Dezinfectant Fit & Safe 500ml
Thoroughly Disinfect and hygienically preserved gym equipment
Curbing the spread of pathogens via human, surfaces and equipment cross-contamination
Up to 10 days of maximum protection after use
A ready to use formula anywhere and anytime
A disinfectant capable of demonstrating a wide range of microbiological action
A bactericidal and pesticidal efficacy
A cleaning solution that is active against the host of rotaviruses (norovirus, human papillomavirus) and residual antimicrobial effect of up to ten days against bacteria.
A disinfectant worthy of preventing the scariest viruses including coronavirus, HIB, HBV, HCV, Influenza, Herpes, Coronavirus, and Ebola virus.
A disinfectant capable of killing a wide range of fungi including A, Niger, and Calbicans.