Produse pentru silozele minerale (33)

Kit de segmente cu șuruburi pentru siloz de ciment și siloz mineral - Siloz de ciment

Kit de segmente cu șuruburi pentru siloz de ciment și siloz mineral - Siloz de ciment

A Bolted Segment Kitset Cement Silo and Mineral Silo is a certain form of storage specially meant for bulk materials such as cement, fly ash, lime, and a variety of mineral types. The silos are made out of bolted segments that are prefabricated metal panels assembled at a site to form a robust and durable storage unit. The silo design allows for easy transportation, assembly within the shortest time possible, and also has capacity flexibility. Hence, these silos, due to their ease of transport, quick assembly, and flexibility in capacity, are ideal for many industrial applications. The kitset design enables the silo parts to be delivered for easier transportation to remote locations or sites with poor access. Bolted segment silos are widely employed in construction industries, mining operations, and manufacturing plants because of their versatile and reliable nature.


ELKON Cement silos are precisely manufactured by the fully automatic welding robots in production molds in ELKON-3 factory which is dedicated only for the production of cement silos. For easy and efficient transportation, ELKON provides a wide range of bolted type cement silos with the capacity of 50, 75, 100, 150, 300 and 500 tons.
Silo de stocare - orice produs - Înălțime 18,8 m.

Silo de stocare - orice produs - Înălțime 18,8 m.

Volume en fonction du diamètre (Diamètre en mètres * Volume): 3,1 * 142 / 3,7 * 202 / 4,32 * 276 / 4,94 *360 / 5,56 * 456 / 6,18 * 564 / 6,8 * 683 / 7,41 * 811 / 8,03 * 952 / 8,65 * 1102/ 9,26 * 1266 / 9,88 * 1441 / 10,5 * 1628 / 11,11 *1823/ 11,73 * 2032 / 12,35 * 2252 Silos modulaires, évolutifs, adaptés aux capacités industrielles de stockage de tout produit vrac et permettant la vidange intégrale et le remplissage par un autre produit sans transiter par un nettoyage préalable. Silos DOHOGNE SYSTEM, construits par panneaux cintrés, boulonnés extérieurement, auto*nettoyants, démontables, interchangeables, epaisseur 2 à 4 mm, dimensions standard 940 x 1940 mm. Silos étanches et robustes dotés de 50 ans d'expérience, régis par la norme européenne EN 1991-4 répondant aux exigences statiques et dynamiques spécifiques au stockage.
Silo pentru ciment și var, orizontal și vertical

Silo pentru ciment și var, orizontal și vertical

Nous répondons à tous vos besoins pour tout types de silo horizontal ou vertical neuf ou d'occasion, pour le ciment, la chaux ect… fabrication à la carte jusqu'à 100T silo mobile sur bequilles ou ampiroll et fixe.
Silo pentru Minerale

Silo pentru Minerale

Luftundurchlässig und beschichtet, trotzdem flexibel Nutzen Sie Mineralfutter als Ergänzungsfuttermittel und suchen eine optimale Lagermöglichkeit? Wir haben die perfekte Lösung für Sie: Unsere flexiblen A.B.S.-Mineralstoffsilos aus beschichtetem, luftundurchlässigem, hochfestem High-Tech-Gewebe eignen sich hervorragend für hygroskopische Mineralstoffe, die z. B. als Futterzusatz eingesetzt werden. Die Mineralfuttersilos garantieren eine konstant trockene Mineralfuttermittelqualität ohne störende Verklumpung. Die Silokonstruktion wird durch unsere Siloexperten den speziellen Anforderungen der verschiedenen Produkte bezüglich Filterdeckel, Auslaufdurchmesser, Konusschräge, Stufenkonus, Notablass, Zusatzfilter usw. angepasst.
Silo-uri pentru Stocarea Grânelor - Silozurile din tablă galvanizată sunt în prezent cea mai bună alternativă pentru stocarea grânelor

Silo-uri pentru Stocarea Grânelor - Silozurile din tablă galvanizată sunt în prezent cea mai bună alternativă pentru stocarea grânelor

Galvanised sheet metal silos offer a versatile, cost-effective, and hygienic solution for grain storage. We provide various types of grain silos, including flat-bottom, hopper, truck load, and farm silos, tailored to specific storage needs. Our silos are designed to store grains, seeds, and pelletized products while adhering to industry standards like EUROCODE and ANSI. Key features of our grain silos include: -High-quality galvanised steel construction (S350GD) with a minimum Z600 coating. -Variable wall ring thicknesses and finishes -Stiffeners with a minimum galvanisation of Z-600, ensuring durability. -Easy access with inspection doors for maintenance and safety-focused stairs and catwalks. -Reinforced roofs. -Roof chimneys. -Inspection windows. -Wind rings. Our silos are adaptable, cost-effective, and designed to meet diverse grain storage needs.
Silozuri cu Fund Plat

Silozuri cu Fund Plat

CSI silo wall sheets have a minimum tensile strength of 900,000 kgf/cm2 (63,200 Psi). These values ​​clearly demonstrate our superiority over other silos in the market. ESI; offers strong, purposeful and durable commercial steel silos. Steel sheets made of very durable steel, wide corrugation spacings, heavy galvanized steel silo poles and matching roof gutters are some of the quality features available. Diameters of our commercial type steel silos; It has different dimensions from 4.57 m to 32 m. Extra different sizes are available in every diameter.
VetterTec Echipamente pentru Berării - Soluții pentru Stocare, Transport, Deshidratare și Uscare a Grânelor Folosite

VetterTec Echipamente pentru Berării - Soluții pentru Stocare, Transport, Deshidratare și Uscare a Grânelor Folosite

Pufferbehälter Ein Pufferbehälter ermöglicht die zügige Entleerung des Biertrebers aus dem Läuterbottich mithilfe einer Schnecke im angeflanschten Förderer. So kann der Läuterbottich sofort wieder mit dem nächsten Sud befüllt werden, während der Pufferbehälter kontinuierlich entleert wird. Pneumatische Förderanlagen Der nasse Biertreber wird pneumatisch (Propfenförderung) aus dem Pufferbehälter zu einem Nasstrebersilo (LKW-Beladungssystem) oder einem neuen Pufferbehälter gefördert, bevor er einer Schneckenpresse und einem Trebertrockner (Röhrenbündeltrockner) zugeführt wird. Lagerung Der Pufferbehälter vor der Schneckenpresse ermöglicht den kontinuierlichen Einsatz von Presse und Trockner. Nach dem Trocknungsprozess wird der Treber einem Silo zugeführt, von wo aus er abgesackt oder direkt auf LKW verladen wird. Um das Volumen für den Transport zu verringern, kann zuvor auch ein Pelletierungssystem eingesetzt werden.
Silo de Sare

Silo de Sare

Unsere Schüttgutsilos sind insbesondere für die Aufbewahrung von Auftausalzen geeignet und garantieren somit die optimale Lagerung Ihres Streugutes


Kapasiteler: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 , 1000 ton Tip: Cıvatalı Sac et kalınlığı : 4 mm - 10 mm Ekonomik Nakliye: Sadece 2 adet tır ile taşınabilme. Kolay ve Hızlı Kurulum: 4-5 gün süren saha montajı.
Silozuri industriale cu fund plat - Gama OS

Silozuri industriale cu fund plat - Gama OS

Ces silos doivent être montés sur des fondations planes. Ils sont déterminés en standard pour une vidange centrée et gravitaire. Ils sont calculés pour le stockage de tous les types de grains secs s’écoulant bien (blé, maïs, orge, seigle, soja, pois, riz, tournesol, colza).Pour certaines applications une composition spéciale est nécessaire : stockage de tourteaux, de granulés industriels (granulés de bois…).
Industria Silozurilor: Silozuri pentru Biomasă, Silozuri pentru Așchii de Lemn, Silozuri pentru Cereale, Silozuri pentru Făină de Lemn, Silozuri pentru Pelete, Silozuri pentru Materiale în Vrac

Industria Silozurilor: Silozuri pentru Biomasă, Silozuri pentru Așchii de Lemn, Silozuri pentru Cereale, Silozuri pentru Făină de Lemn, Silozuri pentru Pelete, Silozuri pentru Materiale în Vrac

Wir erstellen Ihren Silo aus Stahlbeton in monolithischer Bauweise und mit unserer selbst entwickelten Spezial-Metallschalung. System Wolf AG erstellt Ihren Silo aus Stahlbeton in monolithischer Bauweise und mit unserer selbst entwickelten Spezial-Metallschalung. Unsere Silos werden ohne Fugen - welche verpresst oder vergossen werden müssen - hergestellt, nachträgliche Abdichtungsarbeiten entfallen! Die stabile Stahlschalung macht eine Montage von Innen- und Außenschalung ohne wanddurchführende Maueranker und Abstandrohre möglich, wodurch maximale Dichtheit gewährleistet wird.
Silo de Sare

Silo de Sare

Die effiziente Lösung! Ihre Vorteile: • Personalschonende Beladung der Streubehälter • Mechanischer Schieber statt schwerer Säcke • Einmannbedienung • Kürzere Beladezeiten • Schaffung freier Lagerkapazitäten am Bauhof • Silo als zentrales und dezentrales Lager • Verbesserte Transportlogistik • Kürzere Einsatzwege • Weniger Leerkilometer • Bessere Betreuung von neuralgischen Punkten • Unterfahrgestelle - keine kosten- und zeitintensive Beladung mit Schneckensystemen erforderlich
SILO DE SULF - Arhive Produse Industriale

SILO DE SULF - Arhive Produse Industriale

Localisation Portugal Secteur d’activité Industrie Produits stockés Soufre Année de mise en route 2007 Données du projet Silo 26mØ
Silo Rotund de Depozitare

Silo Rotund de Depozitare

It is used to store granular and powdered products such as grain or feed. They can be manufactured in various sizes depending on the requirements of the project
Silo - Unități de Animale

Silo - Unități de Animale

Silo - Livestock Units
Silozuri de Ciment (Versiune Națională)

Silozuri de Ciment (Versiune Națională)

Unsere Silos werden in Deutschland gefertigt Silo zur Lagerung von staubförmigen Schüttgütern. Das Silo wird in einem Stück gefertigt und dicht verschweißt oder aber auf der Baustelle verschraubt . Alle Silos sind mit Verlad- und Transportösen versehen, Kontrollöffnung NW 500 sowie Einschweißzarge für Über-/Unterdruckklappe im Silodach. Am Silozylinder eine Füllleitung , bis Höhe Auslaufflansch, feuerverzinkt oder lackiert sowie einem Einfüllbogen Typ FLOW-BOW. Brechkegel innen im Konus. Die Silos besitzen standardmäßig einen Brechkegel innen im Konus. Wasserabweisring außen am Konus.
Rezervor rotund de stocare a grâului MS, pentru uz industrial

Rezervor rotund de stocare a grâului MS, pentru uz industrial

Bolt together design for shipping purposes 12-in. air-operated discharge gate Optional DCS-260 roof-mounted silo dust collector Service platform for valves crossover platform Two roto-bindicators per silo (one bin high and one bin low) Two heavy-duty belts and bucket elevator
Rezervoare din Oțel Inoxidabil

Rezervoare din Oțel Inoxidabil

Réalisation des plans des cuves par nos soins, et suivi de la fabrication jusqu'à la mise en service sur site. Cuves de vinification, de fermentation, de stockage
Producția de Beton

Producția de Beton

Betonherstellung im eigenen Werk mit einer maximalen Stundenleistung von ca. 60 cbm. Unser eigenes Labor überwacht die Herstellung und entwickelt Sonderrezepturen. Aufgrund der witterungsgeschützten Lagerung der Zuschlagsstoffe, der Möglichkeit Frischbeton zu erwärmen sowie Sonderzemente zu verwenden, können wir Ihnen auch in der kälteren Jahreszeit gleich bleibende Qualität gewährleisten und Produktionsausfälle ausschließen. Die durchschnittliche Jahresleistung beträgt ca. 30.000 – 40.000 cbm.


O SULFIRON é um dessulfurador em pó, que tem como base ferro. Este composto tem como objectivo ligar-se ao ácido sulfídrico dentro do reactor anaeróbio. O biogás contém vestígios de ácido sulfídrico (0-1% H2S) que surgem durante os processos anaeróbios de matéria orgânica. Uma pequena quantidade de ácido sulfídrico no biogás é extremamente corrosiva/destrutiva para a maioria dos equipamentos, como caldeiras e tubagens, e mesmo equipamentos de produção de energia. Esta corrosão pode ser evitada através da separação e remoção do ácido sulfídrico. A aplicação de SULFIRON elimina os maus odores do H2S nas instalações onde existe biogás.
Filtre de Nisip Dinamice

Filtre de Nisip Dinamice

Colloide‘s Dynamic Sand Filter offers an excellent treatment system for the removal of solids and other contaminants from a water/wastewater stream. This filter is always on line, continually filtering the incoming water while continually backwashing a small portion of the sand bed. The Dynamic Sand Filter process: The feed water is fed into the filter at the base of the active sand bed through the distribution ring. It then flows upward through the downward moving sand bed where the solids are filtered out. The clean filtrate exits the filter through the overflow weir. The continuous reject flow of washing water is discharged through a separate outlet. The dirty sand is continuously removed from the active sand bed thanks to the action of the air-lift pump. This pump draws the contaminated sand from the bottom of the filter body. A mixture of sand, dirty particles and water is transported upward through the air-lift pipe into the washing chamber at the top of the filter.
Slim Negro Inox

Slim Negro Inox

La fuente Slim Negro Inox es una opción sofisticada y moderna para aquellos que buscan una fuente de agua de alta calidad. Con un diseño en negro y acero inoxidable, esta fuente ofrece agua en tres temperaturas: fría, natural y caliente. Su sistema de seguridad para el agua caliente y su compresor silencioso garantizan un uso seguro y eficiente, mientras que su sistema antiderrame y bandeja recoge gotas aseguran un entorno limpio y ordenado. Además, su diseño estilizado y moderno la hace adecuada para cualquier espacio, proporcionando no solo agua de alta calidad, sino también un toque de distinción y elegancia. Esta fuente es perfecta para oficinas, hospitales y hogares, ofreciendo una solución de agua potable de alta calidad y versatilidad. Su diseño robusto y duradero garantiza una larga vida útil, mientras que su compatibilidad con todos los botellones la hace conveniente para el uso diario. Con la fuente Slim Negro Inox, puedes disfrutar de una experiencia de bebida superior mientras apoyas prácticas sostenibles.
Silo-uri de depozitare pentru toate produsele vrac - silo de 500m³, Ø 7,41m – Înălțime totală 15m

Silo-uri de depozitare pentru toate produsele vrac - silo de 500m³, Ø 7,41m – Înălțime totală 15m

Product = dry woodchips, protection against explosions Extraction System = Planetary screw extractor + Sand color paint (Portugal) Modular, extendable silos, adapted to industrial storage capacities for all bulk products and allowing for complete emptying and refilling with another product without requiring any intermediate cleaning. DOHOGNE SYSTEM silos are constructed from curved panels with external bolts, are self-cleaning, can be dismantled and are interchangeable. Their thickness varies from 2 to 4 mm, and standard dimensions are 940 x 1940 mm. Robust, sealed silos resulting from over 50 years’ experience, complying with European standard EN 1991-4 and with all specific static and dynamic storage criteria.
Silo de Ciment Sudat Monobloc: Silo Mineral - Silo de Ciment Sudat Monobloc: Silo Mineral

Silo de Ciment Sudat Monobloc: Silo Mineral - Silo de Ciment Sudat Monobloc: Silo Mineral

A monoblock welded cement silo, also known under the name of mineral silo, is an industrial storage used for storing cement, minerals, or any other granulated material. These silos are developed as a one-piece, monoblock welded structure so that they are strong, compact, and resistant to environmental factors. Mineral silos perform the ideal function of storing materials in a well-ordered way and also providing maximum security in industries like construction, mining, and manufacture. Normally, the monoblock welded cement silo adopts a sealed construction, which can keep stored materials from rainwater, dust, and other impurities that might affect the quality. The monoblock welded silos come in different sizes and capacities to meet various storage needs.
Silo de ciment tip bolțat de 200 de tone - Silo de ciment

Silo de ciment tip bolțat de 200 de tone - Silo de ciment

A 200-ton bolted type cement silo is a custom, specifically-manufactured storage container that has the capability to store as much as 200 tons of bulk cement or other powdered-type substances generally utilized in construction and industrial workplaces. These silos allow for the storage of large volumes of cement and are very important to assure continuous and reliable supplies of cement in different construction projects, concrete batching plants, and industrial use that crucially demand the material. Constructed from materials like steel, a 200-ton cement silo is able to provide a safe and effective storage solution because it ensures damage does not occur to the integrity and quality of the material being stored. A 200-ton silo is only big enough to cover its storage capacity, where it can hold a good quantity of cement on-site, which means concrete production, construction, and other manufacturing processes will be uninterrupted.
Kit de segmente boltate pentru siloz de ciment și siloz mineral - Kit de segmente boltate pentru siloz de ciment și siloz mineral

Kit de segmente boltate pentru siloz de ciment și siloz mineral - Kit de segmente boltate pentru siloz de ciment și siloz mineral

A Bolted Segment Kitset Cement Silo and Mineral Silo is a certain form of storage specially meant for bulk materials such as cement, fly ash, lime, and a variety of mineral types. The silos are made out of bolted segments that are prefabricated metal panels assembled at a site to form a robust and durable storage unit. The silo design allows for easy transportation, assembly within the shortest time possible, and also has capacity flexibility. Hence, these silos, due to their ease of transport, quick assembly, and flexibility in capacity, are ideal for many industrial applications. The kitset design enables the silo parts to be delivered for easier transportation to remote locations or sites with poor access. Bolted segment silos are widely employed in construction industries, mining operations, and manufacturing plants because of their versatile and reliable nature.
Silo de ciment monobloc soudé: Silo mineral - Silo de ciment

Silo de ciment monobloc soudé: Silo mineral - Silo de ciment

A monoblock welded cement silo, also known under the name of mineral silo, is an industrial storage used for storing cement, minerals, or any other granulated material. These silos are developed as a one-piece, monoblock welded structure so that they are strong, compact, and resistant to environmental factors. Mineral silos perform the ideal function of storing materials in a well-ordered way and also providing maximum security in industries like construction, mining, and manufacture. Normally, the monoblock welded cement silo adopts a sealed construction, which can keep stored materials from rainwater, dust, and other impurities that might affect the quality. The monoblock welded silos come in different sizes and capacities to meet various storage needs. The robust construction of monoblock welded silos makes them an ideal need of long-lasting storage, a fact that assures a consistent solution to keep large quantities of materials consistently secure.
Silozuri 5 x 1125 m3 - Diametru 12,35 m, Înălțime utilă 10 m

Silozuri 5 x 1125 m3 - Diametru 12,35 m, Înălțime utilă 10 m

Production = déchets de bois , protégé contre l'explosion Système d'extraction = Vis planétaire (Pays-Bas) Volume en fonction du diamètre (Diamètre en mètres * Volume): 3,1 * 78 / 3,7 * 111 / 4,32 * 152 / 4,94 * 198 / 5,56 * 251 / 6,18 * 310 / 6,8 * 376 / 7,41 * 446 / 8,03 * 524 / 8,65 * 606 / 9,26 * 696 / 9,88 * 793 / 10,5 * 895 / 11,11 * 1002 / 11,73 * 1117 / 12,35 * 1239 Silos modulaires, évolutifs, adaptés aux capacités industrielles de stockage de tout produit vrac et permettant la vidange intégrale et le remplissage par un autre produit sans transiter par un nettoyage préalable. Silos DOHOGNE SYSTEM, construits par panneaux cintrés, boulonnés extérieurement, auto*nettoyants, démontables, interchangeables, épaisseur 2 à 4 mm, dimensions standard 940 x 1940 mm. Silos étanches et robustes dotés de 50 ans d'expérience, régis par la norme européenne EN 1991-4 répondant aux exigences statiques et dynamiques spécifiques au stockage.
Silo-uri metalice - Silo-uri metalice pentru depozitarea cerealelor

Silo-uri metalice - Silo-uri metalice pentru depozitarea cerealelor

Os silos metálicos de chapa galvanizada são ideais para armazenar cereais devido à versatilidade, facilidade de montagem, higiene e custo baixo. Feitos com aço de alta qualidade, resistem à corrosão. Com engenheiros próprios e presença global, oferecemos soluções personalizadas. Recomendamos silos com base no clima, uso e mais. Oferecemos acessórios como sistemas de ventilação e reforços. Os dados técnicos incluem espessuras de anéis, acessibilidade, respiros, reforços e tetos avançados. Visores de inspeção facilitam a manutenção. Os anéis de vento mantêm a forma dos silos. Oferecemos vários tipos de silos metálicos, incluindo fundo plano, granja, elevados e acessórios diversos.