Produse pentru sex liber (4)

Spumă de eggnog

Spumă de eggnog

And finally, a modern take on an old recipe; familiar to most grandparents. With this espuma of eggnog, you show the older guard that not everything used to be better. 300ml eggnog 200ml cream Cream charger Whipped cream siphon Beat the eggnog and cream together until smooth. Add this mixture to the whipped cream syringe and put it to rest in the refrigerator. Before serving the eggnog, it is important to shake the whipped cream syringe well to keep the liquids well mixed. Drain two whipped cream cartridges into the whipped cream syringe so it can be served with the right pressure and right airiness. Paired with a good cup of coffee and a regional cookie, this is the perfect afternoon snack. If you want to make the process of some of these recipes a little easier, you can use our unique cream charger in combination with our taste beads. You can simply insert the taste beads into the cream charger and add exotic flavors to any dish.
Tort de Ciocolată cu Frișcă

Tort de Ciocolată cu Frișcă

Keine Liste von Schlagsahnekuchen ist vollständig, wenn sie nicht auch eine Variante mit Schokolade enthält. Diese schokoladige Schlagsahnetorte hat einen sehr aromatischen, zarten und weichen Boden mit einer cremigen Füllung, die sie fluffig, leicht und äußerst köstlich macht. Der eigentliche Zauber dieser Schokoladentorte liegt in der Sahne. Wenn Sie die Torte zu Hause zubereiten, verwenden Sie N20 8 g Sahnefüller, um eine ProfiSahne für die Füllung zu erhalten. 2 BusyDay Dump Cake, gebacken in 2 runden 8ZollKuchenförmchen 2 Esslöffel Schlagsahne 1/4 Tasse Puderzucker 1 Teelöffel Vanilleextrakt
Ulei de măsline infuzat cu lămâie

Ulei de măsline infuzat cu lămâie

Many people add olive oil to salads for better taste, but, how about going one step further and preparing lemoninfused olive oil that will make the raw veggies you have tastier? Making lemoninfused olive oil is extremely easy, you just have to remove the outer covering of lemons and place them in a cream whipper with some olive oil. After you have recharged your whipping siphon once, you will then need to shake it a few times and leave the mixture as it is for 5 minutes during which the lemon will get infused in olive oil properly and it will then be ready for use. 1 large lemon 1 cup of olive oil
Tort Patru Părți cu Frișcă

Tort Patru Părți cu Frișcă

On dit que ce gâteau est le préféré du défunt chanteur américain, Elvis Presley. Le quatrequarts est assez dense et croustillant à l’extérieur. À l’intérieur, il est doux, humide et tendre. Il est sucré, mais pas au point d’être étouffant. Il se marie donc très bien avec une sauce au caramel, des fruits frais et, bien sûr, de la crème chantilly aromatisée. Liste des ingrédients 3 bâtons 1 1/2 tasse de beurre non salé, ramolli 3 tasses de sucre blanc 6 œufs à température ambiante 3 tasses de farine à gâteau tamisée 1 tasse de crème chantilly épaisse 1 cuillère à soupe d’extrait de vanille 1/2 1 cuillère à café d’extrait d’amande 1/2 cuillère à café d’extrait de citronChocolate Whipped Cream Cake Aucune liste de gâteaux à la crème chantilly n’est complète sans l’inclusion d’une option au chocolat.