Produse pentru scoc de faina holstein (28)

Făină de pâine din secară RL90

Făină de pâine din secară RL90

Rye wheat bread flour RL90 Bag:25 kg Big Bag:700 kg / 1000 kg Incoterms:FCA, DAP
Import-export de făină

Import-export de făină

Import-export de farine
Făină pentru toate scopurile

Făină pentru toate scopurile

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Lapte integral praf (FCMP)

Lapte integral praf (FCMP)

La leche entera en polvo es un producto lácteo elaborado mediante la evaporación de la leche de vaca entera pasteurizada fresca. El producto también se denomina Leche entera en polvo dependiendo de la región. La leche entera en polvo tiene muchos usos en la industria alimentaria. Se utiliza principalmente en las industrias de confitería, chocolate y helados, así como en la industria de la panificación. También se utiliza en la producción de alimentos congelados, bebidas a base de leche, sopas instantáneas, etc.
GLS – Pregătire pentru îngrășământ lichid = producție x 2

GLS – Pregătire pentru îngrășământ lichid = producție x 2

Description Cet engrais liquide a été testé et mis au point par Jean Paul Gallerand en s’inspirant des méthodes des anciens maraîchers. Ce pack contient trois engrais naturels essentiels : Le guano : fientes d’oiseaux marins Azote total (N) 14 % Phosphore (P2O5) 9 % Potassium ( K2O) 2 % Le lithothamne : algue marine Calcium (Cao) 30 % Magnésium (Mgo) 5 % Soufre (SO3) 10 % Le sulfate de fer fluidisé : sel de fer Fer ( Fe) = 17 % Fer (Fe) soluble = 15 % Anion combiné ( SO3) = 25 % La combinaison de ces 3 ingrédients dans la composition d’un engrais liquide, a été testée pendant plusieurs années et permet de multiplier par 2 ou 3 la production de vos légumes. Conditionnements : choisissez votre pack 0.300 kg = 100 g guano + 100g lithothamne + 100 g sulfate de fer 2.400 kg = 800 g ” + 800 g ” + 800 g “ 15 kg = 5 kg ” + 5 kg ” + 5 kg “ POIDS:ND DIMENSIONS:ND POIDS:15 kg, 2.4 kg, 30 kg, 300 g, 75 kg
Extract/Pudră din Sâmburi de Struguri

Extract/Pudră din Sâmburi de Struguri

Traubenkern-Extrakt/Pulver: Antioxidantien für Haut, Herz und Gesundheit. Beliebt in Nahrungsergänzung und Wellness Produkten Produkten.
Pudră de ceapă organică

Pudră de ceapă organică

"Descent and history The onion is a bulbous plant and is related to the carrot and the leek. These bulbous plants store food in a bulb that survives the winter and therefore they are the first plants to emerge from the ground in spring. The onion plant grows from seed, and the bulb is formed in the first year. According to writings from around 3000 BC, the onion was first cultivated in parts of Asia. Eventually, the onion also made its way to Egypt, where these sliced onions also come from. The pyramid builders were given onions as rations, it served as food and medicine during the journey to the afterlife. Taste and Use The onion is used worldwide in the kitchen as a vegetable and comes in many shapes and colours. Onions have a strong taste and smell, which become less strong when heated. These organic onions are dried and ground into powder. Onion powder is made from the white onion and can serve as a substitute for fresh onions in many dishes, such a…"
Comerț cu Făină - Import și Export de Făină

Comerț cu Făină - Import și Export de Făină

La consommation de pâtisserie et de pain ne cessant de croître, il nous semble indispensable de vous proposer de la farine de blé T45, T55 et T65 de qualité toujours au meilleur prix.
Făină de grâu - Ambalaje diferite - 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg, 50 kg, 1000 kg

Făină de grâu - Ambalaje diferite - 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg, 50 kg, 1000 kg

Wheat flour packaged in 1 kg., 2 rg., 5 kg., 50 kg., 1000 kg. in big bag. Shipping from Ukraine 5-14 business days
Făină de Cocos Organică

Făină de Cocos Organică

Kokosnussmehl ist ein Nebenprodukt von nativem Kokosnussöl extra. Die getrockneten Kokosnussfasern werden zunächst ausgetrieben und dann zu einem Pulver gemahlen. Es ist eine Kokosnussfaser und enthält etwa 15 % des Fettgehalts. Es ist natürlich und ungesüßt, schmeckt und riecht leicht nach Kokosnuss, was sich gut mit den anderen Zutaten mischt und nicht zu stark ist. Während es in getrocknetem Zustand ein leichtes, luftiges Aussehen und eine gute Textur hat, wird es beim Kochen oder Backen relativ dicht.
Făină de Grâu - Făină de Grâu Multifuncțională Făină de Grâu de Prima Calitate Nutrienți Ridicați

Făină de Grâu - Făină de Grâu Multifuncțională Făină de Grâu de Prima Calitate Nutrienți Ridicați

Grown and farmed with great care via the use of techniques developed by generations of locals combined with the use of modern technology and methods, Panthere can provide agricultural products of the highest quality. Hello, I wanted to introduce you to our product. Our products have quality differences from other manufacturers. I can help you with anything related to the product. e mail: phone number: +90 (507) 739 8482
Făină de secară, făină de grâu - Ofertă

Făină de secară, făină de grâu - Ofertă

Dla wypieków domowych, do tworzenia finezyjnych ciast w cukierniach oraz pysznych deserów w restauracjach potrzebna jest dobra mąka. Żytnia, pszenna, jęczmienna, z prosa sprawdzą się zarówno w produkcji dań słodkich, jak i wytrawnych. Dlatego w asortymencie naszej hurtowni spożywczej znajdziesz wiele typów wyrobu stanowiącego jeden z najważniejszych kuchennych składników.
Făină de grâu, de cea mai înaltă calitate, în saci

Făină de grâu, de cea mai înaltă calitate, în saci

We offer wheat flour from the best Ukrainian farmers. The products are ready for export and meet all technical conditions, which is confirmed by certificates of quality and conformity. Packaging: 50 kg bag Country of manufacture: Ukraine Composition (per 100 g) Calories, kcal: 342 Proteins, g: 9.2 Fats, g: 1.2 Carbohydrates, g: 74.9 Wheat flour of the highest grade is characterized by the smallest particle size – no more than 40 microns – and the almost complete absence of fiber and particles of the shell of each grain. This makes the flour very soft and airy, but from a dietary point of view, this variety is the least useful. It contains a lot of calories, which are in no way compensated by fiber, but are neighbors with gluten. For all their culinary appeal, products made from high-grade wheat flour are delicacies with very little benefit. If you want more information, contact our manager.
Angro - Făină de grâu

Angro - Făină de grâu

Whole sale All Purpose White Wheat Flour
Făină de porumb, măcinată grosier - Făină de porumb, măcinată grosier

Făină de porumb, măcinată grosier - Făină de porumb, măcinată grosier

Царевично брашно, едросмляно
Lapte praf degresat - Lapte praf degresat, Lapte praf

Lapte praf degresat - Lapte praf degresat, Lapte praf

We are offering food grade product and our products include the following DEMINERALIZED WHEY POWDER Whey Permeate Skimmed Milk Powder Full Cream Milk Powder Condensed Milk Evaporated Milk Cream Powder Butter %82 and %73 Do get back to us for more information and details .
Pudră de Psyllium BIO - Profesional, Agroalimentar, Cosmetic

Pudră de Psyllium BIO - Profesional, Agroalimentar, Cosmetic

Le Psyllium est une espèce de plantain, de la famille des Plantaginaceae, originaire des régions désertiques d’Afrique du Nord, de l’Asie du SudOuest et des ÉtatsUnis du SudOuest. Comme tous les plantains, c’est un laxatif purement mécanique, ou laxatif de lest. Il n’est donc pas absorbé par les intestins. Découvrez la poudre de psyllium chez NEVERDY
Lapte praf - Reire oferă o gamă largă de lapte praf în variantele integral și degresat.

Lapte praf - Reire oferă o gamă largă de lapte praf în variantele integral și degresat.

Latte scremato in polvere tipo granulare, Latte scremato in polvere tipo spray, Latte scremato in polvere tipo granulare grosso, Latte scremato in polvere tipo spray delattosato al 99%, Latte intero in polvere grasso 26% tipo spray e tipo istantaneo, Latte intero in polvere tipo roller, Latte concentrato intero.
Extract - Extract, Extract uscat, Extract fluid

Extract - Extract, Extract uscat, Extract fluid

Acai berry extract, acerola extract, amla fruit extract, aronia extract, artichoke extract, ashwaganda extract, eyebright extract, valerian root extract, bamboo extract, broccoli extract, chaga mushroom extract, citrus extract, curcuma curcumin extract, ginseng extract
Făină de Banane Verzi - Făină fină obținută din banane verzi necoapte

Făină de Banane Verzi - Făină fină obținută din banane verzi necoapte

Our Green Banana Flour is made from peeling, drying and milling green unripe bananas. it has a neutral taste and has no order and is of a white/creamy colour. It is perfect to use as a binder or starch or simply add it to any food manufacturing ingredients. Our banana flour is unique because it has a very high levels or resistant starch which is beneficial for the good bacteria in the gut with many health benefits. We can ship to any destination in the world and have the capacity to supply up to 10 metric tonnes every month. Please contact us for more information or for a quote on
Pudră de banană liofilizată

Pudră de banană liofilizată

Gefriergetrocknetes Bananenpulver wird aus vollgereiften Früchten mit der Gefriertrocknung hergestellt. Weitere Informationen zu gefriergetrockneten Früchten kaufen finden Sie unter dem angegebenen Link. Freeze-dried bananapowder is produced from fully ripened fruits using the freeze-drying process. For more information on buying freeze-dried fruit, see the link provided.
Făină pentru Tort Hi Ratio

Făină pentru Tort Hi Ratio

Hi Ratio Cake Flour
Făină de grâu, de înaltă calitate, ambalată

Făină de grâu, de înaltă calitate, ambalată

We offer wheat flour from the best Ukrainian farmers. The products are ready for export and meet all technical conditions, which is confirmed by certificates of quality and conformity. Packaging: 1 kg, 2 kg and 5 kg Country of manufacture: Ukraine Label: From manufacturer or Private label Composition (per 100 g) Calories, kcal: 342 Proteins, g: 9.2 Fats, g: 1.2 Carbohydrates, g: 74.9 Wheat flour of the highest grade is characterized by the smallest particle size – no more than 40 microns – and the almost complete absence of fiber and particles of the shell of each grain. This makes the flour very soft and airy, but from a dietary point of view, this variety is the least useful. It contains a lot of calories, which are in no way compensated by fiber, but are neighbors with gluten. For all their culinary appeal, products made from high-grade wheat flour are delicacies with very little benefit. Packaging – from 1 kg, any packaging design is possible.
Extract/Pudră de Kiwi

Extract/Pudră de Kiwi

Kiwi-Extrakt/Pulver: Vitaminreiche Superfrucht für Gesundheit und Vitalität. Beliebt in Nahrungsergänzung und Wellness Produkten. Kiwi-Extrakt/Pulver, gewonnen aus der vitaminreichen Kiwifrucht, ist eine Superfrucht mit zahlreichen gesundheitlichen Vorteilen. Es wird in Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln und Wellnessprodukten geschätzt, da es den Körper mit wichtigen Vitaminen wie Vitamin C, K und E versorgt, die die Zellgesundheit fördern und das Immunsystem stärken. Kiwi ist bekannt für seine antioxidativen Eigenschaften, die freie Radikale bekämpfen und die Hautgesundheit verbessern können. Diese Superfrucht kann auch die Verdauung unterstützen, die Herzgesundheit fördern und die Energielevels steigern. Kiwi-Extrakt/Pulver ist in verschiedenen Formen erhältlich und wird von Menschen genutzt, die ihre Gesundheit und Vitalität steigern möchten.
Pudră de Lapte de Cocos Organic

Pudră de Lapte de Cocos Organic

Coconut milk powder can be reconstituted into full-flavored coconut milk by simply adding water. It is also a great addition in drinks such as coffee, tea or smoothies as well as in cooking ORIGINS:Sri Lanka or Philippines
Pudră de proteină din orez organic

Pudră de proteină din orez organic

Reisproteinpulver ist reich an Ballaststoffen, Antioxidantien und B-Vitaminen. Dieses Pulver eignet sich gut für die Herstellung von Lebensmitteln, Formeln und Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln.
Pudră de proteină din zer organic

Pudră de proteină din zer organic

Organic Whey Protein powder can be used as an ingredient for protein shakes, smoothies, baked goods, energy bars and more… The most general application is to fill it in pouches or tubs for retail. ORIGINS:EU BULK PACKAGING:25 kg bag
Pulbere de Apă de Cocos Bio

Pulbere de Apă de Cocos Bio

Mischen Sie Kokosnusswasserpulver einfach mit Wasser für ein erfrischendes Getränk oder mischen Sie es in Shakes, Smoothies und Säfte. Kokosnusswasser ist eine gute Quelle für Kalzium, Eisen und Vitamin D