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Mașini de sterilizare a sticlelor

Mașini de sterilizare a sticlelor

Sterilization machines are used in food products. It is the process that is done before the products go into the packaging of the bottle. There are several models. Sterilization with the steam system Sterilization with hydrogen peroxide. Sterilization with UV lamp 7-8 bar air pressure is used in the systems. Control system is made by plc. Operating voltage 220 volts 50 hz Control voltage 24 volt dc The system is designed according to the bottle or box of the product. 10 inch 7 inch or 4.3 inch hmi screens are used It is guaranteed for 2 years against factory faults.
Mașini de frezat

Mașini de frezat

Milling machines
Assist - Software și Aplicații pentru Gestionarea Asistenței și Serviciului Post-Vânzare

Assist - Software și Aplicații pentru Gestionarea Asistenței și Serviciului Post-Vânzare

Assist è il software gestionale dedicato alle aziende che si occupano dei servizi di installazione, assistenza tecnica, manutenzione e riparazione su impianti e macchinari. La relativa APP sviluppata per piattaforme Android e iOS consente di gestire in mobilità - anche offline - le attività dei tecnici per la produzione del rapporto di intervento digitale e la raccolta di tutti i dati necessari alla contabilizzazione degli interventi. Assist è in grado di integrarsi con sistemi gestionali di terze parti e - tramite API - ha sviluppato numerosi connettori per servizi esterni. Il sistema si presenta come una piattaforma solida, integrata ed adattabile nel suo utilizzo.
Film de imagine, film publicitar, film de produs sau film corporativ

Film de imagine, film publicitar, film de produs sau film corporativ

Unabhängig welche Art von Film benötigt wird, wir schaffen aussagekräftige und qualitativ hochwertige Bilder die überzeugen.
IAM - Gestionarea Identității și Conturilor

IAM - Gestionarea Identității și Conturilor

The HTS cloud platform for the management of digital identities and access privileges within the company. A complete and customizable solution, designed to meet the needs of compliance, provisioning and management of access to digital resources. An indispensable tool that supports IT managers in the process of adapting to regulations and industry standards and, at the same time, guarantees greater production efficiency of the it department, regardless of the nature and size of the organization.
Conector 8 40x40, ZN

Conector 8 40x40, ZN

Zur rechtwinkligen Verbindung von drei Aluminiumprofilen. Material:GD-ZN Farbe/Oberfläche:schwarz Gewicht:0,092 kg Nut:8
Scări cu finisaj din beton - Pardoseli interioare

Scări cu finisaj din beton - Pardoseli interioare

Nous réalisons le recouvrement de type Minhardur de vos escaliers (marches et contremarches), avec ou sans nez de marche, en caoutchouc ou en métal. Le limon est également traîté à la demande.
CEL MAI MARE AL TREMA - Fabricarea și Dezvoltarea Echipamentelor

CEL MAI MARE AL TREMA - Fabricarea și Dezvoltarea Echipamentelor

Bislang gr te Trema Rauchgasreinigung f r ein Brandlabor geht in K rze an den Start Die Entfernung kritischer Schadstoffe und Schadstoffgruppen wie z.B. Kohlenwasserstoffe, Ru , HCl, SO² und/oder Dioxine macht den Einsatz speziell auf den Bedarfsfall abgestimmter Abscheidestufen erforderlich. Des Weiteren verlangt sowohl das h ufige An- und Abfahren derartiger Anlagen als auch der Anfall der auftretenden Schadstoffe in zum Teil signifikanten Peaks ein H chstma an Erfahrung, um den reibungslosen Verlauf der Versuche sicher zu stellen und die Grenzwerte entsprechend der geltenden Gesetzgebung zu gew hrleisten.F r das Turkish Standardization Institute (TSE) wird die TREMA Verfahrenstechnik GmbH in K rze mehr als 50.000 m³ an Rauchgasen aus reaction to fire und fire resistance Pr fungen gem aktueller Gesetzgebung reinigen. Beide Teilbereiche des Institutes sind an jeweils eine separate Rauchgasreinigungsanlage angeschlossen. Die Reingase werden dar ber hinaus kontinuierlich am Kamin...
Domenii de activitate - Descriere detaliată a activităților EMA

Domenii de activitate - Descriere detaliată a activităților EMA

EMA Industry Engineering is proudly serving the industry with state-of-art solutions and products. EMA is and Engineering and Suply company dealing with below fields; -Engineering and design works (Process & Mechanical) -Structural Engineering -Pig Receivers & Pig Launchers -Pipeline Pigs -Pressure Vessels -Vacuum Vessels -API Storage Tanks -Reactors -Suction Scrubbers -Oil Separators -Heat Exchangers (Shell and Tube) -Mud Tanks -Conditioning Skids (Fuel Gas Supply Systems) -Injection Units -Natural Gas Compression Packages -Stacks -Pressure Piping -Nitrogen Gas System -Columns EMA and its associates have both completed projects with varying complexities; from plant engineering to individual discipline engineering, small and large project scopes, and different engineering cost basis. The team provides technical capabilities for FEED, detailed engineering, plant modelling, project management, engineering studies, and construction services.