have a three-jaw chuck which firmly grasp the object. Main body and chuck are locked when pushing “push lock button”. Push lock button makes body and chuck secured while using chuck. Key Features - Accuracy ± 2% - Bi-directional measurement – cw / ccw - Dial scaled 270 degrees each direction, built-in overload protection - Side scale ensures excellent visibility - Models with -S suffix have additional memory pointer in top display - Aluminium cover and steel cuck (#321) as standard.
Cumpărător de cuplu digital Tohnichi ATGE-G - Capacitate 0,5 / 1 / 2 / 5 / 10 / 20 cNm

Cumpărător de cuplu digital Tohnichi ATGE-G - Capacitate 0,5 / 1 / 2 / 5 / 10 / 20 cNm

Digital Torque Gauge with pull-out LC Display High precision handheld digital gauge with integrated LC display to measure small torque. Ideal for torque measurement like rotating torque, click torque of precision machinery, electronic devices, and various assembly components. The digital display simply slides out of the housing and is attached with a curly cord. Use the optional testing stand to secure the gauge while testing or add fixture to secure your test piece. Combined with Measurement Stand (#808), it can be fixed to use as torque screwdriver checker, et al. ATGE-G series devices are manufactured for the global market and offer a selection of SI, metric and American units of measurement. Equipped with SI calibration as standard, optionally available with calibration in anglo-saxon (ozf·in) or in metric (gf·cm) units.
Cumpărător de Cuplu Digital Tohnichi BTGE-G - Capacitate 10 / 20 / 50 / 100 / 200 cNm

Cumpărător de Cuplu Digital Tohnichi BTGE-G - Capacitate 10 / 20 / 50 / 100 / 200 cNm

Digital Torque Gauge with flip-up Display High precision handheld digital torque gauge with integrated LC display to measure small torque. Ideal for measurement, inspection, and tightening of precision machineries and electric devices. Flip-up display can be adjusted for optimal reading and accommodates various testing positions. BTGE(-G) series products are manufactured for the global market and offer a selection of SI, metric and American units of measurement. Equipped with SI calibration as standard. Optionally available with calibration in imperial (ozf·in, lbf·in) or in metric (kgf·cm) units. There are various application types, even for measuring rotating objects. Combined with Measurement Board (No. 809), it can be fixed to use as torque screwdriver checker, etc.
Sturtevant Richmont DTT Sistem 8 Tester de Cuplu Digital - Tester de Cuplu Digital, Precizie ± 0,25%

Sturtevant Richmont DTT Sistem 8 Tester de Cuplu Digital - Tester de Cuplu Digital, Precizie ± 0,25%

The most accurate digital torque tester with Fail Safe Engineering! - Greater accuracy and durability with simplicity and ease of operation - Floating decimal point, 6 digit display is easy to read - Accurate to ± 0.25% (indicated value) from 10% to 100% - Over capacity alert and tracking System 8 error proofs your error-proofing program by letting you know when the unit has been stretched to 120% or more of capacity and may no longer be in calibration. System 8 has an LED that flashes red to alert you to the problem. It doesn’t stop until you reset the unit. The display also tells you the unit has been stretched over capacity. System 8 captures the over capacity data even if the memory was turned off. If memory was turned on and the unit is pulled over 120% capacity and a worker tries to erase the memory to stop the LED from flashing, the display tells the worker to “See Supervisor 120% Over Capacity”. No other torque tester on the market does this.
Crane TorqueStar Plus Colector de Date Digital pentru Cuplu - Colector de Date pentru Audit, Precizie ± 0,25%

Crane TorqueStar Plus Colector de Date Digital pentru Cuplu - Colector de Date pentru Audit, Precizie ± 0,25%

The TorqueStar Plus data collector is part of the latest innovative range of torque data collectors from Crane Electronics. The TorqueStar Plus adds a completely updated and fresh-looking torque indicator and data collector to our current product portfolio. With a whole host of measurement modes available, a series of basic and advanced statistics, visual graphical analysis, a high-quality backlit screen and expansive storage; the TorqueStar Plus offers an effective solution for torque measurement applications in the manufacturing, quality and auditing environments. The simple menu and page structure allows for easy navigation and straight-forward use. The clear values and readings within all measurement modes improves the user experience. [...]
Sturtevant Richmont VeriTorq 2 Tester Digital de Cuplu - Capacitate 15 / 100 / 300 lbf·in // 300 / 800 lbf·ft

Sturtevant Richmont VeriTorq 2 Tester Digital de Cuplu - Capacitate 15 / 100 / 300 lbf·in // 300 / 800 lbf·ft

Accurate torque wrench testing at a very affordable price! Sturtevant Richmont's VeriTorq is an excellent tester for intermediate checks (simple checks between calibrations) of all types of tools and for calibration of clicker-type torque wrenches and clutch-type torque screwdrivers. VeriTorq brings accurate torque wrench testing to the “That can save me money!” level – for companies large and small. If you have 10 or more torque wrenches that you send out for calibration – whether to the manufacturer or an independent laboratory – you can now bring those calibrations in-house and turn expense to profit. VeriTorq is so simple to use and so affordable that it can even be put at the assembly line for use at the start of each shift. How simple? Perhaps 15 minutes to install. Maybe another 15 minutes to learn to use accurately and efficiently. Four buttons operate everything simple. You could have your first two torque wrenches calibrated within an hour of opening the box.
Tester de cuplu digital Torq-Tronics 2 - Capacitate 10 / 50 / 100 / 300 lbf·in // 80 / 150 / 250 / 600 lbf·ft

Tester de cuplu digital Torq-Tronics 2 - Capacitate 10 / 50 / 100 / 300 lbf·in // 80 / 150 / 250 / 600 lbf·ft

The only digital torque tester with Fail Safe Engineering! - Greater accuracy and durability with simplicity and ease of operation - Floating decimal point, 6 digit display is easy to read - Accurate to ± 0.5% (indicated value) from 10% to 100% - Over capacity alert and tracking - Meets or exceeds ASME B107.300-2010. Torq-Tronics 2 error proofs your error proofing program by letting you know when the unit has been stretched to 120% or more of capacity and may no longer be in calibration. Torq-Tronics 2 has an LED that flashes red to alert you to the problem. It doesn't stop until you reset the unit. The display also tells you the unit has been stretched over capacity. Torq-Tronics 2 captures the over capacity data even if the memory was turned off. If memory was turned on and the unit is pulled over 120% capacity and a worker tries to erase the memory to stop the LED from flashing, the display tells the worker to "See Supervisor 120% Over Capacity".
Indicator de cuplu Tohnichi BTG - Capacitate 15 / 24 / 36 / 60 / 90 / 150 cNm

Indicator de cuplu Tohnichi BTG - Capacitate 15 / 24 / 36 / 60 / 90 / 150 cNm

High precision Torque Gauge Suitable for fine torque measurements required in inspection, research and assembly of small parts, such as precision instruments, electronic products. Graduation and memory pointer on the body side ensure excellent visibility from different operating positions. There are various application types, e.g. for measuring rotating objects, or also for measuring torque on orthodontic springs, et al. BTG models have a three-jaw chuck which firmly grasp the object. Main body and chuck are locked when pushing “push lock button”. Push lock button makes body and chuck secured while using chuck. Key Features: - Accuracy ± 2% - Bi-directional torque indication – cw / ccw - Dial scaled 270 degrees each direction, built-in overload protection - Models with -S suffix have additional memory pointer in top display - Equipped with 3-jaw steel chuck.
Macara Staționară UTA Transductor Static de Cuplu - Capacitate 3,5 / 5,6 / 11 / 28 / 68 / 135 / 270 / 540 / 1000 / ... / 5000 Nm

Macara Staționară UTA Transductor Static de Cuplu - Capacitate 3,5 / 5,6 / 11 / 28 / 68 / 135 / 270 / 540 / 1000 / ... / 5000 Nm

Workbench mounted Torque Transducer. Crane’s stationary transducers are the quality choice for the testing of all continuous drive, impulse and hand torque tools in the workshop and production line-side environment. For best results with impulse tools we recommend the use of a Crane CheckStar rotary torque transducer with a suitable joint kit rather than a stationary transducer. Stationary transducers are used off the production line in workshop or line-side test stations. Combined with joint kits that represent the production joint condition, the stationary transducers form an effective off line test for verification of assembly tool performance. Key Features: - Static accuracy ± 0.25% FSD (bi-directional) - Plug and Play with Crane display systems (UTA) - Combine with joint kits for workshop simulation of hard to soft joints - Built-in workbench mounting flange - Rugged and durable construction, aluminium housing, stainless steel shaft - Ingress protection rating IP40.
Crane TorqueStar Pro Colector de Date de Cuplu Digital - Colector de Date de Cuplu, Precizie ± 0,25%

Crane TorqueStar Pro Colector de Date de Cuplu Digital - Colector de Date de Cuplu, Precizie ± 0,25%

The TorqueStar Pro is the most complete and fully equipped torque indicator and data collector in the new TorqueStar range. The TorqueStar Pro takes all of the features and benefits of the Plus model but with the addition of more advanced measurement modes, graphical analysis, statistics and connection capabilities. The TorqueStar Pro offers measurement modes including track, peak, pulse, click, audit, move-on, retighten and yield giving a complete range of data to measure and collect. The Pro offers the ability to add ‘jobs’ and ’rounds’; specific predefined tightening requirements for a series of fastening applications, in a specific assembly process. In addition, the TorqueStar Pro offers more advanced statistics and the ability to view and collect real-time torque traces which can be analysed and reviewed as they are recorded. Added RF communication capabilities also allow the TorqueStar Pro to connect to our series of WrenchStar Multi digital torque wrenches and our [...
Sisteme de Alimentare de Urgență - Analize de Necesitate - Consultanță

Sisteme de Alimentare de Urgență - Analize de Necesitate - Consultanță

Bei einem Stromausfall – einem so genannten Blackout -, der nicht mehr mit USV- und Batteriesystemen überbrückt werden kann, kommen Notstrom-Ersatzanlagen zum Einsatz. Wir erstellen Bedarfsanalysen, die die baulichen und elektrotechnischen Anforderungen für die Errichtungen festlegen. Dabei erarbeiten wir die Einbringung der Dieselmotoren und Elektrogeneratoren, die Be- und Entlüftung der Technik, die Schallschutzanforderungen, Diesel oder Heizölanforderungen sowie Anforderungen für den Probebetrieb in Teil- oder Volllast und die Netzrückspeisung.
Inspecție și test dinamic al davitului de cădere liberă

Inspecție și test dinamic al davitului de cădere liberă

Inspektion und Zertifizierung von Rettungsmitteln Jährlicher und 5 – jährlicher Service Davits Im Rahmen einer jährlichen/ 5- jährlichen Inspektion prüfen wir die Ausfahrvorrichtung eines Freifallbootes. Stoßen wir während einer Inspektion auf Probleme, organisieren wir die Reparatur und Beschaffung von Ersatzteilen bzw. arrangieren einen Folgeservice.