Cet article de stand pêche aux canards forain est le top du jouet fille ! Ce cheval mécanique est un jouet féérique qui emméne les princesses vers des aventures magiques !
It is the most popular ride set of amusement parks where children can have fun. It can be produced with different capacity options for 16 and 20 people. It is welcomed by young and middle-age children and is one of the indispensable machines for amusement parks in this age group. While rotating around its own axis with the help of a motor, it works by moving the horse and phaeton figures on it simultaneously. Equipped with light systems is watched with interest by children.
Ola Design vous propose plusieurs variantes de sculpture en résine taureau magnifiques, beaux et élégants pour les décorations extérieures et intérieures. Tous les modèles sont personnalisables et de haute qualité.
Max. fall height:1,0 m
Dimensions (L x W x H):3,0 x 0,44 x 1,1 m
Impact surface:6,0 x 2,3 m
Impact surface area:13,0 m2
Impact surface perimeter:14,9 m
Recommended surface:turf, soil
Dimensions are 21*12*23 cm.
* 100% Quality Paraffin wax
* 100% Quality Cotton Wick
* Doesn’t flow
* Smokeless – smokeless
* It has a burn time of +/- 55:00(hh:mm). (It may differ according to the way of use and the area used.)
* 1. Produced from Class Odorless Paraffin Material.
Serpente em Cera para efetuar ritualizações da mais variada espécie.
A cor é totalmente personalizável. (Algumas das fotos presentes na galeria demonstram o revestimento em plástico responsável para proteção e manutenção da qualidade do produto).