Examinări/teste microbiologice de la bacterii la viruși
Microbiological tests for disinfectants, medical devices, pharma and cosmetics - Microbiological examinations / Microbiological tests against viruses, bacteriophages, bacteria, yeast, molds, mycobacteria and bacterial spores for disinfectants, medical devices, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics
Our team of experts supports manufacturers of biocidal and medical products as well as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals scientifically in the context of approval projects. For example, we create safety assessments for cosmetics and biocompatibility assessments for medical devices. Here we focus in particular on infection prevention and wound treatment products.
For more information please contact INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH for assistance in developing specialized protocols for your test materials.
Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> contact@invitro-connect.com