... și traverse, cu celule și ventilate, care oferă avantaje diferite în ceea ce privește izolația termică, acustică și economisirea energiei.
Aceste sisteme sunt utilizate pe scară largă în clădiri comerciale, birouri, zgârie-nori și structuri publice datorită versatilității, rezistenței și capacității de a îmbunătăți eficiența energetică. Fațadele continue pot include sticlă temperată sau laminată pentru o siguranță sporită, sticlă cu control solar pentru a reduce încălzirea internă și module fotovoltaice pentru integrarea energiei solare, contribuind la o arhitectură sustenabilă și de vârf.
A Linha Padrão de Escadas de Alumínio L66 - Escada Simples é um modelo clássico conhecido por sua construção robusta e facilidade de transporte. Esta escada é projetada para se encaixar em espaços estreitos, proporcionando grande estabilidade e segurança para diversas tarefas. Está disponível em comprimentos que variam de 2 a 6 metros, tornando-a versátil para diferentes alturas. Construída com tubos de alumínio de alta qualidade, possui degraus antiderrapantes e uma base estabilizadora com pés de borracha para maior segurança. O design da escada garante que ela possa ser usada confortavelmente em uma inclinação de 65° a 75°, tornando-a ideal tanto para uso profissional quanto para DIY.
Scala a castello in lega di alluminio con gradini a griglia disponibili in lega di alluminio o acciaio.
Completo di staffe e bulloneria in acciaio inox, e tappi in plastica o acciaio.
Altezza scala Da 300 a 4000 mm
Inclinazione 45°
Larghezza utile scala Da 600 a 1000 mm
Alzata gradino 200 mm
Diametro tubi corrimano Ø40mm
Dimensioni montante laterale 88x35 mm
Materiale scala Lega Al 6063 T6
Materiale staffe INOX AISI 304
Ferramenta in ACCIAIO INOX AISI 304
Materiale tappi PA6 / INOX AISI 304
Gradini a griglia
Parapetti rimovibili senza l’utilizzo di attrezzi
Tappi di chiusura ignifughi in acciaio INOX
Altezza e larghezza fuori standard su richiesta
Inclinazione fuori standard su richiesta
Die Layher Holzdachdeckerleiter Artikel 1046.118 ist eine Spezialleiter in Handwerkerqualität mit geschweiften Sprossen und Ausfräsung für Dachhaken. Sie kann bis zu einer Dachneigung von 75° aufgelegt und in Dachhaken eingehängt werden. Die Leiter ist mit 18 Sprossen versehen.
Beispielbild, tatsächliche Größe siehe Beschreibung.
Länge: 5,05 m
Anzahl Sprossen: 18
Gewicht: 8,5 kg
Aussenbreite: 365 mm
Sprossenabstand: 280 mm
Anzahl Sprossen: 18
Artikelnummer: 1046.118
Außenbreite unten: 365 mm
Gewicht: 8,5 kg
Länge: 5,05 m
Sprossenabstand: 280 mm
Özel alaşımlı alüminyum merdiven
Kolay açılıp kapanabilme
Çift taraflı çıkış ve kullanabilme
Kullanıma hazır tek şıklı ambalaj
Çizilmeyi önleyen plastik takozlar
Kaymayı önleyen özel tasarımlı basamaklar
Ev ve işyerlerinde dekoratif kullanım
Çok hafif ve yük taşımada kuvvetli
Uzun ömürlü Paslanmaz maksimum mukavemet
Drabina drewniana opierana jednostronna ze szczeblami
● rozmiary od 1x6 do 1x10
● certyfikowane EN-131 z dopuszczeniem do użytku profesjonalnego
● maksymalne obciążenie 150 kg
● wszystkie szczebelki bukowe
● rozstawa szczebli 29 cm
● bezsęczne drewno sosnowe, usłojenie wzdłużne, klasa AA
● impregnowane zanurzeniowo
De rustiek bruine teak Carved ladder.
Een teakhouten ladder met een bijzondere houtstructuur.
Afmetingen: 50x5x150 cm
Houtsoort: Teak
Kleur: Rustiek bruin
Professionelle aus Holz bestehende Malerleiter mit einem Höchstmaß an Sicherheit und optimalen Komfort für alle Anwendungen im praktischen Bereich. Die Holme sind aus ausgesuchtem, astfreiem Importhölzern. Für die Sprossen kommt ausschließlich Hartholz zur Verwendung.
Die Leiter ist zusammenklappbar und standardmäßig mit extra stabilen, verzinkten Beschlägen mit praktischen Eimerhaken versehen.
Breite: 0,47 m
Länge: 1,22 m
Senkrechte Höhe: 1,15 m
Sprossenabstand: 28cm
Gewicht: 7 kg
Artikelnummer: ML10004
Geprüft nach EN 131-2 und ÖNORM Z1501, für 150 kg Belastung
-) Geprüft nach EN 131-2 und ÖNORM Z1501
-) Für 150 kg Belastung
-) Mit zwei Sicherheitsketten
-) Standsprossen aus Hartholz 50 x 22 mm
-) Sprossenabstand 1. + 2. Sprosse 32 cm
-) Sprossenabstand ab 3. Sprosse 30 cm
-) Metallteile vollverzinkt
-) Querstreben in die Sprossen eingearbeitet
Länge 1.960 mm
Sprossen 2 x 6
Tragkraft 150 kg
Standbreite 570 mm
Gewicht 9,6 kg
Tamamı elektrostatik fırınlanmış polyester toz boyadır
Nano teknolojisi uygulamasıyla boya öncesi özel spreyle temizleme uygulanmıştır
Basamaklarda kullanılan çelik perçinler merdivene dayanıklılık ve uzun ömürlü kullanım imkanı sağlamaktadır
Ev ve ofis kullanımları için ideal olan merdivenler güvenli, pratik ve taşıması kolaydır
Katlanabilir özelliği sayesinde yerden tasarruf etmenizi sağlar
Plastik basamakları sayesinde kaymanızı önler
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 10 - 16 Werktage
Die STEP Plus ist eine Systemtreppe, welche durch die innovative Form der Einzelelemente eine individuelle Anpassung auf Ihre gewünschte Geschosshöhe erlaubt.
Besonderheiten der Metallwangentreppe STEP PLUS:
Raumspartreppe mit Metallwangen pulverbeschichtet – weiß
Systemtreppe aus einzelnen Elementen mit verschiedenen Geschosshöhen von 63 cm - 303 cm
Stufen aus massiven Buchenholz
stabiles Treppengeländer wahlweise links oder rechts seitlich an den Wangen zu montieren
einfache Selbstmontage inkl. Aufbauanleitung und Schraubenpack
Deux générations depuis 50 ans associent expérience, savoir-faire, fiabilité et modernité.
Les matières travaillées (acier, inox, aluminium, cuivre,...) et le travail sur les couleurs permettent d'obtenir des résultats d'une grande diversité.
15 collaborateurs dont un architecte et un dessinateur technique complètent l'équipe pour développer vos projet
The Multi-Position Steel Ladder is an extremely versatile and quick-positioning ladder, perfect for a wide range of applications. Its lightweight construction allows for easy handling, transportation, and storage, while its robust design ensures stability and safety. This ladder is suitable for use on uneven surfaces, thanks to its self-locking safety system and adjustable height feature.
Equipped with non-slip, robust steps and stabilizing bases, the steel ladder provides maximum safety during use. It is available in versions with 3 to 6 steps per section, allowing for customization based on specific needs. The ladder's steel side profiles and welded steps ensure durability and reliability, making it a valuable addition to any toolkit.
Plate top cap
PVC slip-resistant feet
Practical and easy to handle
Anti-splay safety belts on the versions from 5 to 8 steps
Available on the versions of 2 to 8 steps
Profile Front 50mmx20mm / Back 40mmx20mm
Slip-resistant step with 120mm
USE: DIY and Professional
The Multi-Position telescopic ladders allow an easy adjustment in order to facilitate reaching the desired height
Auto lock safety system
Height adjustment through an auto lock device
Extremely versatile
Easy transportation
Fast assembly
Easy storage
Slip-resistant feet
Light weight
Available on the versions from 3 to 5 steps for flight
Lateral profile with
Interior 66x25mm
Exterior 75x31mm
Steps with 30x30mm with slip-resistant reliefs
USE: DIY and Professional
The Fiber Ladder F66 combines the strength of aluminum with the insulating properties of fiberglass, making it ideal for tasks that require electrical safety. This robust ladder is designed for easy transport and use, with three sections that include two aluminum sections and one fiberglass section. It can be transformed into either an extendable ladder or a step ladder, providing versatility for various tasks. The ladder features non-slip steps and a stabilizer base with rubber feet, ensuring safety during use. Its design complies with safety standards, making it a reliable choice for both professional and personal use.
The Aluminum Ladders Professional Line LProfi - Double Ladder with Rope is designed for those who need a robust and reliable ladder for professional tasks. This model features a rope system that facilitates the extension of the ladder, locking it securely at the desired height. It is constructed with high-quality aluminum and includes non-slip steps for added safety. The ladder is available in lengths from 3 to 6 meters and includes a stabilizer base with rubber feet to prevent slipping. Its design ensures ease of use and transport, making it a versatile choice for various professional applications.
These extensible ladders exist in several combinations – simple, double with and without rope and triple – which allows to choose the desired height
Stabilising base with slip-resistant feet
Anti-splay safety belts
Light weight
High safety
Lateral profile with 66x25mm
Steps with 28x28mm with slip-resistant reliefs
USE: DIY and Professional
NORM: EN 131
Scala a ponte in lega di alluminio con gradini a griglia disponibili in lega di alluminio o acciaio.
Completo di staffe e bulloneria in acciaio inox, e tappi in plastica o acciaio.
Altezza scala Da 300 a 4800 mm
Inclinazione 60°
Larghezza utile scala Da 600 a 1000 mm
Alzata gradino 250 mm
Diametro tubi corrimano Ø40mm
Dimensioni montante laterale 88x35 mm
Materiale scala Lega Al 6063 T6
Materiale staffe INOX AISI 304
Ferramenta in ACCIAIO INOX AISI 304
Materiale tappi PA6 / INOX AISI 304
Gradini a griglia
Parapetti rimovibili senza l’utilizzo di attrezzi
Tappi di chiusura ignifughi in acciaio INOX
Altezza e larghezza fuori standard su richiesta
Inclinazione fuori standard su richiesta