Produse pentru recuperare (390)



Unități de Recuperare a Căldurii pentru Cameră Unică - HRU-WALL

Unități de Recuperare a Căldurii pentru Cameră Unică - HRU-WALL

HRUWALL is a singleroom decentralized heat recovery unit for concealed installation. The unit comes with a ceramic heat exchanger which boasts a maximum heat recovery ratio of 90% (the nominal heat recovery ratio is η=74.3% as per EN 1314182011). The energyefficient EC fan changes the running direction every 70 seconds to alternate between air supply and air exhaust. Low energy consumption and extremely low operating noise make this heat recovery unit a recommended solution for nonstop operation. The heat recovery unit has three speed levels to choose from, depending on the size of the area and indoor demands. HRUWALL10025 provides a sufficient air change level in areas up to 19m2. HRUWALL15060 provides a sufficient air change level in areas up to 45m2. We recommend installing the devices in pairs.
molecule de lingouri - tigăi pentru zgură, forme pentru porci, prăjitură cu șine de răcire și zgură neagră

molecule de lingouri - tigăi pentru zgură, forme pentru porci, prăjitură cu șine de răcire și zgură neagră

Huan-Tai has been a supplier to the aluminum Industry for over 27 years providing dross pans and sow molds to almost every major aluminum producer in our industry. We supply Aluminum dross recycling unit ingot molds dross pans sow molds cooling slat cake black dross.
Ventilatoare de tavan cu cutie de recuperare - 4 - 9 m înălțime

Ventilatoare de tavan cu cutie de recuperare - 4 - 9 m înălțime

Ceiling fans for the recovery of stratified heat in the ceiling Ceiling fans with DT protection casing can be used to recover the stratified heat on the roof in winter, using the fan in winter allows us to save energy up to 30% Its use can be commercial and / or industrial and its installation can be on ceilings from 4m to 9m in height. The fans can be mounted individually or in groups with their corresponding speed regulator.
Recuperarea căldurii din ape uzate în canale de canalizare, canalizare - Aur sub picioarele noastre

Recuperarea căldurii din ape uzate în canale de canalizare, canalizare - Aur sub picioarele noastre

Das Abwasser in der Kanalisation ist, in Kombination mit Wärmepumpen und Kältemaschinen, eine ideale Energiequelle zum Heizen und Kühlen von Gebäuden. Erfahrungsgemäss sind die Minimalanforderungen für eine solche Anlage: eine Abwassermenge von ca. 10 l/s ein Abwasser-Temperaturniveau von rund 10°C ein Leistungsbedarf ab 100kW (bei Heizen und Kühlen ab ca. 50kW). Auf dem Weg des Abwassers in der Kanalisation bis zur Kläranlage bestehen viele Möglichkeiten der Wärmeenergienutzung. Das Abwasser kann sogar mehrmals hintereinander als Energiequelle genutzt werden. Trotz neuen Zuflüssen, der Einmündung in grössere Sammler oder auch durch Wärmeeintrag aus Kühlsystemen, ist die Temperaturänderung des Abwassers meist marginal. Innovative Städte haben Energie-Richtpläne erarbeitet, anhand derer Sie sich orientieren können, ob in Ihrer näheren Umgebung (maximal ca. 200 m Entfernung) ein geeigneter Abwasserkanal durchführt. Kontaktieren Sie Ihre Stadtverwaltung!
Biofiton Recuperare Rinichi - Supliment Herbal 100% Natural - Phyto Sport

Biofiton Recuperare Rinichi - Supliment Herbal 100% Natural - Phyto Sport

120 fitotabletek wspomaga funkcjonowanie nerek, poprawia usuwanie produktów przemiany materii 2 w 1 >>> ZIOŁA plus unikalna KRIOTECHNOLOGIA zapewniają trwałe ZDROWIE i SIŁĘ Zioła wchodzące w skład Biofiton Kidney Recovery są tradycyjnie wykorzystywane w celu normalizacji funkcji nerek oraz usuwania produktów przemiany materii. Biofiton Kidney Recovery jest produktem polecanym do stosowania zarówno podczas regularnych treningów, jak i w trakcie oraz po zakończeniu przygotowań do zawodów sportowych w celu: – OCZYSZCZENIA NEREK po przyjmowaniu syntetycznych dodatków i po antybiotykoterapii (rdest ptasi, skrzyp polny); – UŁATWIENIA ODDAWANIA MOCZU (rdest ptasi, skrzyp polny, czarny bez, koper); – ŁAGODZENIA PODRAŻNIEŃ I NORMALIZACJI FUNKCJI NEREK osłabionych z powodu stosowania suplementów dla sportowców oraz ścisłej, restrykcyjnej diety (borówka brusznica, rumianek, uczep, mięta).
Spălarea și recuperarea nisipului - SISTEME DE RECUPERARE A GĂLEȚILOR LST

Spălarea și recuperarea nisipului - SISTEME DE RECUPERARE A GĂLEȚILOR LST

Our bucket recovery systems are simple but well thought out and are used downstream of the sorting machine with washing. The particular configuration of our buckets means that the loss of the fine material is extremely limited, thus increasing the sand yield. The reduced electrical consumption compared with high efficiency makes these machines a cheap and effective solution for handling sand recovery.
MingaPEEK - MingaPEEK și MingaPEEK Micro

MingaPEEK - MingaPEEK și MingaPEEK Micro

Unter dem Markennamen MingaPEEK ist die Hochleistungskunststoff- spezialität von Minger erhältlich. Der Hochleistungswerkstoff PEEK wird von uns mit materialgerechten Anlagen produziert. Speziell bei diesem hochwertigen Material profitieren Sie von einem von uns entwickelten Verfahren zur Aufbereitung: Angepasste Waschprozesse reinigen Späne und Formteile, die aus der Halbzeugbearbeitung stammen, zu sauberen, neuwertigen Rohstoffen. Unser PEEK-Recyclat entsteht aus sauberen und sortenreinen Industrieabfällen, und zeichnet sich daher durch eine gleichbleibend ausgezeichnete Materialqualität aus. Gerne compoundieren wir PEEK nach Ihren Wünschen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage. PEEK-Recycling ist sowohl in ökonomischer Hinsicht als auch unter ökologischen Aspekten interessant. Recyclate sind bei nahezu identischer Qualität zu Neumaterialien deutlich günstiger und gleichzeitig leistet das Recycling einen wertvollen Beitrag zum nachhaltigen Umgang mit Ressourcen.
Schimbătoare de căldură pentru gaze de eșapament - Performanță maximă pentru utilizarea eficientă a căldurii reziduale

Schimbătoare de căldură pentru gaze de eșapament - Performanță maximă pentru utilizarea eficientă a căldurii reziduale

What you can expect from APROVIS exhaust gas heat exchangers: - Efficient hot water generation in combined heat and power plants - Heating of thermal oil as an energy source - Individual solutions and compact designs - All the main components for the exhaust gas section and gas treatment are combined under one roof: proprietary products developed in-house - Cost-saving and reliable operation of the systems - Maximum functionality, safety and service - Temperature ranges: up to 600°C on the exhaust gas side or up to more than 1,000°C in the high-temperature range - Maximum functionality, safety and service - Temperature ranges: up to 600°C on the exhaust gas side or up to more than 1,000°C in the high-temperature range - Certifications: PED 2014/68/EU, ASME Code, EAC - Can be used in all plants with exhaust gases from hydrogen, natural gas, biogas, sewage gas and special gases, plus diesel and other liquid fuels - Geared to international standards and directives
Schimbător de căldură pentru gaze de eșapament Bosch boiler pentru apă caldă - Schimbător de căldură pentru gaze de eșapament Bosch boiler pentru apă caldă - integrat sau autonom

Schimbător de căldură pentru gaze de eșapament Bosch boiler pentru apă caldă - Schimbător de căldură pentru gaze de eșapament Bosch boiler pentru apă caldă - integrat sau autonom

Ein Abgaswärmetauscher gehört zur Grundausstattung für einen energieoptimierten und umweltfreundlichen Kesselbetrieb. — Effektive Abwärmerückgewinnung und Reduzierung der Abgasverluste — Maximaler Effizienzgewinn mit Brennwertnutzung — Brennstoffersparnis bis zu 7 %, bei Brennwertnutzung bis zu 15 % — Intelligente Regelung für lange Lebensdauer und Effizienz — Kompakt integriert im Kessel oder als Stand-alone-Variante für einfache Nachrüstung
Glisare Verticală / Sash Automatizată

Glisare Verticală / Sash Automatizată

Automated Vertical / Sash Sliding
Acizi Grași din Uleiuri Vegetale

Acizi Grași din Uleiuri Vegetale

Vetzuren worden verkregen uit zeepoplossingen van zonnebloemen - recyclebaar afval, geraffineerd. Vetzuren worden gebruikt in industrieën zoals: LANDBOUW: diervoederadditieven, emulgatoren, meststoffen, bodemverrijking PLASTIC PRODUCTIE: smeermiddelen, polyurethaan, antioxidanten, emulgatoren. WASMIDDELEN: reinigingsmiddelen, emulgatoren, droogmiddelen BOUW: asfalt emulgatoren, metaalreinigers, verfproductie De productie wordt vervaardigd volgens Europese kwaliteitsnormen, zonder palmolie en schadelijke onzuiverheden. We houden rekening met de behoeften en wensen van elke klant en kunnen vetzuren produceren met de gespecificeerde technische kenmerken. Totaal vet,% :97-99 Zuurgetal, Mg KOH / g. :170 Massafractie van vochtgehalte,% :1 Onzuiverheden,%: 2 Dichtheid, kg / m3 :910-940


Card de alergare pentru pompieri

Card de alergare pentru pompieri

Erstellung von Feuerwehrlaufkarten nach DIN 14675
Boiler de cogenerare ATTSU - BV - Boiler de recuperare a căldurii

Boiler de cogenerare ATTSU - BV - Boiler de recuperare a căldurii

Cogeneration and heat recovery ATTSU's BV is a steam boiler designed to recover the heat from engine or turbine exhaust at cogeneration facilities.
Ulei de corp CBD

Ulei de corp CBD

Nuestro aceite corporal de CBD con vitamina E antioxidante es reconstituyente y de rápida absorción. El Aceite Corporal de CBD es ideal para la recuperación después del entrenamiento, la hidratación profunda, el alivio calmante y muchos otros problemas de la piel y el cuerpo. El aceite corporal de CBD se puede aplicar con un dedo en la cara o el cuello u otras partes del cuerpo directamente. Utilizando una cantidad deseada de aceite corporal, masajea suavemente el producto en tu cuerpo un par de minutos.
Amintiri din Rochia de Mireasă - Cadouri de Memorie/Cadouri Suvenir

Amintiri din Rochia de Mireasă - Cadouri de Memorie/Cadouri Suvenir

What a beautiful day…What a beautiful dress! Wedding dresses are often our favourite item of clothing that we only wear once! Usually, our dresses will be packed up and put in the loft to be viewed only a couple of times in our lifetime. So why not browse our range of wedding dress keepsakes to enjoy your beautiful dress and those special memories every day? Transform your gown into a wedding keepsake bear, memory blanket or why not up-cycle and create a beautiful christening gown for your child or grandchild to wear? There’s no limit to the stunning wedding dress keepsakes we can create!
Sisteme de Separare Airlift Airvac

Sisteme de Separare Airlift Airvac

Compact yet efficient lights recovery separation systems comprising an adjustable vacuum head unit fitted over a stockpile conveyor belt or screen box. Suitable for removal of plastic or lights contamination from Compost, Bark, skip waste rejects and recycled aggregates. Electrical, Hydraulic and Diesel Engine made. Site Set up time 10 minutes & Custom made versions to adapt over any conveyor or screen box. Also comes with a universal fit conveyor ATTACHMENT
HRSG pentru generarea de energie - Recuperarea căldurii

HRSG pentru generarea de energie - Recuperarea căldurii

Hamon Deltak, Inc. has had the opportunity to engineer and manufacture more than 500 HRSGs in the last 40 years. From big to small, with different levels of complexity, our engineers have experience with the type of project you need. What sets HDI apart is the level of care that goes into engineering each HRSG project, and since half of our engineers have been at HDI for more than 15 years, it's easy to see why our HRSG standard is synonymous with quality.
Montajul Benzilor Transportoare și Vulcanizare - Experiență de Zeci de Ani, Angajați Calificați și Motivație Ridicată

Montajul Benzilor Transportoare și Vulcanizare - Experiență de Zeci de Ani, Angajați Calificați și Motivație Ridicată

Wir kommen bei Havarien, verursacht durch Beschädigung der Fördergurte, zum Einsatz, z.B. im Tagebau, in Kies- und Ziegelwerken, in der Lebensmittelindustrie... Wir reparieren Gummi-Gurte sowie Kunststoff-Fördergurte und bieten folgenden Service: • sofortige Havariebeseitigung bei Gurtriss und Gurtbeschädigung • Fördergurte durch heißvulkanisieren oder kaltvulkanisieren sowie mechanische und verschweißte Gurtverbindungen zusammenfügen • Anfertigung von Spezialgurten • Schlosserarbeiten an Förderbandanlagen, Montage von Abstreifern, Tragrollen, Umlenkrollen und Antriebstrommeln • Herstellung von Gummi-Metall-Verbindungen • Gummierung und Belegen von Gurttrommeln • Fördergurt-Zuschnitte konfektionieren Unsere Einsatzgebiete liegen dabei in Deutschland, Österreich, Polen und Tschechien.
Denim Sustenabil

Denim Sustenabil

Sustainable Denim We love denim but we love our planet more , because of this reason we are working on the sustainable denim production methods and innovations. We are blending our experience with chemical and machinery companies to develop new green manufacturing methods. Cradle to Cradle principles are guiding denim industry for the sustainable and green denim manufacturing processes. https// Waterless Indigo Dyeing Waterless Finishing Processes Biodegradable fibers Recycled Denim Post Consumer Waste Recycled Polyester Caustic Recovery, Circular economy
Fir Regenerat - Lână / Acril / Poliester

Fir Regenerat - Lână / Acril / Poliester

Since we started to transform recycled cotton fiber into environmentally friendly yarn with a sustainable production approach, we combine the experience we have gained in the sector with the hard work and energy of our expert, young and dynamic team, and offer the most appropriate solutions to our business partners in line with their demands. Producing neither 6 - nor 30 yarns for recycling, Pak Pamuk can meet special requirements separately from the types in the color catalog. Please contact us for detailed information and color catalogue.
Produse din plastic reciclat - Mobilier urban

Produse din plastic reciclat - Mobilier urban

Alquienvas Group ofrece a sus clientes la gama más amplia de productos fabricados con plástico 100% reciclado. Mobiliario urbano, parques infantiles, pasarelas de playa, ecopuntos, tarimas, perfiles y tablones, bancos, jardineras... Una amplia gama de productos reciclados hechos de materiales plásticos de la recogida selectiva urbana.
Sistem de reciclare a uleiului RS 6000

Sistem de reciclare a uleiului RS 6000

The system RS 6000 is a high-performing recycling system that cleans large oil volumes in several process stages. This system was constructed for many years of reliable work without service. By several process steps such as heating and settling, large amounts of water and dirt are removed. Additionally, the usage of settling technology and a pre-filter increases the service life of the main filter. The RS 6000 can be operated manually, semi- automatic, and fully automatic. It is the ideal recycling system for central treatment of, for example, cutting oil or cooling lubricants. 400 V asynchronous-motor Robust, stable gear pump Free choice of settling- and heating times and the number of filter passes Either manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic operation Displays for operation- and process status Flow regulation for high viscosity oils Element lifter for fast filter exchange Height:2.550 mm Length:1.200 mm Width:1.250 mm Weight:750 kg


FIGK - P series are produced for the flow rates between 250 m³/h and 4.500 m³/h. They are equipped with 2 G4 dust filters, aluminum heat exchanger, bypass damper and 2 plug fans (a supply and an extract fan). FIGK - P series save energy and extract polluted air while providing constant supply of fresh tempered air into the room. Basically, the heat from the extracted stale air is recovered via a heat exchanger inside the heat recovery unit which is then reused to temper the filtered supply air for the habitable rooms such as living rooms and bedrooms. They are used with control unit.
Sisteme de Recuperare a Căldurii Reziduale - Sisteme de Recuperare a Căldurii Reziduale

Sisteme de Recuperare a Căldurii Reziduale - Sisteme de Recuperare a Căldurii Reziduale

Mimsan, Atık Isı Kazanları su borulu veya duman borulu olarak dizayn edilirler. Endüstri ve enerji tesislerinde, proses sonrası ortaya çıkan ve atmosfere atılan sıcak gazlar vardır. Atık gazda bulunan enerji, atık ısı kazanları marifetiyle; buhar, sıcak su ve kızgın yağ formuna dönüştürülmektedir. Form değiştiren ısı enerjisi; endüstride doymuş buhar olarak kullanılabileceği gibi buhar ve ORC türbinleri vasıtasıyla elektrik enerjisine de dönüştürülebilmektedir.
Emist Mist Filter - Dispozitiv de Filtrare a Vaporilor de Ulei

Emist Mist Filter - Dispozitiv de Filtrare a Vaporilor de Ulei

Oil Mist Filter for emulsion and nead oil based coolants
Pellete PP reciclate - Granule PP reciclate - materia noastră primă pellete PP reciclate - Polipropilen

Pellete PP reciclate - Granule PP reciclate - materia noastră primă pellete PP reciclate - Polipropilen

we are looking forward to establishing business relationship with many companies over the world our products pp granules Injection -polypropylene its brief description of the chemicals we are interested to sell Pp Recycled granules polypropylene pp recycled granules Injection (PP) is used in the manufacture of plastic components for the automotive industry and Many important industries.  The PP granules produced in our factory meet all the requirements of plastic Injection manufacturers We can supply products to all over the world with high quality and reasonable prices We provide supply solutions for a variety of plastice granules recycled products with Our distribution strengths include Forging relationships with suppliers and manufacturer and producers of plastic granules recycled across the globe to reliably source high-quality Purity 95%pp, competitively-priced raw materials Our mission is to fulfill customers' needs for high quality products with an efficient, reliable
Controler Inteligent de Recuperare a Căldurii

Controler Inteligent de Recuperare a Căldurii

Der EHC20 ist ein intelligenter Regler für Ihre exodraft Lösung zur Wärmerückgewinnung. Wenn die Temperatur auf der Wasserseite das gewünschte Niveau übersteigt, öffnet die EHC20 die Nebenstromklappe in der Wärmerückgewinnungseinheit und leitet das Rauchgas/den Dampf direkt in den Schornstein. Dadurch wird eine Überhitzung vermieden und ein sicherer Betrieb gewährleistet. Der EHC20 steuert auch ein 3-Wege-Mischventil, das sicherstellt, dass nur dann eine Zirkulation zum Sammeltank erfolgt, wenn das Wasser die gewünschte Temperatur erreicht hat. Wenn das Wasser nicht die gewünschte Temperatur hat, erfolgt eine Rezirkulation zum Wärmetauscher, bis die gewünschte Temperatur erreicht ist.
Rezervoare pentru Colectarea Uleiului Ușor - 1251 L - CDPHU1200 - Rezervoare pentru Recuperarea și Stocarea Uleiului Ușor

Rezervoare pentru Colectarea Uleiului Ușor - 1251 L - CDPHU1200 - Rezervoare pentru Recuperarea și Stocarea Uleiului Ușor

La cuve d'huiles usagées CDPHU1200H est un collecteur en polyéthylène de moyenne densité d'excellente résistance aux agents chimiques et aux chocs. Son réservoir double paroi en PEHD, d'une capacité de stockage de 1251 litres, est parfaitement adapté pour la récupération des huiles usagées en déchetteries, ateliers, ports ou sites industriels. La cuve est munie d'une cheminée de remplissage de 20 litres avec clapet et d'un entonnoir de grande capacité, comprenant un tamis de filtration. Elle est également dotée d'un couvercle étanche et verrouillable par cadenas. Le collecteur dispose d'une jauge de niveau avec lecture permanente, d'un témoin optique de fuite, de raccords pour vidange, d'une tubulure d'aspiration en 2" pour pompage avec canne. Pour plus de sécurité, la cuve à huiles usagées possède un dispositif de détection de fuite.