Produse pentru sunteţi special (6875)

Gestionare și Procesare - Protecția Roboților

Gestionare și Procesare - Protecția Roboților

Breite Vielfalt an Gewebearten je nach individueller Belastung Hervorragende mechanische Eigenschaften, wie hohe Reißfestigkeit und Oberflächenfestigkeit Optimale Abdichtung durch verschweißte Nähte, die wirkungsvoll das Eindringen von Schmutzpartikeln verhindern Geringe Anhaftung durch abweisende Oberflächen Maßgeschneiderter Zuschnitt ermöglicht perfekte Funktionsfähigkeit und Langlebigkeit


BLINDS PROFILES 10452 Perimeter (mm):107.7 Area (mm²):71.6 Weight (gr/m):195
Piese de Schimb JCB

Piese de Schimb JCB

PUMP 8100134 Part number:237454
Cutii Magnetice din Piele Ecologică Argintie pentru Bijuterii cu Panglică

Cutii Magnetice din Piele Ecologică Argintie pentru Bijuterii cu Panglică

Silberne Magnetboxen aus Kunstleder für Schmuck mit Banddetails Größe der Ringbox: 51 x 40 x 32 Große Ringgröße: 52 x 52 x 44 Größe der Halskettenbox: 61 x 80 x 32 (Die Größen werden von innen gemessen) Material: 2 mm dicker Karton für die Innenseite der Kartons und Kunstlederpapier für die Außenseite Band: 1,5 cm Satinband Druck: Gold-Heißstempel Schwamm: Schwarz (15 mm Schwammhöhe) Alle Druck- und Schwammoptionen für Ihre silbernen Kunstleder-Magnetboxen für Schmuck Heißprägedruck – Schwarz, Gold, Silber, Dunkelblau, Lila, Rosa und Rot Siebdruck – Gold, Silber, Braun, Schwarz, Rot, Creme, Rot, Weiß, Grün Schwammoptionen – Schwarz, Weiß, Creme, Grün, Dunkelrot, Dunkelblau, Rot
62720 Nituțe Oarbe Cap Plat - Inele de Siguranță, Piulițe, Vârfuri de Șurub, Nituțe

62720 Nituțe Oarbe Cap Plat - Inele de Siguranță, Piulițe, Vârfuri de Șurub, Nituțe

Rivets Aveugles Tête Plate - Tout inox (Rivets tête plate) Inox A2 - ISO 15983 Modelo:62720
Profiluri Speciale OZL-44

Profiluri Speciale OZL-44

Special Profiles OZL-44 Ref:OZL-44
Factură de transport pentru șine cu role - elemente speciale

Factură de transport pentru șine cu role - elemente speciale

Bille en Inox. Corps en acier. Cage en polyamide renforcé de fibres de carbone. La bille de convoyage est adapté aux profilés aluminium pour rails à rouleaux et peut donc être montés dessus rapidement et simplement. Pour des déplacements libres en surface. Avec une bille de convoyage à faible usure et friction. L'insertion des profilés peut se faire sans outil. Convient pour les profilés aluminium de type B et I. Référence:10448-03 Finition:Cage noire
Cârlige speciale - Cârlig de fântână

Cârlige speciale - Cârlig de fântână

Propriétés d'un crochet puisatier: - Coefficient de sécurité 4/1 GRADE 80 CMU (t) Poids (kg) Diam. œil (mm) Ouverture crochet (mm) Hauteur perdue (mm) 0,34 0,34 19,1 19,1 100 0,45 0,45 28,4 20,6 120


It designed for the protection of water based cooling systems in petrol and light diesel vehicle engines. It is a specially formulated mixture water, monoethylene glycol and selected chemical agents to provide outstanding all round protection. It ensures optimum engine cooling and effective protection against rust and corrosion of engine aluminum and cast iron water jackets. The product is compatible with metals used in engine cooling systems including aluminum alloys. It is harmless to rubber hoses and gasket
Mazăre Verde Măcinată de Prima Calitate - Cereale în ambalaj special

Mazăre Verde Măcinată de Prima Calitate - Cereale în ambalaj special

Before cooking, it is advisable to wash the peas and cover them with water in a ratio of 1:3 (3 parts of water for 1 part of groats). After the water boils, cook on low heat for 35-45 minutes. If the water evaporates, it must be topped up. Add salt, oil and spices to taste.
Oțel Inoxidabil - Pătrat, Profil Unghiular, Plat,... Oțel Inoxidabil și Oțel Special

Oțel Inoxidabil - Pătrat, Profil Unghiular, Plat,... Oțel Inoxidabil și Oțel Special

Ons assortiment telt 15 000 artikelen, waaronder: RVS buizen 1.4301 304L 1.4404 316L 1.4571 316TI, 321, 1.4541- Rondstaven van roestvrij staal 1.4301 1.4404 1.4571 1.4541 1.4021 1.4006 1.4104 - Gelaste en niet gelaste buizen van roestvrij staal 904L 1.4539 UB6 - Massieve rondstaven van roestvrij staal UB6 904L 1.4539 - Vuurvaste buis en rondstaf 309 1.4828 1.4833 310 310S 1.4841 1.4845- Duplex buizen UNS S31803 1.4462 - Super duplexbuizen UNS S32750 S32760 1.4410 1.4501- Massieve duplex- en super duplexrondstaven 1.4462 1.4410 1.4501 - Roestvrij plaatstaal 1.4301 304L 1.4404 316L 1.4571 316TI, 321, 1.4541- Vuurvaste plaat 309 1.4828 1.4833 310 310S 1.4841 1.4845- Duplexplaten UNS S31803 1.4462 - Super duplexplaten UNS S32750 S32760 1.4410 1.4501- Platen van roestvrij staal UB6 904L 1.4539 - Buizen van legeringen 600; 601; 800; 825 - Hastelloy C276 - Buizen en platen 2.4816; 2.4851; 2.4856; 2.4360 - Flenzen van roestvrij staal duplex super duplex 904L UB6 1.4539
atașamente personalizate din aluminiu

atașamente personalizate din aluminiu

attache d'extension de tube d'extrémité matériel: alliage d'aluminium 6061-T4 diamètre extérieur : 1,00 ± 0,03 pouce longueur: 2,07 ± 0,03 pouces capuchon douille hexagonale diamètre intérieur 0,390 +0,010/-0,000 pouce, accepter la clé hexagonale de 3/8 pouces, profondeur min. 0,50 ± 0,03 pouces filetage externe : NPSM 3/8-18 x 1,00 ± 0,03 pouces
turnare de oțel prin investiție - turnare de la 100g la 80kg

turnare de oțel prin investiție - turnare de la 100g la 80kg

1, Lose Wax Process(soluble glass): wax injection, wax welding, dipping, sand-coating, shell-making, dewaxing, cleaning, pouring, cutting, reshaping, machining. 2, Materials: carbon steel, alloy steel, cast iron, cast steel, pig iron, grey iron, ductile cast iron and so on. 3, Has established efficient quality system and obtained international approvals ISO9001, TUV-PED, BV. 4, Produced by experienced technical staff. 5, Production capacity: more than 8,000MT per year. 6, Small orders accepted. 7, Perfect facilities. 8, Advanced machining equipment. 9, Material standards: GB,DIN,EN,NF,ISO,JIS,SS,BS,AISI,SAE,ASTM,UNS,ACI.
ÎNDEPĂRTARE MUCEGAI IMPERMEABILIZANT - Special pentru pietre, pavele și plăci

ÎNDEPĂRTARE MUCEGAI IMPERMEABILIZANT - Special pentru pietre, pavele și plăci

DÉFINITION TECHNIQUE Antimousse avec fonction hydrofuge. L’hydrofugation des pavés ou dalles va permettre une longévité de ceux-ci pendant des années. L’action hydrofuge va ralentir la repousse de la mousse et du lichen. Son pouvoir mouillant exceptionnel permet une imprégnation en profondeur sur les supports traités apportant un effet de rémanence. Il contient des agents fongicides et algicides qui détruisent les micro-organismes par contact. Produit neutre, il ne provoque pas la corrosion des métaux présents sur les supports traités (zinc, alliages légers, crochets de gouttière...) COMPOSITION ET ASPECT Composés cationiques, algicides, agents mouillants et additifs de pénétration et agents d’hydrofugation. Liquide limpide et incolore. CONDITIONNEMENTS Bidons 2 et 5 litres. Pulvérisateur 1 litre. SUPPORTS ADMIS Compatible avec la plupart des matériaux usuels : • Bitume • Macadam • Quick • Pierre • Granit • Marbre • Ciment • Béton • Plastique • Caoutchouc STOCKAGE 12...
Honsel Rivdom eBZ 3 - Rivetă electrică pe baterie, special concepută pentru montarea niturilor oarbe de înaltă rezistență

Honsel Rivdom eBZ 3 - Rivetă electrică pe baterie, special concepută pentru montarea niturilor oarbe de înaltă rezistență

The HONSEL Rivdom eBZ 3 battery riveter was developed specially for the demands of the setting of high-strength blind rivets with 6.4 and 7.8 mm diameter with grooved rivet stud! The clamping jaws specially designed for this geometry and a modified clamping mechanism guarantee reliable and positive settings of high-strength blind rivets with a stud diameter from 3.8 to 6.15 mm. This also helps to minimise wear on the clamping jaws. Rivdom eBZ 3 has a modern brushless DC (BLDC) motor. Ergonomy and comfort: Quick-release mechanism: No more than one open-jaw wrench for maintenance! Individual return mode setting: When using manual return mode, the trigger has to remain pressed until the rivet is sheared. When the trigger is released, the tool moves back to the front starting position. In addition Rivdom eBZ tools offer an automatic return mode. L-Boxx: Sturdy and flexible. High-quality RivdomPLUS battery system Extended 24-month manufacturer's warranty. Working range blind rivets - aluminium:6.4 - 8.0 mm Working range blind rivets - steel:6.4 - 8.0 mm Working range blind rivets - stainless steel:6.4 - 8.0 mm Working range blind rivets - copper:6.4 - 8.0 mm Working power:24.000 N Stroke:30 mm Weight (incl. battery):2.1 kg Charging time:max. 30 min.
Lanț Cubanez Greu - Quintesența Meșteșugului și Luxului în Bijuteria Fină

Lanț Cubanez Greu - Quintesența Meșteșugului și Luxului în Bijuteria Fină

A’ toirt a-steach na Cearcaill Slabhraidh Cuban Trom eireachdail againn, binnean de obair-ciùird agus sòghalachd ann an saoghal seudaireachd grinn. Air a dhealbhadh a-mhàin airson gnìomhachasan a tha a’ frithealadh air luchd-ceannach mothachail, tha na fàinneachan sin air an togail gu sàr-mhath a’ cleachdadh na stuthan as fheàrr a tha rim faighinn - òr cruaidh no airgead sterling. Air a chiùradh leis an luchd-ciùird sgileil againn ann an Istanbul, tha gach fàinne mar phrìomh eisimpleir de shòlasachd agus stoidhle maireannach. Tha motif slabhraidh suaicheanta Cuban air a ghràbhaladh gu faiceallach a-steach don stuth, a’ toirt inneach sònraichte don phìos agus làthaireachd làidir. Tha an dealbhadh slabhraidh seo chan ann a-mhàin a’ togail faireachdainn de chumhachd agus opulence ach tha e cuideachd a’ tabhann comhfhurtachd gun samhail airson caitheamh làitheil. Ri fhaighinn ann an grunn mheudan agus crìochnachadh, faodaidh na Cearcaill Slabhraidh Cuban Trom againn a bhith air an dealbha
LOȚIUNE PUMP ANTI-TINEREȚE - Dr. Chernev - produse speciale

LOȚIUNE PUMP ANTI-TINEREȚE - Dr. Chernev - produse speciale

Euterpa Lotion against youth pimples is an active lotion. It is suitable for daily use for skin suffering from mild to moderate acne with pus-filled pimples, blackheads and blemishes on the face, back and décolleté. It quickly soothes redness and inflammation, stimulates skin regeneration and deeply cleanses polluted pores. Regular use of Euterpa anti-pimple lotion prevents excessive sebum secretion, thereby ensuring normal functioning of the sebaceous glands and protecting against inflammation. To be applied with a cotton pad on the affected areas. Action: Prevents the appearance of pimples Suppresses the development of comedones /blackheads/ Significantly reduces excess oiliness of the skin without drying it Cleanses and unclogs pores in depth Suppresses sebum secretion Mattifying effect, without shiny skin ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Organic calendula extract – accelerates cell regeneration, soothes, heals the epithelium, improves hydration Code:3800201863230 WEIGHT:0.083 kg
Cutie pentru Popcorn - Oale pentru Popcorn

Cutie pentru Popcorn - Oale pentru Popcorn

La construction robuste de ces tasses réduit les déversements, vous ne gaspillerez donc pas de pop-corn et vous passerez moins de temps à nettoyer les dégâts. ne capacité de 1000 a 3700 ml en fait la taille idéale pour que les petits et les grands Matériel:papier Couleur:PERSONNALISE Volume:1000-3700 ml
Produse de Design Special

Produse de Design Special

Protocols and networking features of Cisco Unified SIP Phone 3905 include: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) support IEEE 10/100 network and computer ports collocation to save cabling infrastructure costs Brand:Artesian Number of Views:621
Suporturi pentru suzete

Suporturi pentru suzete

MATERIALS 100% cotton 50% cotton 50% recicled polyester 100% polyester recicled FABRICS (100% MADE IN PORTUGAL ) Micropolar / Gauze Double gauze / Jersey / Plush CERTIFICATIONS Oeko-Tex 100 Class I FINISHED Yarn dyed Garment dyed Patterned Embroidery Red yarn MEASURES:Variable
Echipament pentru utilaje grele - Roată dințată / Roată pentru angrenaje industriale și propulsie etc.

Echipament pentru utilaje grele - Roată dințată / Roată pentru angrenaje industriale și propulsie etc.

ZWP est l’un des principaux fabricants indépendants en Allemagne pour les engrenages, roues, les pignons et les engrenages de jante. Nous fournissons déjà des fabricants bien connus pour les articles. Nous sommes impatients d’entrer en contact avec vous pour avoir une conversation sur les possibilités de votre approvisionnement. Les secteurs de nos clients (internationaux) sont: Mines, Pétrole, Offshore, transmissions ferroviaires et maritimes, transmissions industrielles, et bien d’autres domaines d’application. Vue d’ensemble des capacités de production: Engrenages intérieur et extérieur denté durcie et moulue Module 2 – 50 mm Diamètre 100 – 2000 mm Anneaux dentés internes / engrenages de jante durcie et moulue Module jusqu’à 20 mm – plus sur demande Diamètre 100 à 1800mm Pignons et arbres intérieur et extérieur denté durcie et moulue Module 1 – 50 mm Diamètre 50 – 500 mm Longueur jusqu’à 1500 mm Durcissement et équilibrage en interne possible
Căldare specială pentru încărcătorul Ferrum DM / încărcător pe roți - Accesorii pentru încărcătoare pe roți

Căldare specială pentru încărcătorul Ferrum DM / încărcător pe roți - Accesorii pentru încărcătoare pe roți

Special bucket for FERRUM wheel loaders , here 1.1m³ with a width of 1.20 m Without teeth for filling a wood gas system with a chute width of 1.20m Other dimensions if necessary on request (possibly also a different price) On request for almost all FERRUM models Recommended for the models: Wheel loader Ferrum DM308 x4 V2 Ferrum DM312 x4 Ferrum DM416 x4 V2 Ferrum DM522 x4 Ferrum DM430 x4 DLZ Ferrum DM625 x4 Ferrum DM732 x4 Court loader: Courtyard loader FIRST 12 Courtyard loader FIRST 16 Item No:DM_Special shovel
Prelucrarea metalelor - Tăierea și îndoirea foilor

Prelucrarea metalelor - Tăierea și îndoirea foilor

Nous réalisons diverses procédures de pliage et bordage en fonction des besoins et des exigences de nos clients : - Pliage de tôles, - Cintrage de tubes CNC, - Et cintrage d'éléments obtenus par d'autres opérations technologiques. Capacités de bordage et de pliage de tôles : - Presses plieuses de pointe avec matrices d'essuyage pour permettre un pliage précis avec une distorsion minimale. Large gamme d'angles et de rayons de cintrage : nous pouvons réaliser des cintrages serrés, des courbes complexes et des formes compliquées, en fonction de vos besoins. besoins. Matériaux : acier, acier inoxydable, aluminium, alliages et autres métaux en feuilles. Cintrage de tôles jusqu'à 4000 mm. Capacités de cintrage de tubes : nos machines nous permettent de cintrer des tubes jusqu'à Ø25 mm de diamètre.
cutii poștale personalizate en-gros - Producția de cutii cargo de dimensiuni speciale imprimate. Posibilitatea de a imprima până la 4 culori

cutii poștale personalizate en-gros - Producția de cutii cargo de dimensiuni speciale imprimate. Posibilitatea de a imprima până la 4 culori

Printed special size cargo box production. Possibility of printing up to 4 colors. Foil gilding printing. E Wave Corrugated custom mailer boxes wholesale wholesale boxes box supplier packaging boxes wholesale
E4/light  Caracteristică specială: greutate redusă  serie 14040 rentabilă

E4/light Caracteristică specială: greutate redusă serie 14040 rentabilă

Other information Series 14040 Inner height hi: 56 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 135 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every link Series 14240 Inner height hi: 62 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 400 mm bending radii R: 135 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every link Serie 14550 Inner height hi: 70 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 150 - 600 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every link Series 15050 Inner height hi: 80 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 150 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every link Serie 15250 Inner height hi: 86 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 150 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every link Series 14140 Inner height hi: 56 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 135 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every other link Series 14340 Inner height hi: 62 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 400 mm bending radii R: 135 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every other link Serie 14650 Inner height hi: 70 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 150 - 600 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every other link Series 15150 Inner height hi: 80 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 150 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every other link Serie 15350 Inner height hi: 86 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 400 mm bending radii R: 150 - 600 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every other link Series R18840 Inner height hi: 56 mm Inner widths Bi: 75 - 462 mm bending radii R: 150 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Tube, swivel lid Series R19050 Inner height hi: 70 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 200 - 600 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Tube, swivel lid Series R19850 Inner height hi: 80 mm Inner widths Bi: 75 - 462 mm bending radii R: 200 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Tube, swivel lid Assembly tool for E4-series For the practical opening and closing of the E4 series. Big savings in assembly time Assembly tool for E4-series Special design Electrically conductive ESD/ATEX versions on request "Mounted on the side" unsupported application possible High torsionalstiffness Other information Series 14040 Inner height hi: 56 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 135 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every link Series 14240 Inner height hi: 62 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 400 mm bending radii R: 135 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every link Serie 14550 Inner height hi: 70 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 150 - 600 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every link Series 15050 Inner height hi: 80 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 150 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every link Serie 15250 Inner height hi: 86 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 150 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every link Series 14140 Inner height hi: 56 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 135 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every other link Series 14340 Inner height hi: 62 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 400 mm bending radii R: 135 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every other link Serie 14650 Inner height hi: 70 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 150 - 600 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every other link Series 15150 Inner height hi: 80 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 150 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every other link Serie 15350 Inner height hi: 86 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 400 mm bending radii R: 150 - 600 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Chain® with crossbars at every other link Series R18840 Inner height hi: 56 mm Inner widths Bi: 75 - 462 mm bending radii R: 150 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Tube, swivel lid Series R19050 Inner height hi: 70 mm Inner widths Bi: 50 - 600 mm bending radii R: 200 - 600 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Tube, swivel lid Series R19850 Inner height hi: 80 mm Inner widths Bi: 75 - 462 mm bending radii R: 200 - 500 mm Pitch: 91 mm E-Tube, swivel lid Assembly tool for E4-series For the practical opening and closing of the E4 series. Big savings in assembly time Assembly tool for E4-series E-Chain® selection aids You can find the right E-Chain® quickly by entering concrete parameters and with the aid of a comparison table. Selection aids Installation instructions Joining, separating and opening of the E-Chain® and E-Tubes. Assembly Instructions Application examples Applications in various industrial sectors and in the igus® test laboratory. E4/light New E4/light version with the proved and tested "tongue and groove" system of the Series E4/4 Low weight Optimized interior-exterior dimensions ratio Cost efficient Manifold interior separation potentials Large accessory kits Thin external links Max. travel distance: 150 - 400 m Typical industrial sectors and applications Machine tools (closed E4/light tubes and open E-Chain®) Material processing Stone cutting machines Woodworking machines General mechanical engineering Vehicles Construction machinery Limited application of long travels Special design Electrically conductive ESD/ATEX versions on request "Mounted on the side" unsupported application possible High torsionalstiffness
pentru cereri speciale ale clienților

pentru cereri speciale ale clienților

"Was sich keiner traut - wird von HENKE gebaut!" Getreu diesem Firmenmotto schreckt der Ingenieurbetrieb HENKE selbst vor den größten Herausforderungen nicht zurück. Ein Spezialgebiet des Ingenieurbetrieb Henke ist die Anfertigung von Sonderrollenbahnen, die speziell auf den Bedarf des jeweiligen Kunden zugeschnitten werden. Gerade in diesem Aufgabenbereich ist es von Vorteil, auf unsere Erfahrung zu setzen und teure Fehler zu vermeiden.
Ambalaje Speciale

Ambalaje Speciale

Sie suchen individuelle Verpackungslösungen? Auch hier sind wir Ihr zuverlässiger Partner. Für Lager, Transport, Export, Langzeit, Mehrweg … Mit CAD-Technik konstruieren wir für Ihr Produkt die richtige Verpackung. Nach Bedarf aus Wellpappe, Vollpappe, Schaumstoff oder Kunststoff; aber auch eine Kombination der Materialien ist möglich. Selbst kleine und kleinste Auflagen können wir realisieren. Wir bringen zusammen, was zusammen gehört – Sonderkonfektionen und Sonderausrüstungen gehören für uns zum normalen Alltag. Fordern Sie uns…
Soluții Speciale

Soluții Speciale

Individuelle Anfertigung auf Wunsch Präzise und fachmännisch geplante Konstruktionen und Holzgebilde werden dort eingesetzt, wo Stabilität, Flexibilität und Stapelfähigkeit gefordert sind. Hier geht es immer um wertvolle Güter, die sensibel behandelt, verpackt, verladen und transportiert werden müssen, bis hin zum Bestimmungsort. Jeder Auftrag, jedes Objekt ist individuell verschieden, jede Aufgabe setzt neue Maßstäbe - genau diese Herausforderungen suchen wir. Schauen Sie nach unseren Referenzen!
Lanțuri Speciale

Lanțuri Speciale

Sonderketten mit Anbauteilen
Ambalaje Speciale

Ambalaje Speciale

Diese Sonderverpackungen werden hauptsächlich für den Versand von herkömmlichen Produkten aus der Unterhaltungsindustrie verwendet. Die hochwertigen und teuren Produkte erhalten durch diese Art der Verpackung einen optimalen Schutz vor Stößen und Beschädigungen. Die Verpackung enthält auf Wunsch ein Fach für Zubehör wie zum Beispiel Netzteile und Kabel. Beispiele Anwendungsbereiche: • Notebook und Laptops • Monitore • Bildschirme