Produse pentru sunteţi special (13)

Saldare MMA - Conexiuni Permanente

Saldare MMA - Conexiuni Permanente

Spawanie MMA to łączenie elementów przy pomocy elektrody otulonej, gdzie pod wpływem kontaktu wytwarzany jest łuk elektryczny. Jest to jedna z najbardziej uniwersalnych metod połączeń nierozłącznych. W Marxam Project nasi doświadczeni eksperci dbają o każdy szczegół, abyś miał pewność, że każdy proces spawania, niezależnie od wielkości produkcji, jest na najwyższym poziomie. Zaufaj nam w spawaniu MMA i doświadcz współpracy z prawdziwymi profesjonalistami. Spawanie MMA to proces, w którym się specjalizujemy od momentu rozpoczęcia naszej działalności w 2006 roku. Nasze bogate doświadczenie i nastawienie na klienta zapewnia, że każdy realizowany przez nas projekt jest dokładnie dopasowany do Twoich potrzeb. Nasz nowoczesny sprzęt i technologie pozwalają nam na obsłużenie zamówień z wielu różnych branż. Wybierz Marxam Project jako swojego partnera spawania MMA i zapewnij swojemu projektowi to, co najlepsze.
Gunoi de pasăre - Îngrășământ granulat

Gunoi de pasăre - Îngrășământ granulat

N 3.5-4.2%, P 2.5-3%, K 1.5-2%, Ca 2.5%, Mg 0.7%, Organic matter 60-75%, pH 9.5
Filtru Luehr

Filtru Luehr

Der Vertrag wurde speziell mit GFE Solutions abgeschlossen, da wir im Vergleich zu konkurrierenden Unternehmen eine Reihe von Vorteilen haben. Wir sprechen über die Bereitschaft, das Projekt vollständig im System des Kunden umzusetzen, die termingerechte Erfüllung der zugewiesenen Aufgaben (aufgrund individueller Zeitpläne der Ingenieure), die Arbeit im Notfall (dies wird durch die Organisation der Fernarbeit auf hohem Niveau gewährleistet), die Englisch- und Deutschkenntnisse der Mitarbeiter sowie die Möglichkeit, neue Richtungen im Projekt einzuschlagen. Natürlich war es in der Anfangsphase sehr wichtig, uns von der besten Seite zu präsentieren und den Kunden davon zu überzeugen, dass unser Kompetenzniveau nicht niedriger, sondern in vielerlei Hinsicht höher ist als das der europäischen Konkurrenten. Dies ist uns gelungen und heute arbeiten unsere Ingenieure mit Luehr Filter zusammen.
Transport Internațional în Africa - TRANSPORT INTERNAȚIONAL

Transport Internațional în Africa - TRANSPORT INTERNAȚIONAL

Intermodal transport to North Africa from EL ROMANO Nowadays, Tunisia and Morocco and Algiers are three countries in North-West Africa that are served by EL ROMANO! One of the vision of our company is to open a permanent line in this direction. It will bring even more tangible benefits for you We transport your goods mainly from Spanish or Italian ports | Short Seas Shipping The location of Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea makes intermodal transport in the area of Logistics an attractive alternative here To improve the profitability of shipments we need to establish cooperation with many clients on these relationships, everyone is important! Thanks to your openness to cooperation with EL ROMANO and our knowledge, we will have a broader spectrum to optimize our Joint Logistics even better
Transport special

Transport special

Special transport
Mașini speciale pentru încălzire prin inducție

Mașini speciale pentru încălzire prin inducție

Special machines for induction heating
Containere pentru probe de sol - Containere pentru probe de sol 120x70x50 mm

Containere pentru probe de sol - Containere pentru probe de sol 120x70x50 mm

Il contenitore per campioni di terreno è progettato per fornire una soluzione comoda e affidabile per la raccolta e il trasporto di campioni di terreno per l'analisi in laboratorio. La scatola di cartone è di dimensioni 120x70x50 mm, offrendo ampio spazio per il campione di terreno. È facile e veloce da piegare senza bisogno di punti metallici, garantendo un lavoro ergonomico e risparmiando tempo. Il cartone utilizzato è di alta qualità, garantendo il trasporto sicuro del campione di terreno senza alcun danno o contaminazione. Con questo contenitore per campioni di terreno, puoi raccogliere e trasportare con sicurezza campioni di terreno per analisi accurate e risultati affidabili. Lunghezza:120 mm Larghezza:70 mm Altezza:50 mm
Industria auto, AOG și Transport ADR - AOG TRANSPORT

Industria auto, AOG și Transport ADR - AOG TRANSPORT

EL ROMANO comprehensively helps its contractors in many sectors of the Economy The most frequently served are Automotive, AOG and Transport ADR We also carry out direct deliveries for pharmaceutical concerns and chemical laboratories! Undoubtedly, the above industries are characterized by a high variety of orders that EL ROMANO meets with the initiative


Transport maritim

Transport maritim

Sea Transport
Logistica Deșeurilor - Servicii de Logistică

Logistica Deșeurilor - Servicii de Logistică

WASTE LOGISTICS When ADR is not enough ( … ) To be a versatile partner for our clients, we also offer comprehensive assistance in organizing waste transport EL ROMANO IS AN OFFICIALLY REGISTERED TRANSPORT COMPANY IN THE BDO SYSTEM BDO | Database of Products and Packaging and Waste Management It is enough for us that you provide the waste code and we will help in all documentation and of course transporting the material EL ROMANO will have a base of over 200 classified waste that it can legally transport throughout Europe! We invite You to Cooperation !
Transport regulat

Transport regulat

Regular transport
Industria auto, AOG și Transport ADR - Transport Auto

Industria auto, AOG și Transport ADR - Transport Auto

EL ROMANO comprehensively helps its contractors in many sectors of the Economy The most frequently served are Automotive, AOG and Transport ADR We also carry out direct deliveries for pharmaceutical concerns and chemical laboratories! Undoubtedly, the above industries are characterized by a high variety of orders that EL ROMANO meets with the initiative